Mercury Enters Scorpio

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (9).jpg

Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental plane, how we receive information, form new ideas and expressions, and communicate that information outwards, has moved into the deep, dark waters of Scorpio. This particular energy shift will shift our minds into a more analytical state of questioning. We are blending our intellect with our intuition to dig up the important details we’ve shoved to the side within ourselves, and the information we’ve been choosing to avoid in our personal relationships.

The answers we are currently seeking cannot be found in our exterior realities. Instead, we must look within ourselves, trusting the guidance of our intuition and the Universe to reveal to us the details that we need to acknowledge. Mercury moving into Scorpio will be uncomfortable for many people as wading through the emotional and mental shadows within isn’t something that many people are willing to do. We ask ourselves the tough questions when mercury is in scorpio. We ask the tough questions of those we love as well. We want the truth and will stop at nothing to get it even if it means bearing the uncomfortable energy of wading through the deep emotional waters.

Mercury in Scorpio craves a true connection, an authentic connection with those we love. If there are secrets looming in the darkness of your relationships, it is during this transit that they are likely to be illuminated for all to see. Mercury in Scorpio blends our analytical mind with our hypersensitive intuition to reveal details we wouldn’t have otherwise discovered. It probes beyond the surface level of communications to find the deep seated roots of ones behaviour and motives as genuine or as manipulative as they may be.

This energy will be with us until November 3rd, due to mercury going retrograde in Scorpio and then sneaking back into Libra to balance the scales and reveal even deeper truths in our relationships. This will be a time of deep emotional and subconscious unveiling. We may receive some intense flash backs of both memories and intuition while mercury is in scorpio. Our relationships will get intense and a bit more raw. We want to expose the truth in all we do and all we are. This is the best form of mental transformation we can go under, as Pluto is Scorpio’s ruler. There is no way to escape transformation at this time.

We have the power and control to take the reigns and DO something about all we’ve endured. This is the perfect time to identify the pain that has held you back and turn that into power we can use to harness to project us into a new version of who we are.

The Energy Boutique
Mercury enters Scorpio: Sept. 27, 2020
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Since new karmic contracts just got introduced, the new timelines just got anchored, we need to step up to the plate and not be afraid to take a walk in the dark side of our soul. Bring forth the shadows you’ve worked so hard to repress and let them see the light.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.


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