Venus Retrogrades & Chiron Goes Direct
Just hours after the Full Moon in Gemini peaks, we have Venus - The Goddess of love, worth, value, and pleasure - going into the underworld as she goes retrograde. We’ll spend the next 40 days reviewing our shadow and reanalyzing our own self love and worth. We’ll strip ourselves of our ego and get real with what no longer makes us happy, what’s (or who) is no longer worth our time, energy, and effort, and humble ourselves where we’ve been doing ourselves a disservice by holding onto elements of the past.
Venus is in Capricorn - ruling over karma, power, authority, and long term foundations. She is getting down to the bare basics on where she needs to boss up and bring new elements and foundations to life to support her long term growth and goals. But first - we need to remove elements we’re no longer aligned with to make space for the new to be built.
Venus has been working with Pluto - the God of the Underworld, the great destroyer and ruler over transformation - to totally dissolve and put a death to elements connecting us to past pain and trauma to transform ourselves into the powerful creators we are.
We will see relationships either deepen in commitment or totally fall apart and be destroyed, money matters be shook up to reveal new skills and talents we can use, and new karmic cycles prepare for beginnings while we clear away our self worth issues holding us back from truly aligning with our happiness and receiving what we deserve.
Hours after Venus moves inward, Chiron - the wounded healer planetoid - will go direct in Aries after a 5 month retrograde. Chiron went retrograde back in July forcing us to reflect back on all of our wounds. Most of these wounds involved the trauma to our ego and identity, revealing where it is we needed more independence and freedom. We don’t want to feel held back or restricted in any way now, especially if those restrictions were placed on us, BY us.
Because Chiron will be staying in Aries until 2027, we are going to experience many opportunities to break free from areas of our lives that we have been feeling held back. When Chiron was retrograde, we moved inside of ourselves to encounter these pains. Now that Chiron is going direct again, we can start experimenting with ways to heal ourselves and reprogram some of the thoughts we’ve carried into our adult hoods from our childhood.
A lot of people are recognizing their worth wounds. Feeling not good enough or essentially worthless. Now with Chiron direct, we are feeling the strength within to raise our vibration, strengthen our belief within ourselves, and increase our self-worth with every step forward we take. We are done living in the shadows and have no more time or energy to put into playing small.
This energy influence will help us to stand up for ourselves and take the leadership role of transforming our worthlessness into something so substantial that we will never be able to not see the value within ourselves ever again.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Chiron Retrogrades In Aries
Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, has been in Aries since April of 2018, and will continue its stay in its place of power until 2027. Chiron shows us the wounds we are here to heal and while in Aries, we focus on the ego and where we’ve made our pain apart of our identity. We have been seeing its effects on a public platform, as everyone is now empowered and speaking up and out about the pain and trauma they've endured.
Individually, Chiron lets us know what wounds we came into this life to heal, and where it is we need to turn pain into power by the placement of his energy in your birth chart. As a collective, we are revealing the darkness in our world, illuminating it for all to see, and eventually heal. We all come into this life, looking to heal certain wounds that we will accumulate throughout our lives, all in hopes that one day we will drop the mask, expose our wounds, and inspire others to do the same.
Today, Chiron is going retrograde in Aries, taking us on a little bit of a healing journey inwards. This is where we get to retrace our steps, examine ourselves and the wounds we've already exposed. This acts as a refresher course to provide some closure to the first layer of healing.
Chiron will be in Aries until 2027, providing us with a huge timeframe to heal the wounds that we've been hiding behind, and using as a crutch for our identity. Too many of us identify so greatly with our pain, that we don't know how to let go. We use it as a shield and as an excuse to move on in our lives. Some of us don't even know who we are without our pain identity. But now is the chance to peel back the first layer of our pain, to drop the mask, and get real with ourselves. We have learned certain behaviours and adopted certain ways of thinking out of our need to survive. Now we have a choice to drop the survival mode, and move into thriver mode.
Physically, Chiron in Aries spotlights the head. We could be feeling some pressure, headaches, migraines, and overall discomfort where our head is concerned. Ailments such as sinus issues, jaw pain, neck problems, will all fester with the sharp movements of Chiron through the sky.
Mentally, Chiron in Aries is asking us to be a bit more authentic and real in our lives. The masks we wear especially to hid our pain and insecurities is creating a false sense of self. We are being asked to "wake up", drop the mask, and start showing the world who we really are. This is about acknowledging that we do in fact wear a mask, we try to hide ourselves, especially where we are most vulnerable, and in turn, we are adopting the "victim" mentality. It's time to make a conscious decision to step away from being a survivor, and fully embrace the life of a thriver.
