Ascension Symptoms
I have been talking a lot about our energy being upgraded lately, both in my blog posts and to my clients and subscribers. Receiving an energy upgrade is a very real process and has great effects on our physical bodies. Astrological shifts and portal activation are very much focused on upgrading our lightbodies with new frequencies and vibrations.
Although we receive energetic downloads of information all throughout the year, there are some points in our calendar in which the energy is SO great, that it has a Universal effect on all of us "sensitives" as we go through the process of lightening our loads and becoming more enlightened as we travel our spiritual path.
Also known as ascension symptoms, the physical body does actually suffer under these new lighter energy codes as we receive them. Depending on where you're at in your spiritual journey, and how sensitive you currently are to energies, you may be feeling a long list of physical symptoms that just can't be explained or diagnosed by medical professionals.
DISCLAIMER: Always trust your intuition on whether to get certain ailments checked out by a medical physician. When your doctor clears you of suffering from a diagnosable condition, that's when you should take the ascension symptoms into consideration.
Since the eclipse season and the retrogrades, many people (including myself) have seen really weird aches and pains surface in their bodies. Some had old, healed ailments come back out of nowheres, while others were experiencing these aches and pains for the first time with no physical trauma to help explain their existence.
Feeling pressure, on the front of the chest, back of the neck, and in the head (especially sinus pressure) can all be linked to the physical symptoms of an energy upgrade. When we think of our physical bodies in relation to our energy centers (chakras) it becomes much easier to understand which parts of us are under the most influence as we move through the upgrade process.
I myself have been seeing bright flashes of light to my left. Vision changes - blurred vision, light sensitivities, and seeing flashes of light in the peripherals - are all common symptoms of the ascension process, or energy upgrade. The crown chakra is the main focus of my current upgrade. I can only assume the Universe is turning up the dial on my gifts and abilities making me able to see more in the Spirit realm and strengthen my connection to those in Spirit.
Emotionally, people feel like trains wrecks, flip flopping back and forth between being happy, peaceful, calm, and having faith that everything will be okay, to depression, anxiety, panic, and a feeling of hopelessness, all in a short amount of time. These roller coaster of emotions are a perfect example of cycling through the energy upgrade, making leaps and bounds connecting with the Universal consciousness, being infused with all the lighter emotions, connecting with the optimistic future of the 5D + world, only to have the 3D world pull us back down to the heavier emotions of this human experience.
There is a constant push and pull taking place as we shed the old parts of self and embrace the new, but the purge, the cycle we are going through can be very overwhelming and confusing, especially when we aren't aware of the signs and symptoms of an energy upgrade.
Many clients have reached out to me, complaining that their sleep has been disrupted and they are having wild dreams of people and places that they've never encountered before. Please know that as we upgrade our energy and raise our vibration and frequency we connect to a totally different level of dream states than we ever had access to before.
I've been studying dreams for close to 20 years now, and yet still I'm fascinated by the fact that our subconscious mind has more power over us than our waking minds do. Diving deep into dreamwork can expose where your blocks are in your life and what pain and trauma your subconscious mind tries so hard to process while you sleep. What I've noticed, is that when we undergo such powerful energy shifts, we get exposed to parts of our Souls that have been to other dimensions with a whole group of people that we've never met before or have any point of reference of here in this lifetime.
All of these sleep disturbances are perfectly normal under the current circumstances of this energy shift. Taking pointers from our energy centers once again, those sleep disturbances would suggest that your crown chakra is the greatest focus of this upgrade, connecting you to a higher sense of knowing than what you've experienced here in this physical world.
Another common complaint is pain or discomfort in the knees. Whether you are experiencing this pain in both legs or just one, please know that this is where you hold your fear about taking your next steps on your path. If the right side of your body is giving you the issues, chances are you are struggling to embrace the change of your outer world. The fear of providing for yourself and your family, the goals and successes you fear from actually reaching, literally being afraid to take the initiative and start taking ACTION in your life. Where as, the left side indicates the emotional issues we need to resolve to remove the energetic blocks placed on our path.
In no way does this mean that these physical symptoms aren't real and any less painful just because they are energetically manifested. Instead, they are as real as it gets, indicators for us to see what lies underneath of these physical pains, and how to energetically mend them.
I can assure you that you are safe and protected as you go through this process, and that you will never be given more than you can handle. You can always reach out to your Guides and to the ArchAngels to help alleviate some of the symptoms that become too much to deal with.
It's important that you listen to your body and nurture it back to a place of health and alignment. Engaging in energy raising activities can help the transition go faster and be less intense. Below I will include what is a very long list of possible symptoms and include some activities you can try to alleviate the discomfort.
