New Moon Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius
Welcome to the New Moon in the optimistic, eager-beaver, philosopher sign of Sagittarius! As we take stock of the year and all that has transpired, there is no better moon or energy to set our new goals and intentions under.
New Moons are a time where we get to usher in and invite newness into our worlds. Whether we are asking for new ideas, new situations, new jobs, new homes, new relationships, or new careers into our lives, the New Moon is the moon in which we pour all of our energies into visualizing our new intentions coming to life.
Solar eclipses amplify the energy of the New Moon essentially making it a new moon on steroids. Eclipses bring wild card energy into play and have the abilities to create great changes in our realities to help accelerate our paths moving forward.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse being in Sagittarius makes us even more hopeful and optimistic about our future plans. Sag is all about exploring new ideas and territories, submerging ourselves into new areas of study, and of course, making us highly excited to start new adventures.
This past 18 months has been very trying for many, as we've had our foundations rattled to see what parts needed to be strengthened, while some foundations needed to be totally rebuilt. It's been an ongoing theme this year, as we are being encouraged to live more authentically according to our Soul's true heart and desires. Little by little, with every planetary alignment that has taken place, we've been forced to examine each area of our lives, seeing what no longer supports us in our quest for greatness. We have been living on auto-pilot, but this year flipped the switched for us to have to drive ourselves manually on our path.
The last few months in particular have been very tough. If you think back to September and who you were at that point in time, you may not even recognize yourself as you stand in your current energy today. We have made hard decisions in letting long term patterns, behaviours, beliefs, relationships, and careers go. It has been a season of organized cosmic destruction and rebuilding, and now we are standing in the mess waiting for the smoke to clear.
With this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sag, the fog will essentially be lifted and we will be able to clearly see the path forward. We will now have an air of optimism to us as we look forward into a new land, a new territory that reflects our inner states of mind, much more than our old world did.
This New moon in Sagittarius, is our first glimpse of the light that awaits us in the next decade. Although our eyes have grown semi accustomed to the darkness, we will adjust to the bright horizon that lays before us. Take the opportunity under this new moon in Sag to be specific when placing your order with the Universe for the next phase of dreams and goals you hold within.
Be ready to hit the ground running as we are in an accelerated state of manifestation as we enter into 2022. Be mindful of your thoughts and stay focused on all the positive as this is the energy we are creating our new footings upon. You cannot want change without changing, and under this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sag you will have the opportunity to focus your energy on the positive, optimistic, go-getter, adventurer in Sag to pave the new path forward, through the fears that have held you back for too long.
A good practice for this New Moon would be to carve out some time for yourself to make a list of new things you'd like to see happen in 2022. If you want a new job, define what that job would look like, what does it pay, where is it located, what purpose or meaning would doing this job do for your Soul's growth? If it's a new way of living, ask yourself what small changes you can do each day to create a routine that will support the health & wellness of your mind, body and soul? If it is a new relationship you are looking for, ask yourself what kind of partner do I want to attract and what do I have to change within myself in order to be that perfect partner to someone else?
If all of those major themes are checked off already in your life, look at the areas that you are being drawn to explore. There are always new ways of thinking that can help you on your path, new ways of engaging in hobbies that will fulfill that part within you that wants to have more fun while being creative. The possibilities to set new intentions are endless!
Celebrate all that you've experienced in 2021, even if it has been a tough year, learn from those experience. Sometimes it's easier to make a list of the things you don't want in order to create a list of things you do want.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
New Moon in Scorpio
Normally a New Moon is light and bright and bubbly, a great time to be inviting new things into our life. Whether it's new thoughts, beliefs, new patterns, behaviours, new people, new environments, new abundance or opportunities, it all starts under a New Moon. Although I still encourage you to sit down under the New Moon energy and make a list of all the wonderful seeds you'd like to plant for this New Moon cycle to begin, because this New Moon is in Scorpio, the rules have changed slightly. Scorpio is the zodiac of death, rebirth, regeneration, power, control, and transformation. It rules everything dark and mysterious in life and taboos are its speciality.
This New Moon being in Scorpio, is pretty intense all on its own, but of course there are many other shifts taking place surrounding this New Moon that will no doubt have us unearthing details about ourselves and our feelings that we can no longer run from. This New Moon harmonizes its energy with the major heavy-hitting planets creates a beautiful slate to make physical changes in our reality based off of the emotional and psychological revelations we have. We have the backing of Mars - scorpio’s co-ruler- now in Scorpio really pushing us to take action on our intuition and the new dreams and desires that are calling our name. We also have the acceleration and amplification of this new moon in scorpio being activated by Uranus - the great awakener. Expect wild card events to derail your plans and upset your thoughts and feelings.
The unfortunate part of this New Moon in Scorpio, is that you will be triggered multiple times in the days surrounding this moon. I have recommended to my clients to be as patient, gentle and loving with themselves as possible, and allow these thoughts or emotions to rise to the surface to be acknowledged. It would be a helpful practice to jot down a list of all the things that get triggered within you at this time, so that you will have a perfect list or framework to use to transform those not so good feelings into something lighter. Downloading your New Moon manifesting guide will help walk you through the depths of the emotional and psychological darkness of your shadow self, to find where the light is trying to break through.
This New Moon will be illuminating parts within you that you've worked hard to keep in the darkest places of yourself. There is where the pain and discomfort lie, bubbling and boiling, festering within you triggering you into states of uneasiness or anger. This is the perfect time to check in with yourself and get a good look at the dark parts within.
Scorpio energy isn't all bad. Although well known for the darker things in life, Scorpio embodies such passion and resourcefulness. It is a hyper-focused energy, probing with intensity as it dives the emotional depths that normally remain unseen. Scorpio is a very intuitive energy with a very high level of perception.
To take full advantage of this New Moon, allow yourself to be mindful about what triggers something within you, and acknowledge it by writing it down. Ask yourself some questions about these triggers, Why am I being triggered? What is the underlying issue here? What can I do within myself to transform this energy into something better? By exploring each trigger, you will then see the areas of your life which need attention. You can then ask yourself, what you can do to make these topics a lighter vibration. The New Moon in Scorpio activity will help you to truly align yourself with the vibration of the moon and to plant the seeds of new realizations revealed to you.
