
Consciousness + Lightcodes + Ascension


There’s been a lot of cosmic activity lately, all occurring to help earth and the human collective reach new levels of consciousness through ascension. There are very special cosmic events that provide us with a huge amount of lightcodes which get downloaded into our DNA and activate our physical bodies to heal and mutate into a version strong enough to house our new levels of consciousness.

For a lot of people, these events can feel very confusing for a lot of different reasons. Many people get confused right off the bat with the terminology used and not having a solid understanding of what we’re even talking about when it comes to ascension, consciousness, and lightcodes. So lets break it down!

What is consciousness?

Help your physical body to reach optimal health

Help your physical body to reach optimal health

Consciousness is awareness. It’s when we, within our own selves acknowledge what is before us. We use our physical bodies and our physical senses to bring information in, and when we are conscious (meaning we listen to the voice in our heads) we can make informed decisions about what that information means to us. Consciousness is having an awareness within ones self of “Is this my ego mind speaking?” or “is this my soul speaking?” One easy way to tell which voice is leading the narrative inside you is to examine the energy behind the thought. When your ego or critical mind is speaking, it is normally consisting of fear based or negative thinking. When it is your soul or conscious mind speaking, it usually operates from a place of love, understanding and encouragement.

Many people aren’t even aware that there’s two voices within one’s self to actually be heard. Our subconscious or unconscious self is a program we’ve had ingrained into us since the time of our birth. It is a narrative consisting of what our environment, family, education, and social standing has conditioned us to believe. Until we become conscious, we operate from a place of programming that may not even align with our true thoughts and feelings. Have you ever been in a situation where you say “Oh I don’t believe in that foolishness?” In that moment, if you are consciously aware of yourself and “awake” you may ask “Where did I learn this from?” “Do I really believe in this?” Is this the way I truly feel?” Questioning ones self is the first step in awakening. Bringing the unconscious thought into awareness where we can examine it, pick it apart, and dive into the foundation of where we learned that way of thinking, awakens us to our true selves where the unconscious becomes conscious. Where what we were unaware of, becomes aware. Awakening is simply the process of questioning. To ask questions is to bring topics into awareness. The current collective is awakening. Those who have been on auto-pilot stuck in the systems of work, eat, sleep, without questioning themselves or the world around them, are awakening to a world outside of the social conditioning and programming we’ve all been exposed to. Just like Neo waking up in the Matrix, waking up to topics and themes we were blind to is a form of awakening our own consciousness.


The collective consciousness (humanity’s awareness as a whole) is currently shifting out of the 3D physical plane (where the physical senses exist and thrive) to the 5D plane where subtle energies, cosmic awareness, and spiritualism are now included in one’s reality. There is a lot of talk around 3D to 5D timelines which can confuse a lot of people and sound like a sci-fi movie. Without overcomplicating the matter, 3D is 3 dimensional where the density of our world exists on a time-space-matter bases. 5D is adding an extra level on top of that 3 dimensional form by adding the soul and energy into the mix. This is where we start hearing the word “quantum” used more frequently as we open up to the idea that time doesn’t only exists in a linear fashion in a 3D realm, space is actually infinite, and matter does not have to be physical seen or experienced to exist.

Mother earth herself, Gaia was only created to live out the experience of transitioning from a 3D lower vibrational energy to a higher 5D+ frequency. Up until 2012, Gaia and the frequency of humanity was more so lead by the darker more “evil” frequencies and vibrations of fear, pain, suffering, violence, abuse, control, and manipulation. Just as the Mayans predicted, 2012 was the end of the world as we knew it, living in the darker and heavier frequencies of the human experience.

Mother earth and the human collective reached a tipping point in our evolution where for the first time in the existence of the earth and life as we know it, the light was just as strong as the dark. Light frequencies consist of love, unity, healing, consciousness, fairness, evolution, and connection.

What is ascension?


Since 2012, we have been on a path of ascension. What is ascension? Ascension is evolution. It’s like levelling up in all ways. It’s a journey of betterment and we climb up the next level of energetic frequencies. In a video game, when you reach the end of the level and you beat the boss, you ascend to the next level, you level up your power. Because we as the collective have faced humanities greatest shadows, because we’ve attempted to heal, to be better than generations before us, we have essentially levelled up. We are ascending to the next level of reality.