Possible Physical Symptoms you may experience during an energetic upgrade:
Your intuition is heightened and you have an unexplained knowing that something energetically is effecting your body
Aches and pains, tremors and twitches that come and go
Discomfort in your joints
Unexplained fatigue
Pressure in the head, chest, and to your sinus area in particular
Tingles or shocks throughout your body
Temperature fluctuations
Headaches that don't seem like normal headaches, unresponsive to medicine
Blurry vision, seeing flashes or lights out of the corner of your eye
Being overly sensitive to light
Feely very spacey or disoriented
Heart flutters not related to a medical condition or exercise
Sudden panic or nervousness with no known trigger (often dissolves quickly)
Hearing music that is not physically playing in your environment
Hearing conversations as if you were listening to a radio
Ear ringing
Being overly sensitive to sound
Feeling off balance
Hearing electricity
Cold or flu like symptoms that come and go without actually being a full fledged cold or flu
Sleep disturbances
Night sweats
Digestion changes
A change in dietary cravings
Emotional disturbances
Aversion to people, places, things that once brought you joy
Unsure of who you are
Developing new beliefs
Being overwhelmed by groups or crowds
Clumsiness, like gravity is working against you
Forgetfulness, or feeling like there's a lapse in time
Sudden changes to your foundations (relationships, jobs, career, living situation)
A change in how you connect to animals and nature
Seeing patterns and signs from the Universe
A change in your taste buds
Dreamscape changes (the people, places, or events in your dream world)
Having your cell phone battery die quicker than normal (you drain it of it's energy to stay charged)
A desire to connect with like minded people
Moments of gratitude
Profound ah-ha moments
A deep sense of knowing
Things you can do to try and ease your experience:
Give yourself time outs to check in with yourself, your wants, needs, and desires
Excuse yourself from overwhelming situations to ground your energy
Running your hands under cold water can help you feel more grounded
Listen to positive music (be mindful of the lyrics and the feeling of the music - angry, harsh music should be avoided
Spend time outdoors in nature
Rock or sway to move the energy within
Trust that you will be okay
Take note of dream messages
Eat foods that are healthy nourishment for your body
Soak in salt water baths
Apply heat to your aches
Nurture and care for yourself as if you were taking care of a friend or child
Accept and embrace the changes
Spend time in meditation or yoga
Breathe deeply
Let the emotions come and go, knowing that they are merely visitors and will not stay for long
Forgive yourself for being clumsy
Acknowledge the points of discomfort in your body and ask yourself what the energetic reason is for these pains
Acknowledge the flashes of light as spirit trying to communicate and tell them that you are trying hard to understand them
Be patient with yourself as you upgrade, understanding that it is all for the greater good of who you need to be, to be in alignment with your new goals and dreams
Of course you may not be experiencing all of these symptoms, and there are definitely other symptoms that can manifest that weren't included in this list. I will be launching a workshop in the Fall that will focus on our energy centers (chakras) and how to translate our physical symptoms to the energetic source of pain or trauma.
I post lots of blogs about each energy shift, and podcasts of the monthly and weekly energy forecast to help reassure you that what you may be experiencing is absolutely normal for the current energy here on earth. If ever you need assistance or guidance understanding these upgrades and validating that you are in fact NOT crazy, please book a session online and I'd be happy to help guide you through.
The Full Moon In Libra
Today, we will be experiencing very intense energy as our Libra full moon has us focused on our relationships. Regardless of all of the other planetary activity at this time, the moon in Libra alone would have us reviewing our emotional comforts, our safety and security within our current relationships. Because this is taking place opposing the Sun in Aries, we are pressurized with an energy that has us balancing our energy, love, and attention among ourselves vs. others, me vs. we, and independence vs. partnership.
Aries and Libra are polar opposites and under this energetic influence, you can bet our hearts will be undergoing some important transformations as we give stock to our relationships, and we see whether we are giving too much of ourselves away.
This is a time of unity. Where we examine ourselves in regardless to how we share ourselves with others, and where we can oversee the divides we’ve created within our relationships and within ourselves preventing us from totally being at peace with our lives. Libra represents harmony and peace, showing us where balance needs to be restored.
Regardless of where you are currently at in the relationship spectrum, this Supermoon in Libra will have us all breaking our own hearts to see where we can turn our heartbreaks into a source of power.
