Saturn Enters Aquarius
Today we have a MAJOR astrology event taking place that is going to go down in history as the great shift of our times. Saturn, the great lord of karma, the ruler over structures and systems, is now moving from its place of power in Capricorn, to it’s second home in Aquarius. Saturn moved into Aquarius back in March but since then retrograded and moved back into its place of power in Capricorn.
Saturn is not a fun energy. It rules over hard work, hard life lessons, and self discipline. It represents the systems and structures we have in society and in our own personal lives. I often refer to Saturn as the military grandfather of the zodiac - very cold and rigid as he barks orders from his role of authority. Saturn and Pluto (ruler of destruction, transformation, and rebirth) are the duo responsible for the crumbling of the systems and structures we are currently experiencing and will continue to show us the hard life lessons we must overcome as we close out 2020. Jupiter - the great magnifier - has been with Saturn & Pluto this year turning up the volume on the amount of damage and destruction they’ve created.
Back in January, there was a historical astrological event between Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto triggering the potential war talks, the divide among humanity, the riots, and of course, the corona virus. (Listen to the podcast episode here). As these heavy hitting planets have been in Capricorn (business, government, and roles of authority) for quite some time now, we are definitely seeing the results of their encounter worldwide.
Saturn, now ready to make the jump from earthy Capricorn (consumerism, material values, hierarchies) to airy Aquarius (intellect, information, collaboration) - FOR GOOD - will literally be the turning point of our history. This particular cosmic event takes place days before the Sun reaches the Galactic Center, before Jupiter joins Saturn in Aquarius, and before they team up and have the great conjunction that will shift us into a brand new age. This historic event will trigger a restructuring and a reorganization of our world. The systems and structures we’ve had in place are no longer in alignment with the vibration of the collective consciousness. We have seen traditional roles of our government, banking systems, economy, health care, politicians and celebrities crumble.
This, although extremely painful and chaotic to live through, is a much needed turn of events to revolutionize society, to focus more on the health and well being and value of human lives, animals, and nature over the capitalist idea of making a dollar. We could not continue on that path. Now, with Saturn entering into the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, we will see breakthrough take place in our medical, scientific and technology sectors to push us into a brand new age.
We must return back to basics using this energy in pioneering and innovating for the future. We had to get rid of all the old systems and structures that were more focused on consumerism and making a dollar versus taking care of life and the world around us like we are about to do.
Saturn moving into Aquarius will shift us out of our comfort zones of sticking to what is familiar even though it doesn’t feel good, and now support us is creating a world that will encourage and support humanitarian efforts. This is where the global collective comes together to unify the worlds resources and cherish the human experience above all else.
This is a time where we create a new earth. Where we keep the collective’s health and well being at the top of the list of priorities, and where we suddenly see how to put the pieces back together in a much more functional way.
We are definitely living in unprecedented times, and although things may seem a bit crazy in the world right now, it is absolutely necessary to breakdown before we break through. The chaos isn’t quite finished yet, as the major heavy hitting planets are still very much flexing their powers globally in the government and financial sectors. We will have to focus very hard on the world we would like to live in to make sure the global collective is at the right vibration for new earth to emerge.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Chiron Goes Direct In Aries
Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, is going direct in Aries after a 5 month retrograde. Chiron went retrograde back in July forcing us to reflect back on all of our wounds. Most of these wounds involved the trauma to our ego and identity, revealing where it is we needed more independence and freedom. We don’t want to feel held back or restricted in any way now, especially if those restrictions were placed on us, BY us.
Because Chiron will be staying in Aries until 2027, we are going to experience many opportunities to break free from areas of our lives that we have been feeling held back. When Chiron was retrograde, we moved inside of ourselves to encounter these pains. Now that Chiron is going direct again, we can start experimenting with ways to heal ourselves and reprogram some of the thoughts we’ve carried into our adult hoods from our childhood.
A lot of people are recognizing their worth wounds. Feeling not good enough or essentially worthless. Now with Chiron direct, we are feeling the strength within to raise our vibration, strengthen our belief within ourselves, and increase our self-worth with every step forward we take. We are done living in the shadows and have no more time or energy to put into playing small.
This energy influence will help us to stand up for ourselves and take the leadership role of transforming our worthlessness into something so substantial that we will never be able to not see the value within ourselves ever again.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Venus Enters Sagittarius
Venus, the planet and Goddess of love, personal worth, money, and everything pleasurable and beautiful, enters into Sagittarius where her fun-loving, playful side comes out. The free-spirited, adventurous energy from Sagittarius turns up the heat as hearts come out of hiding as they seek to live life to the fullest and explore love in ways they haven't experienced before.
Sagittarius doesn't like to be tied down in any way and wants to socialize, especially with people who are from other areas of the world. The quest for knowledge is still high on the list for Sag, but finding this knowledge through ways of love and pleasure-seeking is how this flirty adventure is going to go.
Old patterns and routines within relationships are going to be thrown to the wolves under this influence, creating a new energy between those who are coupled. For singles, there is no better time to get back in the dating game than now. Even if you've been avoiding partnering up, this feel-good-fancy-free kind of energy may just have you dancing yourself right up to a stranger as we don't want to hide from love any longer.
Sagittarius is on the quest for bigger, brighter, and better, stopping at nothing to explore all the avenues looking for love in all kinds of different places. This is a very playful kind of energy and things should be kept light and fluffy. Avoid getting too serious about it all and just let the good vibes flow.
There is potential for things to appear grander than they may actually be, so just remember that all that glitters is not gold. Truth and honesty is super important under this influence, but the element of exaggeration is hard at play as well.
Although we may be excited and riding high on this let-your-hair-down-and-have-fun kind of energy, be cautioned that the potential to overspend is very high as we are dancing around, footloose and fancy free.
We are definitely going to be looking at the bright side of things now under this influence, and a resurgence of our own power, celebrating our own self-love, and new found value and worth has us feeling those loving feelings all over. We are seeing the beauty in everything now, and celebrating the optimistic and hopeful view of the future, especially concerning the matters of the heart.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
New Moon Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius
Welcome to the New Moon in the optimistic, eager-beaver, philosopher sign of Sagittarius! As we take stock of the year and all that has transpired, there is no better moon or energy to set our new goals and intentions under.
New Moons are a time where we get to usher in and invite newness into our worlds. Whether we are asking for new ideas, new situations, new jobs, new homes, new relationships, or new careers into our lives, the New Moon is the moon in which we pour all of our energies into visualizing our new intentions coming to life.
Solar eclipses amplify the energy of the New Moon essentially making it a new moon on steroids. Eclipses bring wild card energy into play and have the abilities to create great changes in our realities to help accelerate our paths moving forward.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse being in Sagittarius makes us even more hopeful and optimistic about our future plans. Sag is all about exploring new ideas and territories, submerging ourselves into new areas of study, and of course, making us highly excited to start new adventures.
This past year has been very trying for many, as we've had our foundations rattled to see what parts needed to be strengthened, while some foundations needed to be totally rebuilt. It's been an ongoing theme this year, as we are being encouraged to live more authentically according to our Soul's true heart and desires. Little by little, with every planetary alignment that has taken place, we've been forced to examine each area of our lives, seeing what no longer supports us in our quest for greatness. We have been living on auto-pilot, but this year flipped the switched for us to have to drive ourselves manually on our path.
The last few months in particular have been very tough. If you think back to September and who you were at that point in time, you may not even recognize yourself as you stand in your current energy today. We have made hard decisions in letting long term patterns, behaviours, beliefs, relationships, and careers go. It has been a season of organized cosmic destruction and rebuilding, and now we are standing in the mess waiting for the smoke to clear.
With this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sag, the fog will essentially be lifted and we will be able to clearly see the path forward. We will now have an air of optimism to us as we look forward into a new land, a new territory that reflects our inner states of mind, much more than our old world did.
This New moon in Sagittarius, is our first glimpse of the light that awaits us in the next decade. Although our eyes have grown semi accustomed to the darkness, we will adjust to the bright horizon that lays before us. Take the opportunity under this new moon in Sag to be specific when placing your order with the Universe for the next phase of dreams and goals you hold within.
Be ready to hit the ground running as we are in an accelerated state of manifestation as we enter into 2021. Be mindful of your thoughts and stay focused on all the positive as this is the energy we are creating our new footings upon. You cannot want change without changing, and under this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sag you will have the opportunity to focus your energy on the positive, optimistic, go-getter, adventurer in Sag to pave the new path forward, through the fears that have held you back for too long.
A good practice for this New Moon would be to carve out some time for yourself to make a list of new things you'd like to see happen in 2021. If you want a new job, define what that job would look like, what does it pay, where is it located, what purpose or meaning would doing this job do for your Soul's growth? If it's a new way of living, ask yourself what small changes you can do each day to create a routine that will support the health & wellness of your mind, body and soul? If it is a new relationship you are looking for, ask yourself what kind of partner do I want to attract and what do I have to change within myself in order to be that perfect partner to someone else?
If all of those major themes are checked off already in your life, look at the areas that you are being drawn to explore. There are always new ways of thinking that can help you on your path, new ways of engaging in hobbies that will fulfill that part within you that wants to have more fun while being creative. The possibilities to set new intentions are endless!
Celebrate all that you've experienced in 2020, even if it has been a tough year, learn from those experience. Sometimes it's easier to make a list of the things you don't want in order to create a list of things you do want.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
12/12 Activation Portal
You may have been feeling a huge, intense energy as we approach the winter solstice and the great conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn on the 21st of this month. That date really is a game changer. Today, December 12th, (12/12) marks another light activation sequence that will solidify our energy come the 21st.
What does all this mean?
You may remember the Lion's Gate portal activation back in August where we really had to fine tune what it was that our heart’s wanted. Where we stood back and looked at our options and paths and were encouraged to choose the one more aligned with what made our heart happy instead of pleasing the ego. It was one of many magically numerological days where we were aligned in the cosmos in such a way that a steady stream of cosmic light was able to penetrate the earth's atmosphere and help to raise our vibration and frequency. All of these activations, portals, and accelerated downloads have been taking place to prepare us for the "new earth". No, you won't wake up on the 21st and see a world different as you know it, but you'll definitely feel it!
We had another gateway activation take place on November 11th, (11/11). This was another beam of energy that helped us raise our vibrations individually to connect and raise our vibrations collectively. Today marks the finally portal activation before new earth manifests, and for many of us already sensitive to energies you will already be seeing the effects of having our old worlds, the old parts that we've outgrown and foundations that no longer support us, fall away from us as we emerge into new territory. This portal activation is focusing more on our physical bodies as we've really grown our lightbodies, consciousness and vibration exponentially. The problem is, now, our physical bodies need a bit of an upgrade to house all of this powerful energy we've created in efforts to raise the collective consciousness.