By tapping into the positive traits of the Scorpio energy, you will be able to access levels of power and control within yourself, to be intuitive and hyper-focused enough on the solution, to tap into all your inner resources to make an intense shift and transformation. By giving your darkness permission to be seen, and by exercising your passion for betterment, you will have everything you need at your fingertips to infuse every ounce of darkness with love and light.
There is a discomfort many people feel during these types of energetic shifts, and its mainly due to the fact that we end up seeing parts of ourselves that we've worked hard to ignore. We feel emotions that we've tried hard to numb, and we acknowledge the need within ourselves to change, to transform into someone more in alignment with who we've been all along.
I truly hope that you step up to the plate during this New Moon in Scorpio and do your absolute best in becoming a better version of who you are. If it wasn't for the darkness, we'd never see the stars!
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and download your MOON GUIDE and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon in Taurus
Today, we have our New Moon taking place in Taurus, making for a perfect recipe for us to ground our energy into a new form. New Moons are always about inviting new ideas, projects, people, and plans into our world, but where this New Moon is taking place in Taurus, we will be focused on our new outlook on life, our new long-term goals, our new self-worth, and our new relationship with people and money.
We have had some karmic support over the last few weeks triggering our deepest darkest emotions, allowing the frustration, guilt, and anger to rise to the surface to be acknowledged and transformed into something more productive. We have had the planet of karma trigger a series of events where we are currently being cleared of karmic energy from the past, present, and future.
We have done so much inner work, laying new foundations in our belief systems, how we think and speak about ourselves. We have fully recognized and embraced all of the talents and skills we have alive within us, and now we are going to get to work to use all of our resources to our advantage as we continue laying the ground work for our new realities to emerge.
Timelines are changing too. There has been a very unusual blending of memories from our past into our present state. We've been gifted with glimpses of our future and what harnessing our power and using the tools we've been given will actually help us to create in the future.
This New Moon in Taurus is the energy we need to bring all of those pieces together and to solidify them all into one, whole, solid, energy. As we move forward in our path using our complete self, our full focus and intention in what we are doing to build a better life for ourselves, we will see the pieces of our life puzzle much more clearly, and luckily for us, some will fall into place without our help or our force.
Take a few moments today to think of everything you are done with, finished with, things that you no longer want to give your energy too. From this, will emerge a beautiful list of new intentions that when focused upon, will be invited into your life for long-term success.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon In Aries
Today, we have our very first New Moon of the new energetic and astrologic calendar, in Aries. With Aries season well under way, you may be feeling all over the place with your energy, drive, and attention.
We jumped into the new astrological calendar when the Sun moved into Aries under the equinox energy, but the confusion we’ve had on what direction we need to take has been strong. Now, piece by piece, we are starting to see where new paths are opening up for us and where change is needed the most.
The Full Moon in Libra on March 28th illuminated where in our lives the power exchange was out of balance and needed to be restored. Since then, we’ve been navigating no man’s land trying to establish a new energy for us to work with.
This New Moon in Aries is special and unique for a couple of reason (dive into all of them in the New Moon Guide). We are having a stellium under this new moon which means there are multiple planetary bodies (and asteroids) all in Arien energy. This means we are feeling the surge of energy back us into being brave enough to take action and make major changes in our lives.
Mars, (Aries ruling planet) has been in Gemini illuminating where we are feeling divided and split down the middle about our current circumstances. There’s a gap between our heart & our head, our dreams versus our realities, and a huge extreme gap between the choices and decisions we currently have on the table. We are now leaning towards one path over the other and this New Moon energy is going to push us to the tipping point of making some solid decisions and backing those decisions with some quick fire actions.
Where is the New Moon in Aries creating change in your life? Download your Moon Guide and find out!
The New Moon in Aries, will help us get our butts in gear. It is important for us to take some time under the New Moon energy to think of all of the new things we'd like to see happen in our lives over the course of the next 12 months. Because Aries is all about drive, passion, initiative, and new experiences, this New Moon should have you thinking about the new projects you'd like to start, new experiences you'd like to live, new habits you'd like to form, and new ways of creating passion and joy in your life.
Often times, as we build towards a New Moon, our energy takes a dive and we experience situations and emotions that aren't so pleasant. This happens so we can find the root of these issues and use them to create a roadmap of how to never experience them again.
For instance, Aries, because it is always fired up and ready to take action, also has quite the temper. Mars, the warrior planet, is always ready to engage. Many people can experience bouts of anger and aggression prior to a New Moon in Aries, showing you what isn't working in your life, and then showing you where to create new energy in your life to resolve the anger issues.
New Moon energy is more about setting an intention for change than actually implementing it, so stay inside yourself, think of all the changes you'd like to see happen in your life, and make a list of everything that pops into your head.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon In Pisces
The New Moon in Pisces takes place today granting us an unbelievable magical opportunity to really trigger the karmic events in bringing our inner dreams to the outer world. A New Moon is a powerful time to be inviting in new energy to help us evolve and further us on our spiritual path. Because this is taking place in Pisces, the sign of the dreamer, you can expect our unconscious selves and our intuition to be connecting to the Universe at an all time high.
Neptune, (Pisces ruler), is currently in the sign of Pisces (its home and comfort zone) making it act at its most potent energy, influencing our dreams and unconscious desires. Our faith in ourselves, in our intuition, and in the Universe, is at its peak now, urging us to take that leap of faith required to really put ourselves out there in the world to get into position to start seeing our inner dreams start showing up in our external realities.
Venus (the Goddess of love, money, and worth) is also in Pisces aligning with Neptune and making for a very powerful manifestation portal. Make sure you focus on dreaming a bigger dreaming and holding onto a new vision you wish to manifest in the coming weeks.
