
Pluto Goes Direct

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (13).jpg

Today, we have Pluto - the planet of death, rebirth, power, and transformation, going DIRECT. Pluto is still is in the sign of Capricorn - structures, foundations, government, banking, health, systems, etc. and has been a major contributor to old systems being destroyed in order to start new. After its 5 month retrograde, we are now ready to unleash our inner warrior and release our deepest and darkest dreams and desires onto the world.

Think back to April, is that when everything got paused and you felt yourself moving inward to explore the darkness? Many of us have had our structures rattled and some have even fallen to the ground. Whether this took place in your career, home life, relationships, within who you are, or in your mental plane, we have been politely avoiding cleaning up the mess.

Now that the energy from Saturn & Jupiter is preparing us to make some major shifts forward (both moving direct this month as well) the Universe is ready to wave the green flag for us to get moving. There is no holding us back after this month! We defined what it is our heart and soul wanted from us in Leo season, we had the organized and detailed energy of Virgo season to help us think and analyze how we are going to make it happen, and now Libra season is offering us the opportunity to make things balanced and fair again, restoring the peace and harmony in our lives. Now with Pluto going direct, only HOURS after the New Moon in Libra peaks, the time for action and transformation is NOW, and this will help us put a firm ending to some karmic cycles as we step into our power and start a new chapter and cycle.

Mercury -the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental plane, how we receive information, form new ideas and expressions, and communicate that information outwards - is retrograde in Libra, helping us to deal with some repressed emotions and purge the unconscious blocks that are preventing us from totally embracing the path forward. This particular energy shifts our minds into a more analytical state of questioning. We are blending our intellect with our intuition to dig up the important details we’ve shoved to the side within ourselves, and the information we’ve been choosing to avoid in our personal relationships.

Since new karmic contracts just got introduced, the new timelines just got anchored, we need to step up to the plate and not be afraid to take a walk in the dark side of our soul. Bring forth the shadows you’ve worked so hard to repress and let them see the light.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Welcome To Libra Season

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (20).jpg

As the energy to "take action" has been building under the organized and detailed influence of Virgo season, we are now going to hit the ground running looking to balance the areas in life that have gotten out of whack.

Today marks the beginning of the race, triggering the Fall Equinox and the beginning of Libra season. Many of us have been in the awkward space between chapters ending, but new chapters not quite ready to begin. In this last week of September, we will have lots of planetary support to step out of the planning and visualization stage of our new goals and dreams, and into a place of power and action, restoring our energy, mind, body and soul, along the way.

We already have Mercury, the planet of communication and conversation, here in Libra, the sign of balance, harmony, and one-on-one relationships, along with Mars - the warrior, standing up for ourselves, pushing for what is right, and what needs to be advocated for in our relationships. Remember how Virgo season came with a warning to be mindful about how you speak to others, and yourself? How to be mindful that Virgo energy could make your tongue sharp and maybe exercise critical judgement on yourself or others? Well, with both the Sun, Mercury, and Mars now in Libra, the energy will provide you with an opportunity to clear the air in any conversation that potentially hurt others or caused confusion during the Virgo season. We can expect everyone to lower their voices and be calmer, more pleasant and gentle.

Libra is a very harmonious sign, offering balance and fairness in all that we do. Because Libra is focused on relationships (not just romantic ones), the way we communicate one-on-one will be heightened as we have the opportunity to clear the air (if needed), and to express ourselves with such ease and kindness that you can get to the bottom of any issue without "shit hitting the fan".

Today we have our Equinox! It is at this time of year that we focus on our abundance, as our ancestors used this time to harvest their crops, to help them last through the dark days of winter. It’s important for you to recognize that this is a changing time in your spiritual journey. It’s a time to quiet the mind and look inward to see what messages come up for you. If you recognize that you have a “lack” perspective (not having enough, money, energy, food, etc.), I invite you to shift your focus on what you DO have, and adopt the abundance perspective (I have love, support, shelter, etc.).

As the seasons change, so do our Souls. This is a time to reflect on all we’ve accomplished and what parts within us that still need to be healed. Winter is a time for healing, so it’s only natural that we shift our focus into tying up lose ends in our harvest period, before entering into a state of hibernation and healing.

The Equinox triggers the Sun moving from its time in Virgo, to entering into Libra officially initiating Libra season. Libra season is a time when the scales of life are balanced, both naturally, or with a gentle, but loving nudge. There is an air about Libra season that literally sweeps change in so gently and peacefully, that you may not even realize the changes have taken place. Libra is all about what is fair in the world. If you have any legal matters on your plate, Libra energy will support you, making sure the decision is as fair as possible.