Trust your intuition at this time to show you the roadmap to your healing. Whatever not-so-nice- thoughts or feelings come up for you over the next few days, be sure to ask the Universe to release you from the energy that is preventing you form obtaining a healthy balance in your relationships.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
***The Elemental Energy & Intro To Astrology course are still being offered at 50% off for your learning pleasure. Use discount code: EMPOWER2020 at the checkout.***
Welcome To Aries Season
The time has come where we enter into a brand new energetic and astrological calendar, as we head into Aries season, marking the Spring Equinox for the Northern hemisphere. We are regaining our balance as the days turn into equal hours of light and dark. The fire element of Aries, dries us off from the complete saturation of emotional and karmic waters we just came out of from Pisces season. As we towel off, we are already eager to embark on new endeavours.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and under this influence we are ready to hit the ground running as we supercharge an area of our life. Aries is the trailblazer, the one who wants to dive into whatever excites them, and has the tendency to act first and think later. They initiate new energy and new paths.
Similar to the first day of Spring, the world comes to life and sneaks out of their winter shadows with the Sun in Aries. Aries energy is fast, quick to react, impulsive, head strong, and anxious to get things done. There is an abundance of energy as we set off into the world to make leaps and bounds on our paths forward, eager to accomplish what we set out to do.
A certain level of caution comes with this Aries season as it is being shadowed by Mercury’s retrograde shadow period. This means that we are going to get off to a slow start in accomplishing what the Aries energy wants us to do. We have to still rely heavily on our intuition to guide us through this shadow period.
With the Aries energy quick to act, we really have to stop and listen to the inner guidance we are being given. We have to PAY ATTENTION, and because Aries energy isn't really one to do that, we need to be overly cautious that we aren't jumping into things without consulting our hearts and our heads.
In astrology, Aries represents the head, which is appropriate for the sign as they are very headstrong and push through the barriers of restriction in order to tackle their dreams. The Sun moving into Aries poses an interesting tension on us, as the Sun and Chiron (the wounded healer) will meet up with each other giving us an opportunity to set the tone for the next 12 month energy cycle and how it is we are going to heal. We are going to be moving out of ego (head) and learn to live life from a higher sense of knowing as we tap into our higher consciousness and newly developed mental plane.
It's important that we not return to old patterns and behaviours during this time as what we focus on in the first weeks of Aries season will last throughout the new energetic calendar. Those who have developed spiritually, will pass this test by standing strong in themselves, their truths, and their power to transcend their old selves to fully embrace the new.
Everything we've learned over the past year, will be put to the test in this new energy cycle. Aries season helps us to get things started and to take the first steps on building new elements in our lives.
As long as you are being mindful to consult your intuition before proceeding to act on the impulses and urges you want to take action on, you will no doubt set a solid foundation and be overly productive in bring things to life while the Aries energy infuses you with the power and strength to blaze ahead.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your March Forecast or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
The Lovers

THE LOVERS (06) is the sixth trump card in the major arcana of the Tarot deck. This card symbolizes relationships, the love, harmony, and soulful alignment of a relationship; or, issues of dis-trust, dis-harmony, and unbalanced intentions within a relationship.
This card is often a reminder to the seeker to evalute their current wants, needs, and desires, for a realtionship, and even bring some wandering thoughts into the picture. The message that comes with this card is to review your choices and options very carefully as you navigate through the emotional waters of connecting with another person. It shows the seeker where there is loved lost, where love can be rekindled, and where the love has stopped growing. It's a complex emotional card, as it suggests a careful consideration of the feelings involved of both parties.
THE LOVERS (06) is astrologically related to Gemini, the duality of male and female, good and bad, light and dark. It represents the balancing of energies to act as one.
This card often appears when you are contemplating the next level of commitment with your existing partner, or a pivot point in figuring out whether the relationship is divinely guided to a happy outcome. Many times, if there is any doubt in a relationship, or if there is another love interest to consider outside of the existing relationship, THE LOVERS (06) card will be revealed to advise the seeker that this decision will carry much weight as it will determine the future of the relationship.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
A Friendly Reminder
Reminder: Emotions are ENERGY = E in MOTION = EMOTION... There is more power in the negative emotions then we can seem to muster up in the good emotions... Think of how easy it is to be sad... To be angry! And now think of how hard it is to be joyful and excited... The POWER lies in realizing that anger is a necessary EMOTION... It shows us where in our lives we need the biggest change... Anxiety shows us where we need to release NEEDING control... Sadness shows us where we once had happiness... And all of the PAIN shows us where we need to heal!! We are going through some rough energy right now that is causing people to abandon their dreams, their path, and themselves. People are turning around and running back to the life that they prayed so hard to get away from... All because we grew tired of charging forward. Make no mistake, this spiritual journey is HARD, it’s CONFUSING, it’s RAW... But this is also how you get to the life you’ve been dreaming of! So if you’re tired, rest. But don’t run back to the dark just because you know what awaits you there. The light has so much to offer you but it’s going to require you to TRUST and have FAITH like you’ve never had before! So take all of those POWERFUL not-so-good emotions and say “Hey! Thanks you for guiding me... Thank you for visiting me... But there’s the effing door!!”