Trusting ourselves, our intuition and the Universe is the only choice we have at this point. The more we try to hang on to old structures, habits, and beliefs, the more we try to control the events taking place and the path forward, the more difficulties we will find ourselves in. The only way out of this energy with success and with ease is to fully surrender to life and deal with whatever comes up for you with fluidity. Going with the flow is your best bet during these times. It is better to roll than to be dragged.
Although a New Moon is a great time to initiate new plans for the new 6 month cycle ahead, the days before a New Moon can trigger some darker emotions that rise to the surface to acknowledgement. Because we are under Piscean energy, you will likely have topics and themes arise where forgiveness, compassion, empathy, and connection are the main focus. Use this powerful time of healing to your advantage and provide a certain sense of closure to these topics and themes before we enter into the new energetic calendar next month.
Download the Moon Guide for this event and take part in the New Moon ritual. This intentional practice will help you refine the vision, align with the cosmos, and release your wishes for manifestation. This is the most powerful new moon we will have in a while, so it’s definitely recommended you take full advantage of the energy the cosmos has to offer.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius
Welcome to the New Moon in the optimistic, eager-beaver, philosopher sign of Sagittarius! As we take stock of the year and all that has transpired, there is no better moon or energy to set our new goals and intentions under.
New Moons are a time where we get to usher in and invite newness into our worlds. Whether we are asking for new ideas, new situations, new jobs, new homes, new relationships, or new careers into our lives, the New Moon is the moon in which we pour all of our energies into visualizing our new intentions coming to life.
Solar eclipses amplify the energy of the New Moon essentially making it a new moon on steroids. Eclipses bring wild card energy into play and have the abilities to create great changes in our realities to help accelerate our paths moving forward.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse being in Sagittarius makes us even more hopeful and optimistic about our future plans. Sag is all about exploring new ideas and territories, submerging ourselves into new areas of study, and of course, making us highly excited to start new adventures.
This past year has been very trying for many, as we've had our foundations rattled to see what parts needed to be strengthened, while some foundations needed to be totally rebuilt. It's been an ongoing theme this year, as we are being encouraged to live more authentically according to our Soul's true heart and desires. Little by little, with every planetary alignment that has taken place, we've been forced to examine each area of our lives, seeing what no longer supports us in our quest for greatness. We have been living on auto-pilot, but this year flipped the switched for us to have to drive ourselves manually on our path.
The last few months in particular have been very tough. If you think back to September and who you were at that point in time, you may not even recognize yourself as you stand in your current energy today. We have made hard decisions in letting long term patterns, behaviours, beliefs, relationships, and careers go. It has been a season of organized cosmic destruction and rebuilding, and now we are standing in the mess waiting for the smoke to clear.
With this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sag, the fog will essentially be lifted and we will be able to clearly see the path forward. We will now have an air of optimism to us as we look forward into a new land, a new territory that reflects our inner states of mind, much more than our old world did.
This New moon in Sagittarius, is our first glimpse of the light that awaits us in the next decade. Although our eyes have grown semi accustomed to the darkness, we will adjust to the bright horizon that lays before us. Take the opportunity under this new moon in Sag to be specific when placing your order with the Universe for the next phase of dreams and goals you hold within.
Be ready to hit the ground running as we are in an accelerated state of manifestation as we enter into 2021. Be mindful of your thoughts and stay focused on all the positive as this is the energy we are creating our new footings upon. You cannot want change without changing, and under this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sag you will have the opportunity to focus your energy on the positive, optimistic, go-getter, adventurer in Sag to pave the new path forward, through the fears that have held you back for too long.
A good practice for this New Moon would be to carve out some time for yourself to make a list of new things you'd like to see happen in 2021. If you want a new job, define what that job would look like, what does it pay, where is it located, what purpose or meaning would doing this job do for your Soul's growth? If it's a new way of living, ask yourself what small changes you can do each day to create a routine that will support the health & wellness of your mind, body and soul? If it is a new relationship you are looking for, ask yourself what kind of partner do I want to attract and what do I have to change within myself in order to be that perfect partner to someone else?
If all of those major themes are checked off already in your life, look at the areas that you are being drawn to explore. There are always new ways of thinking that can help you on your path, new ways of engaging in hobbies that will fulfill that part within you that wants to have more fun while being creative. The possibilities to set new intentions are endless!
Celebrate all that you've experienced in 2020, even if it has been a tough year, learn from those experience. Sometimes it's easier to make a list of the things you don't want in order to create a list of things you do want.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
New Moon In Scorpio
Normally a New Moon is light and bright and bubbly, a great time to be inviting new things into our life. Whether it's new thoughts, beliefs, new patterns, behaviours, new people, new environments, new abundance or opportunities, it all starts under a New Moon. Although I still encourage you to sit down under the New Moon energy and make a list of all the wonderful seeds you'd like to plant for this New Moon cycle to begin, because this New Moon is in Scorpio, the rules have changed slightly. Scorpio is the zodiac of death, rebirth, regeneration, power, control, and transformation. It rules everything dark and mysterious in life and taboos are its speciality.
This New Moon being in Scorpio, is pretty intense all on its own, but of course there are many other shifts taking place surrounding this New Moon that will no doubt have us unearthing details about ourselves and our feelings that we can no longer run from. This New Moon harmonizes its energy with the major heavy-hitting planets in Capricorn which creates a beautiful slate to make physical changes in our reality based off of the emotional and psychological revelations we have. We have the backing of Mars - scorpio’s co-ruler- now stationed direct as it wakes up and starts moving forward from its retrograde. We also have the acceleration and amplification of this new moon in scorpio being our 3rd supermoon in a row and the final supermoon of the year.
The unfortunate part of this New Moon in Scorpio, is that you will be triggered multiple times in the days surrounding this moon. I have recommended to my clients to be as patient, gentle and loving with themselves as possible, and allow these thoughts or emotions to rise to the surface to be acknowledged. It would be a helpful practice to jot down a list of all the things that get triggered within you at this time, so that you will have a perfect list or framework to use to transform those not so good feelings into something lighter. Downloading your New Moon manifesting guide will help walk you through the depths of the emotional and psychological darkness of your shadow self, to find where the light is trying to break through.
