Venus Retrogrades & Chiron Goes Direct
Just hours after the Full Moon in Gemini peaks, we have Venus - The Goddess of love, worth, value, and pleasure - going into the underworld as she goes retrograde. We’ll spend the next 40 days reviewing our shadow and reanalyzing our own self love and worth. We’ll strip ourselves of our ego and get real with what no longer makes us happy, what’s (or who) is no longer worth our time, energy, and effort, and humble ourselves where we’ve been doing ourselves a disservice by holding onto elements of the past.
Venus is in Capricorn - ruling over karma, power, authority, and long term foundations. She is getting down to the bare basics on where she needs to boss up and bring new elements and foundations to life to support her long term growth and goals. But first - we need to remove elements we’re no longer aligned with to make space for the new to be built.
Venus has been working with Pluto - the God of the Underworld, the great destroyer and ruler over transformation - to totally dissolve and put a death to elements connecting us to past pain and trauma to transform ourselves into the powerful creators we are.
We will see relationships either deepen in commitment or totally fall apart and be destroyed, money matters be shook up to reveal new skills and talents we can use, and new karmic cycles prepare for beginnings while we clear away our self worth issues holding us back from truly aligning with our happiness and receiving what we deserve.
Hours after Venus moves inward, Chiron - the wounded healer planetoid - will go direct in Aries after a 5 month retrograde. Chiron went retrograde back in July forcing us to reflect back on all of our wounds. Most of these wounds involved the trauma to our ego and identity, revealing where it is we needed more independence and freedom. We don’t want to feel held back or restricted in any way now, especially if those restrictions were placed on us, BY us.
Because Chiron will be staying in Aries until 2027, we are going to experience many opportunities to break free from areas of our lives that we have been feeling held back. When Chiron was retrograde, we moved inside of ourselves to encounter these pains. Now that Chiron is going direct again, we can start experimenting with ways to heal ourselves and reprogram some of the thoughts we’ve carried into our adult hoods from our childhood.
A lot of people are recognizing their worth wounds. Feeling not good enough or essentially worthless. Now with Chiron direct, we are feeling the strength within to raise our vibration, strengthen our belief within ourselves, and increase our self-worth with every step forward we take. We are done living in the shadows and have no more time or energy to put into playing small.
This energy influence will help us to stand up for ourselves and take the leadership role of transforming our worthlessness into something so substantial that we will never be able to not see the value within ourselves ever again.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Saturn Goes Direct in Aquarius
Today, Saturn, the Lord of Karma and ruler over structures, authority, roles and responsibilities goes goes direct in Aquarius after 5 months of being retrograde. This major, heavy-hitting planet embodies the military Grandfather energy; strict, hardworking, tough love, all about working hard and taking your time to perfect your craft, the authority figure, and delegator of life lessons.
While Saturn was retrograde we had to do the work within to recognize where old systems of beliefs, old patterns of behaviours, and old relationships and ideas were no longer strong enough to house the new dreams, visions, and goals, we now have. Retrograde season is a time to reflect, revisit, revise, and review our lives to cut out anything that is not helping us build towards our best selves.
Now that Saturn is going direct, we’'ll be able to take the energy and move it outward in our external lives making changes and taking actions that will destroy the old, free us from the past, and set us up to build some long term foundations we can actually build off of.
If you are hiding being an illusion of your life, an unauthentic mask of who you are, and holding onto old outdated beliefs and structures that aren't serving you, Saturn would have shown you what needs to be removed. There's a karmic element at play here where the old, present, and future parts of ourselves will be blended together, integrated for our highest good so that we may come out of this retrograde fast tracked onto our path forward with the karmic energy of the past having been cleared away, while we fully embrace the newly transformed self.
This particular shift out of retrograde is a game changer. We will see it play out on a global scale through the banking systems, government bodies, and religious communities as they fall, crumbling into a heap of old energy that isn't strong enough to weather our modern day storms. There is already evidence of this taking place on a global platform, and Saturn has a hand in it. We will see the rules and restrictions change once again challenging the current narrative and freeing us in a lot of the ways we’ve been feeling trapped.
This direct shift of energy is also very potent because Saturn is joining Pluto who just stepped out of retrograde as well, bringing all of the power and control issues to light. Pluto is triggering the darkest parts of ourselves, the not-so-good emotions surrounding obsession, guilt, fear, doubts, insecurities, and anger, so that we can use these darker emotions to transform them into light and take our power and control back from whatever source we’ve given it away to.
Together, and with the assistance of Jupiter and Mercury about to come out of their retrogrades - Saturn and Pluto will do a bit of re-organization and refinement. The focus of this disruption, all in divine order, is to focus on the roles and responsibilities we have in life, and to breakdown the restrictions we've been living under in order to truly live more freely in the new world we are creating.
Our foundations, global systems, and structures are outdated, and because we - as a collective - are no longer satisfied with the happenings in the world on the global platform, an uprising of humanity will assist in helping those structures crumble as we are ready to build new.
We are in the year of adjustments; building and refining the changes we’ve already made leaving the past behind and bringing new cycles to life. We can clearly see that the cornerstones of the existing foundation need to be restrengthened, re-supported, re-poured in order to be structurally sound.
This is Saturn, the structural engineer coming in to overlook the project, and we've received a failing grade in the past. Construction was halted to a stop and bulldozed the structure and its footings, only for us to start over and build it right from the beginning. And there's Pluto, the General Foreman of the job, irate and furious that the job is costing him money, he's insulted that his position of authority has been overruled by the engineer. This is HIS job, and HIS word goes. Jupiter going direct next week will amplify and intensify all the growth and expansion that needs to take place in order to get the project back on track. While Mercury’s retrograde has us revisiting old ideas and choices that may flip the script of our overall big picture vision.
Saturn is obsessed, trying to hold onto any inch of the job he can save, not realizing that his need to control the situation when it's in the best interest of the future population that will house this structure, preventing what will be a huge, tragic disaster, where the structure could fall, endangering people's lives, is holding up the path of moving forward. He needs to stop, put himself in time out, and realize that he is wasting precious time and energy trying to protect and save something that is beyond repair. His only option now is to harness the power of his anger and disappointment and focus on rebuilding this project properly from the ground up.
With this shift in perspective, after surrendering to the situation that cannot be changed, he pools together his resources and gets the project on track and built the way it should have been built in the first place.
Surprisingly, the project gets completed much sooner than he had anticipated because the group of workers (humanity) all got on the same page, believed in the same goal, and together, their energy accelerated them down their projected timeline leading them into the successful completion of the project. This is a perfect example of Saturn & Pluto being direct and working together, and what we can expect over the next few months will be mind blowing once we get to look back on all the progress.
The key here, is to recognize the fight you are fighting, see the reasons of why you are trying so hard to hold onto the outdated structures in your life KNOWING that they aren’t solid or strong enough to house the new dreams you are looking to build, and refocus your power and energy to embrace the change and start building new.
This cosmic alignment has been divinely orchestrated in your favour. As the world takes steps to get back to life and create new norms, we are also going through a huge DNA upgrade as we integrate what we’ve learned into our total being. Ask yourself: Do I want to go back to what normal was? Was normal working? Where do I feel angry and frustrated? What new foundations can I build for myself? What ideas am I’m refusing to let go of? And where to I need to take my power back and stand up for myself?
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Energy Forecast and check out this week’s Energy Forecast.
Uranus Retrogrades in Taurus
Today, Uranus is going retrograde in Taurus until January 18th, 2022. Uranus first entered into Taurus back in May of 2018, which began the pre-game of the great awakening we are currently experiencing. Uranus is the planet of the collective consciousness, spiritual awakening, sudden change, shock and awe, rebellion, and freedom. Taurus is a fixed earth sign focused on our earthly attachments such as love, money, and possessions, encouraging us to build and create talents, skills, and empires.
