Astro & Tarot Forecasts May 2021
April brought us a new beginnings as passions, desires, new ideas, and connections, got triggered within us. Mid-month we had to slow down the excitement and fully focus on our bodies and our physical worlds. We’re being asked to pick and choose what is most important to us and what “new” we actually want to bring to life. May offers us an opportunity to plant the seeds of the new, and to open our minds to new ways of doings things. We get to experiment with our ideas and test the waters with our new perspective. Things will start moving very quickly once the eclipse energy hits and we start fast forwarding through storylines. Retrograde season has now begun and we will be feel the push and pull of our past and future selves.
*** Important energy shifts for May ***
May 3rd - Mercury enters Gemini
May 8th - Venus enters Gemini
May 11th - New Moon in Taurus
May 13th - Jupiter enters Pisces
May 20th - Welcome To Gemini Season
May 23rd - Saturn Retrogrades in Aquarius
May 26th - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
May 29th - Mercury Retrogrades in Gemini
May’s Astro & Tarot Forecasts are sponsored by: ONLINE DISPENSARY CANADA
After last month got the wheels spinning in that beautiful mind of yours, you likely felt a bit frustrated having to slow down from your normal speed to concentrate on how you are going to bring these new ideas to life. You’ll have some time to reflect on what can be re-worked and re-adjusted in your home and in your career, because this month is asking you to take a different perspective on how you have been looking at the situations in your life. You’ll feel more of a need to connect with social situations that will allow you to challenge the beliefs of others through sharing your own thoughts and experiences, but also to allow your mind to grow and expand by seeing where other people are coming from. You’ll have a huge window of opportunity to dig deep and get your hands dirty in taking control of making things happens. The new goals you have for yourself won’t happen if you don’t pour some blood, sweat, and tears, into them. You’ll feel a shift mid-month to abandon the outside world to reconnect with your intuition and inner truth. You are being called to step outside of your comfort zone - especially where your beliefs are concerned - and leave the old ways of thinking about yourself and the world behind. You may have to re-tweak some elements of the way you are currently working and living as you evaluate the long term consequences of your current actions, or lack of action. We are rebuilding and re-organizing how we (as individuals) can fight back the bigger systems and fight for the betterment of the greater human collective. You have a part to play in the success of humanity, and seeing new goals and visions take form will help you plan the right steps to take to free yourself and others from the restrictions of the systems at play. Don’t be surprised if your life takes a sharp turn towards the end of the month, freeing you from some cycles that began 2.5 years ago. This is going to slap us with some hard truth where we’ve been blocking ourselves from aligning with the bigger picture we have for our future. You’ll need a time-out to step back and review all the elements of your life - especially where you’ve been hesitant in speaking your truth. It’s okay to observe the inner workings of your mind and pick out where new narratives need to be written to help you truly stand in your power.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAURUS! After last month’s deep and dark purge of memories and emotions, this month will help you feel more like yourself again. Your new natal year is unfolding at a steady pace as you realign with yourself and the powers at be to recharge and reignite the life force within. You have some building to do as you’re being asked to take a good look at what you have to step up and be accountable for, especially where getting down on yourself is concerned. It’s time to boss up and make the best of out all the situations that have transpired. With a new outlook on your personal relationships and the value that each person adds to your life, you can start seeing the opportunities of not having to do everything on your own. Get serious about what you want to experience over this next year of life and don’t be afraid to take action and start making things happen. You’ll have to reconsider the end goal you are trying to manifest as new perspectives shift, helping you to see what needs to be let go of in order for there to be a place for the new to enter. You may have to give some good thinking time to how you’re currently living and working and whether or not you are contributing all you can to help the greater grander collective shift into a new reality. You have so many talents and skills to offer the world, but you may not be taking full advantage of lending your experience to others on their path. Finances will need a good review as well, as you shift focus on new goals you’re trying to achieve. You’ll feel fully prepared to launch yourself into your new natal year as the deep, dark transformation you’ve been going under will finally reach a completion point. Just in time for you to shift your mental narrative again to something more encouraging as you release the negative Nancy criticisms to the past where they belong.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMINI! After last month had you at your wits end reflecting and reviewing the year you’ve just lived, this month will recharge you and prepare you for a new natal year ahead. This month you boss up and start feeling like yourself again. You can the mental clarity you’ve been lacking and can start planning out all the moves you have to make to see your new ideas come into fruition. You’ll have to get very serious about what you actively need to do to put an end to old thoughts, cycles, and relationships before you can charge ahead with the new visions you’re trying to manifest. Your mental game and your intuition will align and there will be no stopping you once you are in agreement with what needs to end in order for the new to begin. You’ll see a lot of elements in your career push you to detach and isolate yourself away from the thoughts and opinions of others. The goal is to move inward and reconnect with your higher self to gain the truth and knowledge you need to stand firm in the choices and decisions you’re currently making. Your beliefs will be challenged and you may have to rework a couple of elements in how you’re working and living to establish more of a balance among the roles and responsibilities being asked of you. The relationship issues you’ve been struggling to end will suddenly shift and be deleted from your life for good. Anyone holding you back will be removed very swiftly under the cosmic energy of the eclipse. New truths will emerge to reveal the lies, deceit, and betrayal that is taking place keeping you stuck in a holding pattern of toxicity. Things will be up in the air just in time for Mercury (your ruler) to go retrograde abandoning your critical, logical mind, for your heart and intuition to take over and show you the way.
