Venus Enters Gemini
Today, the Goddess of love, beauty, worth and money moves from her place of power in down-to-earth, money hungry Taurus, to airy, fun, and flirty Gemini.
Gemini loves to keep things light-hearted and stimulating. The Gemini energy favours absorbing knowledge and exploring the environment around him. Because Gemini is the sign of the twins, there is much duality that is brought to the focuses of Venus which is always about love, feeling good, and money money money. This will shine a light on Venus's tendency to have a narrowed focus on these subjects. Suddenly the Gemini energy shows her a world of possibilities and options she may have never stumbled upon herself.
Because Venus operates from the heart, only engaging and investing things of value, contributing to her long-term goals, and Gemini operates from the mental plane, seeing things logically and practically, this pairing brings our heart and head into an arena where they meet in the middle at the throat chakra. This is where the heart felt desires of Venus, and the practicality of Gemini's thought process blend together forming a deep desire to communicate and speak one's truth.
There is no opposition here as one would like suspect there would be. Too often we are plagued with an inner conflict, a war between our head and our heart. But under this energy, we can cut out a lot of bullsh*t that gets in the way of our interactions with others. By taking a direct approach to communicating our thoughts and feelings to others, we connecting to them in the mental plane of their emotional understanding.
Venus rules over the New Moon in Taurus. Download your MOON GUIDE and see where her energy is showing up in your life!
Although Venus in Gemini is fun, flirty, and free, Venus is still a serious girl wanting love, and money. She wants what she wants and isn't willing to invest time and energy into anything that she doesn't see value in. But with Gemini's encouragement to let her hair down and have a little fun, you'll see Venus adopt a much more playful approach in her interactions.
This is a great time to connect to potential love interests if you are single. The interactions between those you are physically attracted to mentally connected with will have conversations free flowing and flirty.
If you are already paired, you will see the dialogue in your relationship bounce from one area of interest onto another topic in the same conversation. Yes, we are expressive, but we are also curious.
Be cautious around spending money at this time as you'll crave anything that will stimulate your brain. It's important to keep your mind engaged and interested during this transit. Because we have other planetary influences encouraging us to learn matters of the soul, this would be a great time to dig deeper and learn about yourself.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Gemini
Mercury, the planet of information, intellect, and communication, is moving from Taurus into Gemini picking up the pace in our minds.
Mercury rules Gemini the sign of the twins, bringing both parts of himself together. Mercury is in his place of power here. He effects our mental plane making our minds move at lightening fast speeds. We are able to wipe our brains clean of all the old programming and obsessive thoughts we've been having and start fresh creating a new record for ourselves to listen to.
We are processing the information our brains are taking in at warped speeds. The details of our environment get seen in a new light, and we are able to makes sense of things much quicker with a strong sense of clarity.
Although this brain power is an amazing advantage for us to experience right now, there can be an element of burn out if we are overwhelming our minds with too much stimulus. We need to be able to control our brain power and exercise extreme focus when our mind becomes scattered.
This is also a great time to be forming new ideas and perspective about some long standing issues in your life. Suddenly you will see the dots connect and be shown a perspective that you can't unknow. You will be amazed with the "ah-ha" moments and downloads of information you'll receive while Mercury is in his place of power.
We also get a huge push to speak up and out. We are still in Taurus season where we are upping our value and worth, and now some people in our lives need to hear how we are going to be treating ourselves, and expect to be treated, from now on.
How will Mercury in Gemini effect you?! Download your Monthly Forecast to find out!
If you are given the opportunity to speak up and express yourself on any matter that is of value to you, now is the time to do it. We have a way with words when Mercury is in Gemini meaning our words carry more weight and value than we previously realized.
Our words, our message, hits our audience in the right kind of way to have them understand, acknowledge and accept our opinion and the feelings we express.
This is a very powerful time.
This is a time where we have expansive ideas and inspirations, but they come so fast that we can barely retain the information. Make it a practice to be writing your epiphanies and insights down to revisit them at another time.
Take advantage of Mercury being in his place of power by exploring your surroundings and picking apart scenarios in your head. We can come to some serious, solid conclusions under this energy, so make sure you are paying attention to your thoughts and that you use your mind power for positive growth.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts May 2021
April brought us a new beginnings as passions, desires, new ideas, and connections, got triggered within us. Mid-month we had to slow down the excitement and fully focus on our bodies and our physical worlds. We’re being asked to pick and choose what is most important to us and what “new” we actually want to bring to life. May offers us an opportunity to plant the seeds of the new, and to open our minds to new ways of doings things. We get to experiment with our ideas and test the waters with our new perspective. Things will start moving very quickly once the eclipse energy hits and we start fast forwarding through storylines. Retrograde season has now begun and we will be feel the push and pull of our past and future selves.
*** Important energy shifts for May ***
May 3rd - Mercury enters Gemini
May 8th - Venus enters Gemini
May 11th - New Moon in Taurus
May 13th - Jupiter enters Pisces
May 20th - Welcome To Gemini Season
May 23rd - Saturn Retrogrades in Aquarius
May 26th - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
May 29th - Mercury Retrogrades in Gemini
May’s Astro & Tarot Forecasts are sponsored by: ONLINE DISPENSARY CANADA
After last month got the wheels spinning in that beautiful mind of yours, you likely felt a bit frustrated having to slow down from your normal speed to concentrate on how you are going to bring these new ideas to life. You’ll have some time to reflect on what can be re-worked and re-adjusted in your home and in your career, because this month is asking you to take a different perspective on how you have been looking at the situations in your life. You’ll feel more of a need to connect with social situations that will allow you to challenge the beliefs of others through sharing your own thoughts and experiences, but also to allow your mind to grow and expand by seeing where other people are coming from. You’ll have a huge window of opportunity to dig deep and get your hands dirty in taking control of making things happens. The new goals you have for yourself won’t happen if you don’t pour some blood, sweat, and tears, into them. You’ll feel a shift mid-month to abandon the outside world to reconnect with your intuition and inner truth. You are being called to step outside of your comfort zone - especially where your beliefs are concerned - and leave the old ways of thinking about yourself and the world behind. You may have to re-tweak some elements of the way you are currently working and living as you evaluate the long term consequences of your current actions, or lack of action. We are rebuilding and re-organizing how we (as individuals) can fight back the bigger systems and fight for the betterment of the greater human collective. You have a part to play in the success of humanity, and seeing new goals and visions take form will help you plan the right steps to take to free yourself and others from the restrictions of the systems at play. Don’t be surprised if your life takes a sharp turn towards the end of the month, freeing you from some cycles that began 2.5 years ago. This is going to slap us with some hard truth where we’ve been blocking ourselves from aligning with the bigger picture we have for our future. You’ll need a time-out to step back and review all the elements of your life - especially where you’ve been hesitant in speaking your truth. It’s okay to observe the inner workings of your mind and pick out where new narratives need to be written to help you truly stand in your power.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAURUS! After last month’s deep and dark purge of memories and emotions, this month will help you feel more like yourself again. Your new natal year is unfolding at a steady pace as you realign with yourself and the powers at be to recharge and reignite the life force within. You have some building to do as you’re being asked to take a good look at what you have to step up and be accountable for, especially where getting down on yourself is concerned. It’s time to boss up and make the best of out all the situations that have transpired. With a new outlook on your personal relationships and the value that each person adds to your life, you can start seeing the opportunities of not having to do everything on your own. Get serious about what you want to experience over this next year of life and don’t be afraid to take action and start making things happen. You’ll have to reconsider the end goal you are trying to manifest as new perspectives shift, helping you to see what needs to be let go of in order for there to be a place for the new to enter. You may have to give some good thinking time to how you’re currently living and working and whether or not you are contributing all you can to help the greater grander collective shift into a new reality. You have so many talents and skills to offer the world, but you may not be taking full advantage of lending your experience to others on their path. Finances will need a good review as well, as you shift focus on new goals you’re trying to achieve. You’ll feel fully prepared to launch yourself into your new natal year as the deep, dark transformation you’ve been going under will finally reach a completion point. Just in time for you to shift your mental narrative again to something more encouraging as you release the negative Nancy criticisms to the past where they belong.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMINI! After last month had you at your wits end reflecting and reviewing the year you’ve just lived, this month will recharge you and prepare you for a new natal year ahead. This month you boss up and start feeling like yourself again. You can the mental clarity you’ve been lacking and can start planning out all the moves you have to make to see your new ideas come into fruition. You’ll have to get very serious about what you actively need to do to put an end to old thoughts, cycles, and relationships before you can charge ahead with the new visions you’re trying to manifest. Your mental game and your intuition will align and there will be no stopping you once you are in agreement with what needs to end in order for the new to begin. You’ll see a lot of elements in your career push you to detach and isolate yourself away from the thoughts and opinions of others. The goal is to move inward and reconnect with your higher self to gain the truth and knowledge you need to stand firm in the choices and decisions you’re currently making. Your beliefs will be challenged and you may have to rework a couple of elements in how you’re working and living to establish more of a balance among the roles and responsibilities being asked of you. The relationship issues you’ve been struggling to end will suddenly shift and be deleted from your life for good. Anyone holding you back will be removed very swiftly under the cosmic energy of the eclipse. New truths will emerge to reveal the lies, deceit, and betrayal that is taking place keeping you stuck in a holding pattern of toxicity. Things will be up in the air just in time for Mercury (your ruler) to go retrograde abandoning your critical, logical mind, for your heart and intuition to take over and show you the way.
After a pretty chaotic month with a lot of challenges and hard beginnings, this month you’ll feel a shift to move inward and detach from the outside world. You are deep in your dark season as the past rears its ugly head once again to trigger you in ways you thought you’ve healed. Things get off to a bumpy start as old memories and flashes of the pain and trauma of your past become very much a reality in this present moment. You’ll have to rely on your intuition to make the necessary changes to your boundaries in order to deal with these issues for good. Throwing yourself into taking care of others will only further prolong the process of dealing with your own issues. You can’t run. You cannot hide. Get a grip on what you want, need, and desire, in life and take action by taking steps towards them. You cannot rely on just hoping and praying for a different outcome. It’s time to get your hands dirty and take control of these situations. You’ll see a lot of truth emerge shifting your perspective and opening your eyes to new opportunities that wouldn’t have otherwise been seen if you hadn’t had people show you their true colours. You’ll have to take a solid step back and rethink how it is you’re working and living, and who is actually a part of your journey. You are transforming at ta very rapid rate as you prepare for your solar infusion on your birthday. Your mental health will stabilize as you take a good look at cycles that begin 2.5 years ago and how they are blocking you from moving forward. The smaller details of your daily habits and routines need to be reviewed as you make some changes to how you take care of yourself first and foremost. You’ll have a huge shift in energy pulling you to get on the right track by the end of the month as you shut your critical mind down and let your intuition take the lead. It’s always the darkest right before dawn.
After a month that triggered new ideas for you to advance in your career and secure a more stable financial income, this month will keep the wheels turning as you grasp a greater vision for the future and break it down into smaller more manageable steps. You’ll have several moments of brilliance where you’ll suddenly know exactly what you have to do and how exactly to do it. New connections are being made to like minded people that will help you accelerate your path forward. Get realistic with your goals and set some wheels in motion to make them happen. Think about what you truly value in love, money, and in yourself and make a plan to honour that each and every day. You may feel overwhelmed with the thoughts and opinions of others forcing you to disconnect from the world mid-month to listen to your higher self. There’s a lot of power and knowledge you have within, you just have to quiet the mind long enough to hear it. Think big with the new desires you have for your romantic relationships. The walls around your heartspace have been crumbling allowing more real and authentic people to find you. Whatever happened 2.5 years ago that has you stuck in this emotional prison will suddenly shift, freeing you to set your eyes on new possibilities. Honour what your heart is telling you. You’ll have to shut down your ego and listen to the guidance coming in from the cosmos on what is next for you in your journey.
The best way to strengthen your intuition & manifesting skills is to follow the Moon! Subscribe to The Moon Guide and align yourself with the Lunar Goddess herself as she guides us through the energetic journey of evolving our spiritual gifts!
