Mars Enters Aquarius
Mars - The God of war, ruling over energy, drive, passion, and anger - is moving from its position in slow and steady, calculated and determined energy of Capricorn to the airy humanitarian and rebellious sign of Aquarius.
Mars has charged through Capricorn aspecting all of the major heavy hitting planets, adding fuel to the global fire. Now that Mars is in Aquarius, he immediately meets up with Saturn creating a frustration and anger about being restricted and not free to do what it wants. Mars in Aquarius initiates a game of the mind. We are using our mental power to overcome some of the restrictions (isolation) we’ve been facing.
Please join me and millions of other lightworkers in focusing our energy and intent on healing the mother earth and all that inhabits the earth. JOIN THIS EVENT
We have a beautiful energy supporting us to want to do what’s best for the greater good, providing a fair fight in regaining our own power and independence back from the larger systems and ruling groups of authority. Aquarian energy is rebellious. Mars energy is aggressive and forceful. We are getting creative on how to unite the collective using technology (Aquarius rules over technology), and we are preparing for some amazing medical breakthroughs.
The calculated tactics that were used while Mars was in Capricorn won’t have power now. Instead an energetic revolution has just begun! Aquarian energy can feel chaotic and confusing as we have so many thoughts and ideas racing through the mental plane. This is a time of great tests of our faith, but the aquarian energy will only help you overcome your fears to renew yourself and your beliefs. Mars in Aquarius will allow us to soar higher, observe more and gain clarity from seeing the bigger picture. We will be more inclined to stand up and defend ourselves and others against injustice especially where the collective is concerned. Aquarius is the sign of great awakening, and with that shift in perspective the revolution will begin.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your March Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.