Uranus in Taurus isn't the best blend of energies, but since its pairing we have seen the influence of their energy on a global platform, affecting our earth with climate control, natural disasters, financial crisis, agriculture issues, and overall the value and worth we put on mother earth. Individually, Uranus in Taurus will reveal where we are too attached to our 3D lives, the people we attach ourselves to, the way we make and save our money, and our relationship and attachments to material possessions and goals.
With Uranus now going retrograde, we will be given time to review our lives, our attachments, our goals and our own value and worth. Our perspectives will change, our spirits will awaken, and we will make the changes necessary to free ourselves from restrictions and attachments.
Uranus will be in Taurus until April of 2026, and as an outer planet, its energy effects are low and slow. Because Uranus is all about letting go of attachments, especially where physical and monetary matters are concerned, and Taurus being so stubborn not wanting to make even the slightest change, we really are going to struggle with the inner conflict of letting go of all that we are overly attached too.
Globally, we need new innovations to help save our mother earth, we need to breakthrough bringing the health and wellness of our planet back to the forefront of concern. Adopting new green energy concepts, promoting living off grid, and focusing on the diets we consume, promoting to live more off of the earth, will be just a few focuses of this energy. We may see a disruption to the financial market as new currencies such as blockchain and digital currencies make more of a splash.
Individually, Uranus in Taurus will point out where we are fixated on certain things, too attached to items or ideas, and highlight where we are too stuck in our ways. This is all to help us detach from earthly things and create a more free flowing form of acceptance instead of being so highly dependable on creature comforts. Uranus going retrograde, will slow things down just a tad, so we can see what really needs our focus and attention moving forward.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Chiron Retrogrades In Aries
Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, has been in Aries since April of 2018, and will continue its stay in its place of power until 2027. Chiron shows us the wounds we are here to heal and while in Aries, we focus on the ego and where we’ve made our pain apart of our identity. We have been seeing its effects on a public platform, as everyone is now empowered and speaking up and out about the pain and trauma they've endured.
Individually, Chiron lets us know what wounds we came into this life to heal, and where it is we need to turn pain into power by the placement of his energy in your birth chart. As a collective, we are revealing the darkness in our world, illuminating it for all to see, and eventually heal. We all come into this life, looking to heal certain wounds that we will accumulate throughout our lives, all in hopes that one day we will drop the mask, expose our wounds, and inspire others to do the same.
Today, Chiron is going retrograde in Aries, taking us on a little bit of a healing journey inwards. This is where we get to retrace our steps, examine ourselves and the wounds we've already exposed. This acts as a refresher course to provide some closure to the first layer of healing.
Chiron will be in Aries until 2027, providing us with a huge timeframe to heal the wounds that we've been hiding behind, and using as a crutch for our identity. Too many of us identify so greatly with our pain, that we don't know how to let go. We use it as a shield and as an excuse to move on in our lives. Some of us don't even know who we are without our pain identity. But now is the chance to peel back the first layer of our pain, to drop the mask, and get real with ourselves. We have learned certain behaviours and adopted certain ways of thinking out of our need to survive. Now we have a choice to drop the survival mode, and move into thriver mode.
Physically, Chiron in Aries spotlights the head. We could be feeling some pressure, headaches, migraines, and overall discomfort where our head is concerned. Ailments such as sinus issues, jaw pain, neck problems, will all fester with the sharp movements of Chiron through the sky.
Mentally, Chiron in Aries is asking us to be a bit more authentic and real in our lives. The masks we wear especially to hid our pain and insecurities is creating a false sense of self. We are being asked to "wake up", drop the mask, and start showing the world who we really are. This is about acknowledging that we do in fact wear a mask, we try to hide ourselves, especially where we are most vulnerable, and in turn, we are adopting the "victim" mentality. It's time to make a conscious decision to step away from being a survivor, and fully embrace the life of a thriver.
Emotionally, Chiron in Aries asks us to stand up for ourselves. This means recognizing where we give our power away to others, where we fail to implement the boundaries we need to protect ourselves. It is likely that your anger will fester up at this time. Ask your anger to show you what it's hiding. Often times, anger shows up when it's hiding pain, sadness, sorrow and grief. Let your anger show you what it is you really need to work on healing. Let is show you the road map to your soul's pain.
Spiritually, Chiron in Aries is going to ask yourself, "Who am I?" Get real with yourself. Take a good look at your motivations, your goals, and see if they are truly aligned with your heart. Take notice to how far you've strayed off the path of being authentic and real with yourself and everyone around you. Put the masks down once and for all.
Soulfully, Chiron in Aries asks us to accept ourselves. Recognize the inner conflict and the divide within, and accept all parts as one. When you divide yourself, you divide your power. To accept yourself fully is to harness every ounce of power you hold within. It's time to step up, to lead yourself into being the best, most courageous self you've ever known. Embrace your true essence and see how the world responds to your new vibration. Watch your path open up and gift you with things you've only ever held in your heart. For when we truly embrace every part of ourselves, honour it, respect it, we live in divine order and will be blessed as such.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, and listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through. DOWNLOAD YOUR ZODIAC FORECAST NOW 50% OFF.
Neptune Retrogrades in Pisces
Every planet goes retrograde (backwards in its path) at some point. We are all too familiar with Mercury retrogrades, and although each planet has a different effect on us when they retrograde, the planets closest to us, like Mercury and Venus are felt a bit more than the planets that are further away from the Earth, like Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune. Although the effects of these planets are less than what we would experience from our neighbouring planets, don't be fooled in thinking the effects won't be felt at all.
Today Neptune has gone retrograde. Neptune, the "dreamy" planet of idealism and imagination, along with illusions and confusion, is the ruler of Pisces, a water sign (emotions & intuition), and rules the 12th astrological house of the subconscious and deeper emotions.
Neptune is a planet that sometimes encourages us to live a life of denial. It lends the energy that can encourage us to make excuses, and will support us to live in a world of daydreams and illusions. It also encourages us to continue ignoring dark truths that we really should be confronting head on. When Neptune goes backwards (retrograde), it can feel like we've had a bucket of cold water thrown at our faces, forcing you into the uncomfortable situations that you need to be in — all in the name of growth.
From now, and for the next 5 months until the retrograde ends, we will all feel the overall effects of this transit. Some of the feelings you can expect to face will be uncomfortable to say the least, but very imperative for your growth.
A Big Wake-Up Call Is About To Happen...
You're going to be faced with some truths and realities that you've been trying hard to ignore. Because Neptune's dreamy energy allows us to quickly pass over unpleasant truths, its move backwards gives us the opposite effect: a harsh wake-up call. Try not to react initially to this news, and instead allow time for it to be absorbed and contemplated over before getting too emotional over it.
Some Serious Self-Reflection Is About To Take Place...
Neptune is a planet of spirituality and provides a great energy and opportunity for both personal and spiritual growth. This retrograde provides the perfect time and energy to go inward to discover your true wants, needs and desires. You will be able to identify the areas of yourself that requires a bit more attention and work, by figuring out what in life is working FOR you, or AGAINST you. Neptune in retrograde offers a strength in ridding bad behaviours; whether it be putting a stop to self-sabotaging tendencies, or ridding one's self of an addiction. Addictions begin primarily due to the want and desire to escape reality, so this retrograde lends the power to step out of escapism.
Spiritual Growth Is On The Agenda...
Neptune retrograde is also super helpful when it comes to spiritual growth. This growth stems from a foundation of confusion at first, as you contemplate what it is you actually believe in. Even those who stand firm in their beliefs will find themselves second guessing their understanding of spirituality and how it's a part of their lives. This is a great time to come to terms with your spirituality and to get a better understanding of it. You will have new ideas or understandings around your spirituality, which can cause inner-conflict and confusion. Be patient with yourself during this time and process. When Neptune goes direct, clarity soon follows, and we may receive a new understanding that we will then have to integrate within ourselves in order to move forward.