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, rules Libra making things of love, beauty, and luxury a focal point. She’s actually in Scorpio right now, intensifying our wants, needs, and desires for true connection and intimacy in our relationships. Libra energy gently sweeps into our lives and makes things balanced and pretty again. Relationships, both old and new, will benefit from Libra’s energy, as there is nothing more important under this influence then making sure our relationships are balanced and filled with love.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

New Moon in Virgo

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (16).jpg

Today we have the New Moon in Virgo giving us the opportunity to plant seeds in our minds and in our realities for what we'd like to invite into our worlds. The new moon always gives us a fresh start, a clean slate to work with, to initiate and begin new cycles in our lives.

The New Moon being in Virgo gives us the opportunity to invite in new ways of thinking, of doing our chores, of operating throughout our daily routine. Virgo energy wants to focus on the details of our lives, getting organized and focused, completing projects from the past to clear the way for new projects that are about to begin.

The New Moon in Virgo is a great time to make a new exercise routine, creating a space and time in your busy day to focus on the health and wellness of your mind, body, and soul. This is a great time to ask yourself how you can help other people as Virgo loves to be of service to a greater and larger community.

In the weeks leading up to a New Moon we may feel stuck, heavy, and weighted down trying to clean things up before a new cycle begins. This is a time of cleansing to fully prepare for all the new you are about to focus on initiating in your life. This New Moon in Virgo is not only going to hep us set foundations down for our future, but it's a time for us to get our head space right.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, and has an innate ability to filter through information, to focus in on the details of any matter, and to see very clearly what needs to be done to create safe and secure structures and systems in our lives.

This new moon is also very rooted in the earth element, as we currently have an elemental energy profile of even earth to air. This illluminates new ideas, embracing change, and actually DOING something about it in our physical realms. This earth energy slows things down. It makes us work hard setting down the roots we desire in our day to day lives.

It is a "slow and steady wins the race" kind of energy and that's why our main goal under this new moon should be planting seeds of intentions that will be the foundation and cornerstone of support we need to build off of and reap the rewards from, in the years to come.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast and listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Enters Libra

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (15).jpg

We get to ease some pressure from our mental planes as Mercury - the ruler of our thoughts, ideas, perspectives, information, and communication - steps down from his place of power in Virgo to move into Libra.

Mercury was very much at home in its place of power in Virgo, helping us to hone in on the details of our lives, to discern what in our routines and systems needed to stay and what needed to go. Mercury ruling over the mental plane - really helped us to kick the old, negative programming to the curb. Now that Mercury is entering into Libra, we will be able to analyze our relationships; especially where love & money is concerned. Because Mercury rules over our communications, you will find that your social interactions become much more light-hearted, playful, and fun.

There’s a much more rational approach that we take when diving into matters that effect our relationships status, and it’s a great time to be the mediator within yourself and those tougher conversations that we’ve been putting off. Mercury allows us to see where the scales have become unbalanced in our relationships and also has the cool, detached, and flirty kind of energy to talk our way back into a much more fair, and balanced state. We can see both sides of the coin under this influence and we are open and understanding enough to co-operate in a way where the compromises we must make to meet another in the middle are fair to all concerned.

Watch out for being overly indecisive as Mercury moves through Libra, as one of the more negative traits of this Libra energy is to find sitting on the fence quite comfortable. We may find it hard to make a decision and are likely to sway back and forth on a topic needing external reassurance to actually decide and commit. We strive for harmony under the Libra energy, but make sure you aren’t sacrificing your own wants, needs, and desires, just to keep the peace.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Welcome To Virgo Season

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (14).jpg

Hours after our second Full Moon in Aquarius peaks, the Sun moves out of the heart and soul of the zodiac (Leo) to roll up his sleeves and get shit done in Virgo. You feel that? That sense of semi-calmness? The feeling of knowing what has to get done? The feeling that suddenly all your thoughts and feeling are feeling a bit more grounded and organized? That’s the Virgo energy coming to our rescue!

We are emerging from what have been some very overwhelming and confusing times. The Sun moving into Virgo today is exactly the energy we need in order to clean up the mess of the last couple of months, in a clean, organized, fashion. We have chosen new paths to walk, new ideas, to bring life to, and new dreams to manifest, but they aren’t going to bring themselves to life. That’s where Virgo energy shines!

Whatever bullsh*t is still lingering in your life now, somehow surviving the last couple of months of us being stripped of everything blocking us from our most authentic selves, will be cut through with ease like a hot knife slicing through an ice cream cake. We don’t have the time or energy for the bullsh*t anymore. We are able to clearly recognize what crap still is attached to us, and instead of focusing on letting it go right now, the Virgo energy will allow us to see its actual importance in our lives, and provide us with the clarity and strength we need to not give it any weight.