Mother earth herself, with the help of all the awakened souls among the human collective, is now on a path of ascending to the next dimension, which is nothing more then a conscious awareness of what we still need to heal and repair within the human collective. We can’t go back, You can “unknow” information once you know it. In 2012, the light frequencies were equivalent to the dark frequencies, which gave the light a fighting chance. It triggered earth’s path forward into ascension, moving out of the lower vibrations of the human collective, now on a path to 5D where we can use our physical bodies and the senses we’ve been accustomed too, as we integrate the knowledge and utilize our energy, our spirit, our souls, in a conscious way that we haven’t been able to do until now.

What are lightcodes?

So how has humanity raised the vibration of mother earth to trigger this ascension event? Lightcodes! Whether you follow astrology or not, doesn’t dismiss the scientific knowledge of the solar system and the electromagnetic frequencies the earth receives from other cosmic bodies in the Universe. When certain planets or star systems are within a certain distance from the earth’s position, we can receive huge amounts of energy blasts that permeate through the earth’s atmosphere and cause great effects to mother earth herself and the human collective she houses.

Detox your body from toxins and metals

Detox your body from toxins and metals

Just as the Sun is known for its solar flares, other planetary bodies and star system emit a vibrational frequency that can be felt in our energetic bodies. Whether you are “awake” or not, the physical body responds to these energetic blasts with physical symptoms and ailments called ascension symptoms. If you are awake and conscious to the energetic influences of our cosmos, you will likely be more sensitive and susceptible to these physical symptoms. When the planets are on the move in the solar system, they make certain angles and alignments with the earth. This is when we receive cosmic blasts of energies and download this energy information within our energy body as lighcodes. Lightcodes activate our DNA (seeing as we are merely star dust). There is ancestral information encoded in these energy blasts that help our physical bodies prepare to embody the light.

Many people think we are in a episode of Star Trek waiting to watch our physical forms dissolve as we become more of our true essence as light beings. This is not the case. Our physical bodies aren’t going anywhere but the consciousness our physical bodies house, are developing more and more; becoming more and more aware of the the subtle world of energy that we live in, and how to work with energy in new ways. The more cosmic blasts we receive, the more we level up. The more our consciousness is aware of the quantum world of energy, the more we evolve. The more we evolve, the faster we ascend.

We are currently in a timeline of anchoring in new energetic frequencies within our own bodies and within the vibrational grid of mother earth. We received huge amounts of energy blasts and lightcodes back on August 8, (the lion’s gate portal) where the planetary bodies in the solar system provided a clear path for the constellation Leo to align with the earth and have us receive new energy data from the cosmos. Many of us felt that energetic blast and had the physical ascension symptoms to prove it.


We, as humans, have free will and the data we receive from the cosmos is still a choice when it comes to what we will do with it. We can stay in the lower vibrations of fear, control, division, abuse, scarcity, by staying in situations that may be familiar but that we know we’ve outgrown, or, we can allow those lightcodes to be activated within us by listening to our soul and our consciousness and push ourselves out of our comfort zones to evolve and be better than our old selves.

We are currently in the 9-9 portal (until the equinox on September 22nd) which is about choosing one path over the other. In numerology the number 9 is completion. With it comes healing through closing the door on chapters of ourselves and our experiences that no longer feel in alignment with what our soul is desiring. The 9-9 portal is about choosing one timeline over the other. It is acknowledging that there is a choice to stay the course of the 3D vibrational frequencies, or choosing the 5D path of ascension which is merely accepting the fact that we want to be better, do better, feel better, and evolve our soul self.

The 9-9 portal is where we cut the cords of the old and choose to focus our mind on the new earth we want to create for ourselves. It’s where we take action to anchor in the new lightcodes we’ve received and to make the adjustments within our lives to better align with the path of evolution. The more individuals we have on earth that choose to ascend in 5D, the more light and strength the collective has in elevating mother earth’s vibration.

Help calm your nervous system

Help calm your nervous system

What we are currently experiencing here on earth at this time is the great awakening of the collective consciousness. The world seems overwhelming with damage and destruction, corruption and darkness. The truth is, the darkness has always been there. It is the awakening process of the collective consciousness that makes it seem like it happened over night. We are essentially pulling back the curtain on our own awareness, seeing what it is we’ve been blind to. And as we do that on a collective level, we are exposing the global darkness to the light. The more light we shed, the more conscious we become. The more we evolve, the more we ascend.