After a pretty chaotic month with a lot of challenges and hard beginnings, this month you’ll feel a shift to move inward and detach from the outside world. You are deep in your dark season as the past rears its ugly head once again to trigger you in ways you thought you’ve healed. Things get off to a bumpy start as old memories and flashes of the pain and trauma of your past become very much a reality in this present moment. You’ll have to rely on your intuition to make the necessary changes to your boundaries in order to deal with these issues for good. Throwing yourself into taking care of others will only further prolong the process of dealing with your own issues. You can’t run. You cannot hide. Get a grip on what you want, need, and desire, in life and take action by taking steps towards them. You cannot rely on just hoping and praying for a different outcome. It’s time to get your hands dirty and take control of these situations. You’ll see a lot of truth emerge shifting your perspective and opening your eyes to new opportunities that wouldn’t have otherwise been seen if you hadn’t had people show you their true colours. You’ll have to take a solid step back and rethink how it is you’re working and living, and who is actually a part of your journey. You are transforming at ta very rapid rate as you prepare for your solar infusion on your birthday. Your mental health will stabilize as you take a good look at cycles that begin 2.5 years ago and how they are blocking you from moving forward. The smaller details of your daily habits and routines need to be reviewed as you make some changes to how you take care of yourself first and foremost. You’ll have a huge shift in energy pulling you to get on the right track by the end of the month as you shut your critical mind down and let your intuition take the lead. It’s always the darkest right before dawn.
After a month that triggered new ideas for you to advance in your career and secure a more stable financial income, this month will keep the wheels turning as you grasp a greater vision for the future and break it down into smaller more manageable steps. You’ll have several moments of brilliance where you’ll suddenly know exactly what you have to do and how exactly to do it. New connections are being made to like minded people that will help you accelerate your path forward. Get realistic with your goals and set some wheels in motion to make them happen. Think about what you truly value in love, money, and in yourself and make a plan to honour that each and every day. You may feel overwhelmed with the thoughts and opinions of others forcing you to disconnect from the world mid-month to listen to your higher self. There’s a lot of power and knowledge you have within, you just have to quiet the mind long enough to hear it. Think big with the new desires you have for your romantic relationships. The walls around your heartspace have been crumbling allowing more real and authentic people to find you. Whatever happened 2.5 years ago that has you stuck in this emotional prison will suddenly shift, freeing you to set your eyes on new possibilities. Honour what your heart is telling you. You’ll have to shut down your ego and listen to the guidance coming in from the cosmos on what is next for you in your journey.
The best way to strengthen your intuition & manifesting skills is to follow the Moon! Subscribe to The Moon Guide and align yourself with the Lunar Goddess herself as she guides us through the energetic journey of evolving our spiritual gifts!
After a month that spotlighted where you need to put a certain death to ideas, emotions, and soul contracts, this month you will dive into taking huge steps forward in bringing your new ideas and goals to life. Mercury (your ruler) is in his place of power in your sister sign Gemini; opening up our minds for a complete renovation. The wheels are turning and your career is now challenging you to expand your thinking and how you express yourself taking your experience and knowledge to the next level. You can no longer stay quiet and bite your tongue on your thoughts as you align with a new truth on what you deserve. You may have moments of brilliance where making some changes and adopting new roles and responsibilities to boss up financially are necessary. Get realistic with the new ideas and goals you’ve been exploring and make sure you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty when it comes to planting new seeds for the future. It’s time to get serious on what you want, need, and desire the most in love and money, and start laying the ground work for these new goals to manifest. Your beliefs are changing. Opportunities are presenting themselves to rely on your inner truth and inner voice more than the information coming in from external sources. You may see a new path forward emerge as you lean in on trusting yourself over everyone else’s thoughts and opinions. Don’t be afraid to challenge those you share space with. Your personal relationships will be tested as you’re being asked to step out of your comfort zone and grow beyond these current relationships. Who you align yourself with in love and in business will have a major energetic influence on you and what you can actually accomplish. You’ll have to rethink your current work and life routines and make some adjustments on how you can serve yourself before serving others. You have too much love to give the world to not give it to yourself first. Establishing new routines and systems within the home and the relationships in it, will provide the stability you’ve been lacking to keep your emotions aligned with your mental game. Whatever family drama emerged 2.5 years ago will be released as new adjustments to the home environment and the dynamics within it have been made. Now it’s time to test those boundaries to see how strong the family unit actually is. You’ll have to take a step back and allow the universe to show you where adjustments need to be made. Your roles and responsibilities within your career are deeply effecting your home life and vice versa. A new balance must be made between the two before you can advance to the next level of life lessons.