After a month that spotlighted where you need to put a certain death to ideas, emotions, and soul contracts, this month you will dive into taking huge steps forward in bringing your new ideas and goals to life. Mercury (your ruler) is in his place of power in your sister sign Gemini; opening up our minds for a complete renovation. The wheels are turning and your career is now challenging you to expand your thinking and how you express yourself taking your experience and knowledge to the next level. You can no longer stay quiet and bite your tongue on your thoughts as you align with a new truth on what you deserve. You may have moments of brilliance where making some changes and adopting new roles and responsibilities to boss up financially are necessary. Get realistic with the new ideas and goals you’ve been exploring and make sure you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty when it comes to planting new seeds for the future. It’s time to get serious on what you want, need, and desire the most in love and money, and start laying the ground work for these new goals to manifest. Your beliefs are changing. Opportunities are presenting themselves to rely on your inner truth and inner voice more than the information coming in from external sources. You may see a new path forward emerge as you lean in on trusting yourself over everyone else’s thoughts and opinions. Don’t be afraid to challenge those you share space with. Your personal relationships will be tested as you’re being asked to step out of your comfort zone and grow beyond these current relationships. Who you align yourself with in love and in business will have a major energetic influence on you and what you can actually accomplish. You’ll have to rethink your current work and life routines and make some adjustments on how you can serve yourself before serving others. You have too much love to give the world to not give it to yourself first. Establishing new routines and systems within the home and the relationships in it, will provide the stability you’ve been lacking to keep your emotions aligned with your mental game. Whatever family drama emerged 2.5 years ago will be released as new adjustments to the home environment and the dynamics within it have been made. Now it’s time to test those boundaries to see how strong the family unit actually is. You’ll have to take a step back and allow the universe to show you where adjustments need to be made. Your roles and responsibilities within your career are deeply effecting your home life and vice versa. A new balance must be made between the two before you can advance to the next level of life lessons.
After a deeply transformative month pushing to put a sudden death to old holding patterns, this month you’ll feel a new optimism and hope take over. You’ll have a lot of support in your mental game as new information and details are revealed, illuminating where you might have to abandon some old beliefs about what it is you believe to be true. Things are changing at a rapid rate as you push and challenge yourself to think in new ways and adopt new ways of operating throughout your day. Get realistic about the kind of changes you actually want to make in your life and do the necessary work to cut the cord with the old for good. The dreams and visions your have for yourself cannot manifest under the old energy you are still holding onto. You’ll need to make some adjustment to your daily routine to allow enough time to focus on yourself. Your mental health has been severely impacted by allowing too many external sources to plant their seeds of opinion and beliefs within you. Take a time out and reconnect with your inner truth to gauge what you believe to be true and align with the power from within to make the changes in your exterior reality needed to free you up to move forward. You’ll have to review some of the choices that you’ve made - or missed out on making - as we rework how we are working and living. We are still feeling the restrictions of our past selves prevent us from moving in a direction more aligned with what our heart wants. There will be a lot of truth revealed connecting the dots to past cycles that began 2.5 years ago. We will finally be able to end that cycle and shift into a new opportunity to advance very quickly with new soul contracts and life lessons. You may have to take a time out to review all that takes place this month and rely more on your intuition and heart space to tell you how to correct some of the wrongs that were made. You’ll need to shut your mind down and open up your heart to a new truth that is forming within you.
After a month that illuminated new relationship desires for you, this month you’ll do the inner work needed to shift your old thinking into a brand new space. The wheels are spinning and you’ll have a lot of attention on what ideas, thoughts, memories, and narratives that need to die in order for new energy to take over. You’ll feel the pull to step out in new ways to share your knowledge and experience with others. The mental plane will be on fire as you process the past, present, and future, simultaneously; making decisions quickly on what needs to happen to align with the new visions you’re trying to manifest. Things get a bit too real for you as you see some major developments take place in your relationship sector either deepening your connection in existing relationships, or initiating brand new ones. Let your walls down. You will be pushed and pulled to move past your current boundaries and to realign with the energy taking over, showing you where you can honour your heart space and be raw and vulnerable in expressing yourself. Your creativity is at an all time high so let it flow easily showing you where new happiness and joy can be created. The transformation of your perspective continues as you’re being asked to take a good look at how you’re living and working. Are you holding yourself back from the success you so deeply desire? Your home and family relationships will need your attention as you revisit some topics and themes of the past to provide a solid ending for them for good. Think about the long term consequences of your actions - or inactions - if you stay on this course. It’s time to rework how you are contributing to the world and who gets the best part of you. You’ll feel a huge shift in your self worth freeing you from some lies and illusions that began 2.5 years ago. There is a new energy taking over illuminating new opportunities to align with a destiny scripted for your soul’s highest expression. But you have to get out of your own way first, and stop fixating on the smaller details blocking you from seeing the big picture. You’ll have plenty of time to think about those elements, as our mental planes shut down and our intuition takes over. A deep inner healing is taking place helping us to review past decisions and rework some elements - especially in our thinking styles - before we can see the major shifts take place in our external realities.
After a month of your heart trying to get you to honour yourself, you’re going to face a lot of moving parts as we move into May. Your daily routine has been disrupted and even though it’s for the better, it may feel bumpy as you starting making changes. Your relationships with others have had a huge emphasis put on them, as you now see who actually deserves your time, energy, love, and attention. There are new ways of interacting and communicating our truest wants, needs, and desires taking over; making us more open to seeing new routines form. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty as you take control of the situation and make things happen in both love and money. You know what you want for yourself, and you need to pour in a bit of blood, sweat, and tears to make things happen and get the ball rolling. Your home and family dynamics are changing once again. Your boundaries have been tested - especially with the feminine divine relationships you have - and because of that, you are now drawing new lines in the sand in order to do what’s right for you. A good step back to review the mental narratives you’ve had in the past, and the perspectives you’ve had on how you live and work in the world, need to be examine and readjusted. What are your current actions - or lack of actions - doing to the long term vision you have? You’ll feel a huge release of energy that was initiated 2.5 years ago finally be over. This life cycle and soul contract is now complete freeing from old energies that had you paralyzed in time. Think back to your birthday and all the “new” you wanted for yourself. It didn’t get off to a very good start, but now you will be free to see the new horizons unfold for you, and all of the renewed hope and faith that awaits you. You’ll have plenty of time to adjust to your new energetic surroundings as we examine where our ego got us in trouble in love in the past, and where we need to let our heart lead us in the future. Listen to your inner voice. It knows the way.
After last month had you abandoning your own wants, needs, and desires for the greater good of the family, this month you’ll need to focus on re-organizing your day to day routines and ways of thinking, to lessen the emotional intensity around being stuck in place. The new ideas coming into your mental plane will help you shift focus on switching up your mental narrative to promote stability in your health and wellness. Establishing new routines will help you deal with the current situations better, and make time for yourself instead of putting others before you. You’ll have to get very serious with what you want for yourself. You’ve had a change in heart since your birthday and those old goals and visions now need to be released before new ones can form. You might not have all the details you need this month to make a solid decision, but taking small steps in bettering your current situation will help you get through this very confusing time. You’ll feel a sudden jolt of energy mid-month helping you to move inward and listen to your own truth. The opinions of the outside world can get overwhelming and you need to retreat to listen to what your intuition wants you to do. You’ll be taking a time-out to review your worth, both in confidence and in finances; to see whether or not you are engaging in relationships both in love and career that are mirroring back the value you have in the skills and talents you bring to the table. Your finances may need to be re-adjusted to allow for a different style of living to take over; as you re-examine the roles and responsibilities being asked of you - both in your career and in your home life. You’ll have a huge help from the Universe as we put an end to something that began 2.5 years ago. It’s likely connected to a situation with a soul contract that has been fully completed. Connecting with your higher self will help you shift into a new truth, where a new opportunity to move forward in a very fast way will be presented. You’ll need some time to rethink and re-adjust to the new situations unfolding. The key here is to quiet the chatter in your mind long enough to hear what your heart has to say about it all.
After a month that had you very focused on your home and family, this month will help you to realize where you’ve fallen off the path and where you need to realign. You’ll have a lot of thoughts coming into your mental plane that will challenge your ego and your heart space. Sometimes your ego makes you take a couple of steps back in life, when your heart only wants you to move forward. You’ll need to re-evaluate your love relationships, as you may not be making the right choices to honour yourself and instead; are making decisions based off of what others may think. You’re going to want to get very serious about the kind of life you want to be living, and with who you’ll be sharing your life with. It’s time to get real about the choices you’ve made and how unaligned they may be with the dreams you keep trying to manifest. There’s an inner conflict taking place between your heart and your head. You’ll have a huge help in boosting your worth and self confidence that will help you shut down your ego and help you align with your higher self. You fell off of the wagon since your birthday, and have made some choices that take you backwards in life instead of forwards. It’s time to re-adjust and re-work some of the ways you are working and living to get back on the path of empowerment, and abandon the path of repeating past patterns and mistakes. You’ll feel the push as you need to step up and be accountable for being your own worst enemy. There is no point in complaining about your situation when you single handedly created it. You’ll see a new perspective be illuminated as lies and betrayals emerge showing you where you need to leave whatever began 2.5 years ago behind for good. Listen to your heart and shut of your mind. The truth of the matter has always been calling you, it’s just that you’ve allowed other people’s thoughts and opinions dictate your life.
After a month where you levelled up your worth and shifted your mind to new ideas that are total possible to you, this month you make some adjustments to your home and the family dynamics needed to support you. The wheels are turning and with that, comes new elements into your heart space. Your home environment is changing once again, as you align with new passions and desires for your future. You may have to re-adjust the boundaries and routines you have in the household to make sure everyone is doing their part. Your mental health has been unstable as you jump back into the past and bring forth emotions that don’t belong in the present moment. Your focus should be on the future and what you want to see manifest in your life. You’ll feel the Universe push you outside your comfort zone so you can stand in your power and step away from the chatter of the past and the outside world. Your heart and soul know the way forward, but letting go of some negative mental narratives will have to happen before you can see the shift in your physical reality. The new elements to your home and family dynamics will challenge you to re-establish what is important. You will have to take a time-out and really think about how you’re living and working in life. The restrictions you face are likely those you’ve created in your way of thinking, and you must re-adjust your narrative to build yourself up instead of always tearing yourself down. Your career will see a huge transformation as a life cycle that began 2.5 years ago finally gets released. Now, you can pour more energy into what you tried to get off the ground back in December that really didn’t develop the way you thought it would. There is a new path forward revealing itself to you, but abandoning your old beliefs about yourself and your worth need to be purged before the new reality can take over. You’ll have plenty of time to think about what needs to change in the roles and responsibilities being asked of you in work and at home as you explore what make you the happiest and what provides you with both emotional and financial security and stability.
Pluto Retrogrades
Today, Pluto - the planet of power, control, obsessions, and transformation - goes retrograde in Capricorn. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, creating quite a shift within us individually as well as on the global scene.
Our Government, Politics, Religion, and humanity as a collective has been breaking down the long standing structures that are no longer working for us. Capricorn rules authority and the roles and responsibilities we have, especially when in the public eye. Pluto's entrance into Capricorn has brought us some very upsetting shifts in these authoritative structures, which piece by piece are crumbling to the ground.
We need these changes. We are now living in a world that needs the right kind of structures put into place for our futures to be supported. The old paradigms are not strong enough to handle the power of the reality we are currently living in and will never survive the weight of change we are needing in our futures.
On an individual level we have been working hard to embrace the roles and responsibilities we've been given here on earth, especially where our careers are concerned. Many people have realized that they aren't in the right role and have been making huge changes to align themselves more with a career and the responsibilities that are in more in alignment with their heart and Soul.
Anytime a planet goes retrograde, the energetic influence that is normally projected and expressed outwards in our lives, then becomes focused on our inner worlds where we have an opportunity to transform the not-so-nice feelings surrounding the topics and themes of obsessions, control, and power.
Because Pluto is an outer planet, the energetic influence of it going retrograde doesn't cause chaos and mayhem like the inner planets such as Mercury does when retrograde, but instead the energy shift is very subtle as we take our attention away from the outer world and start moving within. Don't be fooled though, the energy of the outer planets going retrograde has a huge effect on us, and the intensity of the transformation is very much felt and seen.
We will have 5 months of allowing the power and influence of Pluto to dive deep within our consciousness to allow the darker emotions we have surrounding power, control, and obsessions to be raised to the surface where they can be acknowledged and transformed into something lighter. This will have you recognizing very clearly where your obsessions lie. It could be obsessive thinking, obsessive eating, obsessive habits that aren't really serving you.
You may see areas in yourself that require you to free up your control issues, or even show you where you need to exert more control and discipline in your life.
This will also be a time where you fully embrace your power. This time will show you where you've given your power away in order for you to take it back.