Emotionally, Chiron in Aries asks us to stand up for ourselves. This means recognizing where we give our power away to others, where we fail to implement the boundaries we need to protect ourselves. It is likely that your anger will fester up at this time. Ask your anger to show you what it's hiding. Often times, anger shows up when it's hiding pain, sadness, sorrow and grief. Let your anger show you what it is you really need to work on healing. Let is show you the road map to your soul's pain.
Spiritually, Chiron in Aries is going to ask yourself, "Who am I?" Get real with yourself. Take a good look at your motivations, your goals, and see if they are truly aligned with your heart. Take notice to how far you've strayed off the path of being authentic and real with yourself and everyone around you. Put the masks down once and for all.
Soulfully, Chiron in Aries asks us to accept ourselves. Recognize the inner conflict and the divide within, and accept all parts as one. When you divide yourself, you divide your power. To accept yourself fully is to harness every ounce of power you hold within. It's time to step up, to lead yourself into being the best, most courageous self you've ever known. Embrace your true essence and see how the world responds to your new vibration. Watch your path open up and gift you with things you've only ever held in your heart. For when we truly embrace every part of ourselves, honour it, respect it, we live in divine order and will be blessed as such.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, and listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through. DOWNLOAD YOUR ZODIAC FORECAST NOW 50% OFF.
Chiron Goes Direct In Aries
Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, is going direct in Aries after a 5 month retrograde. Chiron went retrograde back in July forcing us to reflect back on all of our wounds. Most of these wounds involved the trauma to our ego and identity, revealing where it is we needed more independence and freedom. We don’t want to feel held back or restricted in any way now, especially if those restrictions were placed on us, BY us.
Because Chiron will be staying in Aries until 2027, we are going to experience many opportunities to break free from areas of our lives that we have been feeling held back. When Chiron was retrograde, we moved inside of ourselves to encounter these pains. Now that Chiron is going direct again, we can start experimenting with ways to heal ourselves and reprogram some of the thoughts we’ve carried into our adult hoods from our childhood.
A lot of people are recognizing their worth wounds. Feeling not good enough or essentially worthless. Now with Chiron direct, we are feeling the strength within to raise our vibration, strengthen our belief within ourselves, and increase our self-worth with every step forward we take. We are done living in the shadows and have no more time or energy to put into playing small.
This energy influence will help us to stand up for ourselves and take the leadership role of transforming our worthlessness into something so substantial that we will never be able to not see the value within ourselves ever again.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Mars Conjunct Eris
Mars - the God of War - and Eris - his sister, the Goddess of conflict and chaos - are conjunct today (in alignment with one another) which makes for some pretty fiery energy.
As Greek and Roman mythology tells the tale, Ares (who Mars is named after) and Eris (his sister) use to rage the battle fields causing damage, death, and destruction to all who stood in their path. Eris is most notable for her initiation of the Trojan war after not receiving an invitation to the wedding of all weddings between Peleus and Thetis (soon to be Achilles parents).
Being the only God/Goddess to not receive an invitation to the noble event, Eris threw a golden apple of discord into the party scripted and addressed with words that read “To the most beautiful one.” When all of the beautiful Goddess in attendance began to fight over who was the most beautiful and fair among them, chaos ensued at which point Paris (the Prince of Troy) was nominated by Zeus to declare who among the beautiful Goddess reigned the most beautiful and fair of all the land.
The Goddesses striped naked and paraded their bodies for Paris to see. Some bribed him with gifts and promises of political power, infinite wisdom, and of their bodies for his own personal pleasure. In the end, Paris deemed Aphrodite (Venus) the most beautiful Goddess of all the land dooming his city of Troy as it fell under the damage and destruction of the war that followed shortly thereafter. From this tale, we can clearly see that Eris creates chaos and gets bitter and even with those who wrong her.
Our planetary bodies are named after the Gods and Goddesses who embody the qualities and characteristics of power. Because of this, we have to expect the wrath of Eris to be felt as she aligns with her brother Ares (Mars) - the God of war.
Both are positioned in the constellation Aries where they are most powerful. We’ve been experiencing the energy of Mars in Aries (currently retrograde) by the anger and frustrations we’ve felt surface within our own selves and of course the wars that are being initiated on the streets of our globe.
This energy is still in the vicinity of Chiron - the wounded healer “planetoid” - which was amplified by the full moon in Aries. There are great wounds being identified within our individual egos and among the collective consciousness. The full moon in Aries highlighted where it is “me vs. them” “I vs. we”. “Whats best for me versus what’s best for the group.” Having Mars and Eris involved means that there’s an extra layer of conflict and chaos currently being added into play, as we pour more salt on our wounds.