The Full Moon In Libra
This Full Moon in Libra is bizarre for a few reasons. First of all, it is not normal for a Full Moon to take place so close to the Sun moving into Aries triggering the Spring Equinox. This hasn’t happened in almost 20 years! Think back to 2000, what kind of topics and themes were supercharged for you at that time? The Sun takes its spot in Aries, and approximately 4 hours later, the Full Moon in Libra (which happens to be a Supermoon) takes place at zero degrees.
Which leads us to the next bizarre fact for this Moon, it is the fifth (5th) Full Moon in a row that we've had at the zero degree mark. We have had 5 opportunities to completely start fresh and wipe the slate clean under each influence of the Full Moons at a zero degree. This year is really about starting new and the moon has given us countless opportunities to do so.
This is the third (3rd) Supermoon IN A ROW! What?! Unheard of!
A Supermoon is when the moon is measured at a closer distance to the earth then the normal positioning of the Moon. It appears to us to be larger as it is closer, but because of its proximity, we feel the effects of its power that much more!
The next bizarre fact about this Moon is that it is the 1st of two (2) Full Moons in the same sign! It is very rare that it works out that there are 2 Full Moons taking place in the same sign within a month of each other. Because this moon blesses us with a zero degree, a fresh slate to start Aries season off with, it just so happens that the next Full Moon is still in Libra at a later degree. That means, this Full Moon Libra energy isn't messing around!
Today, we will be experiencing this energy very intensely as a Libra full moon has us focused on our relationships. Regardless of all of the other planetary activity at this time, the moon in Libra alone would have us reviewing our emotional comforts, our safety and security within our current relationships. Because this is taking place opposing the Sun in Aries, we are pressurized with an energy that has us balancing our energy, love, and attention among ourselves vs. others, me vs. we, and independence vs. partnership.
Aries and Libra are polar opposites and under this energetic influence, you can bet our hearts will be undergoing some important transformations as we give stock to our relationships, and we see whether we are giving too much of ourselves away.
For those already in a relationship, you will be triggered to explore the balance and fairness within your current relationship. This may lead to having to make some changes in order to level the play field. Fortunately for you, the Aries energy totally supports starting something new, as well as the Libra Moon at the zero degree position.
If you are single and not in a relationship, you can expect to have your heart examined as you get raw with yourself. When you look back at your past relationships you will see very clearly where the scales weren't in balance, and using that information, you can easily develop new intentions and guidelines for yourself as you attract new partnerships.
Regardless of where you are currently at in the relationship spectrum, this Supermoon in Libra at a zero degree will have us all breaking our own hearts to see where we can turn our heartbreaks into a source of power.
Trust your intuition at this time to show you the roadmap to your healing. Whatever not-so-nice- thoughts or feelings come up for you over the next few days, be sure to ask the Universe to release you from the energy that is preventing you form obtaining a healthy balance in your relationships.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.
Welcome To Aries Season
The time has come where we enter into a brand new energetic and astrological calendar, as we head into Aries season, marking the Spring Equinox for the Northern hemisphere. We are regaining our balance as the days turn into equal hours of light and dark. The fire element of Aries, dries us off from the complete saturation of water we just came out of from Pisces season. As we towel off, we are already eager to embark on new endeavours.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and under this influence we are ready to hit the ground running as we supercharge an area of our life. Aries is the trailblazer, the one who wants to dive into whatever excites them, and has the tendency to act first and think later. They initiate energy and new paths.
Similar to the first day of Spring, the world comes to life and sneaks out of their winter shadows with the Sun in Aries. Aries energy is fast, quick to react, impulsive, head strong, and anxious to get things done. They are an abundance of energy as they set off into the world to make leaps and bounds on their paths forward, eager to accomplish what they set out to do.
A certain level of caution comes with this Aries season as it is being shadowed by both Mercury still in retrograde, and, for the first time in almost 20 years, we have a Supermoon taking place merely hours after the Sun takes its spot in Aries. This means that we are going to be slowed down a bit in actually accomplishing what the Aries energy wants us to do. We have to still rely heavily on our intuition to guide us through this retrograde.
With the Aries energy quick to act, we really have to stop and listen to the inner guidance we are being given. We have to PAY ATTENTION, and because Aries energy isn't really one to do that, we need to be overly cautious that we aren't jumping into things without consulting our hearts and our heads.
