Mars Enters Taurus

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu.jpg

Today, Mars, the warrior planet of action, drive, passion, and assertiveness, enters into grounded, sensual Taurus after a very energetic and exhausting time in Aries.

Mars moved into Aries on June 27th, infusing all of us with and energy so fierce, it forced us to take action and be bold enough to assert ourselves in whatever way was needed and necessary in order to start new paths for us to walk upon. Mars went retrograde on September 9th, prolonging it’s time in its pace of power, but really pushing the energy inside of us, where frustrations, anger, and new desires to take action on creating change festered up within us. Mars finally went direct on November 13th, giving us our power back. We frantically tried to take action and make changes but were hindered by some other planetary energies.

If you think back to June, you might need to take a deep breath as you review how much you’ve gone through since then. The overwhelming urgency to get out there in the world, try new things, and follow your passion has been exhausting. We ran into many brick walls, failed to really get started on our dreams and passions, yet have felt this electrical charge pulsing through our veins to keep pushing.

With Mars now moving into Taurus, we get a much needed break. Taurus is an earth energy and has us feeling much more grounded and stable already. Our energy and drive get mellowed out in Taurus. It will be a welcomed change of pace for a short time until the window of frustration opens. We don’t get to move as fast with Mars in Taurus. We have the ability to actually think through our impulses and actions we desire, because Taurus is a practical sign. Taurus wants us to get back to basics and rule out any action, want, need or desire that doesn’t result in acquiring possessions (relationships, material items, sense of worth or value) that doesn’t bring a long term comfort to our lives.

Taurus wants us to only focus on building ourselves up, aligning with energies that will appeal to our senses and help us level up our material worlds. We are going to work hard to protect what we already feel is of value to us, especially where emotional security is concerned.

We will find even more of our inner strength and determination with Mars in Taurus, and will find it easier to really hone in on our passions, and control our drive towards our goals. “Slow and steady” is the energy with Mars in Taurus which is a welcomed change from the breathless efforts of just trying to keep up as Mars in Aries had us feeling.

This is going to be a great transit for us to ground in as we get more in touch with our physical experience. We have been consumed by our thoughts (air) and have been driven by our passions (fire) within. Mars in Taurus understands that a well controlled fire will provide a long term resource and with it will have the energy, spark, and passion to see our plans through.

As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.


Mercury Enters Aquarius


Astro & Tarot Forecasts January 2021