You have chosen to be a part of this historic event of the earth’s cosmic experience. You are here because your higher self knew you’d be able to embody the levels of light needed to help shift the collective consciousness from dark to light. You knew you would be able to face the deepest and darkest truths of humanity and use your conscious mind to illuminate these themes and still be able to find the love and light inside of you to help elevate the earth’s vibration.

These are definitely challenging times. But make no mistake, we, (the light) are winning. The more light we shine, the more the dark tries to regain power. The more light we embody, the less the darkness has control over us. We are all in this together. In moments of despair, please remind yourself that you are exactly where it is you need to be. Doing exactly what it is you came here to do. Trust that the universe knows the path forward, and trust yourself to be strong enough to handle whatever is thrown your way.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies and timelines, please  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

11:11 Activation Codes


Many of my clients have reached out over the last week to ask questions about seeing "the signs", the patterns, and numbers in particular. It seems many of you are noticing the number 11 more so now, than ever before.

In numerology, the number 11 carries with it, a divine energy of both connection and accelerated manifestation. Any time the number 11 crosses your path, it's said that you are in instant contact with the spirit realm, either being shown a validation from your guides or angels to the path you are on, or as a message that you're not alone.

I often advise my clients to pay close attention to their thoughts at the time of noticing the 11 sign, as it could be why you are receiving the message from the divine in that moment. They reach out to validate that your thoughts are on the right track, that you're on the right path, and to encourage you to move forward with your plans.

Many people look at the clock as it strikes 11:11 and this too is a great sign that you are being asked to receive messages from above. In numerology, each number carries a certain energy and message. The goal is to always add up the digits to get to a single number with 11 being the exception. For example, the number 14 would carry a 5 energy (1+4=5). The number 11 (or any multiple of this number - 22,33,44, etc.) would be considered a Master number, carrying messages and energy from the angel and spirit realm.

On November 11th, we are under an 11:11 activation being the 11th month, the 11th day. It offers us an intense healing energy that will help us prepare for the next decade. These are changing times, and since the veil between realms got its thinnest on October 31st, with an added layer of healing and transformational energy from mercury retrograding in scorpio, we are experiencing planetary and energetic shifts that have caused conflict for us from the inside out. These shifts are all in efforts to prepare us for the download that takes place under this 11:11 energy.

The 11:11 activation essentially opens up a gateway within the cosmos to allow strong rays of energy to permeate through the earth and each person on it, all in efforts of raising the global vibration and collective consciousness. Basically, we're being infused with love and light in hopes we will help revolutionize humanity. We’ve been doing a lot of healing, and this 11:11 gateway is exactly the infusion we need to integrate all we’ve discovered - not to mention the Full Moon in Taurus on the 12th, the day AFTER this potent infusion to help us anchor it all in!

The 11:11 gateway is an intense energy for manifesting, accelerating the process from planting the seed, to actually reaping the benefits from its growth. There is no better time to focus on what we desire than NOW!

Even more than that, 11:11 marks Remembrance day. And although we do use the energy to remember those that served before us, we are also remembering who it is that WE are and preparing ourselves to serve humanity as we raise the collective consciousness.


The divine 11 energy is about being connected to, and grateful for our ancestors in spirit, who now guide us on our path from the spirit realm. We can pay our respects and give thanks in more ways than just wearing poppies and giving a moment of silence - although these expressions are extremely important.

We can also give thanks by quieting our minds, connecting to our hearts, and focusing on all the energy and love on those who have passed over and who contributed to this world while they were here.

Realizing how far we (as a collective) have come, and how far we still have to go, will shift focus onto what needs to happen in the now, to make the years to come more in alignment with the love and light we hold in our hearts versus the hate and darkness we experience in our current world and reality.

Once we can focus on what the world needs as a whole, we can ask ourselves what we can do to do our part by being a small piece in a larger puzzle. With the intentions heavily set on raising the global vibration and frequency, you can take it one step further and focus on what changes you want (and need) in your own personal world and environment to raise your own energy and vibration. By upping our own personal energy levels, we radiate our energy out into the world, touching each person we meet and cross paths with, in our day.

Energy is infectious, and if we can all hold love and light in our focus as individuals, it will help our global collective goals and vision. All of this energy multiplies under the 11:11 gateway activation and together, we can manifest a better world, a higher consciousness, and a state of healing for the earth as we know it - by remembering the past and using it to create a better future.

So on 11:11 (especially AT 11:11) try your absolute best to hold a higher vibration. Take moments to send love and light out into the world, and honour each time you are sent an 11:11 message from the Divine. Pay attention, listen, and respond with light and love.

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