You may be feeling the physical symptoms of this upgrade through aches and pains in your joints, sensitivities to loud noises and bright lights, feeling dizzy and unbalanced, and undergoing some real discomfort in your digestive system. We are essentially getting renovated. Our physical houses, our bodies are undergoing an upgrade that we need to receive in order to hit the ground running with the strength and power we will need come the 21st.
Many talks have taken place about what to expect in the new world. Well, you can get a good idea of what to expect by looking at what you are focusing your energy on right now. We have been, and still are, in a time where we have a choice to make; to evolve and raise our consciousness leaving behind the heavy drama of the 3D world, or to embrace the path less travelled by connecting to our inner power, our Soul's vision and letting the fact that we are aware of something greater taking place to lead the way. In a world where we are littered with distractions and propaganda, where the internet has not only connected us, but divided us even further, where politics and the Government systems are being forced to change to now support the people instead of supporting the corrupted leaders, we have a choice to make.
We need to choose love.
We need to love ourselves first, and others second. We need to understand that all the chaos that is taking place in the world is giving us lightworkers an opportunity to stand together, united in the fact that we choose love over hate. We choose the light over the dark. It seems pretty simple but when you have the human emotions tugging on all of your heart strings, it's hard not to let those heavier emotions of hate, revenge and disgust to not overcome you.
The world is changing.
The energy of the world is changing. Individually we have become people we never thought we'd be. We have changed so much even over the past year, that some of us no longer are even living the lives we did this time last year.
People have been waking up, realizing that there's more to life than just what is shown to us on the media. We understand that our social structures need to be reformed and that we are all connected by something greater than the internet.
People are sensitive to energies now.
The dreams that people have been having have given them the evidence they need to lead in blind faith. We are optimistic about a future that doesn't even resemble anything we've ever seen before, and even though the circumstances in our lives don't dictate our inner dreams coming to reality, we somehow just KNOW that they will.
2020 has been a year of awakening.
An awakening usually only happens through suffering, and the damage and destruction that has taken place this year has been enough to awaken even the sleepiest of souls from their unconscious slumber.
After a year of what has been destruction, levelling our foundations, beliefs, relationships, to the ground, we are ready to rebuild. But this time, we are doing what is best for the earth who is dying, we are doing what is best for the collective consciousness, for all the lightworkers around the world. All we have to do is let our Souls lead us. Let your Soul lead you into creating a world for yourself that you've only ever dreamt about. Rebuild and recreate foundations, careers, friendships, relationships, and your new belief systems on what you know in your heart to be true, and not what is being told to you by outdate social systems.
Your parents may have instilled some belief systems and expectations in you as a child, but you're an adult now. You don't have to succumb to your family's wishes of you, or the governments expectations of you, as a brainless, law abiding citizen.
We have woken up.
Our eyes are open. Our minds are open. Together, connecting to each other on an energetic level, we can do what's best for the Universal collective. It all starts with you!
So make the choice to stand in the light, to spread love and not hate, to abandoned all avenues of living your life according to someone else's ideas and goals for you. Get in touch with the inner power you've held onto for so long but never really tapped into. It's time to shine!
So on this day, this magical portal opening, decide to live a life you haven't lived before. Decided to walk a path that even though you are unsure what it might hold, you know in your heart that you won't be repeating anything from your past. You have outgrown the old patterns of behaviours and reactions. You cannot fight your inner truth and it no longer has to be kept inside you. Get ahold of that inner voice, that inner urge to be better AND DO IT!
I cannot tell you how excited I am to see you in the new earth, living out your dreams, speaking your truth, doing what is right for you and ONLY you, and of course shining your light so bright that it either inspires others to follow or it blinds them so bad that they retreat into the darkness forever.
Download your New Moon SOLAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius Manifestation guide to help you focus in on your new intentions for the next lunar cycle. Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Mercury Enters Sagittarius
Mercury enters into Sagittarius today, triggering a journey of the mind. Mercury rules over the mental plane, how we bring information in, process it, for new opinions, and then express that out into the world. Sagittarius carries an energy of wanting to learn and absorb knowledge about any topic that is not only interesting, but allows them to reach new heights in their wisdom.
Mercury has been in Scorpio which lead us to dig really deep within our subconscious emotions and memories to reveal details of information and truth that will help us grow and evolve. Now, with Mercury in Sag, we want to learn what we can do with this new perspective and knowledge of self. We are eager to take information in, but also to share what it is we’ve learned. We want to communicate and express ourselves, speaking our truth for all to hear.
There is a direct energy backing our words, and although they may be true and riddled with honesty, they can also come of very direct, blunt, and to the point. We’ll see shift in the topics that interest us, and are very happy to indulged in convos about spiritualism, and the mystical world we live in.
There is a deep sense of wanting to share our beliefs, and to help others expand their minds to ideas they’ve been closed off to. This energy is very excitable, and because of that, we tend to lose focus as we jump from one thing to the next. We may feel a bit scatter brained and overwhelmed where our thoughts are concerned.
Although this energy may cause us to be “in your face” with the overly excited and cheerful expression of truth, we do have to watch out for not over-exaggerating our words and ideas. We also don’t want to bite off more than we can chew. We dream big and adopt grand visions under this influence, which is great to expand the curiosity of the mind, but can come back to bite us once Mercury moves onto Capricorn, bringing us back to earth just before the new year.
If you want a better look at your life in 2021, you can book your 2021 Year Ahead Reading. If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your December Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts December 2020
December is the final chapter of the Great Awakening of 2020 where we close the door on some very important cycles with a cosmic bang! We are about to embark on a brand new age and era but not before the Universe helps us to purge and release some emotional and energetic baggage before our journey. December is jam packed with cosmic events to help us prepare for a brand new time in history where the human evolution reach new heights of ascension.
*** Important energy shifts for December ***
December 1st - Mercury enters Sagittarius
December 14th - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
December 15th - Venus enters Sagittarius
December 15th - Chiron Goes Direct in Aries
December 17th - Saturn enters Aquarius
December 19th - Jupiter enters Aquarius
December 20th - Mercury enters Capricorn
December 21st - Sun enters Capricorn (SOLSTICE)
December 21st - Jupiter Conjunct Saturn
December 29th - Full Moon in Cancer
This month I’m using The Revelations Tarot deck.
You wrap of the year with a brand new perspective on your past and future. It’s finally starting to makes sense why you had to suffer through the hardships and tough life lessons you did as it all was in preparation for this next chapter of your journey. This month you will see your thoughts and ideas take off as you learn to incorporate your life’s wisdom in all you do. Setting off in new adventures will help you to stay excited and curious about what the next year will hold for you. Your inner warrior has been unleashed and now you are actively taking steps forward to turn all of your past pain into a source of power. Helping others by sharing your experiences and being the example of hope and strength they need, will fulfill you with a new meaning and purpose in your life. Since you’ve finally found yourself in a spot of comfort after re-organizing and re-arranging some details in your life, now is the time to set your eyes on new goals you want to reach and accomplish as we move forward. You’ve found yourself connecting with new groups of people and those of like mind will help support you in accomplishing the new dreams you are envisioning for yourself. There is a great opportunity for you to expand on your career and set out new ideas on how to advance past your current position and roles and responsibilities. Your career position is much more stable now that it has been, and now you’re being asked to expand on what you want to accomplish next. The struggles you’ve endured since January, especially with your home and family dynamics, will find closure and peace before we jump into a brand new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’re facing some pretty tough changes in your world that you’d wish you could fast forward through. The space in between things ending and new things beginning is starting to take it’s toll on your mental plane. You’re deep into a tough life lesson where you need to open your mind to lightening the mood and make things more playful no matter how heavy the emotional energy may be. It’s hard to see the silver linings when things get dark and heavy but it’s your job to find peace and comfort through this transitional period. The pain you’ve been carrying in your heart needs to be released before it starts causing physical symptoms in your body. Putting on a tough face for others is doing you no good. There is a power in the pain you carry and now you must unleash your inner warrior to move forward into your new reality. You may find yourself feeling discontent with your career and may need to switch up your routine to create a new spark. Detaching from some roles and responsibilities may help you feel less pressure and help to create a better energy for you to work in. You’re being forced to change whether you like it or not. It’s better to roll with the new paths opening up for you instead of being dragged. You’ll feel a huge release of worry from your heart and your head where your home and relationships are concerned before entering into a brand new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’ve really been struggling to feel like yourself which will continue to be a struggle if you don’t let go of people from your past. You cannot emerge as the brand new self you’ve been working on, if you stay in the same environment and surround yourself with the same people. The Universe has been trying to shift you forward, but you continue to struggle with surrendering the very things you’ve been praying would change. You desire new relationships of value and worth, but won’t create a space for them to enter. You might be bored with your career, yet you don’t know what you would want to do besides what you’re already doing. It’s time for you to reflect back on all you’ve learned and bring forth the skills and talents you’ve kept in the dark. You’re being presented with new options to move forward on an exciting path and into new territory. It’s not like you to shy away from a new adventure, but because you are still deeply attached to who you were and how things used to be, you are missing some great opportunities. It’s time to get serious about what you want to do next. You have the ability to jump into a new learning opportunity that could help you advance in the ways you’ve been praying for. The struggles you’ve been having with your own self worth and your basic values will be released before the new year, filling you with the confidence you need to start fresh.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