The key word here is transform. We aren't trying to acknowledge these issues for release, we want to transform them from a state of darkness into a state of light. We want to harness the power we put into these not-so-nice topics, and transform that power into focusing on what GOOD obsessions we can consume ourselves with.
We want to see where we try to control elements in our lives and work on releasing the compulsive need to have everything happen in a certain way. We want to transform these issues into a source of power.
Be mindful, especially this week as the shift begins. Pay attention to what themes and topics are triggered for you as the healing journey gets started. It's likely that the areas revealed to you in this first week will be what gets an overhaul in your life over the next 5 months.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Full Moon In Scorpio
The Lunar Goddess has submerged herself into her shadow-side as she steps into the depths of emotion and repressed memories in Scorpio. The Moon rules our emotional state and travels through the zodiac to focus on each layer of her emotional core.
When She enters into the intuitive and psychic waters of scorpio, she faces the hidden truths within herself in order to integrate the good with the bad, the dark with the light, the positive with the negative. Scorpio is the sign of death, rebirth, and transformation. Under scorpio's energy we are intense, probing, and mysterious. We tend to favour the darker side of life, and all of its taboo subjects. Sex, anger, death and anything mystical or magical becomes appealing.
Full Moons are classically purposed for a release, and ending or completion of an emotional cycle. This is packing a powerful punch. Think back to the Fall of 2020, and all that has happened since then. All of the transformations and changes you've undergone. The struggle within yourself, combating the darker emotions, using them as a main motivator to inspire change. All of this energy has brought us to this moment, where the person we have been becoming finally integrates both parts of themselves together. This uniting of our inner selves, those two contradicting voices within, are now agreeing to work together, all to fully embrace the energy and power instead of battling for control.
This merging of our past and present selves is needed. It is our experiences that have shaped us, and our futures that motivates us to shape shift into something different. We want a life better than the one we are currently living and asking for change in.
The New Moon in Aries only two weeks ago was when our new selves took the wheel. What we wanted to initiate and see take life has run into obstacles and delays. Those have been divinely constructed for your wellbeing by the Universe.
The uprising of repressed emotions and memories under this Full Moon in Scorpio are absolutely necessary to experience to fully emerge yourself in the darkness so you can recognize the light when it appears. This dive into the depths of your inner workings is absolutely necessary to see how far away from the surface you hide the most powerful parts of yourself. There is great amounts of energy spent into trying to control ourselves and not act on our inner most desires.
This Full Moon in Scorpio is going to ask you to harness the power in another way. Our emotions are obviously heightened and frustrated during this moon cycle and should be treated with respect. These heavier emotions have been what has allowed you to survive certain parts of your life but now are angry that they have to stay hidden. You will experience a wave of energy over the next few days as your vibration and frequency raises to another level by the emotions you are willing to acknowledge, and integrate.
We need recalibrate our energy and focus and that only comes with a personal understanding of one's self. Be kind to yourself as you allow your emotions to make themselves known. Allow them to pass, feeling them with every ounce of your being. The Scorpion energy will allow you to transmute and darkness you hold within to pure, loving light.
To get an in-depth look at how each full and new moon will effect you and in what area of your life, SUBSCRIBE TO MONTHLY MOON READINGS.
Mars Enters Cancer
Mars -the warrior planet ruling drive, action, energy, passion, and even anger - moving from the battlefield of the mental plane into the emotionally, intuitive nurturing sign of Cancer.
Mars' time in Gemini allowed us to think aggressively about what we want inn life and pushed us to engage in some deep thinking about the options we have before us. As time went on, and with a little bit of help from Mercury shifting into Taurus, thoughts and ideas became clear, processing the details of our lives picked up speed, and we got more logical with how we discerned who and what needed our attention and energy.
Mars in Gemini allowed us to express and communicate ourselves with more bravery and courage. Now with the warrior planet moving into a placement of weakened strength for him, we will see the effects of this energy in how we focus our energy, how we take action on issues, and where our emotions may get the better of us.
Mars is a masculine fire sign, acting on impulse and asserting itself by whatever means necessary to go after whatever is the main focus. Mars is a passionate energy and has a hard time balancing its passion with its aggression. Because Cancer is a water sign, it really slows Mars down after going what he wants. It makes Mars have to stop and consider the emotional state of his actions and the repercussions he could face if he exerted his force. This isn't something Mars is used to, and so it does have a tendency to cause some frustration.
Cancer embodies the feminine energy of the Mother role, ruled by the Moon, while Mars is a masculine energy that doesn't enjoy being told what to do. With Mars in Cancer we will see the focus shift to our home and family. We will have to do our best to try and avoid domestic disputes as emotions tend to run high under this transit.
This is a great time to see where we aren't feeling nurtured, and where we may need to step back in the nurturing of others. Mars will help us to take action on enforcing changes within the home and family dynamic so that we are allowing ourselves to take care of ourselves first, making sure we are our best selves to take care of others.
If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where these shifts are going to effect your life the most, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and if you need personal assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online.
Welcome To Taurus Season
The Sun has moved out of the fiery, assertive, passionate, sign of Aries getting our new energetic calendar off to the right start. The Sun now moves into Taurus where we will take what we started for ourselves in Aries, (new boundaries, new passions, new projects, new jobs, new relationships) and use that as a foundation to build upon.
Taurus is the second zodiac sign in the wheel and is an earth sign. It is ruled by the Goddess Venus who inspires us to go after anything that brings us pleasure, joy, and security. Taurus is a very sensual sign, encouraging us to trust the body’s senses to guide us to true comfort. We can reward ourselves with things of beauty, lush fabrics, sparkling objects and trinkets. Taurean energy also finds value in food as we are all about feeling that comfort.
The overall motivation in Taurus season is to seek security by working hard to build the structures that will have long-term rewards to our home and finances. There is no sign more "down-to-earth" than a Taurus. So much so, that the motto is that “slow and steady always wins the race”. In Taurus season we enjoy routine, structure, stability, and being productive.
When the Taurus energy is strong, we can tap into all of these great qualities and really build the foundations we need in life to launch off of. We aren't afraid of hard work or getting our hands dirty if it means we get to see the reward quickly, knowing that the job is done well and going to stand the test of time. Taurus energy doesn’t turn us into materialistic people, however, we do tend to connect deeply with physical items as they represent our journey, our success, and our reward.
There is a caution with this Taurean energy, which is that we may become so grounded, so centered, so methodical in our approach to building and creating new foundations for ourselves, that, “slow and steady” turns into “so slow that nothing will get done”. Taurus energy is by no means lazy, but often we can get so consumed about how to go about initializing a plan that we may never really get started.
Taurus energy is probably the most stubborn of all the signs, and as it’s represented the bull, there is really no wonder why. When they are defending themselves, they dig their heels into the earth below, lower their head exposing their horns, and kick up dust to show that they aren't messing around. If you do happen to push a Taurean’s boundary, you will be charged at without a second thought and the great head of the ram will knock you on your butt.
If you are lucky enough to love a Taurus, you will see their undying loyalty, constant nurturing (especially with food being offered to you the minute you enter their home), and a very kind-hearted soul that will do anything for those they love. And under Taurean energy this season, we all have the opportunity to embody these qualities and make new connections of worth and value.
Taurus is a fixed sign, meaning it has a hard time with change. We aren't likely to make many changes to our lives as we value routine and structure above all else. Even with life's circumstance forcing us to change, we will often choose to be dragged than to go with the flow under this influence.
These qualities are exactly what we need right now coming out of Aries season. The spark within us has been re-ignited, our passion is leading the way, and now we can take everything we realized we wanted over the past month, and get to building.
Our actions are much more calculated and methodical now. We have no problem accessing the patience required to get the job done right, as we are focused on the long-term now, more than ever.
We also get a chance under this influence to focus on nurturing the body. Spoil yourself with spa days, massages, salt baths. Buy new clothes, a small trinket to represent your current stage of success. And although comfort food is on the top of the list, be cautioned that that kind of comfort is only good for you in moderation.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Taurus
Today, the planet of information, communication, and expression, moves out of fiery Aries and into down-to-earth Taurus. Mercury rules our mental planes and the time it has spent in Aries had our mental planes in overdrive, pushing us aggressively to come up with new ideas, and expressing ourselves in a brand new, confident, brave kind of way.
As much as we benefitted from this energy, it will be a welcomed break to have our mental planes calm down a bit, grounding our thought process into a more logical, and focused way.
When Mercury is in Taurus, we are focused on life as it is, and not what we want it to be. We get tunnel vision, focused on our basic needs, our foundations of work, money, and long-term relationships. We are thinking clearly with Mercury in Taurus, and because Taurus rules self-worth and values, you can expect to only communicate and express yourself when there is a message about your boundaries to be relayed.
This is a great time to think about all of the talents and skills you possess, and think very carefully about how you are utilizing them to the best of your ability. Are you being productive in the thoughts and emotions you are trying to communicate to others?
There is a deliberate act of expression that happens when Mercury is in Taurus, as we only feel the need to share things of value. The conversation in our relationships will be more direct as to cut away the bullshit, and deal with life as it is. When Mercury is in Taurus we have the opportunity to see details in our environment and social exchanges that we may have overlooked.
Since the Taurean energy has us concerned on the physical senses and experiences, we need to listen to what our body needs. Taurus is an earth energy, stable, strong, and somewhat rigid, as they despise change. This will influence us due to the fact that Taurean energy is also very stubborn.
There is a caution during this transit to be aware of how far you will go to dig in your heels and not budge on an idea that you may become too attached to. There isn't a whole lot of wiggle room in the fixed energy of Taurus, so be mindful of where your stubbornness will reveal itself when your ideas are being challenged.
This energy is a great way to simplify, and minimize the activity in the mental plane, only focusing on one thing at a time, and only on things that are existing in your world already. We've spent months dreaming and envisioning our dream life, but now we need to get back to reality and see if we are utilizing the tools and resources we currently have to the best of our abilities.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Venus Enters Taurus
Venus - the Goddess of love, beauty, worth, and money moves from the fiery energy of Aries, to the grounded, earth energy of Taurus. Venus rules over Taurus and as this is her place of both comfort and power, we will feel the effects of this shift much more intensely.
When the Goddess of love, beauty, and money is in Taurus, we shift our focus onto re-evaluating our relationships, what we find beauty and pleasure in, and we amp up our self-worth. Taurus is focused on long-term commitments, long-term foundations, and long-term abundance.
Venus in Taurus will have our relationships on spotlight as we review whether or not they are strong and stable enough to support us in the future. How we are sharing ourselves with others will be spotlighted as we tweak our self-worth and where we now see value in ourselves where we may not have before. What we do for work, how we are using our skills and talents, and how we are being productive in acquiring the material possessions we see as success and value will be under review. We want to do something in life that not only brings in the money, but that has meaning and purpose.
With Venus in her place of power, we will be feeling our beauty from the inside out. It's important that we work on making sure our inner worlds - and how we think and feel about ourselves - are matching what we are projecting out into the world. We want to look and feel our best and Venus in Taurus will have us truly seeing and embracing our beauty.
Because both Venus and Taurus are earth signs and embody the divine feminine, we will see a huge uprising in honouring the feminine energy within ourselves, and supporting causes that will help assist mother earth to heal. It is most important to be thinking long-term while Venus is in Taurus as we are now taking action and making sure the basic building blocks of our foundations are in place and ready to grow upon.
Venus gets a bit of a shock as she enters into Taurus as she comes face to face with Uranus - the great awakener - already settled in Taurus. It’s a time for us to expect the unexpected especially where love and money is concerned. Not all surprises are bad though. This could have a huge impact on your love life and receiving great news about opportunities to expand our income and get a good step on building towards your future.
Where is Venus being activated in your chart? Download your April Forecast or book a session to find out.
New Moon In Aries
Today, we have our very first New Moon of the new energetic and astrologic calendar, in Aries. With Aries season well under way, you may be feeling all over the place with your energy, drive, and attention.
We jumped into the new astrological calendar when the Sun moved into Aries under the equinox energy, but the confusion we’ve had on what direction we need to take has been strong. Now, piece by piece, we are starting to see where new paths are opening up for us and where change is needed the most.
The Full Moon in Libra on March 28th illuminated where in our lives the power exchange was out of balance and needed to be restored. Since then, we’ve been navigating no man’s land trying to establish a new energy for us to work with.