In astrology, Aries represents the head, which is appropriate for the sign as they are very headstrong and push through the barriers of restriction in order to tackle their dreams. The Sun moving into Aries poses an interesting tension on us, as the Sun and Chiron (the wounded healer) are inconjunction with each other as we set the tone for the next 12 month energy cycle, we are going to be moving out of ego (head) and learn to live life from a higher sense of knowing as we tap into our higher consciousness and newly developed mental plane.
It's important that we not return to old patterns and behaviours during this time as what we focus on in the first weeks of Aries season will last throughout the new energetic calendar. Those who have developed spiritually, will pass this test by standing strong in themselves, their truths, and their power to transcend their old selves to fully embrace the new.
Everything we've learned over the past year, will be put to the test in this new energy cycle. Aries season helps us to get things started and to take the first steps on building new elements in our lives.
As long as you are being mindful to consult your intuition before proceeding to act on the impulses and urges you want to take action on, you will no doubt set a solid foundation and be overly productive in bring things to life while the Aries energy infuses you with the power and strength to blaze ahead.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.
Should We Really Embrace Our Pain?
We as Souls decide to be humans to experience the hardships, challenges, pain and adversity, because as a Universal love we don't have the means to embody any other perspective than oneness, unconditional love, and understanding in Spirit form.
Humans are messy.
We have complex bodies and minds, and with our Soul and inner spirit inside of our heavy meat suits, we walk through the ups and downs of life trying to accomplish inner peace.
We are born with a quest for inner peace because that is the energy we live in as Spirit. It acts as our moral compass within these complex bodies to lead us on the path that gives us the best chance of feeling the inner peace that we come from.
This is a pretty heavy world we live in. We have lots of opportunities to either become more in alignment with our inner selves, or the chance to live in the world of illusions that we have created through the roles and requirements of the survival of our ego.
Ego is the voice and programming we have in our head. It is the inner chatter of negative and fear based motivations that have us abandoning the moral compass inside to fulfill all of our worldly needs and desires. And there's nothing wrong with that!
If you have a soul that has spent countless reincarnations as a poor or unfortunate human, struggling through lives without the luxuries of pleasure and comfort, it is totally fair to come into this life as a rich person who lives every moment surrounded with the best of the best this world has to offer, and not feel bad about it. Many people will get to experience that life lesson and at the end of that life, most would agree that THINGS, material possessions, and wealth was fun, but it came at far too great of a price.
Jim Carey, as eccentric as he's been over the years, will be the first one to say that everyone should have the opportunity to be rich and famous for them to realize that it isn't the answer.
The richest a soul wants or needs to be, is rich in experience, rich in lessons, and rich in the wisdom to know that if it wasn't for their pain and struggles, they would have never discovered their strength, their spiritual self, or the closest thing to inner peace a human could ever know.
I truly believe that The Universe gives the best students the toughest tests, and that we are tested in our faith and ability to tap into the love and trust in one's self and in the Universe as our Souls know very well. Many of the greatest spiritual healers come from great tragedy and pain. True healers don't go looking to fix people, but rather attract those ready to be triggered into wanting to help and heal themselves.
Through the scars of those that use their stories of experience to help inspire and encourage others to find their inner light, healers must endure the greatest pain from life experience to be able to show others that the way out of darkness, is to follow the light.
As humans, we are told that pain is something we want to avoid. Yes, it's unpleasant and something no one wants to voluntarily experience, but the reality is, it's through pain and discomfort that we learn and grow. Sometimes we don't have a choice in the trauma that we've experienced. We are conditioned by culture, genetics, environment, and influenced by those that raised us.
A lot of the time, we suffer from the actions and decisions of others. A child doesn't have control on whether they are abused, yet the abuser’s own inner hurt caused long lasting effects on a child that had nothing to do with the pain they experienced in life. Often times pain is passed down through generations, and each time it is up to us to heal from hurts that we didn't cause ourselves.
We as a society are going through a huge health crisis, as the weight and stresses of this world are sometimes too overwhelming for our energetic selves to handle. Because we are energy bodies trapped inside these human bodies, the alignment of these systems are so influential on each other that we have to treat disorders and diseases as whole body sicknesses and not focus on JUST the mental body, or JUST the emotional body, or JUST the physical body.
We are now seeing an epidemic of new diseases and disorders that are misunderstood to the medical community. Disorders like fibromyalgia, CRPS, MS, Dementia, and Alzheimers are effecting more people now than ever before.
I am a true believer in both energy and medical science, and trust that you need to factor both in, in order to fully understand what these diseases and disorders are operating on.
Most of the unexplainable disorders and diseases now are nervous system based. Because we live in a much more toxic world than ever before, both energetically and chemically, our energy bodies are overstimulated and begin to manifest physical symptoms.
