Astro & Tarot Forecasts November 2019


Welcome to November!

After October was a challenge to restore the peace and harmony in our lives and in our relationships, November brings us a time to do some inner reflection, some reevaluation, within our mental, emotional, and spiritual state. There is a great healing taking place in our Souls, but we need to be strong enough to take a walk into the darkness in order to face our fears. Whatever isn’t FOR US will be destroyed, and whatever is holding us back from fully embracing our power will be released.

*** Important energy shifts for November.***

November 1st - Venus Enters Sagittarius

November 12th - Full Moon in Taurus

November 19th - Mars Enters Scorpio

November 20th - Mercury Goes Direct in Scorpio

November 22nd - Sun in Sagittarius

November 25th - Venus Enters Capricorn

November 26th - New Moon in Sagittarius

November 27th - Neptune Goes Direct in Pisces

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Aries- Nov

After October had you transforming, fully embracing your new vibration as you leave the old, darker parts behind, November will free you up to explore yourself, your relationships, and your next phase of the adventure in learning. Because mercury retrograding in scorpio will be in effect for most of this month, there will be a quiet undertone of inner exploration as you dive within your psyche and subconscious. The energy surrounding your career is high bringing in the kind of financial success that makes you a bit less intense with your finances. Take caution though, this month could be a bit too fancy-free on the purse strings, as there’s a high probability for over-spending. The shift in your new self-worth will have you re-arranging your finances, re-evaluating how you use your talents and abilities, and some long-term plans you’ve had for yourself may need a bit or revising. You’ve recognized the areas within yourself that have been blocking you from fully embracing your next adventure, but this resurrection of your power, energy, passion, and drive, will have you jumping into your next phase in no time. You’re eager to set out on a new path and acquire new knowledge while you put your existing knowledge to work. Your career sector may see a boost in both public recognition and in income or advancement towards the end of the month which will help you to relax that much more right before we jump into the holiday festivities. As you think of all that awaits you in the coming year, you start to dream again, envisioning where your path will take you, and the kind of experiences you still have yet to enjoy. Let your intuition show you the way to building your next phase and adventure, the clarity you crave can be found in your dreams.

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Taurus - Nov

After October forced you to refocus and balance the personal relationships you have with those you love, November will ask you to revisit some dramatic relationships fallouts, one… last… time. Trying to figure out if there’s another way to do things, to communicate and interact with the conflicted relationships in your life will have you pondering whether or not this person is worth the effort. Is it going to change? Is it a lost cause? You may just find the answer is releasing your own emotions and expectations of the relationship in order for it to not be so damaging and destructive. There’s a reinvention of self for you this month, and as someone who resists change, you’ve recognized where change has to take place within yourself and the way you operate to create more freedom and flow in your life. You are morphng into your best boss in your home and work life. You always to a good job at whatever you’re invested in, but there’s a new found authority happening in your values. This is a great time to think about the connections you currently have and where you could be meeting new people to align to your new goals and dreams for your social life.

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Gemini - Nov

After October focused on having you transforming your day to day routine, November will see you taking your power back in your relationships. You’ve been disconnected from yourself, your intuition, and the world around you. Sometimes you have to retreat in order to heal. But this month, you are regaining your footing and reclaiming your power. Where you haven’t trusted your intuition in the past will now come up for review. You’ll have to revisit some situations and conversations from the past, but now that you are reconnecting with your power, you’ll see these matters from a new set of eyes. Transforming your day to day life hasn’t been easy. The mental state you’ve been in has been tough to break. But with your reclaimed power comes a lot more freedom for you to see past the darkness and where it was you gave your power away in the past. The new goals and intentions you have for your relationships will lead you on a path to connect with those willing and able to respect your boundaries, and the new dreams surrounding your career life will finally start to manifest in your reality.

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Cancer - Nov

After October had your heart being exercised at its full potential, November will see your day to day life change in new, positive ways. The work and effort you’ve been putting in to building new foundations for yourself are finally starting to pay off. You are using your skills, talents, and abilities in a new way creating a new income or financial upgrade that will help you to feel more safe and secure long-term. There’s a change in perspective and release of emotions surrounding your goals and connections that was initiated from the Spring. Revisiting some heart felt disappointments and struggles from that time will look very different now with your current growth and understanding. The depth of transformation that has taken place in your heart chakra, freeing you from some of the pain and darkness from the past, is freeing you up for new adventures. Discovering a new way of moving through your day to day routine, structuring activities that promote balance will be a new adventure for you to play with as you explore what it is you need to feel secure within your own energy. Things get a bit serious when it comes to your romantic connections this month, as you are re-evaluating what it is you need from another person in order to feel safe in a relationship. You are thinking much more long-term about your relationships, friendships, and financial situations that you have in the past months. Get ready to start a new learning adventure where you can explore a more freer way of living that you have in the past. The structure and routine of the past will be thrown to the wolves as you find a flow that supports you in your new endeavours.