This New Moon in Aries is special and unique for a couple of reason (dive into all of them in the New Moon Guide). We are having a stellium under this new moon which means there are multiple planetary bodies (and asteroids) all in Arien energy. This means we are feeling the surge of energy back us into being brave enough to take action and make major changes in our lives.
Mars, (Aries ruling planet) has been in Gemini illuminating where we are feeling divided and split down the middle about our current circumstances. There’s a gap between our heart & our head, our dreams versus our realities, and a huge extreme gap between the choices and decisions we currently have on the table. We are now leaning towards one path over the other and this New Moon energy is going to push us to the tipping point of making some solid decisions and backing those decisions with some quick fire actions.
Where is the New Moon in Aries creating change in your life? Download your Moon Guide and find out!
The New Moon in Aries, will help us get our butts in gear. It is important for us to take some time under the New Moon energy to think of all of the new things we'd like to see happen in our lives over the course of the next 12 months. Because Aries is all about drive, passion, initiative, and new experiences, this New Moon should have you thinking about the new projects you'd like to start, new experiences you'd like to live, new habits you'd like to form, and new ways of creating passion and joy in your life.
Often times, as we build towards a New Moon, our energy takes a dive and we experience situations and emotions that aren't so pleasant. This happens so we can find the root of these issues and use them to create a roadmap of how to never experience them again.
For instance, Aries, because it is always fired up and ready to take action, also has quite the temper. Mars, the warrior planet, is always ready to engage. Many people can experience bouts of anger and aggression prior to a New Moon in Aries, showing you what isn't working in your life, and then showing you where to create new energy in your life to resolve the anger issues.
New Moon energy is more about setting an intention for change than actually implementing it, so stay inside yourself, think of all the changes you'd like to see happen in your life, and make a list of everything that pops into your head.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Aries
Mercury (the planet of communication, information, and expression) has successfully survived its weakest placement while in Pisces (since March 15th), to emerge full of life into Aries as we start a brand new mental game.
Although being in Aries isn't the best placement for Mercury to be in, it's a much better energy than when it was clouded with watery emotions and confusing intuition in the depths of Pisces.
Aries is a fire sign, and full of impulse, spontaneity, bravery and confidence. Mercury being an air sign, mixed with the fire energy can make for quick thinking, bold ideas, and impulsive actions and speech.
Our mental planes have been struggling for some time, so coming online again, especially in such a fiery sign such as Aries, will prove to be both rewarding and challenging. We find the benefits of this transit to be lightening fast thinking, the ability to have such a greater perspective of life and the inner workings, the instantaneous piecing together of pieces and details that didn't quite make sense before, and the ability to communicate with confidence and clarity.
The downside to this transit is that we can find our brains on overload. With the amount of information we are now processing at speeds much quicker than we are use to, we could feel overwhelmed and get anxiety with all the pressure in our heads. There's also a concern that the impulsiveness of Aries will act on a new idea without allowing the air element to apply logic and long term planning.
Where fire and air are concerned, we need to make sure we don't fan the fire too much as it will burn out of control causing damage where there was never intended to be any.
Our tongues grow sharp under this transit. Aries has a tendency to act now and think later. With the fire rolling off the tongue, we may find ourselves speaking out of turn and causing hurt feelings in others. Be very mindful of the words you are using and the tone you adopt to deliver your messages to others.
We have the opportunity to tap into the beneficial energies of the transit to use to our advantage and start tapping into a new level of truth within ourselves. We also have the opportunity to get burned so definitely act with caution.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts April 2021
March got off to a slow start as we purged and ended old cycles, memories, and soul contracts. We were deep in the shadow and had a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The new astrological calendar got off with a bang as the equinox energy evened the playing field for us to figure out what new cycles we wanted to initiate. The Sun in Aries lit a fire within us, forcing us to see where change is needed, but we lacked the clarity we needed to see what we were moving towards. This month, things get super clear and we’re given the green light go to take action, make changes, and experiment with new energies. We will have to slow down though, and give careful consideration to what it is we are actually wanting to build and create in our lives. We get a lot of very positive bursts of energy pushing us forward as we move throughout the month.
*** Important energy shifts for April ***
April 3rd - Mercury enters Aries
April 11th - New Moon in Aries
April 14th - Venus enters Taurus
April 19th - Mercury enters Taurus
April 19th - Welcome To Taurus Season
April 23rd - Mars enters Cancer
April 26th - Full Moon in Scorpio
April 27th - Pluto Retrogrades
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIES! After a slow start to the past month, you’re finally feeling more like yourself again as the Solar return energy from the Sun revitalizes you for the brand new year ahead. Last month was riddled with endings as you prepared to start fresh, but you got off to a pretty confusing start knowing you were pushing ahead but not really clear on the direction you were taking. This month, things will become a whole lot clearer and your mental plane will be firing with big, beautiful ideas for the future. You may feel a bit overwhelmed with all the information you’ll be processing and surprised at how quick you are to make solid decisions and plans to launch forward in big ways. You’ll need to monitor your energy very carefully as you could find yourself running out of steam long before you get to initialize any of the plans you are thinking about. A powerful New Moon in your sign will help you plant the seeds of intentions on new personal goals for you to manifest as you focus in very clearly on what you want to experience over this next year. New romance, career advancements, and projects of all kinds will be visualized under this energy and sent out to the Universe for approval. You’ll have to slow yourself down a bit mid-month as you are being asked to focus in on what it is you actually want to build and create. The foundation of the new dreams you are manifesting needs to be carefully constructed one brick at a time. Get back to the basics of what you find to be of value in your life, who you feel is worthy of your time and attention, and get very clear on what it is you’ve already created and strengthen the foundations of what is already in existence before trying to add new elements into your life. Things might get a bit emotional for you as we move through the month and the attention is being called to your home and the dynamics in it. We have some relationships issues coming up testing our boundaries and you may feel the need to fight and defend your choices and decisions. Family drama can creep up as this area of your life has taken a back seat to the new projects and plans you have been making for yourself. It may be time to refocus your love and attention back on who needs your support and where you can provide emotional security to your loved ones. A big transformation is headed your way towards the end of the month when the Full Moon illuminates for you where a death needs to happen in your thinking, in old emotional baggage, and where you have to stop lying to yourself. New energy is trying to take form in your life bringing the blessings you’ve been praying for, but you have to create a space for it to enter. Whatever you’ve been struggling with internally since the fall needs to be released in order for you to move forward in the ways you’ve been planning for. You’ll have to re-evaluate some elements in your career where new roles and responsibilities are forming. It’s time to level up and advance yourself further, but reorganizing the structure of your career and some of the goals you once had will be a priority before seeing too many new elements manifest. Your financial security comes up for questioning and although there are some truly great opportunities ready to present themselves, you need to be emotionally and mentally stabilized before you’re ready to receive them.
After a pretty dark and heavy month of processing some old hurt and pain, this month you will slowly but surely start feeling more like yourself again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my early Taurean friends! You are entering into this month deep in your dark season where the not so nice memories, feelings, and thoughts have taken over your mental plane and have made it very hard for you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You’ll feel a huge shift in energy mid-month as Venus - your ruler - Mercury, and the Sun, all head into your sign, boosting your energy levels, confidence, and mental clarity. You’ll start seeing the path forward a lot more clearly than days gone by. The darkness you’ve been sitting in will dissipate revealing new areas of your life that are asking for your attention. The shift in your mental plane will be the most favourable aspect for you this month, helping you to shift your focus out of replaying the pain of the past and get you back into the present moment where new hope and confidence can take over. Your home - and the family dynamics in it - have definitely been shaken up, and now you’ll have to do some deep diving into your emotions to muster up the courage to shift yourself out of the funk of the past and into what you have control over now, and what you can do to use your energy for good instead of focusing on all the bad. You may have a flare up of emotions connected to the feminine energy within the home that will test your emotional boundaries forcing you to take action and implement new boundaries in order for you to protect yourself and not continuously be hurt by those that say they love you the most. By the end of the month, the new relationships dynamics will take centre stage as you reflect back to the fall and analyze all that has transpired and where it has left a dark void within you. A deep emotional transformation will take place under the Full Moon that will shift your focus on how to fill the void with love instead of filling it with hurt. You’ve had a lot of events test you over this past year and many of them have completely destroyed your beliefs. This has left you a bit confused on where you should go from here, but the energy will now start working in your favour to build you back up and prepare you for new adventures. You’ll have to connect with your higher power to get a new sense of your beliefs and see yourself and your strengths from a whole new perspective.
After a month that helped you to reignite your passions and desires, this month you’ll have to give some careful consideration to what new goals and visions you are looking to manifest as you draw the line in the sand and move away from some old, outdates storylines and soul contracts. You’re having some very intense thoughts and ideas on what you want to dive into next. The change in your career is pushing you to re-examine whether or not your energy and efforts can be used in more productive ways that would add to the happiness and joy you’ve been lacking. The first few weeks of April will have you thinking a lot more aggressively about making some major changes in your life, which likely won’t manifest until your birthday. You may have to slow yourself down mid-month and get back to the basics of what and who makes you happy. All the brainstorming can get a bit exhausting and now we need to get a bit more practical with our thinking and shift our focus on what we absolutely need to be creating in our lives to feel more value in all we do. You may feel like you get tunnel vision mid-month helping you to focus on a few really much needed ideas that have the power to set you up for long term success. There’s a strong need for you to step back from the world and reconnect with your inner voice to allow your spirit and soul to show you the moves you need to make from here. It’s time to shut your mind down to let your heart lead. You’ll find yourself feeling hypersensitive towards the end of the month and emotionally triggered to protect and defend your decisions to move on from the old and to start fresh in areas of your life concerning relationships and money matters. You need to up your self worth and realize you’ve been settling for less than you deserve. This shift in perspective will help you to get clear on what it is you need to move away from. The full moon at the end of the month will illuminate for you what you’ve been struggling with the most in your day to day life since the fall. It’s likely a time when your frustrations with the lack of time and energy you have on the daily, rises to the surface so you can see where change is needed the most. Realize that pouring everything you’ve got into other people is not allowing you enough time or energy for you to take care of yourself. Your own health and wellness will be of the utmost importance forcing you to make some major changes in where you’re at on your own priority list. You’re about to enter into a deep purge and cleansing period as you clearly see all the toxic thoughts and feelings you are still holding onto. There is a huge awareness of who is holding you back and where you yourself have created a lot of the blocks in your life preventing you from living the kind of life you’ve been praying for. Get ready to do a deep dive into your own inner healing as you’ve had enough with the way things have been going and now open to change even if its scary.
After a month of some serious thinking about the choices you have before you, you’ve realized that the learning stages you’ve previously accomplished are now offering you an opportunity to advance in your career. The debate between your heart and your head has been intense as you scope out all the possibilities to jump into new opportunities to use the skills and talents you’ve accumulated over the years. You’ll feel a huge shift in your thinking helping you to sort through the information you need to consider at warp speeds before encouraging you to make a quick but solid decision for your future where your career is concerned. There is an opportunity for you to advance in your career and to level up your finances, but until you get a clear vision on what that might look like, you may want to step back and give it one more good going over. Be cautioned that your want, need, and desire for new adventures and excitement might push you into making a life altering decision that you might not be so happy with by the time your birthday comes around. Although it’s a positive time for you to accept new opportunities to level up, just be sure you think things through from every aspect before you commit. You’ll feel the aggression to move forward slow down just a tad mid-month, giving you a very beautiful window of opportunity to get back to the basics of what you can do to improve your physical wellness and your current environment. This is a time to think about how to use you energy wisely to build a new system or foundation for you to grow off of in the years to come. Your important relationships will be asking for your undivided attention as there is a need to express the value you see in others and how they are a part of your life. This is a great time to be thinking about where you want to go from here. The new revelations you’ll be making between past events and how they’ve created your current circumstances will help put into perspective the new goals and visions you are currently focusing in on and wanting to manifest. You may be crossing paths with some pretty important people, making connections that will support your new ideas moving forward. Be cautious of your energy towards the end of the month as anger and frustration may arise with some family drama. You may be put in a position to fight in defending your choices or decisions. Even more so, you may have to fight and defend your loved ones from outside forces that will trigger your momma bear attitude. You’ll face some emotional drama where you may suffer a break down in your heart space only for you to realize where you need to open yourself up to allowing more love, joy and happiness into your life. This may come as a pressurized crisis for you to express yourself in the most raw and authentic way possible. A huge transformation will be taking place in your heart and in your head by the end of the month and the heaviness you would have felt in your heart will be released for some new lighter emotions and experiences to fill the void. Be prepared to enter into a window of opportunity to carefully consider who has access to you and how you share yourself with other people. You will be shown those with ill intentions very clearly and from that, you’ll have to create new boundaries to protect yourself from being taken advantage of.