Now that you’ve found yourself coming full circle in areas of your life, you can start making the changes necessary to shift your path away from repeating itself. Your day-to-day life has been a struggle for you, as you can’t seem to make the time to take care of yourself. Your routine is out of balance and causing you to be on auto-pilot preventing you from being in the present moment of what needs to be done. It’s time to throw yourself into a new topic and theme as you’re being called to new adventures of learning. You’ve been struggling with your mental health and have gotten stuck in a rut that you need to dig your way out of. The issues you’ve been having with your career will final start to resolve, as you recognize where in the past you’ve failed to stand up for yourself and make your efforts be seen. Things need to change as you recognize the people you surround yourself with aren’t of like mind and semi responsible for the mental funk you’ve been in. You will see a huge shift in your relationships as we near the end of the year. Recognizing who deserves your energy and attention will help you to enforce new boundaries in the relationships that are depleting. You are about to go through a deep energetic transformation as you prepare to release some emotional blockages you’ve been struggling with since this year began. You will embrace the best parts of yourself that you are for sure about, releasing the rest that represents the old you before entering into the new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’re stepping away from the extreme highs and lows you’ve been struggling with, as you find more stable ground. The balance between your heart and your head is needed now more than ever, as you step into a new chapter. It’s time to get back to doing all the things you love. It’s time to throw caution to the wind and allow people to get closer to you and connect with you on an emotional level you’ve been trying to avoid. The energy has been too heavy and it’s time to rebalance the scales to bring back the playful energy you so desperately need. This is a perfect time to start new projects and learn something new along the way. Shifting your mental plane into a more positive frame of mind will help you get out of the funk that has been holding you down. The past pains you’ve endured are healed enough to unleash your inner warrior and gain power over your heart space. New opportunities to explore emotional connections are available if you let your guard down just a little bit. You will have a great window of opportunity to connect to new people that are more like minded and have the qualities and characteristics that you now need in sharing yourself with other people. It’s time to take care of business and get into more of a routine with your days. Balancing your tasks and chores with time for fun and play will minimize the extreme highs and lows you’ve been experiencing. You will be unloading some serious heartbreak you’ve become too attached to where your home and family dynamics are concerned. Free yourself of this energetic baggage before entering into the new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’ve had quite the struggle within your home and the family dynamics in it. You finally find yourself in a calmer state than months gone by, and now you can shift your mental plane into being more happy go lucky with all the changes that have taken place. New life lessons are showing you were there is still more to learn in how to make a happy home, but much of that depends on how much guilt and resentment you’re willing to let go of. There’s a deep transformation taking place in your heart space as you turn your past pains into a source of power. Your strength is your greatest feature and now it’s time to start feeling as strong as you appear to others. You’ll need to take a time out and reconsider your daily routine. You haven’t been making enough time to take care of yourself before giving all of your energy away to others. The mental funk you’ve been in will diminish as you see where you need to free yourself from some tasks, chores, and obligations that you’ve become weighted under. It’s time to get serious and start taking care of business where your heart is concerned. You need to lighten the mood a bit and get more playful with how you tackle your day. It’s a great time for starting new business ventures where you can unleash your creativity in new ways. You’ll see a huge shift in your working style and schedule as you rearrange your days to better align with the new goals you have set for yourself in the new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’ve definitely struggled to find peace and comfort in your home and the relationships in it. There is an element of disappointment and total displeasure for current circumstances and events in your life. There will be a shift in your mental plane and your current outlook on things that will help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s now up to you to voice your opinion and express what it is you need from others in order to find safety and stability once agin. There will be a more positive and optimistic energy that will help shift you out of this current funk that comes from recognizing your struggles and where you’ve failed yourself in standing up for what it is you need. You’ve sacrificed a lot for those you love and this has left you in a place where you find it hard to love yourself and your life the way it deserves. You will find a new spark of love and excitement in your days once you realize what actually brings you joy. This is a great time to explore what makes your heart happy and start stepping away from things that cause you unhappiness. You will see a more stable energy take over your home and those in it, when you regain a new strength and drive to make changes to your life in this next chapter. You will see a huge shift, releasing yourself from some of the roles and responsibilities your career has put on you that has contributed to your overall displeasure in life. Major changes need to take place to balance the scales between your home and career before we embark on a new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
Now that you are setting the stage for your new natal year, it may feel like you’re still struggling to embrace your new self. You’ve been faced with some pretty extreme options in life and although you dream of a reality that awaits you, you have to be willing to let go of the people, places, and things, attached to your old self. The transitional period is a tough one as you redefine your value and worth. You’ll see a positive turn of events in your finances that in turn will help you to see where you need to pour your energy into from here. You’ll feel more optimistic and confident about the new path you’re walking as we move through the month, but recognizing where it is you are your own worst enemy will be the revelation you need to switch up your routine and how you spend your days. Your home life, and those in it will have the bulk of your attention as you make plans to grow and expand your foundations in the new year. Things get a bit more serious where business is concern as we set ourselves up for success and shift our perspective to what it is we want to create and bring to life long term. Who we share ourselves with will be a huge focus as we release some serious emotional baggage before entering into the new year. Reflecting on past life lessons and using that wisdom to avoid repeating old patterns will shift our focus onto who and what is important to hold onto as we enter into a new chapter.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
Happy birthday Sag! As you enter into a new natal year, you are still sorting out the pieces of the past year and what you want to get rid of as you usher in new plans for the future. Some of the struggles in your personal relationships will resolve as you find yourself reconnecting with your own wants, needs, and desires, and realizing who and what actually makes you happy. You are reinventing yourself as you set new goals for the new year. But first, you have to get real with yourself and check in to see if you are still happy sticking with the plans you’ve already put into play. There’s a huge revelation where your heart is concerned and carrying the weight of the pains and struggles from the past 5 months is now up for renewal. You may find yourself wanting to scrap your plans all together to launch yourself on a new adventure that will help you get out of the mental funk you’ve been in. You’ve gained a new respect for yourself and through your own strength of dealing with life you’ve seen a new worth and value in who you are. It’s time to get serious about what you want to experience and accomplish in your new natal year, as flying by the seat of your pants is no longer working for you. You’ll see a huge shift in your thinking and with new events and information emerging you may just have to put in end to your plans early, to create a space to start fresh for the new year ahead.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
The closer you get to your birthday, the darker you seem to get. The whole year and all you’ve endured is catching up with you and making you a bit down and depressed about where you currently find yourself in life. It’s perfectly normal to be feeling this way as you approach your birthday. You are sorting out what can stay and what can go. You’ve had a lot of changes effect your day to day life and really mess with your routine. You’ll have to get a bit serious in making more time for you to take care of your mind, body, and soul before spending all of your time and energy on work. Your mental health is suffering but you’ll start to feel lighter and more confident about making some changes to your life for your new natal year. There have been a lot of changes and disruptions in the home and the relationships within it. Although you’ve been trying to mask your hurt and displeasure for your current circumstances from the world, you might just see that things change mid-month as you power forward with making plans to switch things up where you be more comfortable being yourself. Business opportunities will be plenty as you are in a position to really pick and choose what you want to do with your career and the options to make more income may surprise you. You’re about to reinvent yourself as you prepare for a new year, setting goals for you to accomplish not only in a career sense but being open to new relationships and allowing new people into your world should be on your list of things to do.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’ve been faced with a choice point in making a decision about what your heart actually wants. It’s a tough place to be in as you seem to be growing and expanding your career opportunities and connecting with new people on the same level and of like mind. But, you can’t truly grow if you won’t allow your heart to release those that continue to hold you back from being your best self. There is a new window of opportunity for you to set new goals for you to reach. There is a new chapter of success opening up to you but it will require you to leave certain people behind. You may a have a shift in your thinking and how you truly see yourself. The pain and trauma you’ve been trying to heal from has kept you narrow minded on the options available to you. Taking a new perspective on your pain and using it to power yourself forward may just be what you need to close the door on the past for good. You are about to level up and reinvent yourself in a way you never thought possible. It’s time for you to grow and expand past your current experiences to manifest the kind of life you’ve been praying for. Don’t let yourself down. Don’t go back to situations you’ve prayed yourself out of. Realize the life lessons for what they are and move on into new territory. Get serious about your life and branch out and away from the people and places that make you feel stuck in the past. You’ll feel a huge weight be lifted off of your heart space from the struggles that took place in your home and family since your birthday. Surrender to it and let it go before we enter into a new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’ve seen some huge changes take place effecting your home and the relationships in it. Getting back to the basic foundation of who you are and what you love is exactly what you needed. Your career has been a problem for you as you’ve struggled to really find what brings you a sense of meaning and purpose. There’s a much more optimistic mindset taking over now as you begin to come out of your funk and find love and joy in all you do. Making plans for the future is exciting. You are at a point in your life where you can look back on all you’ve learned and experienced and choose what you want to do more of while deciding what you never want to do again. The struggles you’ve had in your own self worth are finally seeing a new positive light. The pain you’ve had trying to get ahead financially will suddenly shift into a new strength and power for you to push forward with. It’s time to get in touch with yourself again and reconnect to your soul. You’ve gotten too far away from your spiritual practice and now it’s time to reconnect and start a new chapter of healing. Get serious about what you want to do with your life especially when it comes to how you make money. Set some small goals for yourself that aren’t too big and easy to accomplish. Break your big picture vision down into manageable steps and see how much more successful you are at crossing things off the list and finally getting ahead. You’ll feel a huge weight be lifted off of your heart and head by the time we enter into the new year. Unleash your creativity and make things playful again to see what you want to create and bring to life in this next chapter.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Gemini
This full moon is a Lunar Eclipse and takes place in Gemini where we bring a closure and an ending to the negative mental train of thoughts and the chaos in our minds. Gemini represents the twins, the duality within, where we struggle to find that cozy spot in between the two extremes of ourselves.
A Full Moon classically heightens our emotions and subconscious to release a certain cycle that we’ve been dealing with for the past 6 months. This final full moon being a lunar eclipse will feel like a full moon on steroids as the energy is amplified for closures and endings to take place, preparing us to enter into a new age and paradigm. We will see ourselves breaking free of the old mental loops we’ve been struggling to leave behind, and to leave the chaos that has been attached to us in the past for good. Because Gemini is all about our mental planes, information, and communication, we will likely be more apt to talk about our feelings now, in a way we haven’t been able to express fully in months gone by.
This is a beautiful time to blend our mental plane (Gemini) with our emotional plane (the moon) and talk about the kinds of changes we want to make in our daily lives and routines moving forward. With the Sun in Sag, showing us the bright light of the future, and the moon in gemini opposite the sun, we ebb and flow from thinking about the big picture of where it is we want to be, and then focusing on what small changes we can make to the details of our daily routines to help us get there.
This will be a great time to lose yourself in vision work as Neptune now direct in Pisces lends us a dreamy energy to allow ourselves to create a detailed vision for the future. Although both dark and soft spots can be revealed in our personal relationships with Venus and Mercury in Scorpio, the heavy hitting planets are wrapping up their influence in Capricorn, enabling us to speak about the cracks in the foundation in order to bring attention to what needs to be repaired.
Use this last full moon energy to your advantage by downloading your Full Moon Manifestation Guide which will assist you in wiping the mental slate clean and prepare to begin a brand new cycle as we move into the next age and year. If you want a better look at your life in 2021, you can book your 2021 Year Ahead reading.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Neptune Goes Direct In Pisces
Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, has been in retrograde position for the past 5+ months. A retrograde is when a planet that is moving in a forward motion in its orbit, suddenly slows down and stops entirely appearing to move backwards in the sky. Any time any planet is in retrograde, it means that the energy and effect it usually has being expressed outwardly suddenly becomes inward.