You're Going To Have Some Pretty Profound Ah-Ha Moments...
With this Neptune retrograde forcing us to acknowledge things we've been trying really hard to ignore, you'll also be having some important revelations, or ah-ha moments. Neptune’s "dark side" is actually a blessing in disguise, as it uncovers the harsh realities of what we've been avoiding. Be forewarned that these ah-ha moments might be painful to acknowledge and absorb, but it's super important to face these issues head on. You'll be pushed out of your dream world to face reality and get real with yourself. Endings of bad relationships, jobs, and anything else that makes you unhappy, is highly likely during Neptune's retrograde as it gives you the swift kick in the butt you need in order to make the changes necessary that you might regularly just try to ignore. Neptune in retrograde gives you the push you need to leave the negative behind.
You'll Have The Energy And Motivation To Take Action...
Even in an uncomfortable state of acknowledging things you've tried so hard to ignore and keep hidden, you will also have the energy and motivation to make long lasting changes to your life. Neptune retrograde is pushing you to confront your darkest truths and step out of your dream world. It's also going to lend you the energy to push you to get things done. You're likely to feel motivated and inspired to walk away from the things that no longer work for you, and encourage you to try something new. Pay attention to your dreams during this time, and don't be surprised when certain pieces of your dreams enter your reality.
You'll Feel Better Prepared In Planning For The Future...
One of the best, most positive things about Neptune retrograde, is that it pushes you to make real, solid plans for your future. Between the spiritual growth, the ah-ha moments, and the motivational energy to take action, you really do have all the help you need to make important goals for your life that really are going to be good for you in the end. Neptune in retrograde will definitely show you how to start actually working towards the life you envision.
You'll Have A Strong Sense Of Understanding...
For many of us, we will gain a greater perspective of ourselves and the relationships we have. We will begin to see the truth of issues that have been weighing us down, and consuming our thoughts since a significant event took place in our lives last six months. We are all going to experience a heightened sense of intuition during this retrograde, and with it, we will be able to receive a lot more information than usual. Trust yourself and the thoughts and feelings that arise during this time, as you will be more in touch with truth now, then ever before. Be patient with yourself as you experience the growing pains that accompany a new shift in perspective, and receiving the new information being thrown your way. Take the time to absorb the knowledge, and process it accordingly before you make any rash decisions or take action on a new path forward.
It's important for all of us to spend a bit more quiet time inward, as this energy can help you reconnect with your higher sense of purpose and inner values. It's a great time to revisit that five-year plan you drew up at the start of this year. If you feel like you've lost track of your long-term goals recently, lean into this energy as it will help you gain perspective on what it is you actually want for yourself.
It's up to you to decide whether you go with the flow or whether you want to be dragged through these times of change.
If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where this energy is showing up in your life, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and June’s Energy Forecast to get the full story.
Saturn Retrogrades in Aquarius
Today, Saturn, the Lord of Karma and ruler over structures, authority, roles and responsibilities goes retrograde in Aquarius. Saturn’s full retrograde cycle will take place over the next 5 months ending in October. This major, heavy-hitting planet embodies the military Grandfather energy; strict, hardworking, tough love, all about working hard and taking your time to perfect your craft, the authority figure, and delegator of life lessons, is going to take us a few steps backwards in our lives so that we can destroy anything that left that we can hide behind.
If you are hiding being an illusion of your life, an unauthentic mask of who you are, and holding onto old outdated beliefs and structures that aren't serving you, Saturn will help you see what needs to be removed. There's a karmic element at play here where the old, present, and future parts of ourselves will be blended together, integrated for our highest good so that we may come out of this retrograde fast tracked onto our path forward with the karmic energy of the past having been cleared away, while we fully embrace the newly transformed self.
This particular retrograde is a life changer. We will see it play out on a global scale through the banking systems, government bodies, and religious communities as they fall, crumbling into a heap of old energy that isn't strong enough to weather our modern day storms. There is already evidence of this taking place on a global platform, and Saturn has a hand in it. We will see the rules and restrictions change once again challenging the current narrative and freeing us in a lot of the ways we’ve been feeling trapped.
This retrograde is also very potent because Saturn is joining Pluto in Retrograde in Capricorn as well, bringing all of the power and control issues to light. Pluto is triggering the darkest parts of ourselves, the not-so-good emotions surrounding obsession, guilt, fear, doubts, insecurities, and anger, so that we can use these darker emotions to transform them into light.
Together, and with the assistance of Mercury about to join them in retrograde - Saturn and Pluto will do a retrograde dance over the next 4.5 - 5 months causing all of our lives a bit of re-organization and refinement. The focus of this disruption, all in divine order, is to focus on the roles and responsibilities we have in life, and to breakdown the restrictions we've been living under in order to truly live more freely in the new world we are creating.
Our foundations, global systems, and structures are outdated, and because we - as a collective - are no longer satisfied with the happenings in the world on the global platform, an uprising of humanity will assist in helping those structures crumble as we are ready to build new.
We are in the year of adjustments; building and refining the changes we’ve already made leaving the past behind and bringing new cycles to life. We can clearly see that the cornerstones of the existing foundation need to be restrengthened, re-supported, re-poured in order to be structurally sound.
This is Saturn, the structural engineer coming in to overlook the project, and we've received a failing grade. Construction is halted to a stop so we can bulldoze the structure and its footings, only to start over and build it right from the beginning. And there's Pluto, the General Foreman of the job, irate and furious that the job is costing him money, he's insulted that his position of authority has been overruled by the engineer. This is HIS job, and HIS word goes. Jupiter going retrograde (in June) will amplify and intensify all the growth and expansion that needs to take place in order to get the project back on track. While Mercury’s retrograde will have us revisiting old ideas and choices that may flip the script of our overall big picture vision.
Saturn is obsessed, trying to hold onto any inch of the job he can save, not realizing that his need to control the situation when it's in the best interest of the future population that will house this structure, preventing what will be a huge, tragic disaster, where the structure could fall, endangering people's lives, is holding up the path of moving forward. He needs to stop, put himself in time out, and realize that he is wasting precious time and energy trying to protect and save something that is beyond repair. His only option now is to harness the power of his anger and disappointment and focus on rebuilding this project properly from the ground up.
With this shift in perspective, after surrendering to the situation that cannot be changed, he pools together his resources and gets the project on track and built the way the engineer suggested in the first place.
Surprisingly, the project gets completed much sooner than he had anticipated because the group of workers all got on the same page, believed in the same goal, and together, their energy accelerated them down their projected timeline leading them into the successful completion of the project. This is a perfect example of Saturn & Pluto being retrograde, and what we can expect over the next few months.
The key here, is to surrender. Recognize the fight you are fighting, see the reasons of why you are trying so hard to hold onto the outdated structures in your life KNOWING that they aren’t solid or strong enough to house the new dreams you are looking to build, and refocus your power and energy to embrace the change and start building new.
This cosmic alignment has been divinely orchestrated in your favour. As the world takes steps to get back to life and create new norms, we are also going through a huge DNA upgrade as we integrate what we’ve learned into our total being. Ask yourself: Do I want to go back to what normal was? Was normal working? Where do I feel angry and frustrated? What new foundations can I build for myself? What ideas am I’m refusing to let go of? And where to I need to take my power back and stand up for myself?
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, I'd be more than happy to help guide you through!
Pluto Retrogrades
Today, Pluto - the planet of power, control, obsessions, and transformation - goes retrograde in Capricorn. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, creating quite a shift within us individually as well as on the global scene.
Our Government, Politics, Religion, and humanity as a collective has been breaking down the long standing structures that are no longer working for us. Capricorn rules authority and the roles and responsibilities we have, especially when in the public eye. Pluto's entrance into Capricorn has brought us some very upsetting shifts in these authoritative structures, which piece by piece are crumbling to the ground.
