Astrology Forecasts TheEnergyBoutique Astrology Forecasts TheEnergyBoutique

Ascension Symptoms


I have been talking a lot about our energy being upgraded lately, both in my blog posts and to my clients and subscribers. Receiving an energy upgrade is a very real process and has great effects on our physical bodies. Astrological shifts and portal activation are very much focused on upgrading our lightbodies with new frequencies and vibrations.

Although we receive energetic downloads of information all throughout the year, there are some points in our calendar in which the energy is SO great, that it has a Universal effect on all of us "sensitives" as we go through the process of lightening our loads and becoming more enlightened as we travel our spiritual path.

Also known as ascension symptoms, the physical body does actually suffer under these new lighter energy codes as we receive them. Depending on where you're at in your spiritual journey, and how sensitive you currently are to energies, you may be feeling a long list of physical symptoms that just can't be explained or diagnosed by medical professionals.

DISCLAIMER: Always trust your intuition on whether to get certain ailments checked out by a medical physician. When your doctor clears you of suffering from a diagnosable condition, that's when you should take the ascension symptoms into consideration. 

Since the eclipse season and the retrogrades, many people (including myself) have seen really weird aches and pains surface in their bodies. Some had old, healed ailments come back out of nowheres, while others were experiencing these aches and pains for the first time with no physical trauma to help explain their existence.

Feeling pressure, on the front of the chest, back of the neck, and in the head (especially sinus pressure) can all be linked to the physical symptoms of an energy upgrade. When we think of our physical bodies in relation to our energy centers (chakras) it becomes much easier to understand which parts of us are under the most influence as we move through the upgrade process.

I myself have been seeing bright flashes of light to my left. Vision changes - blurred vision, light sensitivities, and seeing flashes of light in the peripherals - are all common symptoms of the ascension process, or energy upgrade. The crown chakra is the main focus of my current upgrade. I can only assume the Universe is turning up the dial on my gifts and abilities making me able to see more in the Spirit realm and strengthen my connection to those in Spirit.

Emotionally, people feel like trains wrecks, flip flopping back and forth between being happy, peaceful, calm, and having faith that everything will be okay, to depression, anxiety, panic, and a feeling of hopelessness, all in a short amount of time. These roller coaster of emotions are a perfect example of cycling through the energy upgrade, making leaps and bounds connecting with the Universal consciousness, being infused with all the lighter emotions, connecting with the optimistic future of the 5D + world, only to have the 3D world pull us back down to the heavier emotions of this human experience.

There is a constant push and pull taking place as we shed the old parts of self and embrace the new, but the purge, the cycle we are going through can be very overwhelming and confusing, especially when we aren't aware of the signs and symptoms of an energy upgrade.

Many clients have reached out to me, complaining that their sleep has been disrupted and they are having wild dreams of people and places that they've never encountered before. Please know that as we upgrade our energy and raise our vibration and frequency we connect to a totally different level of dream states than we ever had access to before.

I've been studying dreams for close to 20 years now, and yet still I'm fascinated by the fact that our subconscious mind has more power over us than our waking minds do. Diving deep into dreamwork can expose where your blocks are in your life and what pain and trauma your subconscious mind tries so hard to process while you sleep. What I've noticed, is that when we undergo such powerful energy shifts, we get exposed to parts of our Souls that have been to other dimensions with a whole group of people that we've never met before or have any point of reference of here in this lifetime.

All of these sleep disturbances are perfectly normal under the current circumstances of this energy shift. Taking pointers from our energy centers once again, those sleep disturbances would suggest that your crown chakra is the greatest focus of this upgrade, connecting you to a higher sense of knowing than what you've experienced here in this physical world.

Another common complaint is pain or discomfort in the knees. Whether you are experiencing this pain in both legs or just one, please know that this is where you hold your fear about taking your next steps on your path. If the right side of your body is giving you the issues, chances are you are struggling to embrace the change of your outer world. The fear of providing for yourself and your family, the goals and successes you fear from actually reaching, literally being afraid to take the initiative and start taking ACTION in your life. Where as, the left side indicates the emotional issues we need to resolve to remove the energetic blocks placed on our path.

