Venus Enters Leo
Venus, the Goddess of love, money, and long-term commitment moves into the fiery and passionate sign of Leo today. Venus had a hard go in Cancer as she spent many months crying herself to sleep, rebuilding herself from disappointments from the heart, and reeling from the changes that took place within the family dynamic of the home. She spent most of the eclipse season feeling less than and broken. And now that the watery, tearful season is behind her, she can't wait to pick up the mood and dive into the passion of Leo.
Both Venus and Leo love love. They both want to find that special someone and connect on all levels. If you are single, you could find a very intense romance unfold under this energy. If you are already coupled, you will see a resurgence of romance and flirty fun. This is a time where we move forward with an open heart as we just released huge weights and energetic blocks from our heart chakra.
Love will be the focus during Leo season, as we reconnect with what we are passionate about. Creative projects will be reignited and anything that triggers an intense emotion will want to be expressed and shared.
Venus also wants to focus on her money. Although she is feeling good, positive and confident under this energy, she has a tendency to be a bit to generous and in turn overspend on things that don't really make sense to her long-term commitment and goals.
Venus is always thinking about the future. Even though her hair is down and she's dancing her little heart out under this Leo energy, she is still evaluating what means the most to her as far as her long-term commitment and values go. Any decisions that need to be made under this influence will have a light-heartedness to it to prevent you getting bogged down with the seriousness and responsibility of having to make major life decisions. The good news is, anything trivial that has the potential to drag us down will be tackled with a much more positive and optimistic mind frame. We are finding new worth in our relationships, in how we make our money, and how we are planning for the future.
There are some cautions that come with this energy. Because Venus takes love, money, and commitment very seriously, we have to make sure we don't become overly dramatic in our interactions. We want to avoid over dramatizing ourselves and over sharing our emotions. Of course we don't want to over spend, or commit to anything that our heart doesn't agree with. This is definitely a time where you need to let your heart lead the way.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
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