The planet of dreams and illusions is the natural ruler of Pisces, the sign of the fish. Often caught up within themselves, the dreams and fantasies they create and the ability to go with the flow and quickly retreat from danger, Pisces is at home and comfortable in the rivers, lakes, and oceans within. Pisces is capable of being a fun loving playful minnow basking in the shallow waters, a beta fish capable of self-destruction, or being the great white shark, the ruler and predator of the sea. Pisces doesn't like to deal with reality and the harsh truths of it all. It will maneuver its slippery self through whatever obstacles they're faced with all to avoid the confrontation of reality.
Neptune, (Pisces’ natural ruler) exercises a great layer of fantasy or dream like sense over us when in it's direct position, however, since it has been retrograde, it has stripped us of illusion forcing us to face life and the cold hard truth of reality of it all face on.
It is no coincidence that Neptune went into retrograde when it did. This year has been riddled with retrogrades and eclipses so powerful that many of us have had our lives totally restructured both inside and out. Neptune going into retrograde at the time of the year it did, meant we had no choice but to see life as it actually was, deep, dirty, and disastrous, instead of being comforted with a filter of dreaminess like Neptune usually provides us with. This whole time of having our foundations and structures rattled, our inner worlds raw and unable to escape from our inner most thoughts and feelings, and of course the details of our relationships and how we value love were stripped of the rose-colored glasses that Neptune and Pisces both fashionable wear.
As raw as these changes have been, if Neptune had have stayed direct throughout all the other shifts we endured, we wouldn't have gotten the message. We wouldn't have seen it, the death and destruction of parts of ourselves and our lives as we knew it. With Neptune direct, we would have been desensitized to the pain and horror of what was actually happening, we wouldn't have seen the changes we needed to make in order to live more authentically, and we sure as hell wouldn't have felt the pain we needed to feel to catapult us on the path of healing.
Now that Neptune is going direct again, (still in Pisces), we are able to feel the layer of illusion blanket our lives again. Since surviving the shifts of the year, and making it out of Scorpio season, we are now under the gloriously optimistic, bright-lights of the Sun being in Sagittarius, and eclipse season about to fast forward us through this last chapter of the great awakening of 2020. We now have the icing on the cake which is Neptune being direct again in Pisces.
We will now feel better about moving forward as we pick up the pieces of raw truth delivered to us without tact during the alignments in Scorpio. We are excited and super hopeful for our futures and moving forward towards our new goals with the Sun in Sagittarius, and the dreaminess we are returning to with Neptune going direct is going to anchor us in manifesting our dreams.
Neptune being the dreamy visionary that it is, couldn't go direct at a better time. Here we are standing in the mess and rubble that was a result of our darker parts of self emerging to the light, surrounded by the newest details unearthed by Scorpio season, the Sun in Sagittarius has us super excited to start with a clean slate.
With all the puzzle pieces now organized and flipped up right exposing glimpses of what will be a bigger picture, we can start assembling the puzzle to reveal a grander image of what path we will be, walking into 2021.
One by one we see what pieces fit together and as they reveal smaller bits of details that will make a larger picture, we can begin to dream what the full sized completed puzzle will actually look like. Use this Neptune direct in Pisces energy to dream again. Explore all the different versions and scenarios that your future could be, and as the pieces snap together revealing the greater picture, ingrain the elements of the pieces into your mind.
This is a time to dream with purpose, exploring every last detail of your grander vision with such intensity that you are essentially living it in your inner world. When you can connect to that inner power and channel it into your dreamwork, it will naturally manifest as reality literally bringing your dreams to life.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Welcome To Sagittarius Season
Congratulations to us all for making it through Scorpio season! It's been a tough energy to navigate and realistically, even Scorpio's are happy to have the season come to a close.
Sagittarius is a fire sign that is so optimistic and cheerful that there's essentially no way to sit in the depths of emotion in Scorpio any longer. When the sun moves into Sagittarius the mood is light, cheery, and ready to explore new areas of the world. This happy-go-lucky sign is far more flexible, creative and expressive than the other fire signs, and far more light-hearted than the stubborn, emotional sign of Scorpio.
If you look at Scorpio season as the unearthing time, the time where our deepest and darkest truths, feelings and desires were forced to the surface, than Sagittarius season is the light at the end of what has been a very dark tunnel. Sagittarius is known as the philosopher, wanting to learn all there is to know about the world and topics of interest. It's a inquisitive energy, curious about what we should do with the information we received during Scorpio season and how to implement it in our lives to make us better, especially as we look towards the future and what life has in store for us.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter who has been in Capricorn for the past year helping Saturn and Pluto to play their part in the great awakening that is 2020. Jupiter in Capricorn has been a very heavy and slow growth and expansion. Jupiter is used to taking action and seeing things happen quickly, but while in earthy Capricorn, we have been beaten down by tough-love lessons that have backed us into a corner of forced change.
The Sun moving into Sagittarius will infuse us with an upbeat energy and make you feel a bit more open-minded than usual. Because Mercury’s retrograde shadow has just come to a close, we will see our ideas and the amount of information we are processing accelerate in great rates. The Sun is Sag tends to be a straight shooter and a bit blunt with the unfiltered truth, so now that mercury is direct post shadow, we have to be mindful of how we are communicating.
Sagittarius season also has tendency for all of us to overstep on other peoples boundaries as they can push your boundaries as well. You may notice that you get cut off in conversation having others speak over you, and of course the frustration levels are higher and trigger points are more sensitive to prompt a fiery reaction. Watch your words as there is a higher potential to come across harsher than you would like, leading to hurt feeling and defensive communications among your family, friends and co-workers.
Regardless of the potential for miscommunications to happen, Sagittarius season will be the light-hearted energy we need coming out of Scorpio season. It will be a time when you are finally feeling a bit more stable, and even more cheerful than usual. It's not just the holiday season adding to your playfulness and bubbly energy, Sagittarius season will infuse you with enough optimism to take you straight through the last chapter of 2020. Take advantage of this energy and really push yourself to live a little. Explore areas of yourself within that you long to absorb more knowledge on, push yourself to travel outside of your comfort zone, and encourage yourself to think about all you've learned this year and how you can use it to create a better future.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Venus Enters Scorpio
Venus, the Goddess of love, beauty, and self-worth is now moving from her place of power and comfort in Libra into the deep, dark, and sexual waters of Scorpio. Venus isn’t very comfortable in Scorpio as she’d rather keep things light and fluffy. But as we just learned from Scorpio season, things get much heavier, darker, and serious in scorpio waters.
The intensity in relationships reaches new highs, while our wounds from relationships highlight our lows. We become more fierce in love and pursue our deepest desires with an unbridled passion. Things can get hot and steamy while Venus is in Scorpio. This is a time when new relationships can begin and reach levels of intimacy quickly, while other existing relationships may do the same or fall apart all together.
If there are any lies, betrayals or deceptions in existing relationships it will definitely be highlighted under this energy. We can obsess over our relationships, desires, and even our goals that we want to manifest. We have to watch out for the darker emotions to rise up while Venus is in Scorpio, as the scorpio energy wants to illuminate all that is hidden. There is a great transformative energy in scorpio’s waters, especially emotionally and psychologically.
With Venus entering into Scorpio, you can bet that things just got a bit more serious. We will find ourselves being brought back to issues that triggered us, that revealed perspectives to us that haven't sat well within. It is likely that these topics stem from the relationships that were effected during Venus' 2018 retrograde in Scorpio, and now we have to figure out how to heal and integrate these revelations.
Venus in scorpio will be asking the tough questions and the answers revealed will lead you to take action. We are no longer content in relationships that aren't fair to us, are supporting and loving in the ways we need. Our souls are crying out for authenticity and for those who actually LOVE us to step up to the plate of growth and grow WITH us. Some will not accept the challenge and there will be a natural dissolving of these relationships and structures.
By the time the new year rolls around, we will have the right people in our corner while the soul contracts with others may be completed as we move on in different directions. Venus in Scorpio gives us another opportunity to weed out the elements of our lives that aren't going to support us in building a new world for ourselves in the New Year.
Although you might find this energy shift hard as it tugs on those heart strings, know that anything or anybody you let go of during this time is for your highest good. As painful as it may be to recognize that the ones you love aren't the right ones to have in place in your future, you are now acting in alignment to your self-worth.
It's important to realize that the relationship with ourselves is what sets the stage in every other relationship that we have. So if you are feeling like the scales aren't balanced in an existing relationship, DO something to restore balance, tweak those boundaries, and then look within to see what part of you has been allowing this kind of un-balance to take place all in the name of love.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon In Scorpio
Normally a New Moon is light and bright and bubbly, a great time to be inviting new things into our life. Whether it's new thoughts, beliefs, new patterns, behaviours, new people, new environments, new abundance or opportunities, it all starts under a New Moon. Although I still encourage you to sit down under the New Moon energy and make a list of all the wonderful seeds you'd like to plant for this New Moon cycle to begin, because this New Moon is in Scorpio, the rules have changed slightly. Scorpio is the zodiac of death, rebirth, regeneration, power, control, and transformation. It rules everything dark and mysterious in life and taboos are its speciality.
This New Moon being in Scorpio, is pretty intense all on its own, but of course there are many other shifts taking place surrounding this New Moon that will no doubt have us unearthing details about ourselves and our feelings that we can no longer run from. This New Moon harmonizes its energy with the major heavy-hitting planets in Capricorn which creates a beautiful slate to make physical changes in our reality based off of the emotional and psychological revelations we have. We have the backing of Mars - scorpio’s co-ruler- now stationed direct as it wakes up and starts moving forward from its retrograde. We also have the acceleration and amplification of this new moon in scorpio being our 3rd supermoon in a row and the final supermoon of the year.
The unfortunate part of this New Moon in Scorpio, is that you will be triggered multiple times in the days surrounding this moon. I have recommended to my clients to be as patient, gentle and loving with themselves as possible, and allow these thoughts or emotions to rise to the surface to be acknowledged. It would be a helpful practice to jot down a list of all the things that get triggered within you at this time, so that you will have a perfect list or framework to use to transform those not so good feelings into something lighter. Downloading your New Moon manifesting guide will help walk you through the depths of the emotional and psychological darkness of your shadow self, to find where the light is trying to break through.