After a pretty intense month of darkness and depression, you had a lot of really powerful shifts take place in your belief system, especially in how you see yourself. This month, you get your power back as you start feeling more like yourself, shifting the negative narrative into one of positivity. Your career will see a major boost as the financial desires you now have are opening up new ideas of opportunity for you to tackle. Having a new confidence to work with will help push you into areas of building and creating new, long-term plans where creating income is concerned. It’s time to get back to the basics and really think about what you love to do, and how you want to spend your time. Seeing the value in who you share your time and energy with, will also be a game changer as you set out on a quest to allow new people to get a bit closer to you. You may find a but of frustration arising as things won’t be going at a pace you’d like, but the low and slow energy is providing you an opportunity to build a strong foundation that will last, providing you with opportunities to reap the rewards and benefits off of for years to come. You might be all up in your feels by the end of the month as you have to focus your energy on the home and the family dynamics in it. The feminine energy in the home is asking for your attention as you address some intense emotions of passion and anger from your past. You may feel like you are being forced to defend yourself, your choices and decisions, or you may be put in a situation to defend a family member from external situations out of your control. You may be a bit confused on where to put your energy as far as your plans to move forward are concerned, but this is a time when you’ll have to turn the volume down in your critical mind to let your heart lead. Some situations connected to the home and family back in the fall may come up again for a final release. This will deeply transform your thinking and feelings towards your relationships, and open you up a bit more to let people in. Be prepared to have to switch up your daily routine as the new plans you are trying to manifest will need you to rearrange your daily activities to provide a better system and structure for the new goals to be built upon. All toxic ways of thinking will be purged as you realize you’ve been creating a lot of your own problems and have been standing in the way of your own progress.
After last month had you feeling very torn between different options and choices, the dark thoughts and emotions that were preventing you from moving forward finally got pushed out of you to clear the way for new adventures. This month, the transformation continues starting first with your mental plane and switching up your perspective. You’ve tapped into your inner warrior standing up for, and speaking out on, topics and themes that have really created a lot of anger and frustration in you. You can clearly see what you no longer want to be living in, but the path forward has too many options for you to pick from. There will be a sudden shift of clarity the second week into the month, where you will be 100 % sure you are making the right decision even though some people aren’t going to be happy about it. It’s time to cut the cord between you and some people for good, and it won’t be hard to see who those people are. You’ll get a chance to calm the rage and slow down to focus on those who are still of extreme importance mid-month as you shift into a new energy to help you build and create new adventures for you to get excited about. A huge opportunity to learn new skills and talents will emerge that will show you how to have fun while expanding the knowledge you have to offer the world. The big picture can finally be seen, and it offers a huge, bright light at the end of what has been a very long, dark tunnel. This new focus on strengthening the relationships of value in your life, while focusing in on new goals for the future, will have you a bit fired up to fight and defend your position as you make some major changes to who you allow in your life. The ah-ha moments are strong and will have you shifting your perspective quickly as you see the past from a new set of eyes changing the course of who you allow in your life here in the present day. You’ll be emotionally charged to protect those you love and to do what you can to provide your loved ones and yourself with a new emotional security in moving into the future that will benefit the family unit as a whole. By the end of the month, you’ll see a huge transformation in your mental health as you recognize where the dark thoughts have been in control and where new mental narratives need to be rewritten. You’ll likely find yourself in a few positions to have to be more vocal and direct with expressing yourself than you’d prefer. Biting your tongue will no longer be an option as you feel emotionally triggered to speak your peace. Be prepared to do a deep purge of your emotions as the walls you’ve built around your heart space come crumbling down. Losing your cool and having a mini heart break under the pressure of the energies will find you expressing yourself more raw and authentic than ever. It might be harsh for others to hear the truth, but keeping it to yourself is only blocking out the happiness and love you very much deserve.
After last month’s efforts to get you to go with the flow a bit more, especially in your day to day routine, this month the focus is going to be on a deep transformation taking place as you hit a crossroads. Last month’s Full Moon in your sign likely showed you where you’ve been living in extremes and where the power exchange in your relationships need to be restored. Coming into the month, you’ll find you are much more confident and bold in your thinking as you sort through new information quickly and make fast, but solid decisions to move forward. Your communication style will be a bit more “in your face” than usual, as you stand up for yourself and speak your true feelings to those that need to hear them. Set your sights on what kind of relationships are worth your time and energy, as you are being asked to tweak your boundaries and do things more fairly to put yourself first. You’ll see the energy slow down mid-month to give you time to focus back on the basics of your relationships and money matters. Cycles are ending and new ones are being built. But, you have to do a deep dive within yourself and up your own self confidence and worth. You may have to dig in and do some hard work to re-stabilize your personal relationships and your budget. Moving forward, you’ll have to create new goals that will allow you to save for the new items you wish to add to your collection. You’ll be emotionally triggered to stand up for yourself and advocate for what is fair in your career sector. New passions and desires are unfolding, but boundaries in your work life have been tested and crossed in some cases. You’ll feel frustrated and angry realizing where you feel like you have to defend your ideas and efforts, and you might even feel very protective over certain projects that you had a hand in building. Towards the end of the month you feel a huge shift in power as your previous efforts in the month to speak your truth and make sure you’re heard, will have you feeling strong and confident to lock in some new plans to increase your abundance. Through new efforts to increase your income and stabilize your financial situation, be prepared to see some major changes to your home and family dynamic in the upcoming months. Situations that have you blocked and paralyzed from moving forward and making changes, will be disrupted and destroyed freeing the path from obstacles moving forward. You’ll be entering into a phase where your boundaries will be tested within the home in order for you to reprioritize the time, energy, and effort, you have to yourself to make sure you are taking care of yourself and tending to your mind, body, and soul.
After a month of some dark feelings and thoughts popping up, pushing you to make some major changes in your world, this month you’ll see a lot of emphasis put on your day to day routines as you accommodate new tasks and responsibilities. You’ll see new relationship dynamics emerge, as your heart was triggered in a big way last month as you continued to release and purge energies and memories of the past. You might have felt a bit of a struggle to find your balance as you reconnected with your higher self and tuned into your intuition to see where you should go from here. This month, your mental plane will be on fire as you sort through all the new, amazing ideas you are coming up with and as you use the new confidence you’re stepping into to take more of an active role in setting the tone for your daily accomplishments. The need for you to implement better systems and structures in your day is necessary, as you tweak your work/life balance. And don’t forget to make time for yourself to tend to your own health and wellness as you try to check all the to-do items off of your list. Your perspective of yourself is changing and allowing that new vision to unfold is a beauty all in itself. Your relationship sector will be on spotlight mid-month as we slow down and refocus our attention on who is worthy of our love, time, and attention. We are realizing we can’t run from our most intimate relationships any longer and that we have to lower the wall around our heart space to allow people to get a bit closer. Be mindful of who you allow to have access to you as your energy is your greatest, most valuable asset. Many Scorpios will be facing relationship issues as we focus on building steady and stable connections with those we love. We have to pull ourselves out of our heads and try to stay present in our heart space. We are thinking much more long-term now when it comes to who we are investing our time into. And creating long lasting bonds that will support us as we move into a time of creating a new reality for ourselves to prosper in is of major importance. You may feel a bit heated towards the end of the month as you enter into a new learning cycle. Your passions and desires are loud and are demanding your attention. You may feel overly protective of your choices and decisions at this time, and in defensive mode as you grasp a new vision for the future, but are challenged by others as you make some major changes that not all will understand. You reach your half way marker under the full moon in your sign, where you look back on all you’ve experienced since your birthday and look ahead now at the beautiful new horizon that now awaits you. Doing a deep purge of your thoughts and emotions will release you from the heavier energies that you’ve been overly attached to, freeing you up to step into the newest version of yourself as you take the lead and blaze new paths to your success. Be prepared for a major shake up in your perspective as your ruler - Pluto - goes retrograde once again pushing your deepest darkest thoughts, insecurities and desires to the surface of your psyche for acknowledgement. You’re about to enter into a phase where your ideas and opinions will take a dramatic turn from the old limiting beliefs you’ve been willingly lying to yourself about. It’s time to adopt a new mental narrative that will push you to new heights.
After a month of a deep sadness and depression where your personal relationships and family matters we’re spotlighted, this month you’ll see a huge shift in your heart space as circumstance change and a new daily routines gets initiated. You have a lot of energy helping you to focus in on what actually makes your heart happy and how you can make changes in your life to include more love and joy in your life. Setting new goals on how you will unleash the heaviness from your heart and fill it with a more playful energy is on the list of things to do. You have a lot of emotions rising to the surface that need to be communicated to others. This is your chance to speak freely as you are being backed to pour out your heart and soul to those who need to hear it. The energy will slow down a bit mid-month offering you a beautiful window of opportunity to get back to the basics and to restructure and reorganize your days accordingly. There’s a concern that you are doing too much for others and not enough for yourself, and that your health and wellness are suffering because of it. Mental health issues might be a problem as you struggle to stabilize your thinking after shifting your focus onto new routines and tasks. Take the time that you need to focus on one thing at a time to make sure it is strong enough to support the new changes you are trying to make in your daily life. You’ll likely be feeling a lot of anger and frustration arise towards the end of the month as some resistance to change emerges. You may even feel backed into a corner where your family dynamics are concerned, triggering you to fight and defend your decisions and choices. You’re emotional motivated to follow your heart but some members of the family won’t see your vision the way you do. Try to manage your energy the best you can, and try not to lash out and create drama where there doesn’t need to be any. You’ll be feeling more connected to your higher self than ever towards the end of the month, as you turn down the chatter of the outside world and your critical mind to listen to what your intuition has to say. The dark parts of your circumstances will be illuminated for you to realize where change is needed the most. A healing energy will take over cutting the cord from past cycles for good. Jump into a new spiritual practice to help stabilize your energy and nurture your mind, body, and soul. Be prepared to see some major changes take place over the next couple of months where your self worth is concerned. You have some levelling up to do, which will be an inner transformation of your confidence, which will give you the clarity that you need to make the necessary changes to your most personal relationships where the scales of power are unbalanced. Your money matters will also be affected as you make the changes your heart desires, allowing you to reconsider the budget and maybe even pull some skills and talents out of your back pocket to create a brand new source of income coming into the home. It’s time to get your hands dirty and start building and creating a life that you actually enjoy living.
After a month that had you very divided on the choices and decisions regarding your future, especially where your home life and career are concerned, this month you’ll get the clarity you need on what goals you want to set from here. There are a lot of new ideas coming up for you as your mental plane is aggressively thinking about where you’re no longer feeling fulfilled. You have been able to speak your mind with a bit more boldness than usual creating some uneasy feelings within the home and family dynamics in it. Your boundaries have been tested and emotionally, you feel very confused on what to do. Especially considering the fact that you’ve made some major sacrifices since your birthday to try and take care of others and to help keep the peace. Now it’s time for you to start thinking more about yourself and how to balance the scales of power within your relationships. You’ll feel a huge shift in energy mid-month to slow yourself down and to really focus in on what your heart is asking you to do. You finally recognize your own worth, especially considering the skills and talents you have and are maybe not using to the best of your ability. Your foundations within your personal relationships are stabilizing, freeing you to move off into new adventures where you can be inspired once again. Things may get a bit heated towards the end of the month, as you might feel the need to fight and defend your choices as you make solid decisions moving forward. Some of your most valuable relationships, definitely connected to the females within your home, might be tested as you feel emotionally triggered to stick to your plans even though they might be illogical to others. You are trying to make moves to align with what your heart is calling you do to ,and that doesn’t have to make sense to other people. Towards the end of the month, you’ll likely struggle with letting go of plans and goals that you thought you wanted. A lot has changed since your birthday, and now new desires are triggering you to cut the cord with the old and to create a space for the new. A new vision is being downloaded into your mental plane which will help heal the divide within you between what your head thinks and what your heart feels. Be prepared to enter into a transformative phase as you level up and rebirth yourself once again. Anything from the past version of yourself that is blocking you from moving forward will be destroyed, as you’re encouraged to level up all areas of your life.