This New Moon will be illuminating parts within you that you've worked hard to keep in the darkest places of yourself. There is where the pain and discomfort lie, bubbling and boiling, festering within you triggering you into states of uneasiness or anger. This is the perfect time to check in with yourself and get a good look at the dark parts within.
Scorpio energy isn't all bad. Although well known for the darker things in life, Scorpio embodies such passion and resourcefulness. It is a hyper-focused energy, probing with intensity as it dives the emotional depths that normally remain unseen. Scorpio is a very intuitive energy with a very high level of perception.
To take full advantage of this New Moon, allow yourself to be mindful about what triggers something within you, and acknowledge it by writing it down. Ask yourself some questions about these triggers, Why am I being triggered? What is the underlying issue here? What can I do within myself to transform this energy into something better? By exploring each trigger, you will then see the areas of your life which need attention. You can then ask yourself, what you can do to make these topics a lighter vibration. The New Moon in Scorpio activity will help you to truly align yourself with the vibration of the moon and to plant the seeds of new realizations revealed to you.
By tapping into the positive traits of the Scorpio energy, you will be able to access levels of power and control within yourself, to be intuitive and hyper-focused enough on the solution, to tap into all your inner resources to make an intense shift and transformation. By giving your darkness permission to be seen, and by exercising your passion for betterment, you will have everything you need at your fingertips to infuse every ounce of darkness with love and light.
There is a discomfort many people feel during these types of energetic shifts, and its mainly due to the fact that we end up seeing parts of ourselves that we've worked hard to ignore. We feel emotions that we've tried hard to numb, and we acknowledge the need within ourselves to change, to transform into someone more in alignment with who we've been all along.
I truly hope that you step up to the plate during this New Moon in Scorpio and do your absolute best in becoming a better version of who you are. If it wasn't for the darkness, we'd never see the stars!
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon In Leo
Today, we have our New Moon in Leo which serves as the catalyst for us to emerge with brand new energies and sense of self. This is the tipping point so to speak, where after months of emotional anguish we are feeling strong enough, revived, and renewed enough, to stand tall and proud as we walk out of the dark cave we've been hiding in.
A New Moon is classically a time to invite new ideas, intentions, new elements to our lives, and this New Moon is not only a great time to be setting new intentions, but it is the first New Moon in months that actually support us in manifesting.
We have been beaten down and knocked over the last couple of months. With eclipse season breaking us down, with all the planets in retrograde forcing a pressurized transformation of our inner-selves, and of course the Lion’s Gate portal activation that is still helping us to lock and anchor in our new timelines and lightcodes. This new moon, the absolute center of the zodiac wheel and galactic calendar has our hearts wide open, bearing all wounds in the name of love.
This New moon carries a lot of power, asking us to step up and take ownership, to take back our power, to take control of our lives, and to be the leader we need to be in our own worlds. It’s time for us to reconnect to our inner child, to return to the hobbies that bring us joy, and to bust the walls down we’ve built around our hearts.
This New Moon taking place in Leo is the heart of the lion. This is when we allow the heart to lead, to show us where it is we've been living in fear, and where we've allowed our ego and critical mind to block our intuition and our heart from making the decisions.
Under this energy we are being encouraged to take the anxieties we feel in our gut up into our heart space, and the fears and doubts we create in our mental space, down into the heart chakra. And when you calm the mind long enough, you will see that the heart knows and heals all. No one knows you better than you know yourself.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon In Cancer/Solar Eclipse
Today our New Moon in Cancer takes place also acting as our 2nd eclipse (of a series of 3) activating the solar eclipse energy. The portal of acceleration opened up a few weeks ago with our first Full Moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5th. We are at the half way point of the eclipse gateway which will conclude after the full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 5th. It is very rare to have 3 eclipses taking place like this in a back to back fashion, but seeing as 2020 really is the weirdest year we’ve experienced in a long time, this cosmic rarity really shouldn’t be all that surprising at this point. This portal is a time when the earth, and everyone on it, receives huge amounts of energetic light rays that appear to speed up the events and timelines of our life lessons.
A solar eclipse has the ability to gift us with something that we were already set to receive in our life. It's as if the Universe is tired with how long it is taking us to align ourselves with where we need to be, and who we need to be with. The Universe speeds up our timelines, creating a series of events that we essentially zoom through in order to be in a better position for the physical changes we can expect to see in the second half of this year. These are not wildcard events, these are elements which were already written into our path, we've just been taking our sweet @ss time in making them happen.
Because this is happening with the New Moon in Cancer, it makes what would have already been a new energy cycle being initiated surround the home, the family dynamic, the mother wound, and the way we care for ourself, even that much more amplified.
Cancer energy represents the Moon, the magic within the feminine divine. We are essentially healing the generational wounds of our ancestors, by acknowledging and mending the trauma wounds that have been passed down in our families.
Having a solar eclipse with the new moon in Cancer is like having a new moon on steroids. It brings the classic energy of starting a new emotional cycle as the moon brings back her light to shine over the world.
This tidal wave of energy has been felt over the last couple of days, creating an emotional shitshow in even the most stable of people. As the moon was in her dark phase building up to her moment to shine once again, we were left to sit in the darkness with our shadow selves. The emergence of the moons illumination now moving into her new phase will take away all of what surfaced within us, clearing us for a new energy cycle to work with. We are processing our emotions at an accelerated rate within this tidal wave of energy, leaving the old structures of our emotions behind.
This cosmic event hits really close to home. It washes over our heart space and shows us where we need to have more compassion for ourselves, and where we need to work on providing ourselves a sense of inner security. This energy will infuse us with an inner strength to master our emotions, and recognize that external events cannot sway us from the faith, strength, and belief we have within ourselves.
