Saturn Enters Aquarius


Today we have a MAJOR astrology event taking place that is going to go down in history as the great shift of our times. Saturn, the great lord of karma, the ruler over structures and systems, is now moving from its place of power in Capricorn, to it’s second home in Aquarius. Saturn moved into Aquarius back in March but since then retrograded and moved back into its place of power in Capricorn.

Saturn is not a fun energy. It rules over hard work, hard life lessons, and self discipline. It represents the systems and structures we have in society and in our own personal lives. I often refer to Saturn as the military grandfather of the zodiac - very cold and rigid as he barks orders from his role of authority. Saturn and Pluto (ruler of destruction, transformation, and rebirth) are the duo responsible for the crumbling of the systems and structures we are currently experiencing and will continue to show us the hard life lessons we must overcome as we close out 2020. Jupiter - the great magnifier - has been with Saturn & Pluto this year turning up the volume on the amount of damage and destruction they’ve created.

Back in January, there was a historical astrological event between Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto triggering the potential war talks, the divide among humanity, the riots, and of course, the corona virus. (Listen to the podcast episode here). As these heavy hitting planets have been in Capricorn (business, government, and roles of authority) for quite some time now, we are definitely seeing the results of their encounter worldwide.

Saturn, now ready to make the jump from earthy Capricorn (consumerism, material values, hierarchies)  to airy Aquarius (intellect, information, collaboration) - FOR GOOD - will literally be the turning point of our history. This particular cosmic event takes place days before the Sun reaches the Galactic Center, before Jupiter joins Saturn in Aquarius, and before they team up and have the great conjunction that will shift us into a brand new age. This historic event will trigger a restructuring and a reorganization of our world. The systems and structures we’ve had in place are no longer in alignment with the vibration of the collective consciousness. We have seen traditional roles of our government, banking systems, economy, health care, politicians and celebrities crumble.

This, although extremely painful and chaotic to live through, is a much needed turn of events to revolutionize society, to focus more on the health and well being and value of human lives, animals, and nature over the capitalist idea of making a dollar. We could not continue on that path. Now, with Saturn entering into the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, we will see breakthrough take place in our medical, scientific and technology sectors to push us into a brand new age.

We must return back to basics using this energy in pioneering and innovating for the future. We had to get rid of all the old systems and structures that were more focused on consumerism and making a dollar versus taking care of life and the world around us like we are about to do.

Saturn moving into Aquarius will shift us out of our comfort zones of sticking to what is familiar even though it doesn’t feel good, and now support us is creating a world that will encourage and support humanitarian efforts. This is where the global collective comes together to unify the worlds resources and cherish the human experience above all else.

This is a time where we create a new earth. Where we keep the collective’s health and well being at the top of the list of priorities, and where we suddenly see how to put the pieces back together in a much more functional way.

We are definitely living in unprecedented times, and although things may seem a bit crazy in the world right now, it is absolutely necessary to breakdown before we break through. The chaos isn’t quite finished yet, as the major heavy hitting planets are still very much flexing their powers globally in the government and financial sectors. We will have to focus very hard on the world we would like to live in to make sure the global collective is at the right vibration for new earth to emerge.

Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!