Astrology Forecasts The Energy Boutique Astrology Forecasts The Energy Boutique

Mars Goes Direct

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (27).jpg

Mars - the God of war, ruling over our physical drive, energy, passion, and anger - is going direct today after being retrograde since September 9th. Mars is a ball of fury pushing his way through whatever stands in his way to go after what he wants. Being retrograde, he’s been stalled out, held back, and forced to retreat to revise the plan and regroup.

We’ve struggled to make things happen while Mars has been retrograde and we’ve been given plenty of time to fume over all the frustrations we’ve felt in our lives. The energy has been internalized and now that we’ve re-strategized our plans forward, Mars going direct will give us the much needed drive and energy to actually take action and do something about all we’ve been thinking about.

We have to pace ourselves though. Mars isn’t the best at energy management and can very easily burn himself out before ever seeing the finish line. It’s almost like Mars was a caged animal while retrograde and he’s plotted his revenge against his captures and and has been building up anger and frustration on how to get even. Now that the cage is open and Mars is free, he’s on a mission to make up for lost time and to strike anything or anyone down who gets in his way.

We might have realized our true passions and desires while retrograde, and now we get to do something about it. The urgency we have to get the party started can feel exhilarating but again, we must be cautious to manage our energy wisely and avoid burn out. Mars in Aries is a powerful energy. Mars rules over aries and is spending 6 months in his place of power which is very odd for a mars transit. But hey, 2020 has been odd all in itself so nothing can really surprise us at this point.

When mars first entered into his place of power, we seen an uprise in riots and rebellion from the people trying to speak up and out again the corruption on display. When mars went retrograde we seen that energy shift. I suspect to see some sort of rage against the global governments reach an all time high now that mars is going direct again. Although we want to avoid war and needless blood shed, we can’t expect the great awakening to go without rebellion and taking our power back.

In your own life, where ever mars rules in your chart, you will see a forward shift like no other. This area of your life has been stalled out and unable to make true progress. Now with mars direct, we will quickly accelerate through life chapters and events to try to make up for lost time.

Today is also Friday the 13th, which many people hold suspicions about. Some people think Friday the 13th is very unlucky and carries a lot of accidents and danger. I tend to believe that Friday the 13th is more of a favourable day in the cosmos, however, with mars now going direct we do have to be cautious of accidents as mars is in a hurry and very accident prone. This shift is an intense one.

Mars is also the co-ruler over scorpio season which adds an extra added punch to the already extreme energy we’ve been experiencing. After mercury shifting into scorpio earlier this week, the 11:11 portal activation, the 3rd and final conjunction between jupiter and pluto yesterday and now today’s intense shift in energies, the new moon in scorpio on Sunday is going to be a doozy!

Make sure you take advantage of this cosmic whirlwind by grounding in truth, aligning mind, body, and soul, and doing what you can to activate the great forces of manifestation we are currently under. Download your new moon in scorpio guide if you haven’t already!

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

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