We no longer have the patience or energy to think about, or explore these negative obstacles. The time for thinking about it all is coming to a close, and we are now entering a time where we are about to implement great action in our worlds in order to move forward.

Virgo is a very organized and detailed energy. It has the ability to get straight to the point of what needs to happen in life in order to accomplish a greater goal. Virgo will lend us the energy to be able to see the bigger picture and break it down into small, manageable details and steps, in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Virgo energy is very analytical and can be very critical as well. It’s important to be mindful of yourself now, and the judgments you may have about yourself, or others. The Virgo energy could manifest in a way that has your tongue sharp, and ready to cast judgments on situations taking place around you.

Virgo being an earth sign, has us all feeling a bit more grounded than we have been feeling over the whirlwind of retrograde summer. Being more practical in the way we think, feel, and take action, is exactly the energy we need to support us in providing closure to some of the things that rose to the surface during this time of deep transformation.

My advice to you is to embrace the energy of Virgo and get shit done! We already have a fire lit under our ass from the new Galactic year beginning, the New Moon in Leo aligning us with our true desires, and the Lion’s Gate portal energy helping us to jump timelines and soul contracts. With Mercury already in Virgo clearing our mental planes from chaos and clutter. We really are going to get this party started in a calm, organized fashion.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury in Virgo

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (10).jpg

Today we have Mercury, the messenger of the Gods - ruling over our mental plane information, and communication - entering into Virgo. Virgo, is an earth sign, and is one of Mercury’s natural homes and places of power. Mercury rules both Virgo and Gemini and feels most aligned in these signs. As the natural ruler of these placements, Mercury’s energy works best in these signs than any other. Although Mercury in Gemini is a favourable placement, Virgo is where Mercury feels the most powerful and productive!

Virgo is the sign of analyzing and organization. Mercury’s movement into Virgo will allow us to examine situations and information with a sharp, keen, eye. With a heightened sense of detail, and the ability to analyze and organize our thoughts, feelings, and of course life situations, this placement will lend us the energy to take action, and help us get serious to buckle down to get things done.

Our communication abilities will be powerful as we are able to communicate with clear intent and reason, cutting through all the bullsh*t to get straight to the point. Although this particular placement wouldn’t be consider a lot of “fun”, it’s exactly the energy we need to get back to reality after a beautifully, chaotic, time in Leo. Although most don’t look forward to getting back to reality, this placement makes us not be whiners about it. Instead it empowers us to get a grip and get things done!

This will be a time when productivity is at an all time high, meaning your to-do list will be organized and completed based on priority and will be crossed off the list of things to do in an orderly fashion. The progress we make in our lives this month will be huge under the supporting energy of mercury in Virgo, and will lend exactly what most of us need to help move us forward after getting stuck in a rut with the energetic chaos of the summer.

The only warning I could provide you with for this placement, is to be aware that you are not overly critical of yourself and/or others. Criticism is highly possible at this time, as Virgo energy has a tendency to nit pick and be "judgey" due to their overthinking and critical mind. No one is harder on themselves than a Virgo, so the energy could encourage us very honestly without intent to harm. Be aware of your words and make sure you deliver information with tact as the discriminatory energy of this placement will have sharp words on the tip of everyone’s tongues.

That being said, you can only control yourself and please be aware that others may not have the same awareness as you do. So if you find yourself on the receiving end of a critical judgement or criticism, please just recognize that the one with the sharp tongue just isn’t aware that the energy of this placement is causing them to speak out of tune. Remember that you are not obligated to show up to every argument you are invited to.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Venus Enters Virgo

Venus - the Goddess of love, beauty, money, and pleasure - moves out of the fiery, playful and semi-dramatic energy of Leo, and gets a bit more serious in Virgo. We have new dreams and desires we’re looking to bring to life, and Venus in Virgo will help us get organized, get our priorities straight and help us get things off the ground.

Venus focuses on who and what brings her joy, who and what she loves, and holds her values and worth of extreme importance. While She’s in Virgo we will all get down to the details of what makes our hearts tick. Virgo energy is meticulous, diving into every detail of why we think and feel the way we do. We get down to earth and practical about who we share ourselves with, what we spend our time and energy doing, and what kind of purchases make the most sense to our long term goals.