It’s important to not act on impulse, to not lash out, and to not cause damage and destruction where there doesn’t need to be any. The fiery tensions of Mars and Eris aligning will make us all highly irritable, easily triggered, and agitated with emotions we can’t even pin point.
Instead we can use this powerful energy in ways to help us reclaim our power, to stand up for ourselves and to identify where our wounds are still needing to be healed.
You can take a look at your birth chart to see what area (house) is ruled over by Aries. There you will find both Mars and Eris positioned in alignment and exerting their power and energy over your life. We all have these planets in our birth chart, and moving through the houses of our charts. Tracking these planetary bodies can help prepare you for where the anger and chaos may appear in your own life, and assist you in the path of healing.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Chiron Retrogrades In Aries
Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, has been in Aries since April of 2018, and will continue its stay in its place of power until 2027. Chiron shows us the wounds we are here to heal and while in Aries, we focus on the ego and where we’ve made our pain apart of our identity. We have been seeing its effects on a public platform, as everyone is now empowered and speaking up and out about the pain and trauma they've endured.
Individually, Chiron lets us know what wounds we came into this life to heal, and where it is we need to turn pain into power by the placement of his energy in your birth chart. As a collective, we are revealing the darkness in our world, illuminating it for all to see, and eventually heal. We all come into this life, looking to heal certain wounds that we will accumulate throughout our lives, all in hopes that one day we will drop the mask, expose our wounds, and inspire others to do the same.
Today, Chiron is going retrograde in Aries, taking us on a little bit of a healing journey inwards. This is where we get to retrace our steps, examine ourselves and the wounds we've already exposed. This acts as a refresher course to provide some closure to the first layer of healing.
Chiron will be in Aries until 2027, providing us with a huge timeframe to heal the wounds that we've been hiding behind, and using as a crutch for our identity. Too many of us identify so greatly with our pain, that we don't know how to let go. We use it as a shield and as an excuse to move on in our lives. Some of us don't even know who we are without our pain identity. But now is the chance to peel back the first layer of our pain, to drop the mask, and get real with ourselves. We have learned certain behaviours and adopted certain ways of thinking out of our need to survive. Now we have a choice to drop the survival mode, and move into thriver mode.
Physically, Chiron in Aries spotlights the head. We could be feeling some pressure, headaches, migraines, and overall discomfort where our head is concerned. Ailments such as sinus issues, jaw pain, neck problems, will all fester with the sharp movements of Chiron through the sky.
Mentally, Chiron in Aries is asking us to be a bit more authentic and real in our lives. The masks we wear especially to hid our pain and insecurities is creating a false sense of self. We are being asked to "wake up", drop the mask, and start showing the world who we really are. This is about acknowledging that we do in fact wear a mask, we try to hide ourselves, especially where we are most vulnerable, and in turn, we are adopting the "victim" mentality. It's time to make a conscious decision to step away from being a survivor, and fully embrace the life of a thriver.
Emotionally, Chiron in Aries asks us to stand up for ourselves. This means recognizing where we give our power away to others, where we fail to implement the boundaries we need to protect ourselves. It is likely that your anger will fester up at this time. Ask your anger to show you what it's hiding. Often times, anger shows up when it's hiding pain, sadness, sorrow and grief. Let your anger show you what it is you really need to work on healing. Let is show you the road map to your soul's pain.
Spiritually, Chiron in Aries is going to ask yourself, "Who am I?" Get real with yourself. Take a good look at your motivations, your goals, and see if they are truly aligned with your heart. Take notice to how far you've strayed off the path of being authentic and real with yourself and everyone around you. Put the masks down once and for all.
Soulfully, Chiron in Aries asks us to accept ourselves. Recognize the inner conflict and the divide within, and accept all parts as one. When you divide yourself, you divide your power. To accept yourself fully is to harness every ounce of power you hold within. It's time to step up, to lead yourself into being the best, most courageous self you've ever known. Embrace your true essence and see how the world responds to your new vibration. Watch your path open up and gift you with things you've only ever held in your heart. For when we truly embrace every part of ourselves, honour it, respect it, we live in divine order and will be blessed as such.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Chiron Goes Direct In Aries
Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, is going direct in Aries after a 5 month retrograde. Chiron went retrograde back in July forcing us to reflect back on all of our wounds. Most of these wounds involved the trauma to our ego and identity, revealing where it is we needed more independence and freedom. We don’t want to feel held back or restricted in any way now, especially if those restrictions were placed on us, BY us.