We need these changes. We are now living in a world that needs the right kind of structures put into place for our futures to be supported. The old paradigms are not strong enough to handle the power of the reality we are currently living in and will never survive the weight of change we are needing in our futures.
On an individual level we have been working hard to embrace the roles and responsibilities we've been given here on earth, especially where our careers are concerned. Many people have realized that they aren't in the right role and have been making huge changes to align themselves more with a career and the responsibilities that are in more in alignment with their heart and Soul.
Anytime a planet goes retrograde, the energetic influence that is normally projected and expressed outwards in our lives, then becomes focused on our inner worlds where we have an opportunity to transform the not-so-nice feelings surrounding the topics and themes of obsessions, control, and power.
Because Pluto is an outer planet, the energetic influence of it going retrograde doesn't cause chaos and mayhem like the inner planets such as Mercury does when retrograde, but instead the energy shift is very subtle as we take our attention away from the outer world and start moving within. Don't be fooled though, the energy of the outer planets going retrograde has a huge effect on us, and the intensity of the transformation is very much felt and seen.
We will have 5 months of allowing the power and influence of Pluto to dive deep within our consciousness to allow the darker emotions we have surrounding power, control, and obsessions to be raised to the surface where they can be acknowledged and transformed into something lighter. This will have you recognizing very clearly where your obsessions lie. It could be obsessive thinking, obsessive eating, obsessive habits that aren't really serving you.
You may see areas in yourself that require you to free up your control issues, or even show you where you need to exert more control and discipline in your life.
This will also be a time where you fully embrace your power. This time will show you where you've given your power away in order for you to take it back.
The key word here is transform. We aren't trying to acknowledge these issues for release, we want to transform them from a state of darkness into a state of light. We want to harness the power we put into these not-so-nice topics, and transform that power into focusing on what GOOD obsessions we can consume ourselves with.
We want to see where we try to control elements in our lives and work on releasing the compulsive need to have everything happen in a certain way. We want to transform these issues into a source of power.
Be mindful, especially this week as the shift begins. Pay attention to what themes and topics are triggered for you as the healing journey gets started. It's likely that the areas revealed to you in this first week will be what gets an overhaul in your life over the next 5 months.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Jupiter Goes Direct in Capricorn
Jupiter - the planet of growth, abundance, fortune, and spirituality - starts to move forward after retrograding since May. Jupiter is a major heavy-hitting planet that, along with a few others (Saturn & Pluto) have been involved with the huge events we’ve seen thus far in 2020.
Jupiter entered into Capricorn last December where the focus on old systems, structures such as the government, banking, schooling, & health care systems, celebrities, royalty, and the old paradigm were focused in on and amplified for our our attention. Had Jupiter been acting alone, we would have seen a huge growth in these sectors without all the damage and destruction (thanks Pluto)!
Jupiter went retrograde back in May slowing the external energy down and pulling us inward to really review our belief systems. Jupiter retrograde wanted us to see where inside of us there was room to grow and expand past the old self. Jupiter’s retrograde put the brakes on moving forward, and instead really tested our current status and situations in life.
Globally we seen the topics and themes of the damage and destruction ripping down old outdate structures and ideas hold a certain pace. We’ve been losing our positive mindset with each passing day. We’ve been dealt horrible hands round after round as we try to hold onto what very little optimism we have left. Jupiter has a tendency to put a magnifying glass over everything making it that much more “extra” than it needs to be. That’s partly the reason why 2020 seems so intense is because Jupiter has been amplifying the situations of misfortune around us.
Now with Jupiter going direct, we will start seeing things move forward once again - SLOWLY. We have to keep in mind, Mars just went retrograde pumping the brakes on Jupiter trying to move forward too quickly. It will take a couple of weeks for Jupiter to come out of his deep slumber and get his bearings about all that has transpired as he was deep in la-la land.
None the less, we will start seeing situations move forward especially ones that have been stalled out since the Spring. We will feel a shift in our luck as Jupiter’s retrograde brought a lot of misfortune. And we will start to regain our positive and optimistic outlook as we see the big picture unfold of why these not-so-nice months had to happen.
Although Jupiter going direct is a good thing, it does mean that we can expect a couple of rough patches as he gets up to speed and moves forward on his course. Saturn will be going direct again at the end of the month, and Pluto will follow shortly thereafter. When this trio teams up in the cosmos once again, we may see another intense situation emerge that will amplify the damage and destruction once again. The fear of the “second wave” may not unfold the way you think it will, and instead come at us from another angle.
Regardless, we have to remember that all of these events are divinely scripted by the cosmos to help us evolve to the next level of consciousness, to help propel us through the darkness and into the light. And, to help humanity reach levels of new earth we could have never imagined under the old paradigm.
Depending on where Jupiter has set up shop in your birth chart, you will see those topics and themes resurface in order to move ahead in a new direction.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Uranus Retrogrades in Taurus
Today, Uranus is going retrograde in Taurus until January 2021. Uranus first entered into Taurus back in May of 2018, which began the pre-game of the great awakening we are currently experiencing. Uranus is the planet of the collective consciousness, spiritual awakening, sudden change, shock and awe, rebellion, and freedom. Taurus is a fixed earth sign focused on our earthly attachments such as love, money, and possessions.
Uranus in Taurus isn't the best blend of energies, but since its pairing we have seen the influence of their energy on a global platform, affecting our earth with climate control, natural disasters, financial crisis, agriculture issues, and overall the value and worth we put on mother earth. Individually, Uranus in Taurus will reveal where we are too attached to our 3D lives, the people we attach ourselves to, the way we make and save our money, and our relationship and attachments to material possessions and goals.
With Uranus now going retrograde, we will be given time to review our lives, our attachments, our goals and our own value and worth. Our perspectives will change, our spirits will awaken, and we will make the changes necessary to free ourselves from restrictions and attachments.
Uranus will be in Taurus until April of 2026, and as an outer planet, its energy effects are low and slow. Because Uranus is all about letting go of attachments, especially where physical and monetary matters are concerned, and Taurus being so stubborn not wanting to make even the slightest change, we really are going to struggle with the inner conflict of letting go of all that we are overly attached too.
Globally, we need new innovations to help save our mother earth, we need to breakthrough bringing the health and wellness of our planet back to the forefront of concern. Adopting new green energy concepts, promoting living off grid, and focusing on the diets we consume, promoting to live more off of the earth, will be just a few focuses of this energy. We may see a disruption to the financial market as new currencies such as blockchain and digital currencies make more of a splash.
Individually, Uranus in Taurus will point out where we are fixated on certain things, too attached to items or ideas, and highlight where we are too stuck in our ways. This is all to help us detach from earthly things and create a more free flowing form of acceptance instead of being so highly dependable on creature comforts. Uranus going retrograde, will slow things down just a tad, so we can see what really needs our focus and attention moving forward.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Goes Direct In Cancer
Finally! After three too many weeks of mercury (the planet of information, communication, and expression) being water logged in all the emotional waters of the home and family dynamic, we are ready to start seeing things clearly and moving out of the deep end.
Mercury first entered into Cancer back in May, and made for a messy turn of events where our feelings were concerned. Mercury in emotional and intuitive Cancer made us hyper-sensitive and the shutdown in our mental clarity didn’t help us to sort through how we were thinking and feeling very easily. Mercury caused all kinds of miscommunications, and misunderstandings especially in our close relationships. It brought up a lot of triggers within our own emotional security. It showed us where we need to implement more boundaries in our lives in order to protect ourselves and our energy.
When mercury went retrograde, it started retracing its steps, moving back over the topics and issues created years earlier, and in true retrograde fashion, dug up all kinds of lessons we all thought we were done with.
Now with Mercury going direct again, he is giving us a two week shadow period to try and clean up the mess we've made since May. Our mental game will come back online and help us to make sense of all we’ve been thinking and feeling. The waterworks are definitely over, but prepare yourself for one last cry as we revisit the topics and things that upset us many moons ago.