In no way does this mean that these physical symptoms aren't real and any less painful just because they are energetically manifested. Instead, they are as real as it gets, indicators for us to see what lies underneath of these physical pains, and how to energetically mend them.

I can assure you that you are safe and protected as you go through this process, and that you will never be given more than you can handle. You can always reach out to your Guides and to the ArchAngels to help alleviate some of the symptoms that become too much to deal with.

It's important that you listen to your body and nurture it back to a place of health and alignment. Engaging in energy raising activities can help the transition go faster and be less intense. Below I will include what is a very long list of possible symptoms and include some activities you can try to alleviate the discomfort.

Possible Physical Symptoms you may experience during an energetic upgrade:

  • Your intuition is heightened and you have an unexplained knowing that something energetically is effecting your body

  • Aches and pains, tremors and twitches that come and go

  • Discomfort in your joints

  • Unexplained fatigue

  • Pressure in the head, chest, and to your sinus area in particular

  • Tingles or shocks throughout your body

  • Temperature fluctuations

  • Headaches that don't seem like normal headaches, unresponsive to medicine

  • Blurry vision, seeing flashes or lights out of the corner of your eye

  • Being overly sensitive to light

  • Feely very spacey or disoriented

  • Heart flutters not related to a medical condition or exercise

  • Sudden panic or nervousness with no known trigger (often dissolves quickly)

  • Hearing music that is not physically playing in your environment

  • Hearing conversations as if you were listening to a radio

  • Ear ringing

  • Being overly sensitive to sound

  • Feeling off balance

  • Hearing electricity

  • Cold or flu like symptoms that come and go without actually being a full fledged cold or flu

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Night sweats

  • Digestion changes

  • A change in dietary cravings

  • Emotional disturbances

  • Aversion to people, places, things that once brought you joy

  • Unsure of who you are

  • Developing new beliefs

  • Being overwhelmed by groups or crowds

  • Clumsiness, like gravity is working against you

  • Forgetfulness, or feeling like there's a lapse in time

  • Sudden changes to your foundations (relationships, jobs, career, living situation)

  • A change in how you connect to animals and nature

  • Seeing patterns and signs from the Universe

  • A change in your taste buds

  • Dreamscape changes (the people, places, or events in your dream world)

  • Having your cell phone battery die quicker than normal (you drain it of it's energy to stay charged)

  • A desire to connect with like minded people

  • Moments of gratitude

  • Profound ah-ha moments

  • A deep sense of knowing

Things you can do to try and ease your experience:

  • Give yourself time outs to check in with yourself, your wants, needs, and desires

  • Excuse yourself from overwhelming situations to ground your energy

  • Running your hands under cold water can help you feel more grounded

  • Listen to positive music (be mindful of the lyrics and the feeling of the music - angry, harsh music should be avoided

  • Spend time outdoors in nature

  • Rock or sway to move the energy within

  • Trust that you will be okay

  • Take note of dream messages

  • Eat foods that are healthy nourishment for your body

  • Soak in salt water baths

  • Apply heat to your aches

  • Nurture and care for yourself as if you were taking care of a friend or child

  • Accept and embrace the changes

  • Spend time in meditation or yoga

  • Breathe deeply

  • Let the emotions come and go, knowing that they are merely visitors and will not stay for long

  • Forgive yourself for being clumsy

  • Acknowledge the points of discomfort in your body and ask yourself what the energetic reason is for these pains

  • Acknowledge the flashes of light as spirit trying to communicate and tell them that you are trying hard to understand them

  • Be patient with yourself as you upgrade, understanding that it is all for the greater good of who you need to be, to be in alignment with your new goals and dreams

Of course you may not be experiencing all of these symptoms, and there are definitely other symptoms that can manifest that weren't included in this list. I will be launching a workshop in the Fall that will focus on our energy centers (chakras) and how to translate our physical symptoms to the energetic source of pain or trauma.

I post lots of blogs about each energy shift, and podcasts of the monthly and weekly energy forecast to help reassure you that what you may be experiencing is absolutely normal for the current energy here on earth. If ever you need assistance or guidance understanding these upgrades and validating that you are in fact NOT crazy, please book a session online and I'd be happy to help guide you through.

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My White Light Moment


With the energy of the cosmos now focused on our inner journey, our inner healing, our inner pain, I feel supported in sharing my "White light" experience with you.