We are entering into a new phase of life, where we get to choose our emotions, our response to external triggers, and essentially to the emotional experience itself. This is a time for us to emerge out of the darkness of both the Sun and the Moon recognizing that we need to consciously choose to see and experience love in all we do. If nothing else, let the take away from this karmic event be that you must stop looking for anything less than love, in all that you experience.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your June Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon in Taurus
Today, - on earth day - we have our New Moon taking place in Taurus, making for a perfect recipe for us to ground our energy into a new form. New Moons are always about inviting new ideas, projects, people, and plans into our world, but where this New Moon is taking place in Taurus, we will be focused on our new outlook on life, our new long-term goals, our new self-worth, and our new relationship with people and money.
We have had some karmic support over the last few weeks triggering our deepest darkest emotions, allowing the frustration, guilt, and anger to rise to the surface to be acknowledged and transformed into something more productive. We have had the planet of karma trigger a series of events where we are currently being cleared of karmic energy from the past, present, and future.
We have done so much inner work, laying new foundations in our belief systems, how we think and speak about ourselves. We have fully recognized and embraced all of the talents and skills we have alive within us, and now we are going to get to work to use all of our resources to our advantage as we continue laying the ground work for our new realities to emerge.
Timelines are changing too. There has been a very unusual blending of memories from our past into our present state. We've been gifted with glimpses of our future and what harnessing our power and using the tools we've been given will actually help us to create in the future.
This New Moon in Taurus is the energy we need to bring all of those pieces together and to solidify them all into one, whole, solid, energy. As we move forward in our path using our complete self, our full focus and intention in what we are doing to build a better life for ourselves, we will see the pieces of our life puzzle much more clearly, and luckily for us, some will fall into place without our help or our force.
Take a few moments today to think of everything you are done with, finished with, things that you no longer want to give your energy too. From this, will emerge a beautiful list of new intentions that when focused upon, will be invited into your life for long-term success.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
***The Elemental Energy & Intro To Astrology course are still being offered at 50% off for your learning pleasure. Use discount code: EMPOWER2020 at the checkout.***
New Moon In Aries
Today, we have our very first New Moon of the new energetic and astrologic calendar, in Aries. With Aries season well under way, you may be feeling all over the place with your energy, drive, and attention.
Normally, Aries season is full force forward, but this year, because of us still being under Mercury’s retrograde shadow and Mercury still in Pisces, we've had the brakes put on our actions. Mars, (Aries ruling planet) is sandwiched in between Saturn & Pluto causing a lot of restrictions and destruction. We are still trying to adjust to the overwhelming thoughts and ideas in our mental plane, while our physical energy just isn't up to par.
Where is Aries ruling in your chart? Save $56 on the Intro To Astrology Course. Use EMPOWER2020 at the checkout.
The New Moon in Aries, will help us get our butts in gear. It is important for us to take some time under the New Moon energy to think of all of the new things we'd like to see happen in our lives over the course of the next 12 months. Because Aries is all about drive, passion, initiative, and new experiences, this New Moon should have you thinking about the new projects you'd like to start, new experiences you'd like to live, new habits you'd like to form, and new ways of creating passion and joy in your life.
Often times, as we build towards a New Moon, our energy takes a dive and we experience situations and emotions that aren't so pleasant. This happens so we can find the root of these issues and use them to create a roadmap of how to never experience them again.
For instance, Aries, because it is always fired up and ready to take action, also has quite the temper. Mars, the warrior planet, is always ready to engage. Many people can experience bouts of anger and aggression prior to a New Moon in Aries, showing you what isn't working in your life, and then showing you where to create new energy in your life to resolve the anger issues.
New Moon energy is more about setting an intention for change than actually implementing it, so stay inside yourself, think of all the changes you'd like to see happen in your life, and make a list of everything that pops into your head.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your March Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon In Pisces
The New Moon in Pisces takes place today granting us an unbelievable magical opportunity to really trigger the karmic events in bringing our inner dreams to the outer world. A New Moon is a powerful time to be inviting in new energy to help us evolve and further us on our spiritual path. Because this is taking place in Pisces, the sign of the dreamer, you can expect our unconscious selves and our intuition to be connecting to the Universe at an all time high.
Neptune, (Pisces ruler), is currently in the sign of Pisces (its home and comfort zone) making it act at its most potent energy, influencing our dreams and unconscious desires. Our faith in ourselves, in our intuition, and in the Universe, is at its peak now, urging us to take that leap of faith required to really put ourselves out there in the world to get into position to start seeing our inner dreams start showing up in our external realities.
Trusting ourselves, our intuition and the Universe is the only choice we have at this point. The more we try to hang on to old structures, habits, and beliefs, the more we try to control the events taking place and the path forward, the more difficulties we will find ourselves in. The only way out of this energy with success and with ease is to fully surrender to life and deal with whatever comes up for you with fluidity. Going with the flow is your best bet during these times. It is better to roll than to be dragged.
Although a New Moon is a great time to initiate new plans for the new 6 month cycle ahead, the days before a New Moon can trigger some darker emotions that rise to the surface to acknowledgement. Because we are under Piscean energy, you will likely have topics and themes arise where forgiveness, compassion, empathy, and connection are the main focus. Use this powerful time of healing to your advantage and provide a certain sense of closure to these topics and themes before we enter into the new energetic calendar next month.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online and I'd be happy to guide you through.
New Moon In Sagittarius
Welcome to the New Moon in the optimistic, eager-beaver, philosopher sign of Sagittarius! As we take stock of the year and all that has transpired, there is no better moon or energy to set our new goals and intentions under.
New Moons are a time where we get to usher in and invite newness into our worlds. Whether we are asking for new ideas, new situations, new jobs, new homes, new relationships, or new careers into our lives, the New Moon is the moon in which we pour all of our energies into visualizing our new intentions coming to life.
This New Moon being is Sagittarius makes us even more hopeful and optimistic about our future plans. Sag is all about exploring new ideas and territories, submerging ourselves into new areas of study, and of course, making us highly excited to start new adventures.