This New Moon will be illuminating parts within you that you've worked hard to keep in the darkest places of yourself. There is where the pain and discomfort lie, bubbling and boiling, festering within you triggering you into states of uneasiness or anger. This is the perfect time to check in with yourself and get a good look at the dark parts within.
Scorpio energy isn't all bad. Although well known for the darker things in life, Scorpio embodies such passion and resourcefulness. It is a hyper-focused energy, probing with intensity as it dives the emotional depths that normally remain unseen. Scorpio is a very intuitive energy with a very high level of perception.
To take full advantage of this New Moon, allow yourself to be mindful about what triggers something within you, and acknowledge it by writing it down. Ask yourself some questions about these triggers, Why am I being triggered? What is the underlying issue here? What can I do within myself to transform this energy into something better? By exploring each trigger, you will then see the areas of your life which need attention. You can then ask yourself, what you can do to make these topics a lighter vibration. The New Moon in Scorpio activity will help you to truly align yourself with the vibration of the moon and to plant the seeds of new realizations revealed to you.
By tapping into the positive traits of the Scorpio energy, you will be able to access levels of power and control within yourself, to be intuitive and hyper-focused enough on the solution, to tap into all your inner resources to make an intense shift and transformation. By giving your darkness permission to be seen, and by exercising your passion for betterment, you will have everything you need at your fingertips to infuse every ounce of darkness with love and light.
There is a discomfort many people feel during these types of energetic shifts, and its mainly due to the fact that we end up seeing parts of ourselves that we've worked hard to ignore. We feel emotions that we've tried hard to numb, and we acknowledge the need within ourselves to change, to transform into someone more in alignment with who we've been all along.
I truly hope that you step up to the plate during this New Moon in Scorpio and do your absolute best in becoming a better version of who you are. If it wasn't for the darkness, we'd never see the stars!
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mars Goes Direct
Mars - the God of war, ruling over our physical drive, energy, passion, and anger - is going direct today after being retrograde since September 9th. Mars is a ball of fury pushing his way through whatever stands in his way to go after what he wants. Being retrograde, he’s been stalled out, held back, and forced to retreat to revise the plan and regroup.
We’ve struggled to make things happen while Mars has been retrograde and we’ve been given plenty of time to fume over all the frustrations we’ve felt in our lives. The energy has been internalized and now that we’ve re-strategized our plans forward, Mars going direct will give us the much needed drive and energy to actually take action and do something about all we’ve been thinking about.
We have to pace ourselves though. Mars isn’t the best at energy management and can very easily burn himself out before ever seeing the finish line. It’s almost like Mars was a caged animal while retrograde and he’s plotted his revenge against his captures and and has been building up anger and frustration on how to get even. Now that the cage is open and Mars is free, he’s on a mission to make up for lost time and to strike anything or anyone down who gets in his way.
We might have realized our true passions and desires while retrograde, and now we get to do something about it. The urgency we have to get the party started can feel exhilarating but again, we must be cautious to manage our energy wisely and avoid burn out. Mars in Aries is a powerful energy. Mars rules over aries and is spending 6 months in his place of power which is very odd for a mars transit. But hey, 2020 has been odd all in itself so nothing can really surprise us at this point.
When mars first entered into his place of power, we seen an uprise in riots and rebellion from the people trying to speak up and out again the corruption on display. When mars went retrograde we seen that energy shift. I suspect to see some sort of rage against the global governments reach an all time high now that mars is going direct again. Although we want to avoid war and needless blood shed, we can’t expect the great awakening to go without rebellion and taking our power back.
In your own life, where ever mars rules in your chart, you will see a forward shift like no other. This area of your life has been stalled out and unable to make true progress. Now with mars direct, we will quickly accelerate through life chapters and events to try to make up for lost time.
Today is also Friday the 13th, which many people hold suspicions about. Some people think Friday the 13th is very unlucky and carries a lot of accidents and danger. I tend to believe that Friday the 13th is more of a favourable day in the cosmos, however, with mars now going direct we do have to be cautious of accidents as mars is in a hurry and very accident prone. This shift is an intense one.
Mars is also the co-ruler over scorpio season which adds an extra added punch to the already extreme energy we’ve been experiencing. After mercury shifting into scorpio earlier this week, the 11:11 portal activation, the 3rd and final conjunction between jupiter and pluto yesterday and now today’s intense shift in energies, the new moon in scorpio on Sunday is going to be a doozy!
Make sure you take advantage of this cosmic whirlwind by grounding in truth, aligning mind, body, and soul, and doing what you can to activate the great forces of manifestation we are currently under. Download your new moon in scorpio guide if you haven’t already!
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
11:11 Portal Activation
On November 11th, we are under an 11:11 activation being the 11th month, the 11th day. It offers us an intense healing energy that will help us prepare for the next decade. These are changing times, and since the veil between realms got its thinnest on the Full Moon in Taurus on October 31st, with an added layer of healing and transformational energy from mercury retrograding and now direct in scorpio, we are experiencing planetary and energetic shifts that have caused conflict for us from the inside out. These shifts are all in efforts to prepare us for the download that takes place under this 11:11 energy, helping us to evolve to where we need to be for the great awakening and new age we are about to embark on.
The 11:11 activation essentially opens up a gateway within the cosmos to allow strong rays of energy to permeate through the earth and each person on it, all in efforts of raising the global vibration and collective consciousness. Basically, we're being infused with love and light in hopes we will help revolutionize humanity. We’ve been doing a lot of healing, and this 11:11 gateway is exactly the infusion we need to integrate all we’ve discovered - not to mention the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction and Mars going direct just before the New Moon in Scorpio this weekend.
The 11:11 gateway is an intense energy for manifesting, accelerating the process from planting the seed, to actually reaping the benefits from its growth. There is no better time to focus on what we desire than NOW!
Even more than that, 11:11 marks Remembrance day. And although we do use the energy to remember those that served before us, we are also remembering who it is that WE are and preparing ourselves to serve humanity as we raise the collective consciousness.
The divine 11 energy is about being connected to, and grateful for our ancestors in spirit, who now guide us on our path from the spirit realm. We can pay our respects and give thanks in more ways than just wearing poppies and giving a moment of silence - although these expressions are extremely important.
We can also give thanks by quieting our minds, connecting to our hearts, and focusing on all the energy and love on those who have passed over and who contributed to this world while they were here.
Realizing how far we (as a collective) have come, and how far we still have to go, will shift focus onto what needs to happen in the now, to make the years to come more in alignment with the love and light we hold in our hearts versus the hate and darkness we experience in our current world and reality.
Once we can focus on what the world needs as a whole, we can ask ourselves what we can do to do our part by being a small piece in a larger puzzle. With the intentions heavily set on raising the global vibration and frequency, you can take it one step further and focus on what changes you want (and need) in your own personal world and environment to raise your own energy and vibration. By upping our own personal energy levels, we radiate our energy out into the world, touching each person we meet and cross paths with, in our day.
Energy is infectious, and if we can all hold love and light in our focus as individuals, it will help our global collective goals and vision. All of this energy multiplies under the 11:11 gateway activation and together, we can manifest a better world, a higher consciousness, and a state of healing for the earth as we know it - by remembering the past and using it to create a better future.
Many of my clients have reached out over the last week to ask questions about seeing "the signs", the patterns, and numbers in particular. It seems many of you are noticing the number 11 more so now, than ever before.
In numerology, the number 11 carries with it, a divine energy of both connection and accelerated manifestation. Any time the number 11 crosses your path, it's said that you are in instant contact with the spirit realm, either being shown a validation from your guides or angels to the path you are on, or as a message that you're not alone.
I often advise my clients to pay close attention to their thoughts at the time of noticing the 11 sign, as it could be why you are receiving the message from the divine in that moment. They reach out to validate that your thoughts are on the right track, that you're on the right path, and to encourage you to move forward with your plans.
So on 11:11 (especially AT 11:11) try your absolute best to hold a higher vibration. Take moments to send love and light out into the world, and honour each time you are sent an 11:11 message from the Divine. Pay attention, listen, and respond with light and love.
If you’re not already subscribing to my mailing list, you’re going to want to be! I have some amazing things coming online and my mailing list is the place to be, to be first to know!
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Scorpio
Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental plane, how we receive information, form new ideas and expressions, and communicate that information outwards, is entering the deep, dark waters of Scorpio once again.
Mercury first entered into scorpio on September 27th, before going retrograde and backtracking into Libra. Mercury finally went direct in Libra on November 3rd - USA election day - where we’ve been observing misinformation, lies, deceit, corruption, and utter chaos ever since.
Although mercury in Libra usually fights for justice and what is fair, mercury isn’t quite awake yet and won’t be until his shadow period is over on November 19th. Mercury now re-entering scorpio waters will help us find the truth. It will dig into the darkness of corruption and expose the real details and truth for all to see.
This particular energy shift will shift our minds into a more analytical state of questioning. We are blending our intellect with our intuition to dig up the important details we’ve shoved to the side within ourselves, and the information we’ve been choosing to avoid in our personal relationships. Because we are also in Scorpio season, there are lots of endings and closures taking place in order for us to renew ourselves, rebirth ourselves, and resurrect ourselves into a brand new version for this next chapter.
Personal relationships have been tested as intimacy levels have either strengthened or fallen apart. Those who have been experiencing lies and deceit in relationships will see the truth for what it is and make the right decision on how to proceed. We have a few weeks left to make sense of all that has transpired and to have the heart to heart convos we need to have to clear the air. There is extreme intensity backing thoughts and emotions and jealousy and obsessive thinking could lead us down a dark tunnel if we’re not careful.
The answers we are currently seeking cannot be found solely in our exterior realities. Instead, we must look within ourselves, trusting the guidance of our intuition and the Universe to reveal to us the details that we need to acknowledge. Mercury moving into Scorpio will be uncomfortable for many people as wading through the emotional and mental shadows within isn’t something that many people are willing to do. We ask ourselves the tough questions when mercury is in scorpio. We ask the tough questions of those we love as well. We want the truth and will stop at nothing to get it even if it means bearing the uncomfortable energy of wading through the deep emotional waters.
Mercury in Scorpio craves a true connection, an authentic connection with those we love. If there are secrets looming in the darkness of your relationships, it is during this transit that they are likely to be illuminated for all to see. Mercury in Scorpio blends our analytical mind with our hypersensitive intuition to reveal details we wouldn’t have otherwise discovered. It probes beyond the surface level of communications to find the deep seated roots of ones behaviour and motives as genuine or as manipulative as they may be.