If you have been following me for any length of time, you may recall my near-death-experience I described in the post: On The 10th Anniversary of My Death, and the events that have "gifted" me with my abilities to help others heal, in the post: How I ended Up Dying.

This has been a touchy subject for me over the years, but because of my soul contract I feel the need to share my experience in hopes of helping others who have experienced similar things. I will go more into detail about the events you are about to read in my book (if it ever feels complete enough to share), until then, I ask you to please be open minded to a world we aren't familiar with.

Before this event I did not believe in God. I always had a strong belief in a higher power but felt that the biblical version of God was not the same version that I believed in. I believed in angels. I believed in an afterlife. I believed that everything happened for a reason. That day laying on the operating table of my second emergency surgery, I experienced events that totally rattled my beliefs. I had a "white light" moment, that would change, my life forever. 

I woke up on the operating table and heard all kinds of beeping sounds and doctors screaming. It was very bright as I opened my eyes. My eyes came into focus and I could see were the big surgery lamps over me as they hung from the ceiling. I could hear machines going off; sirens, and CODE BLUE being spoken over the loud speaker.

I sat up and swung my legs to the side and got up off the operating table. As I turned around to scope out the place, I noticed that there I was, still laying on the table. There were a group of doctors who were shoving tubes in me, one down my throat, others in my arms. Another group of doctors and nurses were still working to repair the hemorrhage in my abdomen from where they cut my baby out of me.

There were doctors frantically coming in and out of the operating room, responding to the CODE BLUE call.

And there I stood, over my own lifeless body.

Although I had no clue what was actually happening and how it could be even possible for this to be happening, I started frantically trying to get in the doctor's way. I was screaming at them to just let me go. I had a very difficult childhood and had struggled through a couple suicide attempts in my teens. I had recovered to the point where I no longer attempted to end my life, but I wasn't against dying by accident.

The truth was, if there was a button to end your life, "game over", it would have been pushed years ago. Especially now, having just been through the pregnancy from hell, I really didn't have much fight left in me. All I ever wanted was to be a Mom and now that dream was gone.

I was crying and trying to swipe the doctor's hands away, but just like I was dreaming, I was invisible to these people. No one could see me or hear me, and I couldn't physically make contact with anything I was trying to touch. It was as if I were a ghost and my touch sliced right through these people and objects I was trying to make contact with; as if I had disappeared.

I was having a fit at this point. I didn't want the doctors to save me. I didn't want to wake up and live through this life. I just wanted them to let me go.

In that moment the room lit up. Not as if someone opened the window to let the sun in, but more like this beautiful, mesmerizing, white light that penetrated every inch of that place in an awe-inspiring glow.

The truth is, I don't have the words in my vocabulary to truly describe this light. Not because I am unaware of the words to use in this instance, but because the words just simply don't exist in our language to describe the kind of light I was witnessing.

The light was coming in more and more, every time the operating doors swung opened. There were doctors entering and exiting through these doors where it seemed as if they were getting sucked up and spit out by this engulfing light. But it shocked me that they weren't even paying attention it. They were rushing around as if it were business as usual.

I started to turn away from myself laying on the operating table as I tried to walk towards the light. I had gotten to the end of the operating table where my physical body still lay, where my feet were secured in stirrups; and I was suddenly stuck in space. I was unable to move any further, as if magnets were keeping me from getting too far away from my body.

Still in a state of distress and confusion, I struggled to walk towards the light but couldn't make it past that point. I hung my head in defeat and the tears fell off my face. When I looked up there stood my grandmother. She had passed away when I was 9 years old, but yet there she stood smiling at me in that operating room.

I wanted to walk towards her but still couldn't move any further away from my body as it lay on the operating table than before. Nanny spoke no words to me, but she carried a face and smile that for some reason assured me that things were going to be okay.

The flicker of the white light still kept getting brighter with each opening of the OR doors. A man walked in but wasn't rushing like the others were. He was very calm and peaceful and walked to the right side of my Nanny were he stopped and folded his hands in front of him. I kept looking at my Nanny, but she showed me no signs of worry or concern.

The doors opened again filling the room with even more brightness and this time a girl walked in. I couldn't see her because her hair was long and covering her face from my view, but she wore the same hospital gown as I did. She walked behind my Nanny, and then behind the man, and turned to walk towards the operating table.