Because Chiron will be staying in Aries until 2027, we are going to experience many opportunities to break free from areas of our lives that we have been feeling held back. When Chiron was retrograde, we moved inside of ourselves to encounter these pains. Now that Chiron is going direct again, we can start experimenting with ways to heal ourselves and reprogram some of the thoughts we’ve carried into our adult hoods from our childhood.
A lot of people are recognizing their worth wounds. Feeling not good enough or essentially worthless. Now with Chiron direct, we are feeling the strength within to raise our vibration, strengthen our belief within ourselves, and increase our self-worth with every step forward we take. We are done living in the shadows and have no more time or energy to put into playing small.
This energy influence will help us to stand up for ourselves and take the leadership role of transforming our worthlessness into something so substantial that we will never be able to not see the value within ourselves ever again.
If you want a better look at your life in 2020, you can book your 2020 Year Ahead reading.
Chiron Retrogrades In Aries

Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, has been in Aries since February creating a healing energy that will help us all heal the wounds of our ego and identity, and turn those wounds into power. Chiron entered into Aries in April of 2018, and stayed there long enough to see the breakdown of who we are, either in our spirit or in our physical world. Chiron then retreated back into Pisces in September of 2018, during his last retrograde before fully diving into the healing process of our inner wounds, aligning our spirit with who we are in every day life.
Since Chiron moved into Aries for a long-term stay in February, we have been seeing it's effects on a public platform, as everyone is now empowered and speaking up and out about the pain and trauma they've endured. Chiron lets us know what wounds we came into this life to heal, and where it is we need to turn pain into power by the placement of his energy in your birth chart. We all come into this life, looking to heal certain wounds that we will accumulate throughout our lives, all in hopes that one day we will drop the mask, expose our wounds, and inspire others to do the same.
Today, Chiron is going retrograde in Aries, taking us on a little bit of a healing journey inwards. This is where we get to retrace our steps, examine ourselves and the wounds we've already exposed. This acts as a refresher course to provide some closure to the first layer of healing.
Chiron will be in Aries until 2027, providing us with a huge timeframe to heal the wounds that we've been hiding behind, and using as a crutch for our identity. Too many of us identify so greatly with our pain, that we don't know how to let go. We use it as a shield and as an excuse to move on in our lives. Some of us don't even know who we are without our pain identity. But now is the chance to peel back the first layer of our pain, to drop the mask, and get real with ourselves. We have learned certain behaviours and adopted certain ways of thinking out of our need to survive. Now we have a choice to drop the survival mode, and move into thriver mode.
Physically, Chiron in Aries spotlights the head. We could be feeling some pressure, headaches, migraines, and overall discomfort where our head is concerned. Ailments such as sinus issues, jaw pain, neck problems, will all fester with the sharp movements of Chiron through the sky.
Mentally, Chiron in Aries is asking us to be a bit more authentic and real in our lives. The masks we wear especially to hid our pain and insecurities is creating a false sense of self. We are being asked to "wake up", drop the mask, and start showing the world who we really are. This is about acknowledging that we do in fact wear a mask, we try to hide ourselves, especially where we are most vulnerable, and in turn, we are adopting the "victim" mentality. It's time to make a conscious decision to step away from being a survivor, and fully embrace the life of a thriver.
Emotionally, Chiron in Aries asks us to stand up for ourselves. This means recognizing where we give our power away to others, where we fail to implement the boundaries we need to protect ourselves. It is likely that your anger will fester up at this time. Ask your anger to show you what it's hiding. Often times, anger shows up when it's hiding pain, sadness, sorrow and grief. Let your anger show you what it is you really need to work on healing. Let is show you the road map to your soul's pain.
Spiritually, Chiron in Aries is going to ask yourself, "Who am I?" Get real with yourself. Take a good look at your motivations, your goals, and see if they are truly aligned with your heart. Take notice to how far you've strayed off the path of being authentic and real with yourself and everyone around you. Put the masks down once and for all.
Soulfully, Chiron in Aries asks us to accept ourselves. Recognize the inner conflict and the divide within, and accept all parts as one. When you divide yourself, you divide your power. To accept yourself fully is to harness every ounce of power you hold within. It's time to step up, to lead yourself into being the best, most courageous self you've ever known. Embrace your true essence and see how the world responds to your new vibration. Watch your path open up and gift you with things you've only ever held in your heart. For when we truly embrace every part of ourselves, honour it, respect it, we live in divine order and will be blessed as such.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Chiron Enters Aries

Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, is making his transition from Pisces to Aries. Chiron has been in Pisces since 2010, and during that time our pain and suffering was the our main focus. Think back to 2010, and try to identify if anything painful or traumatic took place in your life that would have left some deep, and long-lasting wounds. Chances are you would have suffered a great blow to your ego and/or physical body that had life changing effects on how you lived your life. That particular year was the beginning of a very long and painful road of recovery for many people and Chiron played a huge part in that.