This will be a time of deep emotional and subconscious unveiling. We may receive some intense flash backs of both memories and intuition while mercury is in scorpio. Our relationships will get intense and a bit more raw. We want to expose the truth in all we do and all we are. This is the best form of mental transformation we can go under, as Pluto - The God of the Underworld - is Scorpio’s ruler. There is no way to escape transformation at this time.
We have the power and control to take the reigns and DO something about all we’ve endured. This is the perfect time to identify the pain that has held you back and turn that into power we can use to harness to project us into a new version of who we are. Especially when Mars - scorpio’s co-ruler - goes direct on Friday, November 13th! Things will already be in acceleration mode from the 11:11 portal activation we receive on November 11th.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Goes Direct In Libra
Finally, after a very long and confusing month and a half, Mercury - the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental planes, information, and communication - is going direct! We have been bombarded with information and details that haven’t necessarily been true all planned and plotted to confuse us into a state of not knowing. Not knowing essentially strips the trust of outside sources (government, media, healthcare, etc.) and causes a great awakening within one’s self.
Mercury went retrograde on October 13th, after having just entered into the depths and darkness of Scorpio waters. Dark truths and corruption were highlighted before mercury was essentially drugged, falling asleep at the wheel. Besides the normal disruptions in technology, plans and appointments, communications and thinking clearly, this particular mercury retrograde also provided a beautifully painful and uncomfortable opportunity for people to wake up and trust their intuition.
Mercury slowed his role in our lives as he remained unconscious, dazed and confused of his surroundings, backtracking through the early degrees of scorpio. Mercury slipped back into the final degrees of Libra which, although didn’t help much, got us out of the dark probing energy of scorpio waters.
Mercury asleep in Libra gave us a chance to revisit some of our relationship issues and made us face some of the misunderstandings we experienced in our personal connections. Mercury was retrograde for the very rare Taurus Blue Full moon on Halloween which just helped give us a solid stage to shut our critical minds down even further to allow the energetic knowledge of the spirit realm flow into our consciousness that much easier.
Now with Mercury going direct, he will essentially “come to” from his deep, drugged sleep while retrograde and will need a bit of time to get his bearings before starting to piece together all the details and information he received while unconscious.
He’ll be in his shadow period trying to make sense of all that transpired while he was asleep and it couldn’t come at a more interesting time than today - the USA elections. Because mercury is waking up in Libra, we are going to see a huge divide between our hearts and our heads, and between two very extreme groups of people, thoughts, opinions and ideas. Libra energy will help to find peace and balance in those extremes, and help mediate the situation to a point of fairness. But again, it’s going to take 2 weeks for mercury to be thinking, seeing, and speaking clearly. We will likely see chaos ensue, misinformation from all sides, and a need for higher ranking courts and governing bodies to help make a fair judgement - both on the global stage and in our personal lives.
Mercury will then re-enter scorpio on November 10th, pushing us to get to the bottom of the truth as we wade through the details of lies and corruption to find a middle ground as painful and as uncomfortable as it may be. Mercury’s shadow period gives us all a chance to retrace all that has happened and essentially give those not yet awake to what’s going on in the world a second wake up call. The energetic war that is taking place in our cosmos is being reflected on the global stage here in the 3D realm and make no mistake, we are in uncharted waters from here on out.
Will will have to revisit some ideas that got pushed to the side. We get a fresh set of eyes to see where obstacle still need to be resolved, and we get a chance to have the conversations we need to have in order to clear the air. Until mercury is full alert and awake we will struggle to make sense of things, but receive clarity bit by bit.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Energy Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts November 2020
November will definitely speed up for us as the Universe hits the fast forward button on our lives. There will be a certain amount of chaos that will need to take place before leading us to a place of clarity. Things will feel a bit crazy as we speed through lessons and timelines to get us in position for the new paradigm we will enter into in December. There are some huge events taking place this month that will definitely transform our inner worlds while we see the effects take place on the global stage. We are accelerating through time and overcoming long standing obstacles at an exponential rate.
*** Important energy shifts for November ***
November 3rd - Mercury Goes Direct in Libra
November 10th - Mercury re-enters Scorpio
November 11th - 11:11 Activation Portal
November 12th - Jupiter Pluto Conjunction
November 13th - Mars Goes Direct in Aries
November 15th - New Moon in Scorpio
November 21st - Welcome to Sagittarius Season
November 21st - Venus enters Scorpio
November 28th - Neptune Goes Direct in Pisces
November 30th - Full Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE in Gemini
This month I’m using The Light Seekers Tarot deck.
Things may have gotten a bit tense in your personal relationships. Big changes in how you share yourself with others and how you communicate your thoughts and emotions clearly will need to be revisited. There’s a need to clear the air and find a middle ground. You may see where you have been living in extremes and thinking in complete opposition to your partner. There’s a few questions that still need to be asked of yourself first, and of others second. You may have to dig deep in the darker emotions you’re feeling to connect the dots on how this is impacting your closest relationships. You’ll finally feel more like yourself mid month when Mars - your ruler - moves forward once again. This will give you your energy and drive back to move forward pushing through the blocks you’ve been faced with. Pace yourself. Don’t burn yourself out trying to accomplish everything at once. You’ll get a great opportunity to reinvent yourself and revive some old ideas that just didn’t pan out the first time around. This light at the end of the tunnel is now getting brighter and towards the end of this month, you’ll see brand new paths and opportunities unfold to reignite the spark and passion within you. The struggles you’ve been facing since your birthday will be overcome very quickly now that you are healing parts of yourself and allowing your creativity to lead the way. New information will come to light that will help you express your new ideas to a new audience with a much greater response than you’d expect. You’ll be putting your new skills and knowledge to use in real life situations that will help you communicate your talent and skills in a brand new way.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
You’ve been faced with some tough challenges that has made you take another look at how you run through your day. Certain tasks and chores became too much and forced you to recognize where changes had to take place. You’re perspective on how you are of service to others has shifted, showing you where you need to be there for yourself first. Your relationships with others has been a soft spot in showing you the deep karmic bonds between you and those you love. You’ll feel a huge shift forward pushing you to take a more healing approach in all you do. Busting your ass for other people has put you in a position of seeing how very little you do to ensure your own health and wellness - mind, body and soul. New ways of nurturing your loved ones will be adopted as you reorganize your own needs. Setting the stage for how you will share yourself with others will provide you with the stability you need to be there for others while still putting yourself first. You may feel called to reach out to old friends and even put yourself out there to allow new connections to form. Your plans and goals have now shifted and taking the time to re-establish your focus on the future will have you seeing where you have to get more creative in how you are planning for the future. You will feel a huge weight be lifted off of your shoulders by the end of the month when what you’ve been in conflict about - within yourself and with others - will finally see a resolution. This inner turmoil dates back to the spring when new information came to light altering the year you had planned for yourself.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
You’ve had to revisit a few issues that popped up in your closest relationships. Seeing what your heart wants to do in life has been a battle for you as you decide on what path to take moving forward. The sparks have been ignited but the energy has been confusing you as you are unsure on which path you should take. You’ll receive a bit more clarity on what to do as you get back to the basics of your daily routine. Providing yourself with the time to balance your internal scales and take care of your mind, body, and soul will help quiet the mental chatter that has you torn. You’ll come to realize a lot by the middle of this month and suddenly feel much more excited, passionate and driven on pursuing new goals. Connecting with like minded people will offer you more opportunities to clearly define where it is you want to position yourself moving into the future. You’ll get a powerful opportunity to reorganize and restructure the way you’ve been handling your days. Being honest with yourself and recognizing where you have been operating on auto pilot will help you to recenter yourself and create a new way of operating throughout your day. The conflict you’ve been experiencing in your relationships will be settled and with a clean slate you’ll feel excited to take on a new path and adventure. Theres’s a new confidence and optimism backing you to spice things up and make the energy a bit more playful in your interactions. The fogginess around your career and the uncertainty of your income will be resolved and open up new opportunities for you to pursue. You will feel a huge shift in your energy by the end of the month when the blocks you’ve been facing since your birthday will suddenly disappear.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Having some darker emotions of past topics and themes in your home life haven’t been easy to deal with. Although the energy has been heavy, there is a lighter energy moving in to help you have the conversations needed to resolve these sticky situations. You may have to step back and really ask yourself some tough questions about what it is you truly love to do, and how open you are to letting the walls down around your heart space. Revisiting some hobbies that you once thoroughly enjoyed might just bring back the spark that seemed to get snuffed out by other roles and responsibilities. You’ll see a sudden shift forward in your career and it may even feel chaotic as time speeds up pushing you through situations that were previously blocked for you back in the spring. Be sure to take a time out to see if these changes feel good and aligned with what your heart actually wants. There’s a deep transformation happening within you and you may realize that you might have gotten off track trying to pursue a goal that you no longer identify with. The excitement will come back into your life as you take a good look at how you’re spending your days. Seeing a new hope and confidence in how you are taking care of yourself before taking care of others will be the mental shift that you need to invite excitement back into your world. Things may get hot and spicy in your love life as new romantic connections enter your realm. Existing relationships will see a bump in passion making things feel intense and sensual once again. You may be drawn back to some spiritual practices as you reconnect with your soul self. A new desire to learn mystical arts or energy healing will push you into a new learning chapter of life. You’ll feel a huge shift in your mental plane towards the end of the month when you find a peaceful middle ground between your heart and your head. There’s been competing ideas since your birthday and by the end of this month you’ll feel solid and stable in choosing one path over the other.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Your mental health has definitely suffered over the past month or two as you ebb and flow between past memories and current desires. Relationships and how you’ve shared yourself with others has been a hot topic as you work to process some emotions and memories from your past. The weight of the roles and responsibilities of your home life and those family dynamics within it have triggered some darker emotions in you that have really dampened your soul. You may have to rethink how you’ve been providing yourself with safety and security and where you need to implement new boundaries in order to properly take care of yourself as you take care of the tasks and chores within your home. You’ll feel more like yourself mid month when you get your passion and drive back. Learning new skills and setting your sights on new goals will help you to regain your confidence and optimism that you lost under the pressure of your responsibilities. Shifting your perspective and reworking some things within your home will show you where you need to let go of some ideas and focus on only those that still make your heart happy. You’ll feel much more stable in your choices once you acknowledge where the heavier emotions have crept into your life and open your eyes to how you can make the changes needed to focus on the things that truly matter. You’ll be much more positive and excited to take on new challenges towards the end of the month as you carefully decide what it is that you actually want to spend your time doing. Find new life in old hobbies will reconnect you with your creative side and help you to start fresh with a new attitude. You’ll have a total shift in perspective as the weight and darkness is lifted from your mental plane. Where you’ve felt at odds with yourself and in conflict with others will resolve opening you up to new connections about to cross your path. Aligning yourself with the right kind of people to encourage your future plans will give you the encouragement you need to set off in a new direction.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
You’ve really had a totally upgrade and renovation of your mental plane as new perspectives and attitudes have taken over. Seeing yourself and the value you bring to others has been a game changer in evaluating your relationships and money matters. There’s been some tough topics that have resurfaced to help you see where you needed to let old ways of thinking go. Your mind has been expanding to see new possibilities emerge and how to go about setting new goals for yourself to accomplish. The passion and excitement you’ve been lacking will suddenly shift you forward to follow new paths and experiences that you’ve been hesitant to jump into. New information and details surrounding how you communicate your thoughts and feelings to others will have you connecting with people on the same journey as you’re currently on. The conflicts and confusion taking place in your home and in the family dynamics will finally be resolved creating a much more exciting and optimistic perspective on the future. There’s a more playful energy coming back into your home where things have gotten too serious. Being able to speak your mind with confidence and clarity will help everyone know where you stand and help them understand what you will no longer tolerate in your home and relationships. Your romantic relationships and close friendships will take on a new energy as you shift your focus on how you share yourself with others. There may be a few partnerships that you let go of - especially in a business sense - while making space for those of value to get the best parts of you. By the end of the month, you will close the gap between your heart and your head where your career is concerned. You’ve been split down the middle and at conflict with two competing ideas. This energy will help you find a middle ground where you can blend your opposing ideas together.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your birthday!