With mercury now moving forward, we will see situations resolve themselves. We will feel the clarity come back into our mental space, and we are going to be able to express ourselves, communicate our thoughts and feelings effectively and actually have them understood.
Because lots has happened to us since mercury first entered cancer, and as it went retrograde (most specifically eclipse season among retrograde season) coming out of this backward motion may take some time. It would be an ideal time to check out what mercury entering into cancer started the first time around, what mercury going retrograde had you facing, and seeing what your focus is coming out of the fog.
With the other major planets still in retrograde we will be forced to think about what is best for us. What is best for our family. Where can we get back to the basics. Chiron just went retrograde yesterday, creating a perfect storm of healing where our ego and identity is concerned. With mercury now direct in cancer we will no doubt be able to see where we’ve been sacrificing ourselves for others, where we need to nurture ourselves, and where we can let go of some generational trauma we’ve been holding onto by allowing the pain in our families stay alive within us.
Mercury goes direct in cancer will allow us to think and feel more directly and as such, give us a brand new perspective on how to make our hearts and our heads come together in alignment to push us forward.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Chiron Retrogrades In Aries
Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, has been in Aries since April of 2018, and will continue its stay in its place of power until 2027. Chiron shows us the wounds we are here to heal and while in Aries, we focus on the ego and where we’ve made our pain apart of our identity. We have been seeing its effects on a public platform, as everyone is now empowered and speaking up and out about the pain and trauma they've endured.
Individually, Chiron lets us know what wounds we came into this life to heal, and where it is we need to turn pain into power by the placement of his energy in your birth chart. As a collective, we are revealing the darkness in our world, illuminating it for all to see, and eventually heal. We all come into this life, looking to heal certain wounds that we will accumulate throughout our lives, all in hopes that one day we will drop the mask, expose our wounds, and inspire others to do the same.
Today, Chiron is going retrograde in Aries, taking us on a little bit of a healing journey inwards. This is where we get to retrace our steps, examine ourselves and the wounds we've already exposed. This acts as a refresher course to provide some closure to the first layer of healing.
Chiron will be in Aries until 2027, providing us with a huge timeframe to heal the wounds that we've been hiding behind, and using as a crutch for our identity. Too many of us identify so greatly with our pain, that we don't know how to let go. We use it as a shield and as an excuse to move on in our lives. Some of us don't even know who we are without our pain identity. But now is the chance to peel back the first layer of our pain, to drop the mask, and get real with ourselves. We have learned certain behaviours and adopted certain ways of thinking out of our need to survive. Now we have a choice to drop the survival mode, and move into thriver mode.
Physically, Chiron in Aries spotlights the head. We could be feeling some pressure, headaches, migraines, and overall discomfort where our head is concerned. Ailments such as sinus issues, jaw pain, neck problems, will all fester with the sharp movements of Chiron through the sky.
Mentally, Chiron in Aries is asking us to be a bit more authentic and real in our lives. The masks we wear especially to hid our pain and insecurities is creating a false sense of self. We are being asked to "wake up", drop the mask, and start showing the world who we really are. This is about acknowledging that we do in fact wear a mask, we try to hide ourselves, especially where we are most vulnerable, and in turn, we are adopting the "victim" mentality. It's time to make a conscious decision to step away from being a survivor, and fully embrace the life of a thriver.
Emotionally, Chiron in Aries asks us to stand up for ourselves. This means recognizing where we give our power away to others, where we fail to implement the boundaries we need to protect ourselves. It is likely that your anger will fester up at this time. Ask your anger to show you what it's hiding. Often times, anger shows up when it's hiding pain, sadness, sorrow and grief. Let your anger show you what it is you really need to work on healing. Let is show you the road map to your soul's pain.
Spiritually, Chiron in Aries is going to ask yourself, "Who am I?" Get real with yourself. Take a good look at your motivations, your goals, and see if they are truly aligned with your heart. Take notice to how far you've strayed off the path of being authentic and real with yourself and everyone around you. Put the masks down once and for all.
Soulfully, Chiron in Aries asks us to accept ourselves. Recognize the inner conflict and the divide within, and accept all parts as one. When you divide yourself, you divide your power. To accept yourself fully is to harness every ounce of power you hold within. It's time to step up, to lead yourself into being the best, most courageous self you've ever known. Embrace your true essence and see how the world responds to your new vibration. Watch your path open up and gift you with things you've only ever held in your heart. For when we truly embrace every part of ourselves, honour it, respect it, we live in divine order and will be blessed as such.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Neptune Retrogrades In Pisces
Every planet goes retrograde (backwards in its path) at some point. We are all too familiar with Mercury retrogrades, and although each planet has a different effect on us when they retrograde, the planets closest to us, like Mercury and Venus are felt a bit more than the planets that are further away from the Earth, like Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune. Although the effects of these planets are less than what we would experience from our neighbouring planets, don't be fooled in thinking the effects won't be felt at all.
Today Neptune has gone retrograde. Neptune, the "dreamy" planet of idealism and imagination, along with illusions and confusion, is the ruler of Pisces, a water sign (emotions & intuition), and rules the 12th astrological house of the subconscious and deeper emotions.
Neptune is a planet that sometimes encourages us to live a life of denial. It lends the energy that can encourage us to make excuses, and will support us to live in a world of daydreams and illusions. It also encourages us to continue ignoring dark truths that we really should be confronting head on. When Neptune goes backwards (retrograde), it can feel like we've had a bucket of cold water thrown at our faces, forcing you into the uncomfortable situations that you need to be in — all in the name of growth.
From now, and for the next 5 months until the retrograde ends, we will all feel the overall effects of this transit. Some of the feelings you can expect to face will be uncomfortable to say the least, but very imperative for your growth.
A Big Wake-Up Call Is About To Happen...
You're going to be faced with some truths and realities that you've been trying hard to ignore. Because Neptune's dreamy energy allows us to quickly pass over unpleasant truths, its move backwards gives us the opposite effect: a harsh wake-up call. Try not to react initially to this news, and instead allow time for it to be absorbed and contemplated over before getting too emotional over it.
Some Serious Self-Reflection Is About To Take Place...
Neptune is a planet of spirituality and provides a great energy and opportunity for both personal and spiritual growth. This retrograde provides the perfect time and energy to go inward to discover your true wants, needs and desires. You will be able to identify the areas of yourself that requires a bit more attention and work, by figuring out what in life is working FOR you, or AGAINST you. Neptune in retrograde offers a strength in ridding bad behaviours; whether it be putting a stop to self-sabotaging tendencies, or ridding one's self of an addiction. Addictions begin primarily due to the want and desire to escape reality, so this retrograde lends the power to step out of escapism.
Spiritual Growth Is On The Agenda...
Neptune retrograde is also super helpful when it comes to spiritual growth. This growth stems from a foundation of confusion at first, as you contemplate what it is you actually believe in. Even those who stand firm in their beliefs will find themselves second guessing their understanding of spirituality and how it's a part of their lives. This is a great time to come to terms with your spirituality and to get a better understanding of it. You will have new ideas or understandings around your spirituality, which can cause inner-conflict and confusion. Be patient with yourself during this time and process. When Neptune goes direct, clarity soon follows, and we may receive a new understanding that we will then have to integrate within ourselves in order to move forward.
You're Going To Have Some Pretty Profound Ah-Ha Moments...
With this Neptune retrograde forcing us to acknowledge things we've been trying really hard to ignore, you'll also be having some important revelations, or ah-ha moments. Neptune’s "dark side" is actually a blessing in disguise, as it uncovers the harsh realities of what we've been avoiding. Be forewarned that these ah-ha moments might be painful to acknowledge and absorb, but it's super important to face these issues head on. You'll be pushed out of your dream world to face reality and get real with yourself. Endings of bad relationships, jobs, and anything else that makes you unhappy, is highly likely during Neptune's retrograde as it gives you the swift kick in the butt you need in order to make the changes necessary that you might regularly just try to ignore. Neptune in retrograde gives you the push you need to leave the negative behind.