The closer she got, the more I started to scream, "NOOOOOO!" . I looked to my Nan and this strange man to stop this girl from coming near me or my body on the operating table, but neither of them moved.

I couldn't move.

I wasn't sure what she was doing, but I felt the need to stop it. She walked like a robot towards me and then jumped up on the table and laid down over my body.

Then I woke up. 

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Dream Like There is No Tomorrow


With the last few days of our accelerated manifestation state coming to an end, we really have to get serious and focus on giving our vision work all we’ve got.My weekly subscribers have listened to me go on for months now, about how and why doing vision work is so important, capturing a vision of what our lives would look like if we could be living out our dreams.This accelerated manifestation state started back in January as we entered into the New Year, the year of building and creation.The Universe has asked to to dream such a detailed dream for ourselves and to hold that vision so strong in our minds that even the darkest, most toughest challenges couldn't have broken our focus. But the problem is, we did, we lost focus.We have had to continuously pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and reinvent both ourselves and the ideal life we’d like to be living, more times than anyone was really counting on.The first half of this year was about building and creating ourselves, our inner worlds, filled with healing past pain and traumas, rebuilding our understanding and belief system, and raising our vibration high enough to become a permanent fixture in this 5D collective community.The first half of the year, as challenging as it was, revealed such truth, such strength within us that if we weren’t so energetically tired from reconstructing our energetic bodies, we may just have celebrated a bit more for coming out on the other end.Last week’s solstice marked the half way point in our year, in the astrological and energetic calendar. And now that the portal, the wormhole of time, has opened to prepare for our upcoming eclipse season, holding a vision for ourselves and our future is of the utmost importance.We have our first of two eclipses taking place in July, starting off with a bang early next week. The New Moon in Cancer is a solar (Sun) eclipse which historically adds something to our lives that we never thought we could obtain in such a short time frame.These aren’t random events, they are actually events that were destined to take place in your life path eventually, but because of the accelerated manifestation state, the Universe speeds up time and has these situations gifted to us during the solar eclipse.The second eclipse will take place on July 16th, which a Full Moon partial lunar (Moon) eclipse in Capricorn. Historically, this energy will remove something from our lives that we’ve been stalling on removing ourselves. Maybe we are in a relationship that we know isn’t right for us, maybe we are in a job that is sucking the life out of us, maybe we are holding onto such pain and trauma that we are unable to open ourselves up to anything new entering our worlds.This eclipse energy will remove it very quickly and will help to transform our energy into a new vibration to be successful in the second half of the year.We will see the physical results of all the changes we’ve been needing to take place to align ourselves more with the vision of our life we’ve been focusing on, in this second half of the year.Because the eclipse energy is far too intense, unstable, chaotic, and fragmented, we will not be focusing on manifesting while the Universe does its thing. That’s why it’s super important to focus all your energy into your vision work now while the energy still supports us to be manifesting.Once the planetary events start taking place next week, we need to really sit back and watch all the dynamics that will be taking place as the portal, the wormhole, begins to speed up and expand, projecting us through time, through our life lessons and through the accelerated manifestation state. We have done all we can do up until the eclipse season takes over.We need to practice surrendering and going with the flow. The Universe knows what’s best for us as "they" can see our life plan laid out like a beautiful map.The events that need to take place, the meetings with certain people that need to happen, the completion of certain life lessons and soul contracts will be reorganized under the guidance and authority of the cosmos and we just need to sit back and watch it all come together.These times are not going to be easy. The highs are very high, while the lows are exceptionally low. We may not be in total agreement or understanding of the events that are going to take place in the month of July, but with some time, and a whole lot of faith and patience, we will surely see how it all connects together and how it is essential for our growth and evolvement.So for the rest of the week, tap into the current energies of the Universe and dream a bigger dream. Get lost in your daydreams, explore your dream state. Review and repeat your vision in your mind until it is so strong, so clear, that you can see it happening in your mind’s eye.Most of all, create only the vision. Release the control over HOW all of this is suppose to happen, and trust that the control over the vision you hold is the only control you’ll need to see your dreams come to life.As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy BoutiqueTo make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.

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