This past year has been very trying for many, as we've had our foundations rattled to see what parts needed to be strengthened, while some foundations needed to be totally rebuilt. It's been an ongoing theme this year, as we are being encouraged to live more authentically according to our Soul's true heart and desires. Little by little, with every planetary alignment that has taken place, we've been forced to examine each area of our lives, seeing what no longer supports us in our quest for greatness. We have been living on auto-pilot, but this year flipped the switched for us to have to drive ourselves manually on our path.
The last few months in particular have been very tough. If you think back to September and who you were at that point in time, you may not even recognize yourself as you stand in your current energy today. We have made hard decisions in letting long term patterns, behaviours, beliefs, relationships, and careers go. It has been a season of organized cosmic destruction and rebuilding, and now we are standing in the mess waiting for the smoke to clear.
With this New Moon in Sag, the fog will essentially be lifted and we will be able to clearly see the path forward. We will now have an air of optimism to us as we look forward into a new land, a new territory that reflects our inner states of mind, much more than our old world did.
This New moon in Sagittarius, is our first glimpse of the light that awaits us in the next decade. Although our eyes have grown semi accustomed to the darkness, we will adjust to the bright horizon that lays before us. Take the opportunity under this new moon in Sag to be specific when placing your order with the Universe for the next phase of dreams and goals you hold within.
Be ready to hit the ground running as we are in an accelerated state of manifestation as we enter into 2020. Be mindful of your thoughts and stay focused on all the positive as this is the energy we are creating our new footings upon.
You cannot want change without changing, and under this New Moon in Sag you will have the opportunity to focus your energy on the positive, optimistic, go-getter, adventurer in Sag to pave the new path forward, through the fears that have held you back for too long.
A good practice for this New Moon would be to carve out some time for yourself to make a list of new things you'd like to see happen in 2020. If you want a new job, define what that job would look like, what does it pay, where is it located, what purpose or meaning would doing this job do for your Soul's growth? If it's a new way of living, ask yourself what small changes you can do each day to create a routine that will support the health & wellness of your mind, body and soul? If it is a new relationship you are looking for, ask yourself what kind of partner do I want to attract and what do I have to change within myself in order to be that perfect partner to someone else?
If all of those major themes are checked off already in your life, look at the areas that you are being drawn to explore. There are always new ways of thinking that can help you on your path, new ways of engaging in hobbies that will fulfill that part within you that wants to have more fun while being creative. The possibilities to set new intentions are endless!
Celebrate all that you've experienced in 2019, even if it has been a tough year, learn from those experience. Sometimes it's easier to make a list of the things you don't want in order to create a list of things you do want.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can book a Reading session online.
New Moon In Scorpio
Normally a New Moon is light and bright and a great time to be inviting new things into our life. Whether it's new thoughts, beliefs, new patterns, behaviours, new people, new environments, new abundance or opportunities, it all starts under a New Moon. I would normally be encouraging you to sit down under the New Moon energy and make a list of all the wonderful seeds you'd like to plant for this New Moon cycle to begin. But because this New Moon is in Scorpio, the rules have changed slightly. Scorpio is the zodiac of death, rebirth, regeneration, power, control, and transformation. It rules everything dark and mysterious in life and taboos are it's speciality.
This New Moon being in Scorpio, is pretty intense all on its own, but of course there are many other shifts taking place surrounding this New Moon that will no doubt have us unearthing details about ourselves and our feelings that we can no longer run from.
The unfortunate part of this New Moon in Scorpio, is that you will be triggered multiple times in the days surrounding this moon. I have recommended to my clients to be as patient, gentle and loving with themselves as possible, and allow these thoughts or emotions to rise to the surface to be acknowledged. It would be a helpful practice to jot down a list of all the things that get triggered within you at this time, so that you will have a perfect list or framework to use to transform those not so good feelings into something lighter.
This New Moon will be illuminating parts within you that you've worked hard to keep in the darkest places of yourself. There is where the pain and discomfort lie, bubbling and boiling, festering within you triggering you into states of uneasiness or anger. This is the perfect time to check in with yourself and get a good look at the dark parts within.
Scorpio energy isn't all bad. Although well known for the darker things in life, Scorpio embodies such passion and resourcefulness. It is a hyper-focused energy, probing with intensity as it dives the emotional depths that normal remain unseen. Scorpio is a very intuitive energy with a very high level of perception.
To take full advantage of this New Moon, allow yourself to be mindful about what triggers something within you, and acknowledge it by writing it down. Ask yourself some questions about these triggers, Why am I being triggered? What is the underlying issue here? What can I do within myself to transform this energy into something better? By exploring each trigger, you will then see the areas of your life which need attention. You can then ask yourself, what you can do to make these topics a lighter vibration.
By tapping into the positive traits of the Scorpio energy, you will be able to access levels of power and control within yourself, to be intuitive and hyper-focused enough on the solution, to tap into all your inner resources to make an intense shift and transformation. By giving your darkness permission to be seen, and by exercising your passion for betterment, you will have everything you need at your fingertips to infuse every ounce of darkness with love and light.
There is a discomfort many people feel during these types of energetic shifts, and its mainly due to the fact that we end up seeing parts of ourselves that we've worked hard to ignore. We feel emotions that we've tried hard to numb, and we acknowledge the need within ourselves to change, to transform into someone more in alignment with who we've been all along.
I truly hope that you step up to the plate during this New Moon in Scorpio and do your absolute best in becoming a better version of who you are. If it wasn't for the darkness, we'd never see the stars!
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can book a Reading session online.
Mercury Goes Direct In Cancer

Finally! After three too many weeks of mercury (the planet of information, communication, and expression) being water logged in all the emotional waters of the home and family dynamic, we are ready to start seeing things clearly and moving out of the deep end.
Mercury first entered into Cancer back in June, and made for a messy turn of events where our feelings were concerned long before Mercury went retrograde. Mercury caused all kinds of miscommunications, and misunderstandings especially in our close relationships, and then moved into Leo very briefly giving as a bit of courage to say our peace where it needed to be heard.
When mercury went retrograde, it started retracing its steps, moving back over the topics and issues created months earlier, and in true retrograde fashion, dug up all kinds of lessons we all thought we were done with.
