Mercury Retrogrades In Scorpio

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (16).jpg

Today, Mercury, the planet of communication, information, and moving parts of all kind, goes retrograde in Scorpio. This is happening between two full moons and while Halloween (Samhain) takes place when the veil to the spirit realm is thinned and we can receive communications and insights from other realms.

Mercury retrogrades seem to always pose problems with misunderstandings from communication breakdowns, technology failures like sending the wrong email to the wrong person, or travel chaos as things just naturally seem to get mixed up. Mercury retrogrades are a great time to slow down and revisit some issues from your past that you thought were done and over with. Retrogrades give us the opportunity to take what we've learned and apply it to the recurring situation for a different ending and closure.

There is an energy in this retrograde that makes us feel like we are ready for misunderstandings, we are ready for missing emails and no internet for no apparent reason, we are even ready for our travel plans to go awry. But as positive as we can be, no one every really knows what to expect until the past comes creeping back in.

Because mercury is retrograding in scorpio, we must expect our intuitions to take the lead as we dive into some shadow work. Repressed memories and emotions resurface for us to process and provide a closure to. This is uncomfortable for many people as the majority of the population goes to great lengths to avoid the darker emotions that life experiences create for us.

For many of my clients, they are experiencing past situations that they thought they had resolved both in their inner and outer worlds. Feelings and memories get triggered revealing areas of hurt that just don't seem to want to be healed. Some of my clients have been frustrated with the fact that not only is technology messing with them, but their mental planes are messing with them too, let alone the emotional war of struggling with darker emotions. And of course, those that have suffered HUGE detours in their paths as the plans they had got thrown out the window, slow down to revisit and revise how it is they actually arrived at this particular point in their path.

Is this deja vu? Are we seriously on rewind? Mercury retrogrades are notorious for exes climbing out of the woodwork to stir up some old emotions and memories. Consider it a test from the Universe to see whether or not you’ve actually grown and changed.

Mercury is retrograde until November 3rd (USA election day) where we will actually be in Libra as mercury creeps back into Libra to address some relationship issues before moving forward again. This energy and timeframe will create quite a situation of misinformation as the Universe is counting on us to think INTUITIVELY instead of LOGICALLY. So the "let's get down to the truth" kind of energy will be reverberating throughout the cosmos until then, and continue until November 10th when mercury moves back into Scorpio to finish his transit.

Mercury retrograding in Scorpio means that not only are we looking back in the past dealing with issues that had been to laid to rest, but we are now asking the deep seated questions of Why.... Why is this happening again? What did I miss the first time? What role am I playing to continue this storyline? And for christ sakes, WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO END IT? The answers you come up with might not make you happy. In fact, they will likely trigger the shadow parts within that are being called out to play so the Universe can zap them with some white light and transform them into something better. It's not going to be pretty, growth never is.

Mercury retrograde is taking us back, to ask the deep questions and then we're actually going to DO something about it.

The Energy Boutique
Mercury Retrogrades in Scorpio: October 13, 2020
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Yes, the energy is raw, it's intense, and at some points it even feels dirty. So when you find yourself staring past hurt and trauma in the face, wondering how the hell you can make it stop, take a breath and remind yourself of all you've learned about yourself, about how you love and want love, how you value yourself, and how you could be a better version of yourself.

That will create the energy inside of you to apply what you've learned to the situation letting the Universe know that you're serious about change, and that you're willing to try new behaviours for better results versus repeating old patterns and behaviours and never really closing the door on your pain patterns.

There will be many planetary shifts that will help us on this journey as we detox ourselves of all things toxic to our Souls. We are preparing to enter into a new age with a whole new world of possibilities.

So take Mercury's retrograde seriously. Take advantage of putting old storylines to rest finally and for good! You may struggle to find your way through the dark, but I can promise you, you will be lead into the light.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.


New Moon in Libra


Pluto Goes Direct