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Leo - Nov

After October had focusing on your home and family connections, November will help you to battle some inner demons still hanging onto your heart strings. Memories and emotions from past heartbreaks are coming up for review and to be released. You’ve done so much work on trying to build a stable home life for yourself that now your heart felt connections need a bit of focus. You’ll feel the weight on your heart space free itself up when you move inward to finally break the chains that have been holding you back from truly sharing yourself with another person. You may also feel a sudden shift in your work area as the focus has been mostly on your home life. The scales are unbalanced, and this month you will try to stabilize them. Your home life and the family dynamics within them have demanded a lot of your energy and attention, but a few balls got dropped while tending to your comfort zone. The energy shifts your attention on making sure you mental state comes out of the darkness and rejoices in being playful and creative again. You’ve been tethered to the past and the pain it has caused you for far too long, and this month you will see that part of your heart die of and regenerate into something more open and ready to explore avenues where it can fully express itself. It may just be time to let that special someone into your heart.

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Virgo - Nov

After October challenged you to speak up and communicate your thoughts and feelings in brand new ways November will have you revisiting some issues in the home and family dynamics within it. Your heart had suffered in the past with both romantic and family dynamics not honouring you the way you deserved. Although you were quick to dismiss and block that emotion from your heart and head, the past has a funny way of re-emerging. You’ve learned a lot about yourself through your relationships with other people, and now that you’re communication skills have been honed, you may just have to put them to the test to rectify some of the relationships that need a second chance, or a final closure. Having a change in heart is okay, even for you Virgo, but keeping that to yourself isn’t honouring those that need to hear it. Now you’re eager to explore new ways of building relationships and mending those broken relationships within your family. With a new sense of self worth, and a new perspective of what it is you want for yourself in your future, you might have to dust the old heart chakra off and give it another chance at a love that you thought had slipped away. You may just see where your illusions of you relationship status have been blocking your view. Changing your way of thinking and feeling about what it is you want, need , and desire in sharing yourself with someone else may just have you rethinking about a few relationships that got away.

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Libra - Nov

After October helped you build new foundations for yourself as your values have changed, November will help you to truly grasp a new perspective on what it is you have in life, and how you equate that to your own self worth. Through the pain and suffering of re-evaluating your material world and personal finances, you are being offered a new perspective on your life and how you see your success. You’ve had some tough lessons in love and money, and most importantly in your own self worth. You will have a chance to take a step back and reflect on all you’ve experienced as far as loss goes, in order for you to see how that material loss equaled a valuable self-worth gain. Releasing the ideas of you only being as successful as the things you possess will free you up to see where you’ve been blocking yourself from using your gifts and abilities to their fullest potential. Wade through the deep waters of emotions within to remind yourself that you are not what you have, and that you value more about yourself then just the things you surround yourself with. You are ready to free yourself from a harsh way of thinking, and with that, you are ready to explore a new path forward with your new found perspective. This shift will allow you to reorganize your home space, see what really is of value to you, and get serious about your long-term plans instead of living day to day. There will be a huge jolt in your day to day routine and how it is you flow through your daily life. Restoring the balance to your work and life equation will give you a solid foundation on creating new dreams for yourself in the future, after you destroy the illusions you’ve been telling yourself.

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Scorpio - Nov

After October resurrected you in a brand new light, November will encourage you to root your new energy in your new natal year. Your finances have finally broken through the blockages of the past few months, but so has your ideas on love and money. You are thinking long-term now and are anxious to free your talents and abilities from the restrictions you’ve been holding onto. Revisiting parts of your old self and seeing how they contributed to your overall growth will have you re-energizing yourself in a brand new energy. You are opening parts of yourself up now to forming new relationships and strengthening the relationships that you often keep at a safe distance away. You are no stranger to the darkness within, but this latest inner exploration of the pain and trauma you’ve held onto from your past heart breaks needs to be released for good. Push the seriousness to the side long enough for your playful side to see the light. Your heart chakra is asking for you to let it out to play so it can experience new ways of expressing itself both creatively and in love. Use your communication skills to your best of your ability this month as your words carry a great weight to them. You have lots to share and if you could get past your need to stay so private, you’d see that your words and ideas can actually help many people on their current path. This is a brand new year for you Scorpio, so dream the grandest dream you can for yourself, and then get out of your own way.