After a month of levelling up your confidence and self worth, shifting your focus and attention on what is now possible due to your current achievements, this month you’ll continue to challenge yourself to break the mental narratives in your head and to attach to a new vision of what now is possible for you. There is a positive shift in your mental narrative that has been very freeing compared to past narratives. The confidence you’ve been lacking to make major moves is now at its strongest force, showing you where being more aggressive in advocating for yourself has done more for you in such a short amount of time than your old beliefs ever did. You’ll have some beautiful opportunities to build and create new foundations for you and your family to settle into and grow off of, as you shift some things around and make your home environment a space of safety and security for you to rely upon. The work you’ve done on yourself since your birthday has been very impressive, and now with some success under your belt you can finally rearrange your living arrangements to align with the new vision and dreams you have for yourself and your family. You may feel emotionally triggered as we near the end of the month, as some anger and frustrations arise in the daily routines you currently have. There are adjustments that are needed to create a more free flowing energy for you operating on as you tackle the day’s tasks and chores. You may feel feisty in having to defend your decisions and choices to make some changes, especially where balancing your energy and attention is concerned. You are spending too much of your time being there for others, and not enough balancing the energy within yourself. New boundaries will need to be put into place to protect your work/life balance. Your career has transformed into a much needed point of success and by the end of the month, you’ll see a huge transformation take place that will rid you of the insecurities and uncertainties you felt about your abilities, boosting your confidence up to the next level. There is an opportunity for you to advance in your career sector to secure the kind of financial security you’ve always dreamed of. Be prepared to jump into a brand new version of yourself over the next few months. The cords to your past are finally being cut and released, freeing you to move past all the internal blocks you had about your value, worth, and ability to succeed. You’ll need to quiet your inner narrative to strengthen your connection with your intuition, as now you have clear evidence that you higher self always knows best.
After a month where you hit the ground running with your new goals, dreams, and making some very vital steps in upping your self-esteem and self confidence in your abilities, this month will prove to be a bit more difficult than what you’d like. You have a bold and aggressive energy in your mental plane pushing you to create new ideas about yourself and your skill set. You are exploring and experimenting with new visions for your future, but will likely feel a major shift in your thinking mid-month. Things aren’t going as fast as you’d like, and because you are being asked to slow down and put one foot in front of the other as far as building new foundations and structures are concerned, you might feel like the wind has been taken out of your sails. New information is pouring in that has you questioning your own abilities. You are trying to focus in on one thing at a time, but your creativity has no bounds and you may feel frustrated with having to stay in the boundaries that others have set for you. You’ll need to speak up and voice your ideas and concerns. The negative nancy narrative in your head has you all caught up and second guessing yourself. Your personal relationships need a bit of attention as you reconsider who and what is worth your time and energy. You are having to think more long-term and practical than you feel comfortable with, really putting a damper on the vision you once had for your new natal year. Be prepared to feel highly emotional and super sensitive towards the end of the month, when you are being asked to dive deep into your heart space to reconsider where you are not honouring yourself. You may feel anger and frustration arise as you feel the need to defend the choices you’ve made and fight for what you believe in. Your creativity and self expression is at an all time high, but the limitations you face in your reality aren’t allowing you to unleash your dreams and desires in the way that you had hoped. By the end of the month, you’ll have to face some dark truths about what it is you actually believe you are capable of, and get very clear on whether you are going to allow your critical mind to lead your life or whether you’re going to listen to your higher self and allow your intuition to take the lead. Be prepared to enter into a phase where you’ll have to reconsider your goals. You’ll see very clearly where old plans need to die in order for new ones to be reborn. Your insecurities and vulnerabilities will be very loud and it will be up to you to push past those and free yourself from the limiting beliefs you have about yourself and your ability to be successful and happy in a life you love.
Full Moon in Libra
The first Full Moon in this new astrological calendar falls in Libra where we have a beautiful opportunity to balance the scales of power, especially in our relationships. This Full Moon will open the door to some healing that needs to take place within ourselves; bridging the gap between our heart and head, and in our relationships where the power exchange has been tipped in other people’s favour.
We are being asked to think about our own individuality as the Sun was newly in Aries opposing and applying tension to the Moon in Libra, which had us focusing on who we share ourselves with. Aries and Libra are opposing signs, meaning they sit directly across from each other on the zodiac wheel. We were being asked to examine who we are as an individual while being a part of a team.
The new energy from the equinox and Aries season is just getting started, and this moon is encouraging us to find a solid, and even ground to launch off of us we push forward making some major changes in our worlds. The, “I vs. We, Me vs. You, Us vs. Them” is loud and clear under this full moon as we sort out how to restore peace, harmony, and balance in our lives. We are now under the right energetic forces to not only see things from a different perspective, but we are able to actually DO something about it should our realizations inspire us to take charge and make change.
This would be an action that would set you off in a whole new way of thinking about yourself and how you feel being part of a relationship. We have some great opportunities for growth here as the Full Moon in Libra acts as a mirror for us to see our own roles and energies that we bring to the team.
This Full Moon in Libra is also favourable because we have a grand air trine taking place among mars and saturn which is pushing us to speak our peace and push ourselves outside of the borders of comfortability to make some much needed changes. Download the MOON GUIDE to dive into all the astrological aspects of this moon energy and learn how to use to manifest!
We also get a bit of help in the love and passion area after coming to the realizations about our relationships under the Full Moon in Libra because Venus (the Goddess of love, beauty, money and worth - and the ruler of this Full Moon) is conjunct Chiron (the wounded healer). This is screaming healing. This will shift us into looking at our most basic wants, needs, and desires, and do what we can to level up our own self worth and then make changes to our external realms to mirror the inner changes taking place.
Take a few moments today as the Full Moon energy peaks, to think about the themes and topics of relationships and your individuality within them. The Moon will soon move into deep, intense, probing Scorpio, where the issues that have come up for you surrounding the energy of this moon will be analyzed under the detective mind of the Scorpian energy.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Venus Enters Aries
The Goddess of love, beauty, and worth moves out of her super emotional, sexual, and fantasy-like state while being in the watery, emotional sign of Pisces, and enters into Aries. Venus moving into Aries will scream passion as Mars (Aries' ruler) is the male counterpart to Venus. We've all heard of men coming from Mars, and women coming from Venus, so this match up will prove to have our love lives steaming hot.
Venus brings with her a very high set of values as she knows her worth. She is gentle, kind, calm, beautiful and wants nothing more than to be in a love so perfect that it embodies the duality of the divine feminine and masculine energies. Aries, full of passion, goes after what he wants and when he wants it. Venus under this energy will be a force to be reckoned with!
This energetic influence will have us tapping into the fierce, raw, powerful energy of Aries to go after what it is we desire. Venus will have us only desiring things that will be around for the long haul. She wants commitment, she wants a partner of the same value and worth.
Subscribe to the MOON GUIDE and follow the Lunar Goddess through here monthly journey of manifesting!
Where romance is concerned you can expect a fiery passion that you and your partner may not have felt in a while. If you are single, this transit may just be what you need to go after the person you've had your eye on. The courage and bravery that Aries lends us to go after what we want is exactly what we need to initiate a passionate romance.
As much fun as all this sexual energy can be, it's important to realize that as powerful as this transit is, it is also where Venus is at her weakest point. Venus has to fight hard to not allow the forceful Aries energy to push her buttons and send her over the boiling point. Let's remember that there is a very fine line between passion and anger. Venus' fuse is very short under this transit, making her able to go from being caught up in all this passion to needing time to herself to regroup.
So the moral of the story is, be passionate, go after what you want in love and money, and never forget your worth. Make sure you honour your boundaries and know when to pull away to get your head back on straight. And if nothing else, enjoy the ride!
If you require any assistance navigating these energies book a session online and I’d be happy to help guide you through!
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Welcome To Aries Season
The time has come where we enter into a brand new energetic and astrological calendar, as we head into Aries season, marking the Spring Equinox for the Northern hemisphere, Fall Equinox for the Southern hemisphere. Where ever you are in the world, expect to feel a sudden shift in energy as we regain our balance as the days turn into equal hours of light and dark. The fire element of Aries, dries us off from the complete saturation of water we just came out of from Pisces season. As we towel off, we are already eager to embark on new endeavours.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and under this influence we are ready to hit the ground running as we supercharge an area of our life. Aries is the trailblazer, the one who wants to dive into whatever excites them, and has the tendency to act first and think later. They initiate energy and new paths.
Similar to the first day of Spring, the world comes to life and sneaks out of their winter shadows with the Sun in Aries. Aries energy is fast, quick to react, impulsive, head strong, and anxious to get things done. They are an abundance of energy as they set off into the world to make leaps and bounds on their paths forward, eager to accomplish what they set out to do.
A certain level of caution comes with this Aries season as all planets are direct ushering in forward action. It might not sound bad, but one of the downfalls of Arian energy is that burn out is high on the list. Often times we are so excited to jump into new things that we don’t manage our energy correctly and can reach levels of exhaustion and burn out long before we ever reach our desired finish line.
With the Aries energy quick to act, we really have to stop and listen to the inner guidance we are being given. We have to PAY ATTENTION, and because Aries energy isn't really one to do that, we need to be overly cautious that we aren't jumping into things without consulting our hearts and our heads.
In astrology, Aries represents the head, which is appropriate for the sign as they are very headstrong and push through the barriers of restriction in order to tackle their dreams. Aries also represents our egos, identities and individualized self. We are putting our own wants needs and desires at the top of the list which is definitely needed. But, because of this focus, we may cause conflict in our relationships for not being considerate of others and not being a team player.
It's important that we not return to old patterns and behaviours during this time as what we focus on in the first weeks of Aries season will last throughout the new energetic calendar. Those who have developed spiritually, will pass this test by standing strong in themselves, their truths, and their power to transcend their old selves to fully embrace the new.
Everything we've learned over the past year, will be put to the test in this new energy cycle. Aries season helps us to get things started and to take the first steps on building new elements in our lives.
As long as you are being mindful to consult your intuition before proceeding to act on the impulses and urges you want to take action on, you will no doubt set a solid foundation and be overly productive in bring things to life while the Aries energy infuses you with the power and strength to blaze ahead.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Have a birthday coming up? Book your SOLAR RETURN reading and get a glimpse into what this next year has in store!
Mercury Enters Pisces
Mercury, the planet of communication, information, and the ruler of our mental plane is now moving out of Aquarius, where we were blessed with moments of pure inspiration and brilliant ideas leading us to make great changes in our lives, to Pisces, where it’s not in its most favourable position in the cosmos.
When Mercury enters into intuitive and dreamy Pisces, the information in our worlds and communication of all kinds gets wish washy and kind of vague. Mercury is in it’s weakest place of power in Pisces as the emotional and sensitive water sign leaves little clarity to the matters of the mind as it lets intuition and subconscious mind lead.
Mercury entering into Pisces can often feel like a mercury retrograde. We will become more imaginative and expressive with our ideas and have visions of creativity and dreamy like qualities. The arts, music, dance and of course psychic abilities, will be enhanced under this placement and influence, but other than expanding our dreams and ideas, other than exploring the depths of our emotions and intuition, we really won’t have the best time in expressing ourselves, communicating with clarity, or the ability to focus on our mental activities like we’ve been able to do under Aquarius’s energy.
Pisces prefers to live in their inner worlds, to be in touch with everything beyond this physical realm, and will do pretty much anything to escape the harsh realities of our day to day life. We are in an opportune energy to expand on our dreams and really allow our imaginations to run wild.
Be cautioned that you may find the ebb and flow of the Piscean energy a bit overwhelming to adjust to, as we are now asked to give our physical and mental bodies a rest and let our inner worlds take over. We can learn a lot about ourselves during any planet’s placement in Pisces. Take a time out from reality and move inward to see what your intuition and subconscious mind wants you to explore. This is a time for spiritual expansion and learning to use your intuition to guide you and learning to communicate your inner most dreams and desires to the external world.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon In Pisces
The New Moon in Pisces takes place today granting us an unbelievable magical opportunity to really trigger the karmic events in bringing our inner dreams to the outer world. A New Moon is a powerful time to be inviting in new energy to help us evolve and further us on our spiritual path. Because this is taking place in Pisces, the sign of the dreamer, you can expect our unconscious selves and our intuition to be connecting to the Universe at an all time high.
Neptune, (Pisces ruler), is currently in the sign of Pisces (its home and comfort zone) making it act at its most potent energy, influencing our dreams and unconscious desires. Our faith in ourselves, in our intuition, and in the Universe, is at its peak now, urging us to take that leap of faith required to really put ourselves out there in the world to get into position to start seeing our inner dreams start showing up in our external realities.