Venus is always focused on her self worth, and with the analytical energy of virgo, she will very easily see where it is she’s been underestimating and under valuing herself. This transit will bring about a brand new perspective as Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and now Chiron are all retrograde helping us to do some inner healing and make some profound realizations about ourselves. Retrograde season makes sure we’re looking under every unturned stone to reveal whatever could be hiding away from the light. We are getting to the truth of our realities. We are exposing what our heart really wants, needs, and desires, and we are shifting our focus back to the people and things that we all hold of great value.

Venus in Virgo wants to see the meaning and purpose in all we do. We will start reorganizing our routines to better accommodate time for ourselves. Our own health & wellness is priority now as we realize we need to be our best, most healthiest selves in order to take care of our responsibilities and those we love.

The downside of Venus being in Virgo is that we are highly critical and judgemental. Self criticism and obsessive perfection can prevent us from moving forward. We tend to rip ourselves apart and cast judgement on others for not being who or what we need. We can be a bit too practical under this energy and appear as cold or calculated in matters of the heart. We can become overwhelmed in our mental planes as we analyze every detail both inside and outside of our own selves.

Use this energy to your advantage by getting to the bottom of what and who is worthy of your love, time, and energy. Make small steps to tweak your daily routine to better align with the new plans you intend on manifesting. Take care of the physical body while calling your attention to the mental plane. Do some serious thinking about what makes your heart happy and do everything in your power to incorporate those elements in your daily life.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through. DOWNLOAD YOUR ZODIAC FORECAST NOW 50% OFF.

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Full Moon in Virgo

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (14).jpg

Today’s powerful Full Moon in Virgo has us focused on our physical bodies. How are we treating ourselves? What are we pushing ourselves to do? What are we putting in our bodies? What are we doing to create balance within?

The Full Moon in Virgo is opposite our Sun placement in Pisces. This opposing energy is creating a tension within us to focus on our bodies, but yet be mindful about how we need our body to rest in order for our intuition and emotions to lead. Pisces season is all about the "feels" and opposes the full moon’s interest in our physical bodies.

The days before a Full Moon usual triggers the darker emotions, qualities, and characteristics of the sign the moon will be in. Because this is a full moon in Virgo, you may experience an intensity in the mental plane, focusing on the negative narrative loop in your head, the high levels of criticism and judgement you cast upon yourself, and the overwhelming obsession to reach a level of perfection that is realistically unobtainable. This shift in the mental plane will highlight what needs to change, to release that energy, cleaning the slate for a new start once the new astrological calendar begins.

What can we do about this? We can strive for balance! We can make sure we are taking care of our physical bodies by allowing rest, relaxation and recovery time to allow our intuition and emotions take the lead. We can watch what we are putting into our bodies to encourage a cleaner energy within, and a healthier mind, body, and Soul. We need to indulge more in the solitary acts of imagination; reading, writing, music, and movies, instead of pushing our physical bodies to be productive and "Do! Do! Do!" like Virgo wants us to.

The full moon is a always a time for purging. So take a few moments today and focus in on this sector of health and habits and see what your intuition leads you to. We have a great opportunity to let go of some not so great habits and make room to adopt in new ones. This full moon can effect your digestive track and cause stomach related issues so this is another great reason to be conscious about what you are eating and feeling your body with.

Where is this Full Moon in Virgo taking place in your chart? Book a session online and find out! Download your full moon guide to help align with the energies of the moon!

Mercury Direct in Aquarius

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (13).jpg

Mercury - the messenger of the Gods ruling over the mental plane, effecting how we think, how we form new opinions, and how we communicate - has been retrograde taking us back to revisit some topics and themes from the past that needed a bit more closure.

Mercury first fell asleep at the wheel back on January 30th, creating a conflict between our heart and our head. Once mercury actually went retrograde, all bets were off and our mental planes totally shut down leading us to have to trust and surrender to the universe and the emotional and karmic journey we were now on.

Mercury’s retrograde had us retracing our steps with the ideas and new goals we had since the beginning of the year. We had our realities shift rapidly and many of us have been lost in a whirlwind of confusion trying to make sense of all that has transpired.

We are now in Pisces season bringing up all the feels to heal and new dreams we’re trying to create. We will have stronger intuitions to help us connect the dots and with today’s Moon now in Gemini (Mercury’s in its place of power in Gemini), mercury comes back online, now very much awake out of his 3 week slumber.

With all planets direct we get to start moving forward from the emotional stand still we’ve been stuck in. The full moon in virgo is about a week away (Mercury also rules Virgo) and this full moon will illuminate the details we’ve been missing and reveal some pieces of the puzzle we’ve been searching for. This Mercury ruled full moon will help us get our minds in order, while mercury direct in Aquarius is helping us to break free from the situations we’ve been stuck in. This is a time to retrace our steps from mid January up until now, cleaning up the conversations that went wrong, and the straightening out the details that went to mush as the retrograde played its game.