You'll Have The Energy And Motivation To Take Action...
Even in an uncomfortable state of acknowledging things you've tried so hard to ignore and keep hidden, you will also have the energy and motivation to make long lasting changes to your life. Neptune retrograde is pushing you to confront your darkest truths and step out of your dream world. It's also going to lend you the energy to push you to get things done. You're likely to feel motivated and inspired to walk away from the things that no longer work for you, and encourage you to try something new. Pay attention to your dreams during this time, and don't be surprised when certain pieces of your dreams enter your reality.
You'll Feel Better Prepared In Planning For The Future...
One of the best, most positive things about Neptune retrograde, is that it pushes you to make real, solid plans for your future. Between the spiritual growth, the ah-ha moments, and the motivational energy to take action, you really do have all the help you need to make important goals for your life that really are going to be good for you in the end. Neptune in retrograde will definitely show you how to start actually working towards the life you envision.
You'll Have A Strong Sense Of Understanding...
For many of us, we will gain a greater perspective of ourselves and the relationships we have. We will begin to see the truth of issues that have been weighing us down, and consuming our thoughts since a significant event took place in our lives last six months. We are all going to experience a heightened sense of intuition during this retrograde, and with it, we will be able to receive a lot more information than usual. Trust yourself and the thoughts and feelings that arise during this time, as you will be more in touch with truth now, then ever before. Be patient with yourself as you experience the growing pains that accompany a new shift in perspective, and receiving the new information being thrown your way. Take the time to absorb the knowledge, and process it accordingly before you make any rash decisions or take action on a new path forward.
It's important for all of us to spend a bit more quiet time inward, as this energy can help you reconnect with your higher sense of purpose and inner values. It's a great time to revisit that five-year plan you drew up at the start of this year. If you feel like you've lost track of your long-term goals recently, lean into this energy as it will help you gain perspective on what it is you actually want for yourself.
It's up to you to decide whether you go with the flow or whether you want to be dragged through these times of change.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your June Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Retrogrades In Cancer
Today, the planet of information, communication, and expression goes retrograde joining the other major heavy hitting planets already in retrograde. Mercury when retrograde, usually slows down our mental processes making the way we see things, and how we interpret information a bit cloudy and skewed.
Mercury retrogrades have the tendency to take us back in the past, to revisit some topics and themes that require attention and a new closure, and to reassess our plans before moving forward.
Now with Mercury retrograding in Cancer, we will be feeling a bit more sensitive and nostalgic than normal. The family dramatics will resurface, rearranging the family dynamic and reconstructing the boundaries we have in place to protect ourselves, but with Mercury now retrograde in Cancer, the emotional, and sensitive reactions will overtake what has been heated and fiery.
We are still in a time of reassessment of our plans, re-evaluating what isn't working and what needs to be tweaked, but under the Gemini energy, we are still very divided in our own thoughts and feelings. Mercury retrograding in Cancer gives us the opportunity to apply our intuition to what it is we are reviewing. Our softer sentiments can smooth the edges of what was a very fiery, hot topic, and help us to truly connect our emotions to these situations instead of allowing our ego & pride get in the way.
Because of the recent eclipse energies still stirring within us, this energy influence from Mercury retrograding in Cancer will allow the download, the shift in energy, to be a bit more calm and peaceful. We still have some integrating to do, and the emotional emergence of Mercury moving backwards in Cancer will provide a closure to many topics and themes that were triggered last summer when Mercury retrograded in Cancer and brought up all kinds of feels around the mother figure, the feminine divine energy, our homes and living arrangements, and where we need to enforce boundaries to help protect our emotions.
With 5 planets in a retrograde, (and in eclipse season) we are looking to sort out some past karma before moving forward with new chapters and timelines. Allow Mercury’s retrograde to show you where your generational wounds need to be healed, where your relationships with the mother or feminine divine energy needs more attention, and where your values have changed in the home and the relationships in it.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your June Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Saturn Goes Retrograde
Today, Saturn, the Lord of Karma and ruler over structures, authority, roles and responsibilities goes retrograde in Aquarius before sneaking back into its place of power in Capricorn. Saturn’s full retrograde cycle will take place over the next 4 months ending on September 29, 2020. This major, heavy-hitting planet embodies the military Grandfather energy; strict, hardworking, tough love, all about working hard and taking your time to perfect your craft, the authority figure, and delegator of life lessons, is going to take us a few steps backwards in our lives so that we can destroy anything that left that we can hide behind.
If you are hiding being an illusion of your life, an unauthentic mask of who you are, and holding onto old outdated beliefs and structures that aren't serving you, Saturn will help you see what needs to be removed. There's a karmic element at play here where the old, present, and future parts of ourselves will be blended together, integrated for our highest good so that we may come out of this retrograde fast tracked onto our path forward with the karmic energy of the past having been cleared away, while we fully embrace the newly transformed self.
This particular retrograde is a life changer. We will see it play out on a global scale through the banking systems, government bodies, and religious communities as they fall, crumbling into a heap of old energy that isn't strong enough to weather our modern day storms. There is already evidence of this taking place on a global platform, and Saturn has a hand in it.
This retrograde is also very potent because Saturn is joining Pluto in Retrograde in Capricorn as well, bringing all of the power and control issues to light. Pluto is triggering the darkest parts of ourselves, the not-so-good emotions surrounding obsession, guilt, fear, doubts, insecurities, and anger, so that we can use these darker emotions to transform them into light.
Together, and with the assistance of both Jupiter and Venus about to join them in retrograde - Saturn and Pluto will do a retrograde dance over the next 4.5 - 5 months causing all of our lives a bit of re-organization and refinement. Because this is taking place in Capricorn (Saturn will re-enter Capricorn on July 1st), the focus of this disruption, all in divine order, is to focus on the roles and responsibilities we have in life, and to breakdown the restrictions we've been living under in order to truly live more freely in the new world we are creating.
Our foundations, global systems, and structures are outdated, and because we - as a collective - are no longer satisfied with the happenings in the world on the global platform, an uprising of humanity will assist in helping those structures crumble as we are ready to build new.
We are in the year of building, the year of creation, but there are safety and financial concerns building a new structure on a foundation that isn't strong enough to withhold the new design. With this visual, we can clearly see that the cornerstones of the existing foundation need to be restrengthened, re-supported, re-poured in order to be structurally sound.
This is Saturn, the structural engineer coming in to overlook the project, and we've received a failing grade. Construction is halted to a stop so we can bulldoze the structure and its footings, only to start over and build it right from the beginning. And there's Pluto, the General Foreman of the job, irate and furious that the job is costing him money, he's insulted that his position of authority has been overruled by the engineer. This is HIS job, and HIS word goes. Jupiter going retrograde will amplify and intensify all the growth and expansion that needs to take place in order to get the project back on track. While Venus retrograde will have us revisiting old ideas and associates to put an emphasis of the value being constructed.
Saturn is obsessed, trying to hold onto any inch of the job he can save, not realizing that his need to control the situation when it's in the best interest of the future population that will house this structure, preventing what will be a huge, tragic disaster, where the structure could fall, endangering people's lives, is holding up the path of moving forward. He needs to stop, put himself in time out, and realize that he is wasting precious time and energy trying to protect and save something that is beyond repair. His only option now is to harness the power of his anger and disappointment and focus on rebuilding this project properly from the ground up.
With this shift in perspective, after surrendering to the situation that cannot be changed, he pools together his resources and gets the project on track and built the way the engineer suggested in the first place.
Surprisingly, the project gets completed much sooner than he had anticipated because the group of workers all got on the same page, believed in the same goal, and together, their energy accelerated them down their projected timeline leading them into the successful completion of the project. This is a perfect example of Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter being retrograde in Capricorn, and what we can expect over the next few months.