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Sag - Nov

After October helped you take a time out to move inward and reflect on the past year’s experiences, levelling up your self-worth, November will show you where it is you need to rebuild yourself, restrengthening yourself and your spirit before heading into a new natal year. You’ve made a certain peace with your inner spirit as you’ve dove deep into the hurt and pain of the last year. Recognizing where the weight has been on your heart has helped you to realize that there is a better way to honour yourself and those you love other than staying in a state of sadness. As you approach your birthday you will expose dark parts of yourself to the light to be transformed in ways that are going to support your growth and soul’s evolution throughout the next calendar year. As you call back each part of the power you’ve given away, you will once again start thinking, feeling, and operating for a whole sense of self. Releasing old habits and behaviours, especially ways of thinking will help to free you up to find a better flow to run through your day to day tasks. Focusing a bit more on balancing the mind, body, and soul will help you to stabilize your health and wellness. And finding a new meaning or purpose for yourself, maybe a new career or a volunteer position to help give back to others will ground you in a sense of community. As November comes to an end you will feel your energy shift into a new, lighter, more positive energy that will help you feel more like yourself again, being optimistic and hopeful for the year to come.

To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can 

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Capricorn - Nov

After October exposed you to new networks and connections that can help you reach your dreams, November will challenge you to move inside yourself to explore your inner world to reconnect with your intuition and creativity. You’ve met the right people and are now in the right position to get to work building towards the new goals and dreams you have set for yourself. These new roles and responsibilities will require you to step out of your comfort zone just a tad, to recognize the value of the people you surround yourself with. Your heart chakra is opening up, expanding your romantic and creative opportunities. You need to leave the heaviness behind to embrace a more playful approach of how you handle yourself and the work you do. Letting go of a few disappointments you’ve accumulated since the spring will have your creative juices flowing like never before. But recognizing your high expectations and harsh judgements on yourself are the only things that have ever been blocking your way forward. Towards the end of November, you will begin to re-evaluate your worth, your skill set and what it is you actually value in your relationships with others. You may even find new financial goals need to be set for your new natal year. It’s a time to think very hard about what it is you want for yourself for the long-term, as you’ve finally reach a place where thinking that far in advance is actually realistic for you to do.

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Aquarius - Nov

After October had focused on your career and preparing for your next move in life, November will have you reflecting on what it is you’re actually working towards as you create new goals for yourself to accomplish. You may be feeling very social this month as you align yourself with new friends and new people in your network that you can rely on for future support. A huge release surrounding your home and the relationships within it, will help you to create a more stable future for yourself in moving forward. Whatever transpired in the relationships within the home back in May, will finally see an ending. Reviewing your options for your career path, factoring in the new details that have emerged will be a main topic as the course of your career life has changed. There are external influences impacting the ability for you to commit to the roles and responsibilities your career has for you, and these issues need to be resolved, before your life changes once again. Tying up lose ends of the past where your career and your home dynamic is concerned should be the main area of attention for you. Towards the end of November you will see a restructuring of your faith, what it is you believe in, and the soul contracts currently being played out. You chose to walk a different timeline back in September, and now figuring out the details of how to move that timeline forward will be re-evaluated inside of your spirit. You may see a change in your material world as what you’ve accumulated since the Spring may have to be readjusted to fit your new life moving forward. Make sure you are using all of your skills and abilities to your advantage to build a foundation of financial security for you to grow off of as we move into a new year.

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Pisces - Nov

After October had you making new connections, aligning with the right people to get you to your newest goals and dreams, November will see a blending of energy to help you apply all that you’ve learned through your schooling and experience to your current career position. The energy will get a bit more playful at your job as the hard learning phase is over. Now that you've expanded your mind and skillset to the current position, you can let your guard down a bit, as you’ve proven what it is you know and what it is you’re worth. You will release a huge emotional block that began back in May involving your communication style and actually using your voice to speak up what it is you know. The authority role you’ve embraced has been a challenge for you but using your voice to speak up and out has shown both yourself and those you work with that you actually DO know what you’re talking about. There will be a review of your knowledge through your own independent learning or actually diving back into a course, or school setting. The insecurities you have about yourself, about what it is you know, has you looking to reaffirm your education and skills. There is a new part of yourself opening up and wanting to be discovered and explored. You’ve applied all that you’ve learned from the past to your current profession, but now you seek new knowledge to help your career in the future. Make sure you are making time for your friendships and relationships this month, as you’ve been disconnected from those that mean the most to you for the past 6 months. Things are going to start settling into your new life flow now, opening you up to getting back to the very basics of what’s important in your life.

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Venus Enters Sagittarius


Mercury Retrogrades In Scorpio