Your mental plane has been a bit of a dark place since your birthday. Trying to sort out and purge old mindsets and obsessions has been exhausting but soon you will find a happy place in between those extreme thoughts where you can adopt a brand new perspective moving forward. You may still have to do some deep thinking about your finances and get to the root of the problem with your budget and spending. Old habits need to die hard in order for you to have the financial safety and security you desire. You’ll feel a huge push forward in the middle of the month to clean house of those that consume too much of your time and energy. You will have to stand up for yourself and create new boundaries for those you allow to stay. New connections are forming but until you can control how much of yourself you extend to others, it’s best you take a step back. Think very carefully about how much you’ve changed over the past year and how much more you’d like to transform moving forward. You will have a beautiful opportunity to level up your confidence and self worth encouraging you to tap into new talents and skills that can create more income and abundance. You’ll start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel towards the end of this month, when your mental game shifts into more excitement and optimism for what awaits. Your passion will return and you may feel even more adventurous to take on a brand new chapter of learning. You will have to do some serious thinking about your relationships and money matters before the month is over. Recognizing where you’ve been blocking yourself from stability and abundance is the first step to setting yourself free. Allow your creativity to take over and spice up your day-to-day routine with new ways of doing things and a new mindset on how you complete your tasks and chores. Making time to balance your own mind, body, and soul before sharing yourself with others will give you a new practice to perfect in managing your energy. You’ll see a new opportunity be illuminated for you by the end of the month that will allow you to bring old talents and hobbies to life by stepping into a brand new adventure. Blending what you’ve learned and what you want to learn will open up a new excitement and passion in your life to let your creative side soar.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Happy birthday Scorpio! With the new natal year on the horizon, you may feel the tug of darkness still helping you to close certain chapters before you get the party started. You mental perspective is shifting especially where partnerships are concerned. A certain amount of healing has to take place before you can jump into your new year and that healing has shown you where you’ve become too independent and not needing others on your journey. Once you switch up your mental game, you’ll see where your energy is needed and that starts with how you move throughout your day. You’ll feel a push forward to rearrange your daily routine and the tasks and chores involved. Your success depends on the small habits you have and how you share your energy with the day. Make time to balance your energy and to nurture your health and wellness through activities that calm the mind, body and soul. You have a beautiful opportunity to reinvent yourself and set new goals and desires for the upcoming year. Get your head right and focus on what you want to see happen in both love and money. Stop hiding your talents from the world and bring your best self to the stage to create new income and abundance. Your confidence will be at its highest for setting off into a new direction. You’re levelling up your self worth and that value will be reflected in all you do. You’ll reconnect with your soul by the end of the month and really dive into what makes your heart happy. Bringing old projects to life and creating new ventures will be successful if it’s what brings a smile to your face. You’ll feel a completion and finality among the mental war you’ve been having with yourself. It’s time to stop thinking in black and white and find new life and possibilities in the grey area. Bridge the gap between the old and new, your heart and head, and your ideas for the future. Resurrect yourself in a brand new form and take this next natal year by storm.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
It’s almost birthday time Sag but first, we have some healing to do. You are in the darkest days as you approach your birthday giving you a chance to explore the darkest parts of yourself as you prepare to enter into a new year. You’ve had plenty of changes to your daily reality to make you rethink your life, especially who you are outside of the partnerships you’ve created. You’ve been given an opportunity to think about the new goals and experiences you’d like to have, but the uncertainty of it all has put a damper on your normally adventurous and excitable heart. You’ve been forced to contemplate new ways of being you if only you could let the old memories of you die first. You’ll get your groove back mid month when you finally realize what makes your heart happy. You can’t find your soul’s purpose on auto pilot so getting back to the hobbies you love and activities that make you feel at peace are where you’ll find your answers. You’re still holding onto the way things were too tightly to fully embrace the new adventures the universe has for you. So work on your vision for the future instead of replaying moments from the past. You’ll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel by the end of the month when you step into your season. The confidence and optimism you’ve been lacking will return just in time to encourage you to jump on new opportunities to revamp your home environment. The family dynamics within the home have seen huge challenges but when you look at it from a perspective of a new opportunity to create a safe place to nurture yourself and others, you may not feel like its a disruption and more of a blessings. The divide you’ve been feeling in your personal relationships will see resolve by the end of the month when the extreme circumstances you’ve been facing will finally find a middle ground. The divide between your heart and head will be illuminated and new ideas to bridge the gap will suddenly appear.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
You’re about to enter into the second half of your dark season as you approach your birthday. It may feel like you’ve stepped backwards in some areas of life, but throwing yourself into your work can be the kind of distraction that just might pay off in the long run. You are tapping into parts of your creativity that you haven’t experienced in a while and this will definitely help you in your career and maybe even open up new opportunities to create income and abundance. You are aligning with the right kind of people in your work place to help really bring your ideas to life in a way that will get much more attention than what you’re used to. Although you’re still trying to figure out what’s next for you, setting new goals and being open to making new connections is where your success really lives. Aligning yourself with who you want to be this time next year, will help you figure out the path forward. You’ll see a sudden shift in your home and family dynamics mid month when some frustrations may arise for growth and betterment. Learning how to set new boundaries with those you love will ensure you aren’t being taken advantage of and you can feel more at ease to relax within your space. You can feel the shift in energy helping you to grow past some outdated ideas of yourself. You are growing - slowly but surely - and some changes are definitely needed in order to reinvent yourself for this next chapter. You’ll feel much more confident and optimistic about your next chapter as we near the end of the month. This will help you wrap up some loose ends in relationships and business matters to prepare for what you have planned in your new natal year. You’ll have some amazing ideas pop into your brilliant mind towards the end of the month that will excite you for the year to come. Expanding your money matters and reaching new personal goals will seem like a new adventure instead of feeling like a chore. Your success is hidden in your daily routine. Restructure your day to allow enough time to rest and take care of your health and wellness. Your mind will be very active so engaging in activities that help calm the mind, body, and soul will be your greatest outlet for release.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
It’s been very difficult for you deciding what it is you want to do next. You’ve explored talents and skills from your past to see if they still spark excitement and passion within you. You’ll be much more decisive on your next steps as we enter into the month and you’ll start seeing huge shifts take place in your mental plane where love and money are concerned. It’s time you walk away from anything that sparks darkness in you and step closer to things that make your heart happy. You’ll see a huge opportunity in your career to jump back into something you love to do, with a brand new energy encouraging you to move forward. You’ll be put in a position of power to speak your truth and take control of your life. Your aggressive feelings have been trapped inside for far too long and now it’s time for you to speak your peace and clear the air. You’ll see a huge shift in your thinking especially where your career and money matters are concerned. You’ll be setting new goals and connecting to new people, even a larger community to help you share your gifts and talents in a brand new way. Get serious about what you want to accomplish in life and take steps towards creating a career that will help you accomplish them. You have so many talents and skills that you’ve put on the back burner that are essentially blocking your blessings and your path moving forward. Get creative and make time to reconnect with your soul self. Meditate or journal to uncover what it is your heart wants you to do. Get back to the basics of what you want in love and money and create a vision in your head for you to hold tight as you follow the path that will lead you to manifesting just that. You’ll feel a huge release of energy by the end of the month where you’ve been conflicted and torn. Your heart space has carried too much hurt and pain since your birthday for you to continue to drag this baggage into your next chapter. The conflict between what your head thinks and what your heart wants will disappear as you shift your mental game onto what you can do for yourself, by yourself, instead of investing all of your energy into allowing others to lead the way.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your birthday!
You’ve definitely be doing some deep thinking and rearranging your mental game. You’ll find a lot more clarity on what you’ve been confused about as we enter into this month. You’ll find yourself reconnecting with old parts of you that got pushed to the side as you pursued other things. Realizing the amount of talent and knowledge you have from days gone by will show you that you have more options and opportunities than you thought you did. You’ll be setting off onto a brand new path of adventure that sparks some excitement in you. It’s been while since you’ve been amped up and excited to take on a new challenge, but as you were forced to reconsider what you’ve been doing in life to make money, you’ll find you weren’t living in alignment with your soul’s desires. Get serious on what you want in life where love and money is concerned. You’ll feel a huge shift in energy mid month that will help you tackle new passions and experiences with a totally different mindset. Setting new goals for yourself will feel liberating instead of overwhelming. Planning a new adventure and means to create income and abundance doing what you love will be rewarded with blessings as you correct your path. You’ll see brand new opportunities open up in your career to take what you’ve already learned in days gone by and breathe new life into it to live a a life you love. It’s been a very difficult mental game for you this past year, and you are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You’ll feel more like yourself again by the end of the month as you level up your self confidence and get back to doing the things that bring you joy. You’ll feel a major release in energy as some of the weight of your home and the family dynamics in it find resolve. Where you’ve been conflicted and divided will find a happy and peaceful place in the middle where you can start fresh and take care of yourself and those you love.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Full Moon In Taurus
We are now under the intense, transformative influence of the Full Moon in Taurus. This Full Moon has the potential of being the most life changing full moon we've experienced thus far, grounding and anchoring our new energy into reality and helping our dreams to come true.