The key here, is to surrender. Recognize the fight you are fighting, see the reasons of why you are trying so hard to hold onto the outdated structures in your life KNOWING that they aren’t solid or strong enough to house the new dreams you are looking to build, and refocus your power and energy to embrace the change and start building new.
This cosmic alignment has been divinely orchestrated in your favour. As the world takes steps to get back to life and create new norms, we are also going through a huge DNA upgrade as we integrate what we’ve learned into our total being. Ask yourself: Do I want to go back to what normal was? Was normal working? Where do I feel angry and frustrated? What new foundations can I build for myself? What ideas am I’m refusing to let go of? And where to I need to take my power back and stand up for myself?
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Pluto Goes Retrograde
Today, Pluto - the planet of power, control, obsessions, and transformation - goes retrograde in Capricorn. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, creating quite a shift within us individually as well as on the global scene.
Our Government, Politics, Religion, and humanity as a collective has been breaking down the long standing structures that are no longer working for us. Capricorn rules authority and the roles and responsibilities we have, especially when in the public eye. Pluto's entrance into Capricorn has brought us some very upsetting shifts in these authoritative structures, which piece by piece are crumbling to the ground.
We need these changes. We are now living in a world that needs the right kind of structures put into place for our futures to be supported. The old paradigms are not strong enough to handle the power of the reality we are currently living in and will never survive the weight of change we are needing in our futures.
On an individual level we have been working hard to embrace the roles and responsibilities we've been given here on earth, especially where our careers are concerned. Many people have realized that they aren't in the right role and have been making huge changes to align themselves more with a career and the responsibilities that are in more in alignment with their heart and Soul.
Anytime a planet goes retrograde, the energetic influence that is normally projected and expressed outwards in our lives, then becomes focused on our inner worlds where we have an opportunity to transform the not-so-nice feelings surrounding the topics and themes of obsessions, control, and power.
Because Pluto is an outer planet, the energetic influence of it going retrograde doesn't cause chaos and mayhem like the inner planets such as Mercury does when retrograde, but instead the energy shift is very subtle as we take our attention away from the outer world and start moving within. Don't be fooled though, the energy of the outer planets going retrograde has a huge effect on us, and the intensity of the transformation is very much felt and seen.
We will have 5 months of allowing the power and influence of Pluto to dive deep within our consciousness to allow the darker emotions we have surrounding power, control, and obsessions to be raised to the surface where they can be acknowledged and transformed into something lighter. This will have you recognizing very clearly where your obsessions lie. It could be obsessive thinking, obsessive eating, obsessive habits that aren't really serving you.
You may see areas in yourself that require you to free up your control issues, or even show you where you need to exert more control and discipline in your life.
This will also be a time where you fully embrace your power. This time will show you where you've given your power away in order for you to take it back.
The key word here is transform. We aren't trying to acknowledge these issues for release, we want to transform them from a state of darkness into a state of light. We want to harness the power we put into these not-so-nice topics, and transform that power into focusing on what GOOD obsessions we can consume ourselves with.
We want to see where we try to control elements in our lives and work on releasing the compulsive need to have everything happen in a certain way. We want to transform these issues into a source of power.
Be mindful, especially this week as the shift begins. Pay attention to what themes and topics are triggered for you as the healing journey gets started. It's likely that the areas revealed to you in this first week will be what gets an overhaul in your life over the next 5 months.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
***The Elemental Energy & Intro To Astrology course are still being offered at 50% off for your learning pleasure. Use discount code: EMPOWER2020 at the checkout.***
New Moon In Aries
Today, we have our very first New Moon of the new energetic and astrologic calendar, in Aries. With Aries season well under way, you may be feeling all over the place with your energy, drive, and attention.
Normally, Aries season is full force forward, but this year, because of us still being under Mercury’s retrograde shadow and Mercury still in Pisces, we've had the brakes put on our actions. Mars, (Aries ruling planet) is sandwiched in between Saturn & Pluto causing a lot of restrictions and destruction. We are still trying to adjust to the overwhelming thoughts and ideas in our mental plane, while our physical energy just isn't up to par.
Where is Aries ruling in your chart? Save $56 on the Intro To Astrology Course. Use EMPOWER2020 at the checkout.
The New Moon in Aries, will help us get our butts in gear. It is important for us to take some time under the New Moon energy to think of all of the new things we'd like to see happen in our lives over the course of the next 12 months. Because Aries is all about drive, passion, initiative, and new experiences, this New Moon should have you thinking about the new projects you'd like to start, new experiences you'd like to live, new habits you'd like to form, and new ways of creating passion and joy in your life.
Often times, as we build towards a New Moon, our energy takes a dive and we experience situations and emotions that aren't so pleasant. This happens so we can find the root of these issues and use them to create a roadmap of how to never experience them again.
For instance, Aries, because it is always fired up and ready to take action, also has quite the temper. Mars, the warrior planet, is always ready to engage. Many people can experience bouts of anger and aggression prior to a New Moon in Aries, showing you what isn't working in your life, and then showing you where to create new energy in your life to resolve the anger issues.
New Moon energy is more about setting an intention for change than actually implementing it, so stay inside yourself, think of all the changes you'd like to see happen in your life, and make a list of everything that pops into your head.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your March Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Retrogrades In Pisces
Mercury, the planet that rules our intellect, information, and communication, goes retrograde today in Pisces. When a planet goes retrograde, it appears to us as it’s moving backwards in it’s orbit. A retrograde is a time where we slow down, and the normal energy influence of the planet moves from being exerted outwardly to an inward direction.
When Mercury goes retrograde (usually 3 or 4 times a year) we are slowed down by the Universe and have the opportunity to reflect back on what has taken place in our lives in order to review, re-edit, and revise our plans moving forward.
Mercury, effects all means of communication, writing, emails, verbal interactions and the way we express ourselves. It effects all things mechanical and electrical, and when in retrograde it causes mayhem for 3 weeks (up to 5 weeks if you factor in the shadow period both before and after the retrograde). It’s never a good time to start new things, to purchase new computers, appliances, or cars. It’s recommended to avoid signing any contracts or involve yourself with any kind of important paperwork during a retrograde.
Although there are many things we’d like to avoid during a retrograde period, life does have to go on, and so if you have to encounter some of the things that should be avoided, you really have to do your best to make sure you pay attention to the details. Often times, emails will be sent to the wrong person, computers will crash, cars will malfunction, dishwashers, washers and dryers will act up, and travel plans will go awry.
Many people dread mercury retrogrades (for good reason), but if you tap into all the positives a Mercury retrograde provides you with, you could really accomplish a lot in your inner work. It is common to have past situations, especially ones that you thought you were over, rise to the surface to rear it’s ugly head again. This is a time were exes may resurface or people from your past pop up out of nowhere.
Although it can be uncomfortable and unpleasant to have to deal with situations you’d rather not deal with, we are given these opportunities to handle these situations differently than we did in the past in order to provide a more solid closure to some of the life lessons we didn’t fully close the door on.
Regardless of what sign Mercury goes retrograde in, the classic “symptoms” of Mercury going retrograde stay the same. What adds a bit of an extra challenge (or benefit depending on how you look at it) is when you get the energetic influence of whatever sign the retrograde takes place in.
This time around, we are having Mercury retrograde in the sign of Pisces. Mercury is very uncomfortable in the sign of Pisces as the powers of Mercury are almost totally muted. Mercury being an air sign, ruling the mental plane and relying on logic and clarity in how it expresses itself outwardly, is suffocated under all of the water of Pisces as it rules intuition and emotions.
If Mercury is electricity (thoughts, ideas, and how we process information at the speed of light) then imagine what happens when this electricity gets mixed with water. Sparks fly, the brain shorts out, and we no longer have the steady electrical current to stabilize our mental plane.