Venus (the Goddess of love, money, and worth) is also in Pisces aligning with Neptune and making for a very powerful manifestation portal. Make sure you focus on dreaming a bigger dreaming and holding onto a new vision you wish to manifest in the coming weeks.
Trusting ourselves, our intuition and the Universe is the only choice we have at this point. The more we try to hang on to old structures, habits, and beliefs, the more we try to control the events taking place and the path forward, the more difficulties we will find ourselves in. The only way out of this energy with success and with ease is to fully surrender to life and deal with whatever comes up for you with fluidity. Going with the flow is your best bet during these times. It is better to roll than to be dragged.
Although a New Moon is a great time to initiate new plans for the new 6 month cycle ahead, the days before a New Moon can trigger some darker emotions that rise to the surface to acknowledgement. Because we are under Piscean energy, you will likely have topics and themes arise where forgiveness, compassion, empathy, and connection are the main focus. Use this powerful time of healing to your advantage and provide a certain sense of closure to these topics and themes before we enter into the new energetic calendar next month.
Download the Moon Guide for this event and take part in the New Moon ritual. This intentional practice will help you refine the vision, align with the cosmos, and release your wishes for manifestation. This is the most powerful new moon we will have in a while, so it’s definitely recommended you take full advantage of the energy the cosmos has to offer.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mars Enters Gemini
Today, Mars, (the planet of action, energy, passion, and anger) moves into Gemini. This is a very interesting aspect as we jump from having Mars in an earth sign (Taurus) to and air sign (Gemini).
Gemini (being an air sign) rules the mental plane making our minds more active than they have been throughout Pisces season with all the watery emotions clouding our judgment. We have struggled to maintain clarity and had lost our ability to focus on the details.
Gemini also rules information, how we take it in from the world, process and make sense of it, and then communicate and express ourselves outwardly. Gemini is the sign of the zodiac that rules the hands and because of this, we have a lot of energy urging us to DO something with our hands to keep our mind distracted. Mars in Gemini could totally be represented by the saying "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."
Mars is bringing a fire energy to Gemini's air, meaning we have to monitor how much we are fanning that flame. Our minds are going to be all over the place as they come back online. We will be distracted and jumping all over the place. Gemini loves to multi-task, keeping their mental plane active and engaged at all times.
The same goes for this planetary aspect, but there are a few cautions that come with this placement.
First, the fire energy of Mars is impulsive. It would rather act now and think later. If we act on these impulses, you can best bet you will find yourself in some situations you'd rather not be in, that will require some effort to get out of.
Second, Mars also brings a lot of passion to the table which Gemini can totally work with. There is a high level of productivity that can get accomplished during these times. Do be cautioned though, it is better to multi-task among 3 projects than it is to multi-task among 10 projects. There is a caution here that we do not spread ourselves too thin as we won't really end up accomplishing much.
Third, Mars is also very aggressive. It can cause frustration in a second, and throw a full blown tantrum the next. Because Gemini rules communication and expression, we must be mindful about how we are speaking to others, as we could come off as blunt, rude, and mean. If the energy of Mars can make our tongues sharp, we have the ability to hurt people with our words which will cause drama that doesn't need to be caused. This is a great energy to be bold enough to speak our truth, but just be cautious about how that truth is being delivered.
Be mindful that this energy needs to be exerted through physical movement and exercise. If we do not exert this energy in a healthy way, it will continue to boil within us causing physical symptoms such as anxiety, high blood pressure, and headaches, that we'd rather not deal with. Being this high strung will cause us to lash out at the first opportunity to do so.
It is best to work WITH these energies instead of against them. So make sure you are doing some sort of physical activity to alleviate the fire energy building within, be mindful of how you are speaking to others, and keep your mind busy and engaged at all times.
As with all things in life, there are pros and cons, and advantages and disadvantages. This aspect is no different. Mars is a power house of an energy to work with, and Gemini is a brilliant energy that will help us connect the dots of logic, as long as we do not act upon our first impulses.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through. Please take advantage of the Monthly Forecasts available to help guide you through the month, as well as Energy Forecasts I put out to help you stay in alignment with the cosmic energies.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts March 2021
February was a very chaotic and confusing month, packed with some deep emotions and some very high moments of enlightenment and inspiration. Our realities are on fast-forward as we heal some powerful wounds under the intensely karmic and cleansing waters of Pisces. We’ve faced the darkest parts of our shadow just to transform into a higher version of ourselves as we prepare to jump into life once again - but not before a couple of pretty important astrological events take place. March continues the healing but on a more upbeat and positive note. Mercury is direct and almost free and clear of the retrograde shadow period on the 13th - the same day as our powerful New Moon in Pisces. We will merge all fragmented parts of ourselves to become whole again. We’ve absorbed the lessons. We are digging deep and we WILL bring the spark back in our lives. We jump into a brand new astrological calendar this month (adding some fire back into the cosmos), giving us the passion and desire to live again with the fierce and bold confidence to go after what we want and to make life happen.
*** Important energy shifts for March ***
March 3rd - Mars enters Gemini
March 13th - New Moon in Pisces
March 15th - Mercury enters Pisces
March 20th - Welcome To Aries Season
March 21st - Venus enters Aries
March 28th - Full Moon in Libra
After a month of brilliant new ideas, expanded interests, and making new connections to people around you, this month you’re going to see a huge shift in how you process all the new information you’re learning, and how you actually share that information with others. You're deep into a new learning curve, and as we get closer to your birthday (happy early solar return) you’re still sorting through old information, ideas, and perspectives to try and make the good out of the bad. Your mental plane has been bogged down and unable to truly find clarity through all the competing thoughts and ideas in your head, but this month you’ll receive huge insights on how to bring your dreams for the upcoming year into fruition. There’s still a bit more healing and processing to do. Some relationships and friendships of value need your attention as misunderstandings created a bit of a mess to clean up over the past month. It’s time to have a heart to heart and clear the air. Tap into your imagination and unlock your creativity as you start piecing together some new plans and goals for your new natal year. Once we shift into Aries season, the party is getting started in big ways and you’ll be ready to emerge from the shadows as your newest and highest self. You’ll be glowing under the new vibrations you’ve been embodying as you face the darker parts of yourself and transform those darker pieces into a powerful new light. You will be absolutely aligned with what you want, need, and desire in life and will have the physical energy and drive to take life by the horns and make things happen. All will be well in both love and money by the end of the month, as you focus on what areas of your life have been ignored while you focus on the plans for the future. By month’s end, you’ll know exactly what to do to rebalance the scales, to find a centre point between your heart and your head, and to find a new peace and sense of harmony within the relationships you deem of value.
After having to deal with some pretty heavy life lessons forcing you into new roles and responsibilities, this month you get back to the basics of stabilizing your foundations in your routine, relationships, and worth. You’ll feel a huge shift in your mental plane as new thoughts and ideas challenge you to find a happy medium in life once again. You will have a new drive to express yourself a bit more raw and authentically as the confusing emotions from the past couple of months finally settle and start making more sense. You’re making some powerful connections while reflecting back over all that has transpired leading you to make new plans to improve what’s now most important and valuable to you. A huge focus is on friendships and how you connect to others as you’ve had some profound ah-ha moments on what it means to have the right kind of people in your life to love and support you. You’ll be a bit more sensitive in your thinking and how you express yourself as you’re finally realizing that being vulnerable is a sign of strength and not weakness. As you get closer to your birthday you will be reflecting more on the past, on the life lessons you’ve learned, and will make huge strides forward in reconnecting with your heart and soul once again. The endings and closures that have taken place are absolutely necessary to honour the soul contracts you have and for your soul to have the kind of experiences that will help you reach your fullest expression. You’ll feel much more confident and more like yourself towards the end of the month, when the fog clears and you are able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. There will be a huge release of heartache by the of the month as you rebalance the scales within yourself and realize that there’s great beauty that comes out of the darkest pain. You’ll feel a shift in energy supporting you to change your perspective from the pain of the past into the beauty of what is yet to come.
After really struggling to make sense of the world last month, this month you gain the clarity you’ve been lacking. You ventured into new territory where learning new things was a bit harder than you thought they would be. This month, because your mental game is back online, you’ll start making some serious connections with what needs to take place in your life. You’ll get a huge burst of energy to pinpoint what it is you want to do next and actually have the physical energy to go after it and make things happen. You will be a force to be reckoned with and it will help you to take some much needed steps forward to get back on track. You will have no problem expressing your thoughts and feelings to who needs to hear them, and you’ll be given plenty of opportunities to share your experiences and expertise with others. There’s a new energy taking over your career sector as you tap into new ideas and unlock your creativity and imagination once again. You are bossing up in big ways, but reigniting your passion in what you do has been the missing factor in the last couple of months. You’ll have some amazing new ideas be gifted to you towards the end of the month where improving your work flow and being a bit more social is concerned. You’ll be connecting with the right kinds of people at the right time which will help you renew the faith you had lost in the universe and its divine timing. By the end of the month, love will be on the brain as you’ll let go of some nagging weight on your heart space. You will recognize where life has gotten out of balance and where you need to restore peace and harmony back in your life, starting with relationships. Don’t shy away from being vulnerable in the conversations with your loved ones. It’s a perfect time to clear the air and clean the slate in your heart space.
After a deeply transformative month where the darkest parts of your heart and soul had resurfaced for some healing, this month you get to rewrite the stories you tell yourself and reconnect with your soul self once again. Last month challenged you in ways you wish you could have skipped, but the lessons and connections they’ve helped you make were absolutely necessary for you to shift your beliefs. You’ll enter into some powerful healing energies of the mind as you revisit some situations from your past that you now have a different understanding about them. Expressing yourself and sharing your thoughts and feelings with others will prove to be a powerful energy exchange helping you to clean the slate and prepare for new learning chapters. It’s time to set your sights on new dreams, especially where learning new skills and talents are concerned. Tap into your intuition and allow your soul to show you what kind of vision you need to be working on manifesting. You’ll see a dramatic shift in your career towards the end of the month, as you regain some physical energy and you’ll clearly define the next goal you wish to pursue. You’ll have the confidence you need to go after new desires and you’ll be encouraged to do so in your love life as well. There’s a brand new energy supporting you to rebalance the scales between the roles and responsibilities you have both in your career and at home. New family dynamics are encouraging you to focus more on yourself than others, and to start taking care of your own health and wellness in ways you’ve been distracted from doing all along. It will be very apparent which areas of your life are out of balance and need your focus and attention. You’ll release a huge weight in some of the relationships within the home that have been a dark shadow weighing heavily over the family. It’s time to clean the slate and start building new, more stable foundations within the home environment and the relationships in it.
After a pretty challenging and chaotic month dealing with some relationships issues, this month we move forward knowing who can stay and who should go. There will be a huge shift in your mental plane helping you to clearly sort out the details of your new plans. The physical energy you’ve been lacking to get out and be more social will return helping you to connect with new like-minded people that can help you reach your new goals in record time. The confusion you’ve had in trying to map out the steps that are needed to move forward will suddenly be clear as day. This shift will also help you communicate what it is you want, need, and desire to others so much more clearly than the times you’ve attempted it before. The emotional intensity will still continue to ebb and flow crashing down upon you only to help you see what you need to let go of and move away from. There’s a huge transformation taking place in your soul, and you need to do your part in consciously accepting the past for what it was realizing the lessons we’re absolutely necessary for you to learn to be in this current position in life. Your spiritual strength will be tested in order for you to overcome even the darkest parts of your heart and mind only to emerge as the victor. Towards the end of the month, you’ll be feeling much more like yourself again as you are ready to take life by the horns and make things happen. You are ready for new adventures and get your excitement for life back once again. You’ll feel the energy encourage you to be your best bold and confident self, especially where love and money are concerned. You’ll have all the energy you need to identify what you now desire and stop at nothing until you get it. You’ll feel the weight and negativity in your mental plane shift as you focus more on new information and possibilities for the future, than being your highly critical self trying to talk you out of big moves. You’ll feel much more balanced inside as your heart and head align helping you to focus more on creating peace and harmony in your life starting with the people you let into your world and the energy you share with them.