Be cautious though, it will take mercury until March 13th to reach his full power and potential once again. Meaning, we could still experience mercury retrograde symptoms (confusion, breakdowns in communications, and the inability to actually take action in moving forward) until the power of mercury is at its fullest potential after this post-retrograde period.

As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Pluto Goes Direct

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (14).jpg

Today, we have Pluto - the planet of death, rebirth, power, and transformation, going DIRECT. Pluto is still is in the sign of Capricorn - structures, foundations, government, banking, health, systems, etc. and has been a major contributor to old systems being destroyed in order to start new. After its 5 month retrograde, we are now ready to unleash our inner warrior and release our deepest and darkest dreams and desires onto the world.

Think back to April, is that when all the walls came tumbling down around you? Many of us have had our structures rattled and some have even fallen to the ground. Whether this took place in your career, home life, relationships, within who you are, or in your mental plane, we have been politely avoiding cleaning up the mess.

Now that the energy from Saturn & Jupiter moving direct has waved the green flag to go and get moving, there is no holding us back! We defined what it is our heart and soul wanted from us in Leo season, we had the organized and detailed energy of Virgo season to help us think and analyze how we are going to make it happen, and now Libra season is offering us the opportunity to make things balanced and fair again, restoring the peace and harmony in our lives. Now with Pluto going direct, the time for action and transformation is NOW, and this will help us put a firm ending to some karmic cycles as we step into our power and start a new chapter and cycle.

Mercury -the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental plane, how we receive information, form new ideas and expressions, and communicate that information outwards - has moved into the deep, dark waters of Scorpio, just in time to deal with some repressed emotions and purge the unconscious blocks that are preventing us from totally embracing the path forward. This particular energy shifts our minds into a more analytical state of questioning. We are blending our intellect with our intuition to dig up the important details we’ve shoved to the side within ourselves, and the information we’ve been choosing to avoid in our personal relationships.

Pluto going direct just before mercury retrogrades in Scorpio - Pluto rules over scorpio - will give us some deep thinking and purging time to prepare for the energetic catapult we are receiving as the timelines pick up and things start more much faster. We have the power and control to take the reigns and DO something about all we’ve endured. This is the perfect time to identify the pain that has held you back and turn that into power we can use to harness to project us into a new version of who we are.

Since new karmic contracts just got introduced, the new timelines just got anchored, we need to step up to the plate and not be afraid to take a walk in the dark side of our soul. Bring forth the shadows you’ve worked so hard to repress and let them see the light.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Venus Enters Virgo

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (12).jpg

Venus - the Goddess of love, beauty, money, and pleasure - moves out of the fiery, playful and semi-dramatic energy of Leo, and gets a bit more serious in Virgo. Although Virgo season is behind us, we revisit some of the energy now that Venus has moved into the sign.

Venus focuses on who and what brings her joy, who and what she loves, and holds her values and worth of extreme importance. While She’s in Virgo we will all get down to the details of what makes our hearts tick. Virgo energy is meticulous, diving into every detail of why we think and feel the way we do. We get down to earth and practical about who we share ourselves with, what we spend our time and energy doing, and what kind of purchases make the most sense to our long term goals.

Venus is always focused on her self worth, and with the analytical energy of virgo, she will very easily see where it is she’s been underestimating and under valuing herself. This transit will bring about a brand new perspective as Mercury (Virgo’s ruler) is wading through the deep waters of scorpio making sure we look to the bottom of every unturned stone to reveal whatever could be hiding away from the light. We are getting to the truth of our realities. We are exposing what our heart really wants, needs, and desires, and we are shifting our focus back to the people and things that we all hold of great value.

Venus in Virgo wants to see the meaning and purpose in all we do. We will start reorganizing our routines to better accommodate time for ourselves. Our own health & wellness is priority now as we realize we need to be our best, most healthiest selves in order to take care of our responsibilities and those we love.

The downside of Venus being in Virgo is that we are highly critical and judgemental. Self criticism and obsessive perfection can prevent us from moving forward. We tend to rip ourselves apart and cast judgement on others for not being who or what we need. We can be a bit too practical under this energy and appear as cold or calculated in matters of the heart. We can become overwhelmed in our mental planes as we analyze every detail both inside and outside of our own selves.

Use this energy to your advantage by getting to the bottom of what and who is worthy of your love, time, and energy. Make small steps to tweak your daily routine to better align with the new plans you intend on manifesting. Take care of the physical body while calling your attention to the mental plane. Do some serious thinking about what makes your heart happy and do everything in your power to incorporate those elements in your daily life.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Welcome To Libra Season

Copy of Copy of Six of Air

You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (8).jpg

As the energy to "take action" has been building under the organized and detailed influence of Virgo season, we are now going to hit the ground running looking to balance the areas in life that have gotten out of whack.