You may have already been feeling the effects of Mercury retrograding in Pisces. When Mercury entered into Pisces on February 3rd, (in a direct position) many people felt like their mind got cloudy, foggy, and very vague on how they understood new information. They noticed that their train of thought was totally spacey and the intense emotions that washed over them was very disorienting not having the mental plane be able to provide logic or clarity on where these emotions were coming from. Communication began to be a challenge. People are seeming to be tongue tied, sleepy and in a world of their own. It’s been quite a time.
Unfortunately, it won’t get much better as we enter into the retrograde.
Because this is taking place in Pisces, we do have some really great benefits of this energy if we know how to focus it and work it to our advantage. This is a great time for artistic endeavours. Pisces is the dreamer, involved in art, writing, poetry, and anything that is a creative form of expression will be encouraged and supported.
It’s also a great time to work on our spiritual practice. Learning about anything to do with metaphysics, astrology, meditation, energy healing, dreams, and our psychic abilities. It’s a perfect time to move inwards, retreating from social activities to quiet the mind and let your intuition speak to you and guide you through this time of inner reflection.
Mercury retrograde is nothing to fear and in fact, I encourage you to embrace it by giving yourself permission to relax, rest, and recover. Don’t try to start new things or initiate new projects. Don’t force anything during this time. And definitely give yourself permission to take a time out as physical activity is at an all time low.
Avoid frustration by simply surrendering to whatever your day brings to you instead of swimming against the current. We need to be doing ourselves a service by allowing our minds, bodies, and souls, to recuperate before the new energetic calendar has us filled with a new vitality for life and supports us taking action in our realities.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, download your February Forecast or book a session online.
Uranus Goes Retrograde
Today, completing the cosmic trifecta of events, is Uranus going retrograde in Taurus. Uranus first entered into Taurus back in May of 2018, starting the domino effect of having our foundations rattle into a pile of dust.
Uranus is the planet of sudden change, rebellion, and freedom, while Taurus is a fixed earth sign focused on being productive using the skills and talents to the best of their ability to create financial wealth and long-term security. Uranus in Taurus isn't the best blend of energies, but since its pairing we have seen the influence of their energy on a public platform, effecting our earth with climate control, and natural disasters, we've seen it creep into our banking structures, and in an increased value and worth in the female population.
Uranus going retrograde will be giving us a timeout to retrace our steps since May 2018, and take a good look at where we've increased our worth and value. Uranus will be in Taurus until April of 2026, and as an outer planet, its energy effects are low and slow. Because Uranus is all about let go of attachments, especially where physical and monetary matters are concerned, and Taurus being so stubborn not wanting to make even the slightest change, we really are going to struggle with the inner conflict of letting go of all that we are overly attached too. This may sound unpleasant, but its absolutely necessary.
Globally, we need new innovations to help save our mother earth, we need to breakthrough bringing the health and wellness of our planet back to the forefront of concern. Adopting new green energy concepts, promoting living off grid, and focusing on the diets we consume, promoting to live more off of the earth, will be just a few focuses of this energy. We may see a disruption to the financial market as new currencies such as crypto and bitcoin make more of a splash.
Individually, Uranus in Taurus will point out where we are fixated on certain things, too attached to items or ideas, and highlight where we are too stuck in our ways. This is all to help us detach from earthly things and create a more free flowing form of acceptance instead of being so highly dependable on creature comforts. Uranus going retrograde, will slow things down just a tad, so we can see what really needs our focus and attention moving forward.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can download your monthly forecast, or book an Astro or Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
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Mercury Enters Leo
Today, the planet of communication, information, and expression, re-enters into the fiery, brave and bold sign of Leo. Most of us will barely remember Mercury entering Leo the first time around on June 26th, because so much has gone down since then, it literally seems like a life time ago.
But, only a month ago we actually got a taste of what Leo does to the way we express ourselves when we finally stood up and spoke up about our feelings. Mercury in Leo honours the heart-space, speaks one's truth, lives more authentically, sparks new creative and romantic passions, and has fun, acting playful and lively, with a child-like energy. Because Leo is the performer of the zodiac and tends to be a bit dramatic in taking over the spotlight, we will likely feel a strength to want to be heard and seen.
Mercury rules the mental plane, and since Mercury came out of retrograde, it's been deep in the emotional and intuitive waters of Cancer, trying to mend fences and repair hearts from the chaos created while retrograde.
So here we go again.
Leo energy makes us bold, brave and confident under this influence and we aren't afraid to speak up and speak out on our truths. It's great timing actually to emerge from the darkness of emotions over the last few months, and REALLY stand up proud! Whatever it is you've been afraid to talk about or hesitant in expressing outwards, will be the topic and theme of your truth as you are being encouraged to let it all out.
A lot of difficult truths were revealed while Mercury was in Cancer. The retrograde caused hurt feelings that we all tried so hard to avoid. We are so passionate about sharing our truths with Mercury in Leo, and our new truths have yet to be told.
Again, we need to remind ourselves of the few cautions that come with this energy.
Caution #1: Because we are all fired up and wanting center stage, listening isn't our best quality. We are so eager to have our voice heard that we may not be actually listening to those looking to express themselves, and instead we could be very rude and cut them off, or only "listen" to what they have to say waiting for our opportunity to speak. We are crappy listeners under this influence and that in itself might cause hurt feelings.
Caution #2: This energy influence makes us have the tendency to ramble on long after we've made our point and deliver our truth. Whatever it is you are brave enough to now talk about, needs all the attention it can get. Don't ruin the impact of your words being expressed by rambling on about it. Recognize when your message has been received and cut yourself off.
Caution #3: Because we are still under Mercury's retrograde shadow (until the 15th) we are still in clean-up mode trying to fix what was broken under the retrograde energy. This means that there is a fairly good chance that we may have to revisit what we spoke about under this energy influence to pick up some pieces or clean up the aftermath of our truthful expression at a time when emotions weren't clearly understood. This is just another reason to formulate what you want to say in your head, and then allow the brilliant Mercurial energy to analyze and edit the best way to deliver it all, and know when it cut it short.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can download your monthly forecast, or book an Astro or Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Jupiter Goes Direct
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion has been retrograde in its place of comfort and power since April 10th, 2019. Jupiter first entered its place of power in Sagittarius back in November of 2018, providing us with major learning opportunities where expanding our minds, beliefs, and spiritual self is concerned.
When Jupiter went retrograde back in April, the energetic force and influence Jupiter usually lends us to make things happen outside of ourselves, turned the energy inward for a journey and exploration of our inner world. It has been a time of huge consciousness expansion as we've connected to our intuition and spiritual selves, helping to grow and expand the way we see ourselves and the world we live in.
If you know what area of your birth chart this transit is taking place in, you can bet that area of your life has seen the greatest growth, through the harshest of challenges since Jupiter moved into Sagittarius.
We've received huge revelations that we can't just unknow. We've revealed lots of repressed truth and memories, we've conscious or unconsciously have identified where it is in our life we've been trying to escape. And because Jupiter is all about growth and expansion, these issues have been magnified under this influence to really grab our attention.
Jupiter really doesn't mean any harm. It is the most positive planet we could have working in our favour, but Jupiter's energy does have the whole "blessing in disguise" kind of vibe. We really do face some ugly truths with Jupiter's help and assistance, but in this case, the truth really does set you free!
Now that Jupiter is going direct, we can take all we've learned about ourselves and our truth, and actually do something about it in our external lives. If you had people close to you reveal their ugly side and you can't unknow certain details, you might just have to implement some boundaries moving forward or choose to disconnect all together.
If you discovered a new truth in your relationship, how you feel about yourself, your career, or your desires, you will now receive an energy boost to go ahead and make the necessary changes in your external world to reflect your inner growth and the revelations you've received.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can download your monthly forecast, or book an Astro or Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.