After a month of re-organizing and re-building your daily routine and the relationships in it, this month you’ll take some serious steps forward both in your career and in your reconnection with your soul. Things got pretty chaotic and you started losing your faith in the universe. That’s understandable with all the changes taking place in life, but now you get to gain some clarity and start making some serious moves forward. You’ll feel a huge shift in your mental plane as you aggressively sort out what it is you desire and the logical plans you need to make in order to get what you want. You’re also tired of biting your tongues in relationships and will be very direct in speaking your peace. You have a huge opportunity to heal some relationships of value that got disconnected due to misunderstandings in past months. You have been tested by the universe and reached a breaking point with a very select few in order for you to see your own value and worth. Now that you are being encouraged to speak up and out, you’ll have no problem delivering the truth of the matter to whoever needs to hear it. The relationships and friendships you’ve been entertaining will get re-organized based on fairness of the energy being reciprocated instead of you always being the one to be of service without ever getting any kind of energy in return. Some new soul contracts are being initiated and the right kinds of people will make their way into your world. That’s why it’s essential that you clear the air and see where you stand in some existing relationships so you can make the choice on whether they can stay or go. You’ll feel a sudden shift of energy towards the end of the month pushing you to make some huge changes in your life, starting with who you are and who you’re wanting to be. You’ll have the energy, confidence, and aggression to identify the parts of yourself that need to die in order for you to align with the new dreams you’ve been trying to manifest. Getting out of your own way will be the first task at hand as that beautiful but critical mind of yours will always have a million reasons on why you can’t or shouldn’t shake things up. By the end of the month, you’ll have totally renovated your self worth and rearranged the energy you give to the people of importance in your life accordingly. This will free you up in big ways to release the weight that has you stuck in a rut in your routines, all so you can rebalance the scales once again and find peace and harmony in all you do. Re-stabilizing the foundations of your day to day life, your relationships, money matters and new goals will be an easy task once you acknowledge the need for change.
After a very emotional month of heart activations, this month you’ll be able to shift your mental perspective to better align with the new energy you’ve found in your heart space. Last month was about you finding the walls around your heart needing to be destroyed to allow new love and creativity to flow in more easily. This month, you’ll feel an overwhelming surge of ideas flow into your mental plane that will prove to be two very extreme options and/or choices for you to debate over. You will feel a fiery energy push you to be a bit more direct and aggressive in your conversations, especially when it involves matters of the heart. Speak your truth and tell your story with a new strength. You’ll see the energy pushing you to re-organize your day to day life to allow more time for your own health and wellness instead of being of service to others. Take this opportunity to re-create a more free flowing routine that will allow you to stabilize your mental health by nurturing the body and soul. Towards the end of the month, you’ll feel a sudden shift in energy pushing you to identify what it is you want, need, and desire - especially where relationships are concerned. You will gain the confidence you need to actively pursue matters of the heart and to up your own self-worth by doing the healing work necessary to stabilize your mind, body, and soul. You get a sprinkle of good luck in money matters, just before the full moon in your sign at the end of the month. You will finally be able to release some of the issues you’ve been dealing with since your birthday, and clearly see where living in extremes has got to end. Restoring the balance back in your life will be number one priority as you realize where peace and harmony haven’t existed in your life for months.
After a month of some intense family drama and a whole lot of confusing heartache, this month you’ll feel a huge shift within as you integrate the life lessons and transform the darkness into light once again. You’ll feel a huge shift in the mental plane as you start aggressively sorting out the details of all that has transpired to explore new options and choices. You’ll feel a powerful and encouraging energy to speak your truth as it relates to some of the deep karmic connections we’ve made over the past few months. Expressing yourself with confidence and clarity will help repair the hole in your heart and the disconnect in your closest relationships. It will help shift you into a new perspective where you need to lighten the mood and nurture your heart space. You’ve had a few walls get destroyed around your heart space that may have you feeling a bit raw and vulnerable. But out of that state of vulnerability, you will find a new joy and pleasure in opening your heart to love and romance once again. Creativity is flowing and communicating your inner most desires will come much more easily than before. You will get a huge download of energy to help you regain the physical energy and drive you’ve been lacking, so you can get organized. You will be much more bold and confident to pinpoint what you desire and go after it - especially in love and money matters. New soul contracts are opening up and you may just find new, like-minded people entering your realm in unexpected ways. There will be a huge release of energy towards the end of the month helping you to rebalance the scales in your life. Your heart will align with your head. Your darkness will now see the light. And you will bust out of your comfort zone to share yourself a bit more with the people you love and find of value.
After a confusing month of competing thoughts and challenging emotions, this month you will stand your ground and make sure your voice is heard. Last month was a test of mental stability with all kinds of challenges being presented in the home and the family dynamics in them. This month you’ll gain a whole lot of clarity and have no problem standing up for yourself. You’ll feel a huge shift in your mental plane where things become very clear. You’ll know exactly what you want to do in life, and will see the pieces come together on how to make it happen. You’ll be very aggressive in communicating your thoughts and feelings now that you know what your truth is. There will be a beautiful energy helping you to sort through the options and choices available to you in order for you to arrive on a very specific vision that you’ll now work towards bringing to life. Some intense ups and downs will still be felt within the home and the relationships in it, all divinely scripted to break you down so you can have a break through. New boundaries need to be implemented in the home in order for you to protect your emotional and mental health. You need to feel safe and secure with a solid foundation and footing under you to build upon. You’ll feel refreshed and renewed after you sort some things out and agree to start fresh in moving forward. You’ll gain the physical energy you’ve been lacking to actually take action and make life happen. The spark and passion will be back towards the end of the month when new cycles and chapters will begin. The new way you’ve been communicating and expressing yourself will help repair some of the heartache you’ve been struggling with for the past couple of months. By the time the month is over, you will have new ideas and brilliant moments of inspirations on what you need to do to re-balance the scales in your life and within yourself between your heart and your head. You’ll see new connections be made to why you had to experience what you did in order for you to be your most powerful self in this moment. You’ll be up for the challenge of re-arranging your life in order to infuse peace and harmony back into your days.
After a month of having to re-organize and re-build some foundations in your routine, relationships, and future goals, this month you’ll see a huge shift in your thinking where your day to day life and home environment is concerned. There will be a lot of very aggressive thoughts competing for your attention as you recognize the want, need, and desire to move forward and create a better structure in your life. You’ll be sorting through new ideas to finally decide upon what new changes you want to make that will help provide a bit more stability in your overall health and wellness. You’ll be put in a few situations to have to aggressively express yourself clearly and with confidence in a work situation to help protect your mental health. New systems need to be put in place so that you have enough time and energy left over to take care of yourself. You’ll find a new dream asking for your attention as you set your sights on the future. Your imagination and creativity get unlocked in big ways that has the potential to help you create artistic pieces that will not only help you express yourself, but capture the attention of the right kinds of people. You’ll have a brand new perspective of your future take over as you see new opportunities to re-create your home environment and re-build the family dynamics within it. You are beginning new chapters where the home and family are concerned especially to help create new boundaries needed for you to take care of yourself instead of taking care of others. You’ll be very clear with what it is you want, need, and desire - especially where love and money is concerned. There is new opportunities awaiting you in your career that will be revealed towards the end of the month. You may find that things get out of balance and a bit extreme at work towards the end of the month, all in efforts for you to recognize where things aren’t working in your favour any longer. By that time, you will have already stood your ground and spoken your truth in efforts to protect your own health and wellness, and advocating for yourself may just have created an opportunity for you to advance in your job and create more income.
After a month of stepping into your new power and seeing where new relationships and foundations to create income have manifested, this month you get to work by focusing in a bit more on what your heart desires and what more worth and value you can add to your life. Things were a bit all over the place last month, but you definitely got a good glimpse into the future and what it has in store. Now that you’ve connected with the right people and put the hard work in, you’ll start seeing more and more opportunity to grow present itself. There will be a very aggressive energy taking over your mental plane helping your to absorb new information and process it all in a way that help you make more solid plans for the future. You may be presented with two very different choices or opportunities, but you’ll have to do the work to ask the right questions and tell your own truth to make sure your heart and your head are aligned. It’s time to dream bigger dream now that you know what’s possible. You need to bring all your skills and talents out of the shadows to start creating new opportunities for you to increase your self-worth and income. Planning for the future is much easier now that you’ve already started to see the rewards from the efforts you’ve already put forth. You’ll need to get back to the basics of what you truly want, need, and desire in life right now, in order to see the path forward to the bigger picture. Towards the end of the month, you’ll feel a huge exciting shift of energy encouraging you to up your communication game and start sharing your knowledge and experiences with a much larger crowd. The shift in your perspective and mental health will help you to initiate new relationships, create new money matters, and be brave enough to go after what it is you want. By the time the month is over, you’ll see a situation arise that will totally shift your beliefs on what is actually possible for you. This will likely highlight some doubts and reservations you’ve had since the fall of last year. Releasing this energy will free you up to infuse peace and harmony back into your life and prepare you for new adventures as we begin a brand new astrological calendar.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PISCES! After a month of some deep healing work, you have now found yourself embarking on a new year where you are hell bent on making some dreams come true. The emotional and mental confusion last month was absolutely necessary for you to reach a breaking point. Break downs have to happen before break throughs can take place. You’ve abandoned the old toxic ways of thinking and acting knowing they were blocking you from the blessings you’ve been praying for. This month, you get the party started in some big ways. You’ll feel a huge shift in your mental plane as you now face two very different options or choices in your home life and the family dynamics in it. Now that you are a bit more certain on what you want to accomplish, it will be much easier for you to express your thoughts and feelings very clearly and make sure they are actually heard and acknowledged. You’re re-building your foundations and in order to do so, you have to implement some new boundaries in order to protect yourself and create a safe space for your to rest, recharge, and refocus. You’ll have some beautiful visions infiltrate both your night and day dreams helping you to dream a bigger dream for the year to come. Now that you’ve reconnected with your inner power, you’ll need to focus in on the details of your vision that you’re about to manifest. You’ll get huge downloads of ideas and inspirations that will help you unlock your creativity in brand new ways. You can also use this shift to help you communicate better in your personal relationships where your thoughts and feelings have to be understood by others. You’ll feel the universe give you the green light towards the end of the month when you can get started in building new foundations in your relationships, routines, and where you can bring your full set of skills and talents out to play. Unleashing these abilities onto the world will help you create more income and abundance in your life now that you know what you deserve and are passionate about what it is you desire. You’ll see a stroke of good luck bless you in love and money by the end of the month, when you’ll be able to clearly see what parts of you, what old contracts and storylines are ending in order for the new ones to begin. Focus on balance as you begin these new cycles so that you don’t burn yourself out and get consumed with one area of life over the other. You’ll release a huge weight that has been haunting you since the fall of last year, freeing you up to fill that space with any and all things that bring you peace, harmony, and joy.
Full Moon in Virgo
Today’s powerful Full Moon in Virgo has us focused on our physical bodies. How are we treating ourselves? What are we pushing ourselves to do? What are we putting in our bodies? What are we doing to create balance within?
The Full Moon in Virgo is opposite our Sun placement in Pisces. This opposing energy is creating a tension within us to focus on our bodies, but yet be mindful about how we need our body to rest in order for our intuition and emotions to lead. Pisces season is all about the "feels" and opposes the full moon’s interest in our physical bodies.
The days before a Full Moon usual triggers the darker emotions, qualities, and characteristics of the sign the moon will be in. Because this is a full moon in Virgo, you may experience an intensity in the mental plane, focusing on the negative narrative loop in your head, the high levels of criticism and judgement you cast upon yourself, and the overwhelming obsession to reach a level of perfection that is realistically unobtainable. This shift in the mental plane will highlight what needs to change, to release that energy, cleaning the slate for a new start once the new astrological calendar begins.
What can we do about this? We can strive for balance! We can make sure we are taking care of our physical bodies by allowing rest, relaxation and recovery time to allow our intuition and emotions take the lead. We can watch what we are putting into our bodies to encourage a cleaner energy within, and a healthier mind, body, and Soul. We need to indulge more in the solitary acts of imagination; reading, writing, music, and movies, instead of pushing our physical bodies to be productive and "Do! Do! Do!" like Virgo wants us to.
The full moon is a always a time for purging. So take a few moments today and focus in on this sector of health and habits and see what your intuition leads you to. We have a great opportunity to let go of some not so great habits and make room to adopt in new ones. This full moon can effect your digestive track and cause stomach related issues so this is another great reason to be conscious about what you are eating and feeling your body with.
Where is this Full Moon in Virgo taking place in your chart? Book a session online and find out! Download your full moon guide to help align with the energies of the moon!