Today marks the beginning of the race, triggering the Fall Equinox and the beginning of Libra season. Many of us have been in the awkward space between chapters ending, but new chapters not quite ready to begin. In this last week of September, we will have lots of planetary support to step out of the planning and visualization stage of our new goals and dreams, and into a place of power and action, restoring our energy, mind, body and soul, along the way.

We already have Mercury, the planet of communication and conversation, here in Libra, the sign of balance, harmony, and one-on-one relationships. Remember how Virgo season came with a warning to be mindful about how you speak to others, and yourself? How to be mindful that Virgo energy could make your tongue sharp and maybe exercise critical judgement on yourself or others? Well, with both the Sun and Mercury now in Libra, the energy will provide you with an opportunity to clear the air in any conversation that potentially hurt others or caused confusion during the Virgo season. We can expect everyone to lower their voices and be calmer, more pleasant and gentle.

Libra is a very harmonious sign, offering balance and fairness in all that we do. Because Libra is focused on relationships (not just romantic ones), the way we communicate one-on-one will be heightened as we have the opportunity to clear the air (if needed), and to express ourselves with such ease and kindness that you can get to the bottom of any issue without "shit hitting the fan".

Today we have our Equinox! It is at this time of year that we focus on our abundance, as our ancestors used this time to harvest their crops, to help them last through the dark days of winter. It’s important for you to recognize that this is a changing time in your spiritual journey. It’s a time to quiet the mind and look inward to see what messages come up for you. If you recognize that you have a “lack” perspective (not having enough, money, energy, food, etc.), I invite you to shift your focus on what you DO have, and adopt the abundance perspective (I have love, support, shelter, etc.).

As the seasons change, so do our Souls. This is a time to reflect on all we’ve accomplished and what parts within us that still need to be healed. Winter is a time for healing, so it’s only natural that we shift our focus into tying up lose ends in our harvest period, before entering into a state of hibernation and healing.

The Equinox triggers the Sun moving from its time in Virgo, to entering into Libra officially initiating Libra season. Libra season is a time when the scales of life are balanced, both naturally, or with a gentle, but loving nudge. There is an air about Libra season that literally sweeps change in so gently and peacefully, that you may not even realize the changes have taken place. Libra is all about what is fair in the world. If you have any legal matters on your plate, Libra energy will support you, making sure the decision is as fair as possible.

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, rules Libra making things of love, beauty, and luxury a focal point. Libra gentle sweeps into our lives and makes things balanced and pretty again. Relationships, both old and new, will benefit from Libra’s energy, as there is nothing more important under this influence then making sure our relationships are balanced and filled with love.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

New Moon in Virgo

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (7).jpg

Today we have the New Moon in Virgo giving us the opportunity to plant seeds in our minds and in our realities for what we'd like to invite into our worlds. The new moon always gives us a fresh start, a clean slate to work with, to initiate and begin new cycles in our lives. (Click here to learn how to set New Moon intentions)

The New Moon being in Virgo gives us the opportunity to invite in new ways of thinking, of doing our chores, of operating throughout our daily routine. Virgo energy wants to focus on the details of our lives, getting organized and focused, completing projects from the past to clear the way for new projects that are about to begin.

The New Moon in Virgo is a great time to make a new exercise routine, creating a space and time in your busy day to focus on the health and wellness of your mind, body, and soul. This is a great time to ask yourself how you can help other people as Virgo loves to be of service to a greater and larger community.

In the weeks leading up to a New Moon we may feel stuck, heavy, and weighted down trying to clean things up before a new cycle begins. This is a time of cleansing to fully prepare for all the new you are about to focus on initiating in your life. This New Moon in Virgo is not only going to hep us set foundations down for our future, but it's a time for us to get our head space right.

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Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, and has an innate ability to filter through information, to focus in on the details of any matter, and to see very clearly what needs to be done to create safe and secure structures and systems in our lives.

This new moon is also very rooted in the earth element, as we currently have 6 planets in earth signs (2 in Virgo with 3 more planets in Capricorn, and 1 in Taurus). This earth energy slows things down. It makes us work hard setting down the roots we desire in our day to day lives.

It is a "slow and steady wins the race" kind of energy and that's why our main goal under this new moon should be planting seeds of intentions that will be the foundation and cornerstone of support we need to build off of and reap the rewards from, in the years to come.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Enters Libra


We are getting the love & relationship party started as the messenger of the Gods and the Goddess of love and money make their move from Virgo into Libra. Libra season is just around the corner which helps us to balance the scales in life, especially where love is concerned.