I myself suffer from CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome) caused by complications from my emergency surgeries surrounding my near-death-experience. CRPS effects the autonomic nervous system actions such as heart rate, digestion, temperature regulation and the automatic processes of your internal organs.
To simplify, my body tells my brain that it's under attack and my brain responds by sending all my cells into overdrive and fighting a non-existent war, which in turn, ends up identifying my own body as the invader. It sucks. After 10 years, I still don't have a full understanding of what goes on inside my body and brain.
Through my quest for a PHYSICAL healing, I have discovered that there is no amount of healing that will take place unless the whole body is being healed. Meaning, your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical self, all need to be nurtured and balanced in order to operate properly.
There is a huge mind, body, soul connection that we are JUST starting to realize here in the western world of healing. Most times than not, when we suffer a health crisis, it is really the beginning of a spiritual quest and discovery. It makes you face yourself, refocus your energy and efforts to heal yourself and get back to the things you love.
For example, if you break your leg, you will be in pain, it will bum you out, you will miss out on doing things you love, you will have lots of time to think of things that you wouldn't normally think about, and it is in these times that your inner strength - or lack there of - is revealed.
You find out just how strong you are when you have no choice but to be. And if you're lucky, you will heal the bone, and help yourself back to health and be able to regain full functioning of your leg and engage in all the things you couldn't do with a cast on. When you are able to regain your ability to take part in the things you missed out on, you will do so with a new appreciation for it, because at one time you took it for granted.
For some, we don't recover. Something happens in our physical bodies, and then of course in our mental and emotional selves, that don't allow the leg to fully heal. We end up losing our identity bit-by-bit by having to accept the fact that we may never skate board again, or live a life without being in pain. We may never walk without a limp or not be able to walk ever again.
Everyone's story is different. Everyone's circumstances are different. But one thing that is the same, is pain. We all experience pain. Everyone's pain IS pain, and there shouldn't be any comparison among pain and trauma. We are stuck in a culture that promotes focusing on pain, and promotes competition among everything we humans do. I have encountered many people on my path that compare pain and trauma to make themselves appear that they are in more pain than you.
I will repeat, pain is not a competition.
We are also a society that encourages healing. A part of healing is to acknowledge and embrace the pain. Whether we are talking about an emotional or physical trauma, there is always pain. As humans, we got really good at detaching and repressing pain. Whether we weren't raised in a healthy environment that encouraged expression, or whether we were just we unable to fully express ourselves in our world, we all have issues that we've stuffed so far down, that we are almost in denial of their existence.
That's what happens when you decide to heal. You have to ask all the pain hiding in the darkness of your heart to step up and identify themselves. You have to stare that pain in the face and hug it as much as you hate it. You have to acknowledge the pain's existence, and then you have to embrace the pain.
The problem is, we usually stop there. There is one more step to the process that we fail to complete, which is letting that pain go. We like to hold onto our pain. It makes sense to hold on, and identify with our pain, because it's because of the pain, that we are currently who we are.
We identify so greatly with our pain, that we begin to wear it as our armour. We get up every day and put on the pain that has shaped us. Sometimes, we are so scared to let go of the pain and actually heal, because we are afraid of who we might be without it.
I know it sounds too simple to be true, because chronic illness and ongoing pain is a very real thing. But the way to heal the physical pain, is to acknowledge the energetic pain that our physical, mental, and emotional bodies hold onto. It is through rewiring your brain, in alignment with what your other body systems know to be true, before we can truly see an improvement in our physical health.
I have been on the quest to heal for 10 years now, and I still suffer from debilitating physical pain that interferes with my life and has shaped me greatly. It is a daily struggle for me to be aware enough of myself, to remind myself that the pain does not define me. I am currently undergoing a very intense therapy that explores how to align the physical muscle memory and the energetic system of the body to reset the programming between the brain and the body. It focuses on the physical symptoms as a secondary complaint to the emotional trauma that tends to be a motivator for the body to hold onto.
When we focus so much on pain, we experience more pain. We give power to where we focus our attention. It is easy to feel at odds with your own body when you are constantly suffering from the wrath of hate your body seems to have for itself.
But instead of looking at pain as the enemy, we should embrace the pain enough to ask it what it needs to heal. When you befriend your pain, and use it as an indicator as to what you should actually be focusing on healing, you become more one with yourself then you would be when at odds with yourself.
Disease happens when we are not in ease within our selves. Dis-ease is created when the body systems aren't in harmony and balanced with one another. So any time there is a physical symptom, you need to realize there is an emotional motivator keeping that pain alive. We need to identify the trauma, acknowledge it, embrace it... and then let it the f@ck go!