After what has been an absolute rollercoaster throughout the cosmos, this year has been jammed pack with highs and lows and intense energy shifts that have re-organized our inner and outer worlds, especially since Scorpio season began. This Full moon in Taurus will be no different.
This is a rare blue moon - meaning the second full moon in a month - taking place ON HALLOWEEN! This is a SUPER rare event as it hasn’t happened like this in decades. Halloween - also known as Samhain - is a night when the veil between realms is at its absolute thinnest making it very easy to connect to our ancestors and our intuition. The energy on Halloween is always a mystical experience, but this year, because of the rare full blue moon, we are in for a bit more than just your average hallow’s eve.
Full moons mark the ending of a cycle. If you can remember back to the new moon in Taurus back in May, the intentions and beginnings you had set out to manifest will be triggered into fruition under this full moon in Taurus. The energy has been building up to a crossroads or breaking point, forcing us to have to make a decision and live as authentically as possible under the knowledge that we've acquired about ourselves over the past several months.
With the Sun stationed in Scorpio, the spotlight is on death (endings), birth (beginnings), and transformation (resurrection). With Pluto, the planet of transformation leading us through Scorpio season as Scorpio's ruler. We are forced to unearth the deepest, darkest, dreams and desires within ourselves, after releasing the dark parts of our emotions and subconscious. We are now focused on the mysteries of life, and how we share our resources and knowledge with others.
The moon, which is all about our feels and our intuition, is in Taurus. With Venus, Taurus' ruler, being all about love, beauty, pleasure, personal wealth and finances, you can see how we are at a crossroads in life, debating on how to balance ourselves among doing what's best for us first, and how we share the best parts of ourselves with others, second. We are being asked to live in alignment with our Soul's purpose, and reaching a point of truth within ourselves about what we love and value.
Your skills and talents are under the spotlight with the moon in Taurus, and you are being asked how you can make your skills and talents work for you. What activities are you engaged in when you completely lose track of time? This is an indicator of being in alignment with your Soul.
Taurus' energy is also showing you your attitude towards money. This is an area where many of us need to reprogram our thoughts and feelings towards our personal finances. Many of us were raised hearing that "money is the root of all evil..." "Money is dirty..." and that "You have to work hard for your money..." Do you really believe this? Money is a very powerful vibration. Just like anything else, it carries positive and negative traits. If you can truly harness the power of money, you will have income and abundance flowing steadily and freely towards you. Everything in this world is carrying a vibration and frequency. It is our jobs to align ourselves and tune into the frequency and vibration to what it is we want to attract.
This Full Moon in Taurus is raising questions for us to ask ourselves, and then the power of the Scorpio sun will lend us the tools to transform ourselves and the situations in our lives, into a frequency or vibration more aligned with what we want, what our Soul wants.
So you can expect the normal intensity of a full moon, but jacked up on mystical steroids. You can expect to feel the physical energy manifest either as excitement or as anxiety. This discomfort is making you VERY aware that there are issues within you that need to be acknowledged. Once you put all of your feels out on the table, the light from the full moon will wash over you, cleansing you of these outdated thought patterns, old limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back in life, and it will provide a final death, an ending to these issues in order for you to transform yourself into a higher more accurate frequency and vibration to attract to you the people, places, and things more in alignment with your Soul's purpose and desire.
The best advice I can give to you to navigate these energies, is to completely surrender. Cut the bullshit, look yourself in the mirror, and stare into the depths of your Soul. Allow yourself the time and space to permit feelings and thoughts to rise to the surface for acknowledgement. Both Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs, meaning they HATE change. But change is inevitable under the influence of these planetary alignments. It is best to roll, than be dragged.
Uranus, the planet of unexpected events and opportunities is positioned in the sky to bring a wild card element to this Scorpio season, and of course, this full moon in Taurus. Remember that not all unexpected events are bad ones. With the current energies at play, you can expect an element of shock and awe to infiltrate your life now, leaving you with a totally different perspective with each "ah-ha" moment you receive.
To explore where these energies are effecting your chart or if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Retrogrades in Libra
Mercury retrogrades are always a bit of an emotional and mental disaster as we are forced to look back on the past, revisit some themes and topics, and revise our plans for the future. Mercury has just slipped back into Libra where we will get a chance to revisit some relationship issues and some topics and themes around balance.
Mercury had entered into Libra back on September 5th, and had us very focused on where we were living life in extremes. This realization helped us to restore peace, harmony, and fairness in those relationships as we fought tirelessly to see what and who was worth the energy.
Mercury moved into Scorpio on September 27th where we got to play detective in our inner worlds to pull of the shadow parts of us that we tried so hard to push back and keep repressed. Mercury in Scorpio is about the quest for truth no matter how dark or painful it may be. Once mercury went retrograde in Scorpio, all bets were off. Mercury is essentially asleep at the wheel - we couldn’t rely on logic to solve issues rather we had to lean in to our intuition and trust that it would steer us in the right direction.
Now that some dark truths have emerged, corruption and lies have been revealed, and the raw details have emerged from the dark murky waters of scorpio, mercury will slip back into Libra where we get a second chance to see things from a different perspective. Now we can see very clearly the cut and dry truth of where we need to focus our attention. Who is worth the time and energy to keep around, and where we desperately need peace to infiltrate our lives giving us a bit of a break.
Mercury retrograding in Libra should reveal profound insights on what is fair. What we need need as individuals, and what we need as a team. Conversations of depth and purpose will be easier to have. Self worth and inner value has levelled up, and using others as a mirror to see our own wounds still needing to be healed will give us the clarity and direction we’ve been lacking. Make no mistake though, mercury is still very much asleep. The libra energy is naturally indecisive and constantly looking for external validation, and mercury retrograding in libra under the scorpio season won’t be a clear mental game, instead we are still heavily reliant on our intuition and trusting the universe to guide the way.
There is some added fuel to the fire as mars and Chiron oppose mercury’s backsteps in libra. This is where our frustrations and old traumas come out to be healed. Because scorpio season gives us the power to transform even the greatest of pains into absolute and total power, you can bet that we will have some deep revelations exposed in our psyche to help us regain our footing and power.
Cosmically and ironically enough, mercury will go direct in libra on November 3, election day. These past weeks of dark truths, exposed corruptions and misinformation will lead to a very interesting sorting of details as we move forward. Mercury will be in it’s shadow period until mid November where it will creep back into Scorpio for another shot at making sense of some very dark and serious topics transforming our inner worlds and the grander collective’s consciousness.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Welcome To Scorpio Season
Today the Sun moves out of Libra where we focused on restoring love, peace, harmony, and balance to our lives and relationships, and moves into Scorpio where we dive deep into our unconscious self.
This past Libra season wasn't really the kind of energy we are use to under this zodiac's influence. Normally, Libra season would be happy and joyful, spreading love and harmony into our relationships, beautifying our surroundings and lending a power of fairness into all we do.
This Libra season was much darker and heavier than usual. We can blame mars (scorpio’s co-ruler) being retrograde for adding some frustrating fuel to our fire as we really struggled with balancing topics and themes of I vs. You, Me vs. We, Us vs. Them, along with a huge focus into our inner worlds to see what it is we are truly passionate about and what it is we actually desire.
Now the time has come to slip into the mysterious side of life as Scorpio season takes over. Scorpio being the most mis-understood sign of the zodiac, is a natural detective that isn't afraid to dive deep within one's self to explore the inner most dreams and desires of our Soul.
Notoriously known for death, rebirth, transformation, and all things mystical in life, Scorpio season will lend us the power and energy to transform parts of ourselves and areas of our lives from something that has been working against us, into something so beautifully powerful, that it embodies the Phoenix, regenerating itself from the ashes, transforming itself into a powerful mystical creature that turns pain into power.
We have the power to take what we've learned over the past couple of months, especially with what was revealed to us during Libra season, and transform that into something so solid and opportunistic that we are coming out on top. Scorpio, being the most intense sign of the zodiac, the most direct, and mysterious energy we can harness, will lend us the ability to play detective in our own lives, uncovering truths, and transforming that information into an element of power.
Scorpio season is when things get a bit dark and spooky, revealing emotions and memories from the darkness of the depths of our souls. It’s where the veil between our world and that of the spirit realm thins, allowing inter-dimensional bleeds of repressed emotions and memories flood into our conscious awareness. Scorpio season is often feared by the majority of the zodiac, because it’s where the truth emerges, as deep and painful as that may be.
Scorpio is a water sign, exploring the depths of our intuition and emotional bodies. We connect to ourselves and those around us on a much deeper level. This is a time when fake and shallow relationships, ones of pain and betrayals will be outed and forced into the light of the Sun for all to see. Relationships of all dynamics seem to get tested during Scorpio season as we want to meet others on a soul and karmic level. It’s when words don’t matter and energy trumps all. It’s when the lies expose themselves, jealousy gets piqued, and possessiveness and obsessions take over. Scorpio season is intense. It leaves no stone unturned and it forces us to get real with ourselves and the lives we’ve created.
We have had a rough year cosmically. With extreme highs and lows and earth shattering events causing us to review our life choices, and in some cases start completely over, building from the ground up. For many of us, we have been thrown back in time as we are forced to face ex-lovers coming out of the woodwork. We have been forced to re-examine our foundations such as our careers and home environments. We are living in such an honest and raw time now that we are able to cut through the bullshit, and get to the bottom of any truth.
Mercury currently retrograde in scorpio is helping us to trust our intuitions as we revisit some topics and themes of the past. It’s forcing us to step out of our critical minds and rely on our intuition to show us the way. Having the major heavy hitting planets responsible for this year’s great awakening now direct, especially Pluto (Scorpio’s ruler) we are seeing new paths, timelines, and chapters emerge that will take us to the next level of our human journey. Scorpio season will be very revealing and life changing as we take control of our current transformation and emerge better than ever.
It’s no wonder that Halloween takes place in Scorpio season, as the magic of the underworld comes out to walk the earth. This year we have a full moon in Taurus taking place on Halloween, which will help thin out the veil between realms and make the magic and power of our intuition that much more intense. We should be prepared for some powerful revelations as we wade through the scorpion waters. These shifts in energy and perspective will act as the catalyst we need to take the final steps in completing the transformation we are currently in the midst of.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.