Welcome To Aries Season

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (15).jpg

The time has come where we enter into a brand new energetic and astrological calendar, as we head into Aries season, marking the Spring Equinox for the Northern hemisphere, Fall Equinox for the Southern hemisphere. Where ever you are in the world, expect to feel a sudden shift in energy as we regain our balance as the days turn into equal hours of light and dark. The fire element of Aries, dries us off from the complete saturation of water we just came out of from Pisces season. As we towel off, we are already eager to embark on new endeavours.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and under this influence we are ready to hit the ground running as we supercharge an area of our life. Aries is the trailblazer, the one who wants to dive into whatever excites them, and has the tendency to act first and think later. They initiate energy and new paths.

Similar to the first day of Spring, the world comes to life and sneaks out of their winter shadows with the Sun in Aries. Aries energy is fast, quick to react, impulsive, head strong, and anxious to get things done. They are an abundance of energy as they set off into the world to make leaps and bounds on their paths forward, eager to accomplish what they set out to do.

A certain level of caution comes with this Aries season as all planets are direct ushering in forward action. It might not sound bad, but one of the downfalls of Arian energy is that burn out is high on the list. Often times we are so excited to jump into new things that we don’t manage our energy correctly and can reach levels of exhaustion and burn out long before we ever reach our desired finish line.

With the Aries energy quick to act, we really have to stop and listen to the inner guidance we are being given. We have to PAY ATTENTION, and because Aries energy isn't really one to do that, we need to be overly cautious that we aren't jumping into things without consulting our hearts and our heads.

In astrology, Aries represents the head, which is appropriate for the sign as they are very headstrong and push through the barriers of restriction in order to tackle their dreams. Aries also represents our egos, identities and individualized self. We are putting our own wants needs and desires at the top of the list which is definitely needed. But, because of this focus, we may cause conflict in our relationships for not being considerate of others and not being a team player.

It's important that we not return to old patterns and behaviours during this time as what we focus on in the first weeks of Aries season will last throughout the new energetic calendar. Those who have developed spiritually, will pass this test by standing strong in themselves, their truths, and their power to transcend their old selves to fully embrace the new.

Everything we've learned over the past year, will be put to the test in this new energy cycle. Aries season helps us to get things started and to take the first steps on building new elements in our lives.

As long as you are being mindful to consult your intuition before proceeding to act on the impulses and urges you want to take action on, you will no doubt set a solid foundation and be overly productive in bring things to life while the Aries energy infuses you with the power and strength to blaze ahead.

As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Have a birthday coming up? Book your SOLAR RETURN reading and get a glimpse into what this next year has in store!