Full Moon in Pisces

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (19).jpg

The Full Moon in Pisces is about to reach its peak later tonight giving us a beautiful, gentle and calming release to some painful disappointments we’ve had to endure. This full moon in Pisces has felt a bit more intense as it takes place at the 28th degree of Pisces which is a true anding and closure of soul contracts and life lessons we began approximately 4 years ago.

A Full Moon is a time for endings, closures, and release. Taking place in Pisces, the last zodiac sign of the wheel, the most intuitive and karmically connected sign of them all, will prove to help rid us of fragmented energy still holding on to our aura.

The 8/8 Lion’s gate portal (August 8) downloaded us with lightcodes that were activated and now are being anchored in to our new selves preparing us for our new timelines. This is a shift in consciousness like no other, and the full moon in Pisces is activating the cosmic glue to piece our new energy and vibration together.

We are preparing to enter into a new karmic chapter, where we rid ourselves of the tough lessons and soul contracts from the past, and fully embrace our new energetic vibration and lightcodes moving forward. This particular Full Moon in Pisces will help us to put an ending and closure to an emotional cycle that originally began in February/March 2018, with an intense crisis point connected to the same topic and themes in February/March of 2020.

Pisces is a water sign that carries a strong intuition, connections to the unconscious mind, our inner worlds, and our soul and karmic contracts. It’s a very dreamy and imaginative sign that fuels many of our creatives in the world. Pisces is symbolized by the sign of two fishes, one going one way, the other going in the opposite direction. The Piscean energy is very much about polarity and living in extremes. They experience the light in the brightest form, and feel the darkness of even the darkest abyss. They ebb and from from reality to illusion, and because they are so empathetic, they feel everything very deeply. This also causes them to want to escape and avoid reality.

The Full Moon in Pisces will lend everyone these same energies and because Full Moons are highly emotional and intense times anyways, this Piscean energy will add an extra added energetic punch. This particular Full Moon in Pisces is being amplified by the fact we are reaching our breaking point of confusion right before we have the equinox energy trigger a rebalancing of the scales where the playing field will be equal once again.

Completely surrender to this energy and act as an observer as the emotions get triggered within you. This is a time to take notes on what it is that is being released and transformed within you, and showing you what is still left to be healed.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or download you Moon Guide, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.


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