Mercury was very much at home in its place of power in Virgo, helping us to hone in on the details of our lives, to discern what in our routines and systems needed to stay and what needed to go. Mercury rules over the mental plane, and while in his place of power, really helped us to kick the old, negative programming to the curb. Now that Mercury is entering into Libra, we will be able to analyze our relationships; especially where love & money is concerned. Because Mercury rules over our communications, you will find that your social interactions become much more light-hearted, playful, and fun.

There’s a much more rational approach that we take when diving into matters that effect our relationships status, and it’s a great time to be the mediator within yourself and those tougher conversations that we’ve been putting off. Mercury allows us to see where the scales have become unbalanced in our relationships and also has the cool, detached, and flirty kind of energy to talk our way back into a much more fair, and balanced state. We can see both sides of the coin under this influence and we are open and understanding enough to co-operate in a way where the compromises we must make to meet another in the middle are fair to all concerned.

Watch out for being overly indecisive as Mercury moves through Libra, as one of the more negative traits of this Libra energy is to find sitting on the fence quite comfortable. Many Librans find it hard to make decisions and are likely to sway back and forth on a topic needing external reassurance to actually decide and commit. We strive for harmony under the Libra energy, but make sure you aren’t sacrificing your own wants, needs, and desires, just to keep the peace.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Welcome To Virgo Season

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Ahhhhhh…. You feel that? That sense of semi-calmness? The feeling of knowing what has to get done? The feeling that suddenly all your thoughts and feeling are feeling a bit more grounded and organized? That’s the Virgo energy coming to our rescue!

We are emerging from what have been some very overwhelming and confusing times. The Sun moving into Virgo today is exactly the energy we need in order to clean up the mess of the last couple of months, in a clean, organized, fashion.

Whatever bullsh*t is still lingering in your life now, somehow surviving the last couple of months of us being stripped of everything blocking us from our most authentic selves, will be cut through with ease like a hot knife slicing through an ice cream cake. We don’t have the time or energy for the bullsh*t anymore. We are able to clearly recognize what crap still is attached to us, and instead of focusing on letting it go right now, the Virgo energy will allow us to see its actual importance in our lives, and provide us with the clarity and strength we need to not give it any weight.

We no longer have the patience or energy to think about, or explore these negative obstacles. The time for thinking about it all is coming to a close, and we are now entering a time where we are about to implement great action in our worlds in order to move forward.

Virgo is a very organized and detailed energy. It has the ability to get straight to the point of what needs to happen in life in order to accomplish a greater goal. Virgo will lend us the energy to be able to see the bigger picture and break it down into small, manageable details and steps, in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Virgo energy is very analytical and can be very critical as well. It’s important to be mindful of yourself now, and the judgments you may have about yourself, or others. The Virgo energy could manifest in a way that has your tongue sharp, and ready to cast judgments on situations taking place around you.

Virgo being an earth sign, has us all feeling a bit more grounded than we have been feeling over the eclipse and retrograde summer. Being more practical in the way we think, feel, and take action, is exactly the energy we need to support us in providing closure to some of the things that rose to the surface during this time of deep transformation.

My advice to you is to embrace the energy of Virgo and get shit done! We already have a fire lit under our ass from Mars being in Aries, and with Mercury already in Virgo clearing our mental planes from chaos and clutter. We really are going to get this party started in a calm, organized fashion.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Enters Virgo


Today we have Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, entering into Virgo. Virgo, an earth sign, is one of Mercury’s natural homes. Mercury rules both Virgo and Gemini and feels most at home in these signs. As the natural ruler of these placements, Mercury’s energy works best in these signs than any other. Although Mercury in Gemini is a favourable placement, Virgo is where Mercury feels the most powerful and productive!

Virgo is the sign of organization. Mercury’s movement into Virgo will allow us to examine situations and information with a sharp, keen, eye. With a heightened sense of detail, and the ability to analyze and organize our thoughts, feelings, and of course life situations, this placement will lend us the energy to take action, and help us get serious to buckle down to get things done.

Our communication abilities will be powerful as we are able to communicate with clear intent and reason, cutting through all the bullsh*t to get straight to the point. Although this particular placement wouldn’t be consider a lot of “fun”, it’s exactly the energy we need to get back to reality after a beautifully, chaotic, summer.

Many people sense the element of seriousness around the beginning of September anyways with kids getting back to school and summer vacations coming to an end - and with all the craziness of this year, adjusting back to any kind of “normal” routine is much needed by many. Although most don’t look forward to getting back to reality, this placement makes us not be whiners about it. Instead it empowers us to get a grip and get things done!