After a deeply transformative month pushing to put a sudden death to old holding patterns, this month you’ll feel a new optimism and hope take over. You’ll have a lot of support in your mental game as new information and details are revealed, illuminating where you might have to abandon some old beliefs about what it is you believe to be true. Things are changing at a rapid rate as you push and challenge yourself to think in new ways and adopt new ways of operating throughout your day. Get realistic about the kind of changes you actually want to make in your life and do the necessary work to cut the cord with the old for good. The dreams and visions your have for yourself cannot manifest under the old energy you are still holding onto. You’ll need to make some adjustment to your daily routine to allow enough time to focus on yourself. Your mental health has been severely impacted by allowing too many external sources to plant their seeds of opinion and beliefs within you. Take a time out and reconnect with your inner truth to gauge what you believe to be true and align with the power from within to make the changes in your exterior reality needed to free you up to move forward. You’ll have to review some of the choices that you’ve made - or missed out on making - as we rework how we are working and living. We are still feeling the restrictions of our past selves prevent us from moving in a direction more aligned with what our heart wants. There will be a lot of truth revealed connecting the dots to past cycles that began 2.5 years ago. We will finally be able to end that cycle and shift into a new opportunity to advance very quickly with new soul contracts and life lessons. You may have to take a time out to review all that takes place this month and rely more on your intuition and heart space to tell you how to correct some of the wrongs that were made. You’ll need to shut your mind down and open up your heart to a new truth that is forming within you.
After a month that illuminated new relationship desires for you, this month you’ll do the inner work needed to shift your old thinking into a brand new space. The wheels are spinning and you’ll have a lot of attention on what ideas, thoughts, memories, and narratives that need to die in order for new energy to take over. You’ll feel the pull to step out in new ways to share your knowledge and experience with others. The mental plane will be on fire as you process the past, present, and future, simultaneously; making decisions quickly on what needs to happen to align with the new visions you’re trying to manifest. Things get a bit too real for you as you see some major developments take place in your relationship sector either deepening your connection in existing relationships, or initiating brand new ones. Let your walls down. You will be pushed and pulled to move past your current boundaries and to realign with the energy taking over, showing you where you can honour your heart space and be raw and vulnerable in expressing yourself. Your creativity is at an all time high so let it flow easily showing you where new happiness and joy can be created. The transformation of your perspective continues as you’re being asked to take a good look at how you’re living and working. Are you holding yourself back from the success you so deeply desire? Your home and family relationships will need your attention as you revisit some topics and themes of the past to provide a solid ending for them for good. Think about the long term consequences of your actions - or inactions - if you stay on this course. It’s time to rework how you are contributing to the world and who gets the best part of you. You’ll feel a huge shift in your self worth freeing you from some lies and illusions that began 2.5 years ago. There is a new energy taking over illuminating new opportunities to align with a destiny scripted for your soul’s highest expression. But you have to get out of your own way first, and stop fixating on the smaller details blocking you from seeing the big picture. You’ll have plenty of time to think about those elements, as our mental planes shut down and our intuition takes over. A deep inner healing is taking place helping us to review past decisions and rework some elements - especially in our thinking styles - before we can see the major shifts take place in our external realities.
After a month of your heart trying to get you to honour yourself, you’re going to face a lot of moving parts as we move into May. Your daily routine has been disrupted and even though it’s for the better, it may feel bumpy as you starting making changes. Your relationships with others have had a huge emphasis put on them, as you now see who actually deserves your time, energy, love, and attention. There are new ways of interacting and communicating our truest wants, needs, and desires taking over; making us more open to seeing new routines form. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty as you take control of the situation and make things happen in both love and money. You know what you want for yourself, and you need to pour in a bit of blood, sweat, and tears to make things happen and get the ball rolling. Your home and family dynamics are changing once again. Your boundaries have been tested - especially with the feminine divine relationships you have - and because of that, you are now drawing new lines in the sand in order to do what’s right for you. A good step back to review the mental narratives you’ve had in the past, and the perspectives you’ve had on how you live and work in the world, need to be examine and readjusted. What are your current actions - or lack of actions - doing to the long term vision you have? You’ll feel a huge release of energy that was initiated 2.5 years ago finally be over. This life cycle and soul contract is now complete freeing from old energies that had you paralyzed in time. Think back to your birthday and all the “new” you wanted for yourself. It didn’t get off to a very good start, but now you will be free to see the new horizons unfold for you, and all of the renewed hope and faith that awaits you. You’ll have plenty of time to adjust to your new energetic surroundings as we examine where our ego got us in trouble in love in the past, and where we need to let our heart lead us in the future. Listen to your inner voice. It knows the way.
