Venus in Scorpio

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (17).jpg

Venus, the Goddess of love, beauty, and self-worth is now moving from her place of power and comfort in Libra into the deep, dark, and sexual waters of Scorpio. Venus isn’t very comfortable in Scorpio as she’d rather keep things light and fluffy.

The intensity in relationships reaches new highs, while our wounds from relationships highlight our lows. We become more fierce in love and pursue our deepest desires with an unbridled passion. Things can get hot and steamy while Venus is in Scorpio. This is a time when new relationships can begin and reach levels of intimacy quickly, while other existing relationships may do the same or fall apart all together.

If there are any lies, betrayals or deceptions in existing relationships it will definitely be highlighted under this energy. We can obsess over our relationships, desires, and even our goals that we want to manifest. We have to watch out for the darker emotions to rise up while Venus is in Scorpio, as the scorpio energy wants to illuminate all that is hidden. There is a great transformative energy in scorpio’s waters, especially emotionally and psychologically.

With Venus entering into Scorpio, you can bet that things just got a bit more serious. We will find ourselves being brought back to issues that triggered us, that revealed perspectives to us that haven't sat well within. It is likely that these topics stem from the relationships that were effected during Venus' 2018 retrograde in Scorpio, and last Fall’s push to weed out toxic relationships and shadow parts of our inner realms. Now we have to figure out how to heal and integrate these revelations.

Venus in scorpio will be asking the tough questions and the answers revealed will lead you to take action. We are no longer content in relationships that aren't fair to us, are supporting and loving in the ways we need. Our souls are crying out for authenticity and for those who actually LOVE us to step up to the plate of growth and grow WITH us. Some will not accept the challenge and there will be a natural dissolving of these relationships and structures.

Now that we are in the beginning stages of the Great Awakening, we will need the right people in our corner while the soul contracts with others may be completed as we move on in different directions. Venus in Scorpio gives us another opportunity to weed out the elements of our lives that aren't going to support us in building towards a new earth.

Although you might find this energy shift hard as it tugs on those heart strings, know that anything or anybody you let go of during this time is for your highest good. As painful as it may be to recognize that the ones you love aren't the right ones to have in place in your future, you are now acting in alignment to your self-worth.

It's important to realize that the relationship with ourselves is what sets the stage in every other relationship that we have. So if you are feeling like the scales aren't balanced in an existing relationship, DO something to restore balance, tweak those boundaries, and then look within to see what part of you has been allowing this kind of un-balanced energy exchange to take place, all in the name of love.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the today’s Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.


Mars in Libra


New Moon in Virgo