Now with Mercury going direct again, he is starting at the 24th degree of cancer, giving us a two week shadow period to try and clean up the mess we've made since June. The waterworks are definitely over, but prepare yourself for one last cry as we revisit the topics and things that upset us many moons ago.
With mercury now moving forward, we will see situations resolve themselves. We will feel the clarity come back into our mental space, and we are going to be able to express ourselves, communicate our thoughts and feelings effectively and actually have them understood.
Because lots has happened to us since mercury first entered cancer, and as it went retrograde (most specifically eclipse season) coming out of this backward motion may take some time. It would be an ideal time to check out what mercury entering into cancer started the first time around, what mercury going retrograde had you facing, and seeing what your focus is coming out of the fog.
If you have been completing the Astro eGuides along with these energetic shifts, taking a look back on what kind of mind and heart space you were in at the time, may serve to be a helpful tool in recognizing what topics and themes may need a bit more closure.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
New Moon In Leo

Today we have our Black, Super New Moon in Leo which serves as the catalyst for us to emerge with brand new energies and sense of self. This is the tipping point so to speak, where after months of emotional anguish we are feeling strong enough, revived, and renewed enough, to stand tall and proud as we walk out of the dark cave we've been hiding in.
This is a black moon, meaning it is the second New Moon in the same month (which doesn't happen very often), and it's also a super moon as the proximity of the moon from earth is at its closest distance, not only appearing closer than ever, but the intensity in which this moon is effecting the tides (and the water within us) is extreme.
A New Moon is classically a time to invite new ideas, intentions, new elements to our lives, and this New Moon is not only a great time to be setting new intentions, but it is the first New Moon in months that actually support us in manifesting.
We have been beaten down and knocked over the last couple of months. With eclipse season breaking us down, with all the planets in retrograde forcing a pressurized transformation of our inner-selves, this new moon, the absolute center of the zodiac wheel and galactic calendar has our hearts wide open, bearing all wounds in the name of love.
This New moon carries a lot of power, asking us to step up and take ownership, to take back our power, to take control of our lives, and to be the leader we need to be in our own worlds. This new moon takes place only 46 minutes before mercury comes out of retrograde, meaning we can finally start moving forward again and escape the emotional waters that many of us have been drowning in.
This New Moon taking place in Leo is the heart of the lion. This is when we allow the heart to lead, to show us where it is we've been living in fear, and where we've allowed our ego and critical mind to block our intuition and our heart from making the decisions.
Under this energy we are being encouraged to take the anxieties we feel in our gut up into our heart space, and the fears and doubts we create in our mental space, down into the heart chakra. And when you calm the mind long enough, you will see that the heart knows and heals all. No one knows you better than you know yourself.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
New Moon In Cancer/Solar Eclipse
Today we enter into our very first eclipse of the season, which happens to take places with our New Moon in Cancer. The portal of acceleration opened up over a week ago, and will stay opened until after the second eclipse (a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn) towards the middle of the month. This portal is a time when the earth, and everyone on it, receives huge amounts of energetic light rays that appear to speed up the events and timelines of our life lessons.
A solar eclipse has the ability to gift us with something that we were already set to receive in our life. It's as if the Universe is tired with how long it is taking us to align ourselves with where we need to be, and who we need to be with, prior to entering into 2020 (which is another game changing year in the cosmos). The Universe speeds up our timelines, creating a series of events that we essentially zoom through in order to be in a better position for the physical changes we can expect to see in the second half of this year. These are not wildcard events, these are elements which were already written into our path, we've just been taking our sweet @ss time in making them happen.
Because this is happening with the New Moon in Cancer, it makes what would have already been a new energy cycle being initiated surround the home, the family dynamic, the mother wound, and the way we care for ourself, even that much more amplified.
Cancer energy represents the Moon, the magic within the feminine divine. We are essentially healing the generational wounds of our ancestors, by acknowledging and mending the trauma wounds that have been passed down in our families.
Having a solar eclipse with the new moon in Cancer is like having a new moon on steroids. It brings the classic energy of starting a new emotional cycle as the moon brings back her light to shine over the world.
This tidal wave of energy has been felt over the last couple of days, creating an emotional shitshow in even the most stable of people. As the moon was in her dark phase building up to her moment to shine once again, we were left to sit in the darkness with our shadow selves. The emergence of the moons illumination now moving into her new phase will take away all of what surfaced within us, clearing us for a new energy cycle to work with. We are processing our emotions at an accelerated rate within this tidal wave of energy, leaving the old structures of our emotions behind.
This cosmic event hits really close to home. It washes over our heart space and shows us where we need to have more compassion for ourselves, and where we need to work on providing ourselves a sense of inner security. This energy will infuse us with an inner strength to master our emotions, and recognize that external events cannot sway us from the faith, strength, and belief we have within ourselves.