After last month had you abandoning your own wants, needs, and desires for the greater good of the family, this month you’ll need to focus on re-organizing your day to day routines and ways of thinking, to lessen the emotional intensity around being stuck in place. The new ideas coming into your mental plane will help you shift focus on switching up your mental narrative to promote stability in your health and wellness. Establishing new routines will help you deal with the current situations better, and make time for yourself instead of putting others before you. You’ll have to get very serious with what you want for yourself. You’ve had a change in heart since your birthday and those old goals and visions now need to be released before new ones can form. You might not have all the details you need this month to make a solid decision, but taking small steps in bettering your current situation will help you get through this very confusing time. You’ll feel a sudden jolt of energy mid-month helping you to move inward and listen to your own truth. The opinions of the outside world can get overwhelming and you need to retreat to listen to what your intuition wants you to do. You’ll be taking a time-out to review your worth, both in confidence and in finances; to see whether or not you are engaging in relationships both in love and career that are mirroring back the value you have in the skills and talents you bring to the table. Your finances may need to be re-adjusted to allow for a different style of living to take over; as you re-examine the roles and responsibilities being asked of you - both in your career and in your home life. You’ll have a huge help from the Universe as we put an end to something that began 2.5 years ago. It’s likely connected to a situation with a soul contract that has been fully completed. Connecting with your higher self will help you shift into a new truth, where a new opportunity to move forward in a very fast way will be presented. You’ll need some time to rethink and re-adjust to the new situations unfolding. The key here is to quiet the chatter in your mind long enough to hear what your heart has to say about it all.
After a month that had you very focused on your home and family, this month will help you to realize where you’ve fallen off the path and where you need to realign. You’ll have a lot of thoughts coming into your mental plane that will challenge your ego and your heart space. Sometimes your ego makes you take a couple of steps back in life, when your heart only wants you to move forward. You’ll need to re-evaluate your love relationships, as you may not be making the right choices to honour yourself and instead; are making decisions based off of what others may think. You’re going to want to get very serious about the kind of life you want to be living, and with who you’ll be sharing your life with. It’s time to get real about the choices you’ve made and how unaligned they may be with the dreams you keep trying to manifest. There’s an inner conflict taking place between your heart and your head. You’ll have a huge help in boosting your worth and self confidence that will help you shut down your ego and help you align with your higher self. You fell off of the wagon since your birthday, and have made some choices that take you backwards in life instead of forwards. It’s time to re-adjust and re-work some of the ways you are working and living to get back on the path of empowerment, and abandon the path of repeating past patterns and mistakes. You’ll feel the push as you need to step up and be accountable for being your own worst enemy. There is no point in complaining about your situation when you single handedly created it. You’ll see a new perspective be illuminated as lies and betrayals emerge showing you where you need to leave whatever began 2.5 years ago behind for good. Listen to your heart and shut of your mind. The truth of the matter has always been calling you, it’s just that you’ve allowed other people’s thoughts and opinions dictate your life.
After a month where you levelled up your worth and shifted your mind to new ideas that are total possible to you, this month you make some adjustments to your home and the family dynamics needed to support you. The wheels are turning and with that, comes new elements into your heart space. Your home environment is changing once again, as you align with new passions and desires for your future. You may have to re-adjust the boundaries and routines you have in the household to make sure everyone is doing their part. Your mental health has been unstable as you jump back into the past and bring forth emotions that don’t belong in the present moment. Your focus should be on the future and what you want to see manifest in your life. You’ll feel the Universe push you outside your comfort zone so you can stand in your power and step away from the chatter of the past and the outside world. Your heart and soul know the way forward, but letting go of some negative mental narratives will have to happen before you can see the shift in your physical reality. The new elements to your home and family dynamics will challenge you to re-establish what is important. You will have to take a time-out and really think about how you’re living and working in life. The restrictions you face are likely those you’ve created in your way of thinking, and you must re-adjust your narrative to build yourself up instead of always tearing yourself down. Your career will see a huge transformation as a life cycle that began 2.5 years ago finally gets released. Now, you can pour more energy into what you tried to get off the ground back in December that really didn’t develop the way you thought it would. There is a new path forward revealing itself to you, but abandoning your old beliefs about yourself and your worth need to be purged before the new reality can take over. You’ll have plenty of time to think about what needs to change in the roles and responsibilities being asked of you in work and at home as you explore what make you the happiest and what provides you with both emotional and financial security and stability.