We have to work on our release. Thank your pain every day for allowing you to experience your inner strength. Thank your pain for showing you the way to your spiritual self. Thank your pain for showing you where you need to focus, and thank your pain for coming as you boot it out the door.
I invite you, if you are a pain sufferer, to adopt the perspective every day when you get up in the morning, regardless of how bad you feel, that you GET to wake up today, you GET to learn how to take care of yourself, and you GET to be on the path of self discovery. When you stop putting your energy into the pain and the limitations it puts on you, you will see the pain shift.
Is it possible to get rid of pain completely and fully heal from such a horrible disease or disorder?
I'd like to think so! I believe in miracles and I believe in science. I think if you put forth the effort and are open to exploring your inner self, you will find you really do heal! It may be small parts of you that get healed or it may be a total recovery. I believe it is the best thing you can do for your state of mind and physical health.
Even getting needles every week and IV infusions more often than anyone should, I remind myself hooked up to those machines that this is just temporary. It's all just a stepping stone towards being free of the pain.
I have befriended my pain. I have embraced it and allowed it to lead my life. I've asked it what it needs from me, and I've given it everything I can. I still live with my pain, but each day it is another step to letting it go. And one day, when it has taught me all there is to teach, it will be released from my body, as I transform the pain energy it has created into a source of power.
I invite you to do the same.
The Physical Symptoms Of An Energy Upgrade
I have been talking a lot about our energy being upgraded lately, both in my blog posts and to my clients and subscribers. Receiving an energy upgrade is a very real process and has great effects on our physical bodies. Tomorrow's 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal activation is very much focused on upgrading our hearts to be strong enough to house the new, integrated vibrations we're getting glued back together with the lightcodes of tomorrow's energy.
Although we receive energetic downloads of information all throughout the year, there are some points in our calendar in which the energy is so great, that it has a Universal effect on all of us "sensitives" as we go through the process of lightening our loads and becoming more enlightened as we travel our spiritual path.
Also known as ascension symptoms, the physical body does actually suffer under these new lighter energy codes as we receive them. Depending on where you're at in your spiritual journey, and how sensitive you currently are to energies, you may be feeling a long list of physical symptoms that just can't be explained or diagnosed by medical professionals.
DISCLAIMER: Always trust your intuition on whether to get certain ailments checked out by a medical physician. When your doctor clears you of suffering from a diagnosable condition, that's when you should take the ascension symptoms into consideration.
Since the eclipse season and the retrogrades, many people (including myself) have seen really weird aches and pains surface in their bodies. Some had old, healed ailments come back out of nowheres, while others were experiencing these aches and pains for the first time with no physical trauma to help explain their existence.
Feeling pressure, on the front of the chest, back of the neck, and in the head (especially sinus pressure) can all be linked to the physical symptoms of an energy upgrade. When we think of our physical bodies in relation to our energy centers (chakras) it becomes much easier to understand which parts of us are under the most influence as we move through the upgrade process.
I myself have been seeing bright flashes of light to my left. Vision changes - blurred vision, light sensitivities, and seeing flashes of light in the peripherals - are all common symptoms of the ascension process, or energy upgrade. The third eye chakra is the main focus of my current upgrade. I can only assume the Universe is turning up the dial on my gifts and abilities making me able to see more in the Spirit realm and strengthen my connection to those in Spirit.
Emotionally, people feel like trains wrecks, flip flopping back and forth between being happy, peaceful, calm, and having faith that everything will be okay, to depression, anxiety, panic, and a feeling of hopelessness, all in a short amount of time. These roller coaster of emotions are a perfect example of cycling through the energy upgrade, making leaps and bounds connecting with the Universal consciousness, being infused with all the lighter emotions, connecting with the optimistic future of the 5D + world, only to have the 3D world pull us back down to the heavier emotions of this human experience.
There is a constant push and pull taking place as we shed the old parts of self and embrace the new, but the purge, the cycle we are going through can be very overwhelming and confusing, especially when we aren't aware of the signs and symptoms of an energy upgrade.
Many clients have reached out to me, complaining that their sleep has been disrupted and they are having wild dreams of people and places that they've never encountered before. Please know that as we upgrade our energy and raise our vibration and frequency we connect to a totally different level of dream states than we ever had access to before.
I've been studying dreams for close to 20 years now, and yet still I'm fascinated by the fact that our subconscious mind has more power over us than our waking minds do. Diving deep into dreamwork can expose where your blocks are in your life and what pain and trauma your subconscious mind tries so hard to process while you sleep. What I've noticed, is that when we undergo such powerful energy shifts, we get exposed to parts of our Souls that have been to other dimensions with a whole group of people that we've never met before or have any point of reference of here in this lifetime.