This will be a time when productivity is at an all time high, meaning your to-do list will be organized and completed based on priority and will be crossed off the list of things to do in an orderly fashion. The progress we make in our lives this month will be huge under the supporting energy of mercury in Virgo, and will lend exactly what most of us need to help move us forward after getting stuck in a rut with the energetic chaos of the summer.

The only warning I could provide you with for this placement, is to be aware that you are not overly,  critical of yourself and/or others. Criticism is highly possible at this time, as Virgo energy has a tendency to nit pick and be "judgey" due to their overthinking and critical mind. No one is harder on themselves than a Virgo, so the energy could encourage us very honestly without intent to harm. Be aware of your words and make sure you deliver information with tact as the discriminatory energy of this placement will have sharp words on the tip of everyone’s tongues.

That being said, you can only control yourself and please be aware that others may not have the same awareness as you do. So if you find yourself on the receiving end of a critical judgement or criticism, please just recognize that the one with the sharp tongue just isn’t aware that the energy of this placement is causing them to speak out of tune. Remember that you are not obligated to show up to every argument you are invited to.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Direct in Aquarius


Mercury - the messenger of the Gods ruling over the mental plane, effecting how we think, how we form new opinions, and how we communicate - has been retrograde taking us back to revisit some topics and themes from the past that needed a bit more closure.

Mercury first fell asleep at the wheel back in February when it entered into Pisces (it's weakest place of power) creating a conflict between our heart and our head. Once mercury actually went retrograde in Pisces, all bets were off and our mental planes totally shut down leading us to have to trust and surrender to the universe and the emotional and karmic journey we were now on.

We had a beautiful break from some of the emotions mercury’s retrograde brought up a week a ago, when mercury slipped back into Aquarius taking us back to mid January to re-examine our ideas and plans. This was just enough fresh air and clarity to make us feel sane again.

Today, compounded with the energy of the full moon in virgo, mercury comes back online, now very much awakening out of his 3 week slumber to start moving forward from the emotional stand still we’ve been stuck in. The full moon in virgo is helping us get our minds in order, while mercury direct in Aquarius is helping us to break free from the situations we’ve been stuck in. This is a time to retrace our steps from mid January up until now, cleaning up the conversations that went wrong, and the straightening out the details that went mush as the retrograde played its game.

Be cautious though, it take mercury until the end of this month to reach his full power and potential once again. Meaning, we could still experience mercury retrograde symptoms (confusion, breakdowns in communications, and the inability to actual take action in moving forward) until the power of mercury is at it’s fullest potential after this post-retrograde period.

Where is this energy taking place in your chart? Download your March Forecast or book a session to find out.

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Full Moon in Virgo


Today’s powerful Full Moon in Virgo has us focused on our physical bodies. How are we treating ourselves? What are we pushing ourselves to do? What are we putting in our bodies? What are we doing to create balance within?

The Full Moon in Virgo is opposite our Sun placement in Pisces. This opposing energy is creating a tension within us to focus on our bodies, but yet be mindful about how we need our body to rest in order for our intuition and emotions to lead. Pisces season is all about the "feels" and opposes the full moon’s interest in our physical bodies.

The days before a Full Moon usual triggers the darker emotions, qualities, and characteristics of the sign the moon will be in. Because this is a full moon in Virgo, you may experience an intensity in the mental plane, focusing on the negative narrative loop in your head, the high levels of criticism and judgement you cast upon yourself, and the overwhelming obsession to reach a level of perfection that is realistically unobtainable. This shift in the mental plane will highlight what needs to change, to release that energy, cleaning the slate for a new start once the new astrological calendar begins.

What can we do about this? We can strive for balance! We can make sure we are taking care of our physical bodies by allowing rest, relaxation and recovery time to allow our intuition and emotions take the lead. We can watch what we are putting into our bodies to encourage a cleaner energy within, and a healthier mind, body, and Soul. We need to indulge more in the solitary acts of imagination; reading, writing, music, and movies, instead of pushing our physical bodies to be productive and "Do! Do! Do!" like Virgo wants us to.

The full moon is a always a time for purging. So take a few moments today and focus in on this sector of health and habits and see what your intuition leads you to. We have a great opportunity to let go of some not so great habits and make room to adopt in new ones. This full moon can effect your digestive track and cause stomach related issues so this is another great reason to be conscious about what you are eating and feeling your body with.

Where is this Full Moon in Virgo taking place in your chart? Download your March Forecast or book a session to find out.

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