Chiron is the energy behind our wounds and our attempts to heal those wounds. We spend our whole life trying to heal the wounds that our Souls bear as we enter into this physical world. You can often find where your wound in this life time lays by looking at your Chiron placement in your birth chart.
Chiron's time in Pisces was very much about focusing on the pain, acknowledging the pain, and identifying with the pain. The realization that suffering is a global phenomenon, and how "to be human is to suffer". When Chiron was in Pisces we got lost in ourselves trying to find a way out of our pain. When we identify with our pain and give it too much focus we build a story, an identity with our pain as the mask we wear and show to the world.
Now with Chiron steady moving forward into Aries, we are now focused on healing our identity in a brand new way. We have spent the time breaking ourselves down only to rebuild ourselves in a better way, and now that we've had time to get to know who we really are, with and without our pain, we are ready to reclaim our power as we rediscover who we are in the world.
Chiron moved into Aries in April 2018, and spent only a couple of months in Aries before retrograding back into Pisces. If you think back to April of last year, up until September 2018, you may remember a breakdown in your life. Whether it was within your inner world of your spiritual self and belief system, your position in the external world, through job loss or identity crisis, or through the relationships you were engaged in, everyone felt the backlash in some way.
I continue to say that 2018, was the year of destruction. We had to have our worlds shaken up and shattered, destroyed in order to fully recognize how in alignment or out of alignment we actually were with our truth, and our authenticity. We are only now realizing why those situations took place.
Many have found themselves again through a renewed faith, through new career positions, new homes and family environments, and new relationships. Now that we’ve cleaned up the mess and started to rebuild, we’ve had some time to get to know ourselves again, our true selves.
In this process (which hasn’t been easy) we are finally sure, solid and steady in ourselves, our energy, and our purpose in life. We have identified the parts of ourselves that weren’t working for us, (instead were working against us), and little by little we’ve purged parts of ourselves, our beliefs, ways of thinking, acting feeling, ways of operating through this world, and we've adopted new energies, new frequencies, new vibrations that support who we’ve always been.
We are no longer engaging in activities, relationships or dreams that don’t spark our Souls. We have been renewing our faith in ourselves and we are practicing more mindfulness in our day-to-day life as we embrace who we really are, and who it is we want to be. We are practicing self-love, realizing that the love we want and crave in the world can only be truly fulfilled by ourselves. And through this process, we have re-introduced ourselves to ourselves, and now to the world.
With Chiron now in Aries, in a steady moving direction forward, we now get to heal our ego, our identity. We now get to stand in the power of "This is who I am. I am me. I exist." With Chiron in Aries we get to focus our healing on the physical body, the wounds, the scars, the handicaps and disabilities of our Soul's vessel.
When Chiron was in Pisces, it was more about healing our inner wounds of the Spirit and the Soul. Now in Aries, we are moving outward, focusing on who we are in this world.
Chiron will spend 7 years in Aries which is a much longer time then it spends in some other signs. Chiron stays in the signs that need the most attention, focus and love.
Right now, humanity as a whole, needs to refocus the healing energy on the physical realm. Collectively we are focused on healing the physical state of our planet, individually we are focused on the healing of our vessels that carry us through this lifetime.
Chiron’s time in Aries will have us healing our confidence and self-esteem. Self-love and self-care will be in full swing. I truly believe we are on the verge of a self-love epidemic. You can see this movement now in your social media and how we are all very much trying to end the suffering both within our bodies and in our Souls.
The personal wounds, pains, and traumas to our physical bodies that have been restricting us from fully living and enjoying life, will be under the microscope as the energy is being focused on releasing us from those restrictions and limitations. The focus will be on recognizing the parts of our identity that has allowed our pain story to lead our way in life and held us back from doing the things we love.
The ability for us to be making healthy choices without the weight of guilt will be possible now. We are letting go of the old mindset that to “being selfish” isn’t a good quality or characteristic. When in fact, too many of us have been holding onto that notion not fully realizing what that means. It is not selfish to take care of yourself. It is not selfish to make choices and decisions that will honour you. It is not selfish to have boundaries to protect you from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pain.
In fact, the only thing that IS selfish, is not being our best selves for those who we love and who love us.
We are living in some very intense transformative times, and Chiron moving into Aries is only the beginning of what will be a very positive path forward for us as individuals and us as a part of humanity.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.