We are entering into a new phase of life, where we get to choose our emotions, our response to external triggers, and essentially to the emotional experience itself. This is a time for us to emerge out of the darkness of both the Sun and the Moon recognizing that we need to consciously choose to see and experience love in all we do. If nothing else, let the take away from this karmic event be that you must stop looking for anything less than love, in all that you experience.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Dream Like There is No Tomorrow
With the last few days of our accelerated manifestation state coming to an end, we really have to get serious and focus on giving our vision work all we’ve got.My weekly subscribers have listened to me go on for months now, about how and why doing vision work is so important, capturing a vision of what our lives would look like if we could be living out our dreams.This accelerated manifestation state started back in January as we entered into the New Year, the year of building and creation.The Universe has asked to to dream such a detailed dream for ourselves and to hold that vision so strong in our minds that even the darkest, most toughest challenges couldn't have broken our focus. But the problem is, we did, we lost focus.We have had to continuously pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and reinvent both ourselves and the ideal life we’d like to be living, more times than anyone was really counting on.The first half of this year was about building and creating ourselves, our inner worlds, filled with healing past pain and traumas, rebuilding our understanding and belief system, and raising our vibration high enough to become a permanent fixture in this 5D collective community.The first half of the year, as challenging as it was, revealed such truth, such strength within us that if we weren’t so energetically tired from reconstructing our energetic bodies, we may just have celebrated a bit more for coming out on the other end.Last week’s solstice marked the half way point in our year, in the astrological and energetic calendar. And now that the portal, the wormhole of time, has opened to prepare for our upcoming eclipse season, holding a vision for ourselves and our future is of the utmost importance.We have our first of two eclipses taking place in July, starting off with a bang early next week. The New Moon in Cancer is a solar (Sun) eclipse which historically adds something to our lives that we never thought we could obtain in such a short time frame.These aren’t random events, they are actually events that were destined to take place in your life path eventually, but because of the accelerated manifestation state, the Universe speeds up time and has these situations gifted to us during the solar eclipse.The second eclipse will take place on July 16th, which a Full Moon partial lunar (Moon) eclipse in Capricorn. Historically, this energy will remove something from our lives that we’ve been stalling on removing ourselves. Maybe we are in a relationship that we know isn’t right for us, maybe we are in a job that is sucking the life out of us, maybe we are holding onto such pain and trauma that we are unable to open ourselves up to anything new entering our worlds.This eclipse energy will remove it very quickly and will help to transform our energy into a new vibration to be successful in the second half of the year.We will see the physical results of all the changes we’ve been needing to take place to align ourselves more with the vision of our life we’ve been focusing on, in this second half of the year.Because the eclipse energy is far too intense, unstable, chaotic, and fragmented, we will not be focusing on manifesting while the Universe does its thing. That’s why it’s super important to focus all your energy into your vision work now while the energy still supports us to be manifesting.Once the planetary events start taking place next week, we need to really sit back and watch all the dynamics that will be taking place as the portal, the wormhole, begins to speed up and expand, projecting us through time, through our life lessons and through the accelerated manifestation state. We have done all we can do up until the eclipse season takes over.We need to practice surrendering and going with the flow. The Universe knows what’s best for us as "they" can see our life plan laid out like a beautiful map.The events that need to take place, the meetings with certain people that need to happen, the completion of certain life lessons and soul contracts will be reorganized under the guidance and authority of the cosmos and we just need to sit back and watch it all come together.These times are not going to be easy. The highs are very high, while the lows are exceptionally low. We may not be in total agreement or understanding of the events that are going to take place in the month of July, but with some time, and a whole lot of faith and patience, we will surely see how it all connects together and how it is essential for our growth and evolvement.So for the rest of the week, tap into the current energies of the Universe and dream a bigger dream. Get lost in your daydreams, explore your dream state. Review and repeat your vision in your mind until it is so strong, so clear, that you can see it happening in your mind’s eye.Most of all, create only the vision. Release the control over HOW all of this is suppose to happen, and trust that the control over the vision you hold is the only control you’ll need to see your dreams come to life.As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy BoutiqueTo make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
New Moon In Taurus

Today we have our New Moon in Taurus at 14 degrees, making for a perfect recipe for us to ground our energy into a new form. New Moons are always about inviting new ideas, projects, people, and plans into our world, but where this New Moon is taking place in Taurus, we will be focused on our new outlook on life, our new long-term goals, our new self-worth, and our new relationship with people and money.
We have had some karmic support over the last few weeks triggering our deepest darkest emotions, allowing the frustration, guilt, and anger to rise to the surface to be acknowledged and transformed into something more productive. We have had the planet of karma trigger a series of events where we are currently being cleared of karmic energy from the past, present, and future.
We have done so much inner work, laying new foundations in our belief systems, how we think and speak about ourselves. We have fully recognized and embraced all of the talents and skills we have alive within us, and now we are going to get to work to use all of our resources to our advantage as we continue laying the ground work for our new realities to emerge.
Timelines are changing too. There has been a very unusual blending of memories from our past into our present state. We've been gifted with glimpses of our future and what harnessing our power and using the tools we've been given will actually help us to create in the future.
This New Moon in Taurus is the energy we need to bring all of those pieces together and to solidify them all into one, whole, solid, energy. As we move forward in our path using our complete self, our full focus and intention in what we are doing to build a better life for ourselves, we will see the pieces of our life puzzle much more clearly, and luckily for us, some will fall into place without our help or our force.
Take a few moments today to think of everything you are done with, finished with, things that you no longer want to give your energy too. From this, will emerge a beautiful list of new intentions that when focused upon, will be invited into your life for long-term success.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
New Moon In Aries
Today, we have our very first New Moon of the new energetic and astrologic calendar, in Aries. With Aries season well under way, you may be feeling all over the place with your energy, drive, and attention.
Normally, Aries season is full force forward, but this year, because of Mercury being in retrograde and MANY planets in Pisces, we've had the brakes put on our actions. Mars, (Aries ruling planet) just made a switch from Taurus (earth) to Gemini (air) which has caused a disruption in our energy. We are still trying to adjust to the overwhelming thoughts and ideas in our mental plane, while our physical energy just isn't up to par.
The New Moon in Aries, will help us get our butts in gear. It is important for us to take some time under the New Moon energy to think of all of the new things we'd like to see happen in our lives over the course of the next 12 months. Because Aries is all about drive, passion, initiative, and new experiences, this New Moon should have you thinking about the new projects you'd like to start, new experiences you'd like to live, new habits you'd like to form, and new ways of creating passion and joy in your life.
Often times, as we build towards a New Moon, our energy takes a dive and we experience situations and emotions that aren't so pleasant. This happens so we can find the root of these issues and use them to create a roadmap of how to never experience them again.
For instance, Aries, because it is always fired up and ready to take action, also has quite the temper. Mars, the warrior planet, is always ready to engage. Many people can experience bouts of anger and aggression prior to a New Moon in Aries, showing you what isn't working in your life, and then showing you where to create new energy in your life to resolve the anger issues.
New Moon energy is more about setting an intention for change than actually implementing it, so stay inside yourself, think of all the changes you'd like to see happen in your life, and make a list of everything that pops into your head.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.