All of these sleep disturbances are perfectly normal under the current circumstances of this energy shift. Taking pointers from our energy centers once again, those sleep disturbances would suggest that your crown chakra is the greatest focus of this upgrade, connecting you to a higher sense of knowing than what you've experienced here in this physical world.
Another common complaint is pain or discomfort in the knees. Whether you are experiencing this pain in both legs or just one, please know that this is where you hold your fear about taking your next steps on your path. If the right side of your body is giving you the issues, chances are you are struggling to embrace the change of your outer world. The fear of providing for yourself and your family, the goals and successes you fear from actually reaching, literally being afraid to take the initiative and start taking ACTION in your life. Where as, the left side indicates the emotional issues we need to resolve to remove the energetic blocks placed on our path.
In no way does this mean that these physical symptoms aren't real and any less painful just because they are energetically manifested. Instead, they are as real as it gets, indicators for us to see what lies underneath of these physical pains, and how to energetically mend them.
I can assure you that you are safe and protected as you go through this process, and that you will never be given more than you can handle. You can always reach out to your Guides and to the ArchAngels to help alleviate some of the symptoms that become too much to deal with.
It's important that you listen to your body and nurture it back to a place of health and alignment. Engaging in energy raising activities can help the transition go faster and be less intense. Below I will include what is a very long list of possible symptoms and include some activities you can try to alleviate the discomfort.
Possible Physical Symptoms you may experience during an energetic upgrade:
Your intuition is heightened and you have an unexplained knowing that something energetically is effecting your body
Aches and pains, tremors and twitches that come and go
Discomfort in your joints
Unexplained fatigue
Pressure in the head, chest, and to your sinus area in particular
Tingles or shocks throughout your body
Temperature fluctuations
Headaches that don't seem like normal headaches, unresponsive to medicine
Blurry vision, seeing flashes or lights out of the corner of your eye
Being overly sensitive to light
Feely very spacey or disoriented
Heart flutters not related to a medical condition or exercise
Sudden panic or nervousness with no known trigger (often dissolves quickly)
Hearing music that is not physically playing in your environment
Hearing conversations as if you were listening to a radio
Ear ringing
Being overly sensitive to sound
Feeling off balance
Hearing electricity
Cold or flu like symptoms that come and go without actually being a full fledged cold or flu
Sleep disturbances
Night sweats
Digestion changes
A change in dietary cravings
Emotional disturbances
Aversion to people, places, things that once brought you joy
Unsure of who you are
Developing new beliefs
Being overwhelmed by groups or crowds
Clumsiness, like gravity is working against you
Forgetfulness, or feeling like there's a lapse in time
Sudden changes to your foundations (relationships, jobs, career, living situation)
A change in how you connect to animals and nature
Seeing patterns and signs from the Universe
A change in your taste buds
Dreamscape changes (the people, places, or events in your dream world)
Having your cell phone battery die quicker than normal (you drain it of it's energy to stay charged)
A desire to connect with like minded people
Moments of gratitude
Profound ah-ha moments
A deep sense of knowing
Things you can do to try and ease your experience:
Give yourself time outs to check in with yourself, your wants, needs, and desires
Excuse yourself from overwhelming situations to ground your energy
Running your hands under cold water can help you feel more grounded
Listen to positive music (be mindful of the lyrics and the feeling of the music - angry, harsh music should be avoided
Spend time outdoors in nature
Rock or sway to move the energy within
Trust that you will be okay
Take note of dream messages
Eat foods that are healthy nourishment for your body
Soak in salt water baths
Apply heat to your aches
Nurture and care for yourself as if you were taking care of a friend or child
Accept and embrace the changes
Spend time in meditation or yoga
Breathe deeply
Let the emotions come and go, knowing that they are merely visitors and will not stay for long
Forgive yourself for being clumsy
Acknowledge the points of discomfort in your body and ask yourself what the energetic reason is for these pains
Acknowledge the flashes of light as spirit trying to communicate and tell them that you are trying hard to understand them
Be patient with yourself as you upgrade, understanding that it is all for the greater good of who you need to be, to be in alignment with your new goals and dreams
Of course you may not be experiencing all of these symptoms, and there are definitely other symptoms that can manifest that weren't included in this list.
I will be launching a workshop in the Fall that will focus on our energy centers (chakras) and how to translate our physical symptoms to the energetic source of pain or trauma.
If ever you need assistance or guidance understanding these upgrades and validating that you are in fact NOT crazy, please book a session online and I'd be happy to help guide you through.
Many blessings to you during these times!